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Full text of "The Pedens of America; being a summary of the Peden, Alexander, Morton, Morrow reunion 1899, and an outline history of the ancestry and descendants of John Peden and Margaret McDill; Scotland, Ireland, America, 1768-1900"

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Pedens  of  America 


"Pederiy  Alexander ^  Morton^  Morrow 

T(eunion  i8gg 


John  Peden  and  Margaret  McDill 

Scotland    Ireland    America 


House  of  David. 

I        • 

f  «  f   »  ■ 

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ASTOB,  LeN«X  A«tO 

>  1911  «- 




Captain  David  Dantzler  Peden 

Acknowledged  and  venerated  Chief  of   the   American  Pedens,   with  whom 

originated  the  idea  of  a  family  book,  and  through  whose 

generosity  it  is  now  presesented  to  the 





Peden-Alexander-Morton-Morrow  Reunion 9 



I.  Ancestral  Pride 67 

II.  Side  Lights  From  Secular  Historj' 70 

III.  The  Flitting 86 

IV.  Our  Fore-Fathers 93 

V.  The  Peden  in  the  Revolution 100 

VI.  Migrations  of  the  Peden 109 

VII.  Old  Haunts  and  Homes 118 

VIII.  Fairview  and  the  Peden 128 

IX.  Peden — Christian — Patriot — Soldier 139 

X.  The  Founders  of  a  House 178 

XL  House  of  Mary 185 

XIL  House  of  James •   •   •  201 

XIII.  House  of  Jane 211 

XIV.  House  of  Thomas 217 

XV.  House  of  William 237 

XVI.  Elizabeth   Gaston 243 

XVII.  House  of  John 246 

XVIII.  House  of  Samuel 250 

XIX.  House  of  Alexander 256 

XX.  House  of  David 269 

XXI.  In  Reminiscent  Mood 289 

/  /  'i- 



1.  Fairview  Church  in  1900,  Frontispiece. 

2.  Hon.  Jno.  R.  Harrison,  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart, 

W.  H.  Britt 9 

3.  Mrs.  C.  A.  Shannon,  Mrs.  D.  M.  Peden,  Rev.  M.  C.  Britt,  A.  S. 

Peden 13 

4.  Peden  Monument 17 

5.  Fairview  Church  Arranged  for  Reunion 19 

6.  Eleanor  M.  Hewell 64 

7.  Rev.  Mitchell  Peden 157 

8.  Rev.  Andrew  G.  Peden 159 

9.  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden 163 

10.  E.  A.  Peden,  D.  D.  Peden,  Jr.,  Allen  V.  Peden,  Edward  D. 

Peden 165 

11.  Mrs.  E.  M.  Tolbert 168 

12.  John  S.  Peden 169 

13.  Julia  Peden 175 

14.  The  Race  to  the  Rescue 177 


Peden,  Alexander,  Morton,  Morrow 



Hon.  John  R.  Harrison. 

C.iPT.  D.  D.  Peden. 

Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart, 

IV.  H.    Uritt. 


To  be  Held  at 
Fairview  Presbyterian  Church, 

Greenville  Co.,  S.  C,    . 
August   15th  and  i6th,   1899. 

All  descendants  of  John  Peden  and  his  wife  ^Margaret 
(Peggy)  ]\IcDill,  who  can  possibly  do  so,  are  requested  to 
join  the  undersigned  in  a  family  reunion  at  Fairview  Presby- 
terian church,  in  Greenville  County,  S.  C,  on  August  15th 
and  1 6th,  1899. 

From  the  best  information  obtainable,  the  parents  of  John 
Peden  refugeed  from  Scotland  to  the  Xortli  of  Ireland  during 
the  time  of  the  religious  persecution  in  the  former  country. 
He  and  his  family  came  to  the  United  States,  first  landing  in 
I'ennsylvania,  settling  in  Bucks  and  Chester  counties;  just 

how  long  they  remained  there  we  cannot  say.  About  the 
year  1768  he  (John)  removed  to  the  Spartan  District,  South 
Carolina,  settling  near  Nazareth  church,  in  what  is  now  Spar- 
tanburg County. 

They  had  ten  children.  Sons — James,  Thomas,  William, 
John,  Samuel,  Alexander  and  David.  Daughters — Hilary, 
who  married  James  Alexander,  Sr.,;  Jane,  who  married 
Morton,  after  whose  death  she  married  Samuel  Mor- 
row; Elizabeth,  who  married  William  Gaston.  (The  latter 
left  no  children.) 

As  stated  above,  it  is  our  design  to  have  a  reunion  of  as 
many  of  their  descendants  as  possibly  can  attend  at  the  place 
and  time  stated.  It  is  our  purpose  to  erect  a  monument  in 
Fairview  cemetery  to  the  memory  of  these,  our  venerated 
ancestors,  John  and  Margaret  Peden. 

Presuming  that  all  of  the  descendants  would  consider  it  a 
privilege  to  take  part  in  this  good  work,  they  are  hereby  re- 


quested  to  forward  any  amount  (much  or  little)  as  they  may 
feel  able  to  give,  to  Mr.  Adam  S.  Peden,  treasurer,  at  Foun- 
tain Inn,  Greenville  County,  S.  C.  The  amount  should  be 
forwarded  at  once  (this  week,  not  next),  as  the  cost,  size  and 
design  of  the  monument  will  depend  upon  the  amounts  con- 
tributed.    As  the  time  will  soon  arrive  for  the  reunion  and 

much  work  will  have  to  be  done  in  the  meantime,  prompt 
action  is  absolutely  necessary. 

There  will  be  a  receptacle  in  the  monument  (in  the  nature 
of  a  corner-stone)  in  which  will  be  placed  a  list  of  the  names 
of  all  contributors,  with  amounts  given  by  each. 

We  also  request  all  descendants  to  bring  or  send  individual 
or  family  photographs,  with  their  names,  postofhce  address, 
etc.,  plainly  written  on  same,  to  be  placed  in  the  receptacle- 
alluded  to  above.  This  feature  may  prove  to  be  of  inestimable 
interest  and  pleasure  to  our  descendants,  say  one  hundred 
years  from  now.  Also  bring  or  send  any  relics  to  be  placed 
on  exhibition. 

Kinsmen,  remember  the  monument  to  honor  our  parents, 
who  left  us  a  good  name  is  going  to  be  erected,  and  if  you 
wish  to  join  us  in  the  good  work  you  must  act  immediately 
in  forwarding  your  contribution. 

We  take  pleasure  in  vouching  for  the  integrity  and 
thorough  reliability  of  our  treasurer,  Mr.  Adam  S.  Peden, 
who  is  an  elder  of  the  old  mother  church  (Fairview)  that  has 
done  so  much  for  the  cause  of  Christianity  for  more  than  one 
hundred  years.  The  treasurer  will  promptly  acknowledge 
receipt  of  all  amounts  sent  to  him. 

Most  interesting  historical  sketches  and  addresses  will  be 
heard ;  an  elaborate  program  will  be  arranged  for  the  occa- 
sion, and  copies  will  be  sent  to  all  who  express  a  desire  or  in- 
tention to  attend  the  reunion. 

Quite  a  number  of  the  Pedens  now  spell  their  names 
P-a-d-e-n;  of  course,  this  invitation  applies  to  them  also; 
then  there  are  a  number  of  our  kinsmen  (Pedens  and  Padens) 
in  the  North  and  West,  and  elsewhere,  they  too,  and  all  de- 


scendants  connected  by  marriage,  are  cordially  invited  to  join 
with  us  in  the  reunion  ceremonies. 

You  are  urgently  requested  to  advise  all  other  Peden,  Alex- 
ander, Morton,  and  Morrow  descendants,  of  your  acquain- 
tance, of  the  plans  set  forth,  invite  them  to  attend  the  reunion 
anxl  kindly  ask  your  local  papers  to  publish  notices  of  this 
invitation,  for  the  name  of  Peden  is  legion,  and  the  bearers 
of  it  are  widely  scattered,  and  it  is  our  desire  that  none  be 
overlooked.  Those  who  hear  of  the  reunion  and  attend  it  will 
be  just  as  heartily  welcomed  as  those  known  to  us  and  to 
whom  these  circulars  are  sent. 

It  is  very  important  that  all  who  expect  to  attend  should 
send  their  names  as  early  as  possible  to  Mr.  A.  S.  Peden, 
Fountain  Inn,  S.  C,  so  that  the  Arrangement  Committee  may 
provide  entertainment  for  them. 


1st.  Reunion  of  Peden  descendants. 

2nd.  Place — Fairview  church,  Greenville  County,  S.  C, 
(Railroad  station,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C.) 

3rd.  Time — August  15th  and  i6th,  1899. 

4th.  Contributions  to  be  sent  to  A.  S.  Peden,  Treasurer, 
Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

5th.  Send  photographs  to  be  placed  in  the  monument. 

6th.  Invite  your  descendants,  and  ask  your  local  papers  to 
print  notices  of  the  reunion. 

7th.  Importance  of  prompt  action.  Write  the  week  you 
receive  this  notice ;  don't  wait  until  next  week  of  the  week 

We  are  respectfully  your  kinsmen, 

Hooper  Alexander,  Atlanta,  Ga. 

M.  C.  Britt,  Sparta,  Ga. 

R.  B.  Morrow,  Demopolis,  Ala. 

S.  M.  Morrow,  Somerville,  Ala. 

Miss  Emma  Morton,  Lancaster,  Texas. 

Walter  F.  Morton,  St.  Paul,  Minn. 


Wm.  D.  Paden,  Cameron,  Texas. 

D.  D.  Peden,  Houston,  Texas. 

J.  W.  T.  Peden,  Van  Vleet,  Miss. 

Wm.  Peden,  Richburg,  S.  C. 

J.  T.  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.  C. 

Adam  S.  Peden,  Treasurer,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Mrs.  C.  a.  Shannon. 



Mrs.  D.  M.  Peden. 

Rev.  M.  C.  Britt. 




To  be  Held 

August  15th  and  i6tli,  1899. 

Fairview    Presbyterian    Church, 

Fairview,   Greenville   County, 

South  Carolina. 


Executive,  On  Monument, 

On  Invitations,  On  Addresses, 

On  Music,  On  Reception, 

On  Badges,  On  Relics, 

On  Finance,  On  Entertainment. 

On  Amusement  for  Children. 


Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart,  Chairman. 
J.  T.  Peden.  D.  D.  Peden. 

Adam  S.  Peden.  Jno.  R.  Harrison. 


Rev.  M.  C.  Britt,  Chairman. 
Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart.  M.  P.  Nash. 

Jno.  T.  Peden. 


Hon.  Hooper  Alexander,  Chairman. 
Rev.  M.  C.  Britt.  Wm.  D.  Peden. 

Rev.  R.  B.  Morrow.  J.  W.  T.  Peden. 

Miss  Emma  Morton.  Thomas  Peden. 

D.  D.  Peden.  J.  T.  Peden. 

A.  S.  Peden. 



Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  Chairman. 
W.  Stewart  Peden.  J.  Stewart  Peden. 

L.  Hayne  Templeton.  J.  Wistar  McDowell. 


W.  Hewell  Britt,  Chairman. 
Dr.  H.  Boardman  Stewart.         Miss  Eugenia  Dunbar  Hewell. 
Mrs.  Nannie  Stewart  Peden.      Miss  Lillie  Helen  Harrison. 


Hon.  Jno.  R.  Harrison,  Chairman. 
T.  W.  McDowell.  J.  Wistar  Stewart. 

A.  S.  Peden.  J.  M.  Peden. 

W.  H.  Britt.  J.  R.  West. 


Adam  S.  Peden,  Chairman. 
Dorroh  D.  Peden.  Capt.  David  D.  Peden. 

James  F.  Peden. 


James  F.  Peden,  Chairman. 
M.  White  Fowler.  Mrs.  M.  E.  Britt. 

Mrs.  E.  M,  Peden.  G.  Calvin  Anderson. 

Jefferson  D.  McKittrick. 


Adam  S.  Peden,  Chairman. 
W.  S.  Peden.  Jas.  M.  Peden. 

Jas.  F.  Peden.  Jno.  T.  Peden. 


Jones  R.  West,  Chairman. 
W.  S.  Peden.  Mrs.  Calvin  Anderson. 

Mrs.  J.  T.  Peden.  Mrs.  Sue  West. 



Mrs.  Caroline  Peden,  Chairman. 

Mrs.  A.  S.  Peden.  Mrs.  H.  B.  Stewart. 

Mrs.  Eliza  Peden.  Mrs.  M.  Emily  Britt. 

Mrs.  T.  W.  McDowell.  Airs.  M.  Caroline  Templeton. 

Mrs.  Jas.  F.  Peden.  Mrs.  Ella  Armstrong. 

Miss  Isabella  H.  Stenhouse.  Miss  Effie  Fowler. 

Miss  Cathie  Stewart.  Miss  Lillie  H.  Harrison. 

FIRST  DAY— AUGUST  15th,   1899. 

1.  Meeting  called  to  order  promptly  at  10.  o'clock  a.  m.  by 
Hon.  Jno.  R.  Harrison. — Welcome  Address. 

2.  L.  M.  Doxology — Old  Hundred. 

3.  Prayer — Rev.  H.  W.  Burwell. 

4.  Election  Permanent  Chairman. 

5.  Election  Secretary. 

6.  Election  Assistant  Secretary  and  Historian. 

7.  Psalm  148,  4th  part — Autumn. 

8.  Address — Hon.  H.  Alexander  of  Atlanta,  Ga.    Subject: 
"The  Scotch-Irish  and  their  Achievements." 

9.  Hymn  119 — Coronation. 

10.  Address — Rev.  R.  B.  Morrow  of  Demopolis,  Ala.    Sub- 
ject :  "Pedens  and  Presbyterianism." 

11.  Hymn  235 — Protection. 

12.  Adjourn  with  benediction  by  Rev.  M.  C.  Britt,  Sparta, 


Afternoon  to  be  spent  in  social  intercourse  until  4.45  p.  m. 

13.  Meeting  called  to  order  at  4.45  p.  m.     Opened    with 

14.  UnveiHng  of  Monument. 

15.  Music  and  Benediction. 

16.  Adjourn  until  9.00  a.  m.  tomorrow. 


SECOND  DAY— AUGUST  i6th,  1899. 

1.  Meeting  called  to  order  at  9.00  a.  m. 

2.  Prayer. 

3.  Hymn  117 — Fount. 

4.  Address — Capt.  D.  D.  Peden  of  Houston,  Texas.     Sub- 
ject: "History  of  the  Peden  Family." 

5.  Music — "Singing  on  the  Old  Church  Ground,"  composed 
for  the  occasion  by  Rev.  H.  W.  Burwell,  pastor  of  Fairview 


6.  Report  of  Treasurer  and  collection  to  defray  expenses 
on  Monument,  and  other  necessary  expenses. 

7.  Hymn  121 — Loving  Kindness. 

8.  Address — Judge  J.  R.     Alexander  of  Thomasville,  Ga. 
Subject:  "Reminiscences." 

9.  Hymn  472 — Varina. 

10.  Adjournment  until  4.45  p.  m. 

11.  Meeting  called  to  order. 

12.  Music — "Holy  is  the  Lord." 

13.  Short  addresses. 

14.  Hymn  composed  by  Rev.  H.  W.  Burwell  to  Trinity. 

15.  Adjourn  sine  die  with  benediction. 




(Tune — "Tenting-  on  the  Old  Camp  Ground.") 

1 .  We're  gathered  to-day  on  the  old  C4hiirch  ground 

Where  our  forefathers  dwelt ; 
And  with  songs  of  praise  we  bow  before 
The  Throne  at  which  they  knelt. 

Many  are  the  years  that  have  past  away 

Since  they  to  Fairview  came, 
And  with  joyful  hearts  we  join  today 

To  sound  abroad  their  fame. 
Singing  to-day,  singing  to-day, 

Singing  on  the  old  Church  ground. 

2.  That  they  might  serve  and  worship  God 

As  taught  within  His  Word, 
Our  fathers  turned  from  Scotland's  shore 
And  fled  the  tyrant's  sword. 

3.  'Twas  God's  own  hand  that  led  them  safe 

Across  the  ocean  wide, 
And  to  this  day  His  blessings  free 
On  their  offspring  abide. 

4.  Here  where  they  worshipped,  loved  and  died, 

A  marble  shaft  we  raise, 
That  generations  yet  to  come 

May  know  and  sing  their  praise. 

5.  And  now  to  God  whose  hand  has  led 

Us  on  in  grace  and  love, 
Till  we  join  the  saints  above. 
Our  grateful  thanks  we'll  raise  through  life, 

(Chorus  after  last  verse.) 
There  all  our  loved  ones  who've  passed  away 
We'll  meet  to  part  no  more. 



And  never  a  cloud  shall  cast  its  blight 
Across  that  shining  shore. 

Safe  in  the-  hope  we're  singing  today, 
Singing  on  the  old  Church  ground. 

Singing  to-day,  singing  to-day. 

Singing  on  the  old  Church  ground. 


(Tune— "TWnity.") 

1 .  Come  brothers  ere  we  part, 
Come,  let  us  raise  our  hearts 

To  our  great  God. 
We  praise  Him  for  His  love 
Which  like  a  heavenly  dove 
Rests  on  us  from  above, 

Holy,   adored. 

2.  We  praise  Thee  for  the  joy 
Which  now  our  hearts  employ 

While  here  we  dwell. 
And  as  we  turn  away. 
Be,  Lord,  our  strength  and  stay, 
That  we  from  day  to  day 

Thy  love  may  tell. 

3.  For  Thy  rich  blessings  free, 
OurFather,  now  to  Thee, 

Our  thanks  we  bring. 
Give  what  Thou  seest  best, 
Then  shall  we  all  be  blest, 
We  bow  to  Thy  behest. 

Thy  praise  we  sing. 

4.  As  on  we  go  through  life, 
'Mid  peace  and  joy,  or  strife, 

Be  Thou  our  guide. 
Then  may  th'  eternal  light, 
So  guide  our  souls  aright. 
That  we,  in  garments  bright, 

Stand  near  Thy  side. 


Fairvicw !  what  a  thrill ;  what  a  crowd  of  tender  memories 
cluster  round  thy  name,  thou  cradle  of  the  Peden  race  on 
America's  soil. 

Nature  seemed  in  accord  with  the  clan  Peden  on  the  dates 
set  for  their  great  gathering  in  August,  1899.  Never  shone 
the  sun  brighter ;  never  was  the  blue  dome  of  heaven  clearer ; 
never  the  native  forests  in  denser,  greener  leaf — even  the 
woodland  singers  seemed  inspired  with  the  spirit  of  the  occa- 
sion, and  myriads  of  throats  made  the  welkin  ring. 

The  bustling  little  town  of  Fountain  Inn  was  filled  with  pil- 
grims, and  every  train  heralded  the  arrival  of  some  Peden, 
bound  for  the  shrine  of  his  or  her  forefathers.  A  busy  com- 
mittee of  reception  threaded  their  way  in  and  out  among  the 
crowd,  distributing  visitors  among  waiting  hosts,  or  eagerlv 
scanning  strange,  new  faces  for  the  familiar  lineaments  that 
mark  the  Peden.  Long  lines  of  carriages  with  Pedens,  and 
their  belongings  were  speeding  along  over  the  excellent 
country  road  towards  their  Mecca  (Fairview).  Now  and  then 
meeting  an  empty,  returning  carriage,  driven  by  some  Peden 
host,  who  must  be  delayed  for  a  word  of  greeting,  or  a  speedy 
introduction  to  some  strange  kinsman. 

The  drive  is  a  little  over  four  miles,  then  a  swift  curve 
brought  the  white  columns  of  Fairview  church  into  view,  up 
the  gently  sloping  hill,  through  an  avenue  of  stately  oaks 
and  pines,  to  her  wide,  open  portals,  her  snowy  columns 
bathed  in  the  mellow  radiance  of  the  August  sunlight,  she 
seemed  like  a  mother  welcoming  home  her  long  lost  children. 
Away  dov/n  the  hill  slope  to  the  left,  under  the  shadow  of  the 
trees,  gleamed  the  white  tents  of  the  encampment,  edged  by 
a  white  sanded  road,  which,  like  a  silver  ribbon  seperated  the 
camp  of  the  living  from  the  silent  bivouac  of  the  dead,  within 
the  grey  rock-walled  church  yard,  where  generations  of 
Pedens  were  at  rest. 


Near  the  center-  stood  mysterious  in  its  drapery,  the 
shrouded  form  of  the  Peden  monument. 

After  a  brief  rest  at  the  temporary  home,  the  writer  and 
party  strolled  up  the  hill  towards  the  church,  and  memory  was 
busy  with  other  days,  other  times,  and  other  actors  gone  be- 
yond ken.  Within  the  house  of  God  busy  committees  were 
putting  the  finishing  touches  to  their  labor  of  love.  The 
Pedens  being  Scotch-Irish-Americans,  the  decorations  were 
emblematic  of  these  peoples,  and  blended  under  the  artist's 
hands  into  beautiful  harmony.  Those  of  Scotland  and  Ire- 
land combined  with  the  stars  and  stripes  of  America,  were 
draped  from  ceiling  to  floor,  along  the  long  galleries  in  fes- 
toons and  sweeping  folds  of  color. 

The  sacred  desk  was  banked  with  ferns,  palms  and  potted 
plants  of  most  luxurious  growth  and  foliage,  while  rich  colors 
lent  their  aid  to  the  scene.  The  stairs  and  entrances  were 
adorned  and  guarded  by  immense  sheafs  of  Scottish  thistle, 
so  wo,  to  the  unwary  intruder,  whose  unconsecrated  foot 
sought  sacriligious  hold,  (to  the  Peden  the  pulpit  is  sacred). 
Above  this,  and  covering  the  entire  wall  floated  the  colors  of 
the  three  peoples,  the  purple  red  and  orange  of  Scotland,  the 
emerald  green  of  Ireland,  with  the  red,  white  and  blue  of  the 
United  States,  formed  a  back-ground  for  the  golden  letters : 


Founders  of  the  House. 


1760.  1899. 

"The  base  and  foundation  of  the  church  and  nation  is  the 

Along  the  walls,  galleries  and  pillars  were  life  size  portraits 
of  the  Pedens  of  past  generations,  among  them  their  life-long 
pastor.  Rev.  Clark  B.  Stewart,  Mrs.  Rebecca  (Peden)  West- 
moreland, David  Martin  Peden,  John  McVey  Peden,  and 


The  relic  corner,  too,  was  specially  attractive.  (The  writer 
hopes  that  some  clay  a  mortuary  chapel  may  be  built  of  iron 
or  bronze  within  the  walls  of  the  church-yard,  these  relics  all 
be  collected  and  placed  therein  in  perpetuity.)  A  stack  of 
rifles  borne  through  the  Revolutionary  war  by  the  seven 
brothers  Peden,  their  rusty  hunting  knives,  bayonets,  swords, 
spurs,  powder  horns.  All  were  not  there,  as  some  have 
wandered  away  to  far  ofif  States,  or  lost ;  some  old  colonial 
coins  when  George  the  Third  was  King,  one  or  two  dating 
back  and  bearing  the  curled,  cruel  head  of  Charles  First ;  old 
bits  of  crockery,  pewter  spoons  and  pans,  ancient  mirrows. 
or  "shaving  glasses,"  old  andirons  and  many  articles  of  femi- 
nine handicraft,  coverlets,  quilts,  fringes,  laces,  yellow  with 
age,  old  pictures ;  but  missing  was  Peggy's  treasured  china 
with  its  varied  history  (it  has  passed  out  of  the  race) ;  John's 
stick  and  his  arm-chair,  which  David  Morton  made  him,  has 
since  been  found,  but  unattainable.  Each  article  has  its  his- 
tory, its  tradition,  which  if  told  would  make  a  small  volume. 
Leaving  the  relic  corner  with  its  hallowed  memories,  and 
passing  out  at  the  eastern  door  down  the  slope  towards  the 
camp  .under  the  lengthening  shadows,  where  the  evening  fires 
glowed  the  nostrils  were  greeted  with  savory  odors  of  com- 
ing supper,  such  as  the  Peden  housewives  knew  how  to  pre- 
pare. In  the  camp  were  gathered  representatives  from  the 
houses  of  Mary,  James,  Thomas,  John,  Alexander  and  David, 
while  were  sadly  m'issed  any  from  the  houses  of  Jane,  Wil- 
liam and  Samuel. 

The  evening  and  far  into  the  summer  night  was  spent  in 
that  sweet  communion  and  interchange  of  thought  which  is 
known  only  to  those  bound  by  ties  of  blood. 

On  the  morrow  the  arranged  program  was  rendered  as 
planned.  The  great  church  was  filled  to  overflowing.  Hon. 
John  R.  Harrison  made  the  welcoming  address  in  his  usual 
stately,  gracious  manner  which  met  the  courteous  response  of 
Hon.  Hooper  Alexander. 


Mr.  Chairman,  Kinsmen  and  Friends : 

I  thank  you  heartily  in  behalf  of  the  visiting  kin  for  your 
words  of  welcome,  but  it  is  just  as  useless  for  me  to  respond 
as  it  was  for  you  to  put  into  words  the  generous  welcome 
that  breathes  in  the  very  atmosphere  about  this  old  church. 
I  never  felt  more  at  home  in  my  life  than  I  did  from  the  first 
moment  I  drove  up  to  this  splendid  grove  and  began  to  be 
introduced  around  to  all  these  magnificent,  big-boned,  blue- 
eyed  Peden  men  and  all  this  galaxy  of  handsome  Peden 

Your  reference,  Mr.  Chairman,  to  Rob  Roy  is  especially  in 
harmony  with  my  feelings  ever  since  I  have  been  on  this  hill. 
He  was  a  McGregor  of  the  Campbell  clan,  but  because  of 
the  turbulent  spirit  of  the  McGregors  they  had  been  forbidden 
to  bear  the  name,  and  in  the  lowlands  answered  by  law  to  the 
name  of  Campbell.  Going  up  into  the  mountain  from  Glas- 
gow, a  companion  addressed  him  as  Campbell,  to  which  he 
angrily  retorted  as  he  crossed  the  highland  border:  "Camp- 
bell me  no  Campbells ;  my  foot  is  on  my  native  heath  and  my 
name  is  McGregor." 

And  so  today  I  feel  here  that  though  I  never  was  at  Fair- 
view  before,  I  am  at  home.  And  I  want  all  you  Pedens  to 
imderstand  that  I  am  just  as  much  a  Peden  as  any  of  you.  It 
is  true  that  I  bear  another  name  and  a  name  that  I  have  no 
desire  to  drop  even  for  the  name  of  Peden,  but  all  we  Stew- 
arts and  Harrisons  and  Vernons  and  Celys  and  Shannons 
and  Salmons  and  all  the  rest  have  just  this  much  advantage 
of  you,  that  we  come  down  from  the  good  looking  Peden 
girls,  the  best  part  of  the  family,  and  that's  why  we  go  by 
other  names. 

I  never  saw  so  many  people  of  the  same  name  in  my  life. 
Down  in  my  country,  in  Georgia,  we  have  got  a  big  batch  of 
the  Pedens,  and  good  folks  they  are,  too,  and  if  you  come  to 
Georgia  we  can  make  very  substantial  additions  to  your  lists 
of  kinsfolks  with  our  Casselses  and  Kings  and  Shannons  and 
Gordons  and  Rounsavilles  and  Pegues  and  Salmons  and 
lots  of  others ;  but  I  am  obliged  to  confess  that  this  is  the  first 


time  I  ever  found  enough  kinsfolks  to  stock  a  whole  county 
at  one  time.  I  never  will  get  them  straight.  There  is  your 
Tom  Peden  and  your  Dick  Peden,  your  long  Jim  Peden  and 
your  short  Jim  Peden,  your  Bill  Peden  and  your  Hugh  Peden, 
and  such  another  list  of  Pedens  that  I  don't  know  how  you 
ever  found  names  enough  to  go  round. 

.  Verily,  John  Peden  of  old  had  the  blessing  of  Abraham, 
w^hom  God  called  out  of  the  Chaldees  and  promised  to  make 
him  father  of  many  nations.  Surely  you  are  like  the  old 
darkev  said  about  the  patriarchs  of  old — the  forgetfullest 
people  on  earth — for,  said  he,  "dey  forgot  deir  own  chillun. 
Abraham  forgot  Isaac  and  Isaac  forgot  Jacob  and  Jacob 
forgot  a  hole  lot  of  his  boys."  Verily  the  Pedens  are  a  forget- 
ful race. 

Mr.  Chairman,  I  thank  you  again  for  your  cordial  words  of 


Mr.  Alexander,  having  concluded  his  address  in  response 
to  the  welcome,  entered  into  his  speech  on  "The  Scotch-Irish 
and  their  achievements."  For  almost  an  hour  Mr.  Alexander 
held  his  kinsmen  spellbound  with  his  eloquence,  and  eve^y 
word  that  came  from  his  lips  during  his  discoure  fell  upon 
attentive  ears. 

In  part  he  said : 

Every  incident  in  human  history  is  a  separte  knot  in  the 
intricate  meshes  of  eternity's  net  work,  the  constituent  cords 
of  which  reach  forward,  diverging  to  an  unknown  future. 
Every  action  of  men,  whether  isolated  from  thicr  fellows  or 
in  connection  with  them,  is  potent  for  influence,  good  or  bad, 
on  human  civilization.  Every  separate  occasion  in  the  affairs 
of  men  bears  fruit  in  its  own  future  and  finds  the  springs  of 
its  own  occurrence  ramifying  back  through  uncounted  ages 
of  the  past. 

The  benificent  Father  of  us  all  gave  us  every  good  and  per- 
fect gift,  whose  covenant  has  stood  through  the  ages  to 
declare  that  He  will  show  mercy  unto  thousands  of  those  that 


love  Him  and  keep  His  commandments,  has  not  seen  fit  to 
give  us  any  glimpses  of  the  future  that  lies  before,  nor  allowed 
us  to  look  forward  and  forecast  what  consequences  shall  flow 
from  this  coming  together  of  men  and  women  to  do  honoi 
to  the  memory  of  one  sturdy  man  and  one  virtuous  woman. 
But  it  is  permitted  that  we  look  back  and  trace  out  the  steps 
that  have  preceded  and  made  possible  this  occasion.  Let  us 
this  day  exercise  for  a  while  the  privilege  of  retrospection  and 
find  what  lessons  of  the  past  may  serve  to  make  us  better 
men  and  better  women  and  stand  as  staunch  witnesses  to  the 
future  for  virtues  of  an  honorable  past. 

If  we  seek  backward  into  history  for  the  mainspring  of  the 
present  occasion,  all  the  threads  of  research  lead  indeed  to 
John  Peden,  Ulsterman,  Presbyterian  and  elder,  and  to  Peggy 
McDill,  faithful  helpmate  to  a  worthy  man  and  mother  of 
many  generations,  proudest  of^ce  ever  given  to  a  woman. 
But  we  shall  fail  to  measure  up  to  the  full  significance  of 
the  present  occasion  if  we  stop  with  the  frontiersman  and  go 
not  back  to  a  remoter  past,  rich  as  his  own  life,  in  every  in- 
spiration for  the  patriot,  the  parent  and  the  Christian. 

Go  with  me  today  and  I  will  carry  you  back  along  the  path- 
way of  a  peculiar  people,  who,  whether  we  find  them  fighting 
for  their  firesides  as  Carolina  Whigs,  or  staunchly  standing 
amid  the  Shamrock  boys  of  Ireland  for  the  right  to  worship 
God  according  to  the  dictates  of  their  own  consciences,  or 
leagued  together  in  solemn  covenant  in  the  shadow  of  Scot- 
land's heathered  hills,  in  every  condition  and  under  all  cir- 
cumstances have  steadfastly  stood  for  the  rights  of  mankind 
and  sturdily  maintained  their  faith  toward  God  and  men. 
From  such  a  people  and  such  stock  John  Peden  drew  his 

It  is  true  indeed  that  no  virtue  and  no  glory  of  ancestry  can 
redeem  any  present  from  its  own  unworthiness.  It  is  true 
indeed  that  every  present  must  stand  or  fall  by  its  own  record. 
True  is  it  indeed  that  no  present  condition  can  find  atone- 
ment for  its  own  unworthiness  by  pointing  to  an  illustrious 
past.     It  is  always  true  that  honorable  ancestry  only  aggra- 


vates  the  blame  for  a  degenerate  present.  But  it  is  also  true 
that  it  is  at  all  times  wise  and  proper  to  illuminate  and  study 
the  virtues  of  past  ages  if  we  purpose  in  so  doing  to  set  them 
before  us  as  a  model  to  imitate  for  the  future. 

In  such  a  spirit  and  with  such  a  purpose  let  us  trace  out 
today  the  history  that  drove  stalwart  John  Peden  to  leave  his 
home  in  Ireland,  and  like  a  patriarch  of  old,  with  his  children 
and  childrens'  children  around  him,  become  part  of  that 
splendid  band  of  empire  builders  who  carved  out  of  this 
primeval  wilderness  the  corner-stone  and  pediment  on  which 
is  still  being  upreared  the  temple  of  the  best  civilization  of  the 


The  speaker  then  proceeded  to  develop  the  story  of  the 
persecution  of  the  Presbyterians  in  Scotland,  the  great  migra- 
tion and  settlement  of  Scotch  Presbyetrians  in  the  northren 
province  of  Ireland  at  the  invitation  of  King  James,  and  the 
persecutions  to  which  they  were  there  subjected,  the  ingrati- 
tude which  was  shown  by  the  Engish  kings,  parliament  and 
church  for  their  splendid  services  in  building  up  law,  order 
and  industry  there ;  their  final  disappointment  at  the  con- 
tinued persecutions  and  oppression  in  trade,  schools,  marri- 
ages and  religion,  and  their  final  abandonment  of  Ireland  in 
swarms  for  the  American  colonies. 

Speaking  of  their  final  disappointment  in  the  conduct  of  the 
House  of  Hanover,  the  speaker  read  this  striking  passage 
from  James  Anthony  Froude,  the  great  English  historian  : 

"And  now  recommenced  the  Protestant  emigration  which 
robbed  Ireland  of  the  bravest  defenders  of  English  interests 
and  peopled  the  American  seaboard  with  fresh  flights  of  Puri- 
tans. Forty  thousand  left  Ulster  on  the  destruction  of  the 
woolen  trade.  Many  more  were  driven  away  by  the  first 
passing  of  the  test  act.  The  stream  had  slackened  in  the 
hope  that  the  law  would  be  altered.  When  the  prospect  was 
finally  closed  men  of  spirit  and  energy  refused  to  remain  in  a 
country  where  they  were  held  unfit  to  receive  the  rights  of 


citizens ;  and  thenceforward,  unitl  the  spell  of  tyranny  was 
broken  in  1782,  annual  ship  loads  of  families  poured  them- 
selves out  from  Belfast  and  Londonderry,  The  resentment 
which  they  carried  with  them  continued  to  burn  in  their  new 
homes ;  and  in  the  war  of  independence  England  had  no 
fiercer  enemies  than  the  grandsons  and  great  grandsons  ot 
the  Presbyterians  who  had  held  Ulster  against  Tyrconnel." 

This  reading  finished,  the  speaker  resumed  his  discourse, 
concluding  as  follows : 

And  now,  kinsmen,  I  have  finished.  Long  as  the  story  has 
been,  I  have  had  bare  time  to  scantily  outline  the  record  of 
the  Scotch  in  Ireland  and  their  influence  on  America.  Col- 
umns have  been  written  on  each  several  item  of  their  spirit- 
stirring  epic,  and  how  could  I  hope  with  my  feeble  tongue  to 
do  justice  to  such  a  theme.  Take  it  with  you  to  your  homes 
when  we  separate,  and  take  with  you  the  proud  consciousness 
that  you  spring  from  honorable  lives.  Teach  the  story  to 
your  children  and  your  childrens'  children,  to  remostest  gen- 
erations, and  let  them  understand  that  the  splendid  heritage 
they  have  through  John  Peden  and  Peggy  McDill  entails  on 
them  the  high  duty  to  be  worthy  always  of  its  faithful  tra- 

No  man  knows  what  is  in  store  for  us  yet.  The  future  is 
big  with  uncertain  issues.  The  peace  that  Ulster  won  under 
James  was  followed  by  the  massacre  of  '41.  Derry  and 
Enniskilen  and  Boyne  water  gave  no  immunity  against  the 
eighteenth  century.  The  tranquility  of  a  subdued  American 
wilderne£s  did  not  exempt  them  from  the  high  duties  of  Ala- 
mance and    Mecklenburg  and  King's  Mountain. 

The  treaty  of  Paris  had  to  be  paid  for  by  the  statesmanship 
of  the  Constitution  builders,  and  so  today,  with  religious  tole- 
ration established  and  old  Fairview  the  center  of  a  land  of 
tranquil  religious  history,  no  man  here  may  know  where  next 
it  shall  please  God  to  try  our  souls  as  the  souls  of  our  ances- 
tors were  tried  before  us. 

Let  every  man  go  to  his  respective  home,    resolved    that 


when  that  day  comes  there  shall  not  be  written  on  our  walls 
the  tekel  upharsin  of  an  unworthy  generation. 

At  4.30  o'clock  in  the  afternoon  the  clan  again  gathered 
in  the  church,  a  vast  conclave,  for  a  few  brief  words,  then,  at 
the  command  of  the  Chairman,  descended  the  hillside  to  the 
sacred  enclosure  where  stood  tall,  mysterious  in  its  white 
drapery,  the  Peden  Monument,  on  the  sunrise  corner  of  the 
old,  brick  church,  in  the  very  heart  of  the  solemen,  last  home 
of  many  Pedens. 

During  the  singing  of  the  unveiling  hymn  the  veil  was 
dropped  by  the  four  dear  little  girl  cousins  selected  for  the 
honor.  These  lovely  little  ones  shall  go  down  into  Peden 
history,  in  letters  of  living  gold,  "fair  as  poet's  dreaming"  are 
they ;  bonny,  rosey,  bright-eyed,  lassies  of  the  House  of  Alex- 
ander: Jane  Armstrong,  Lucy  Allen  Peden,  Lauribelle  Peden, 
Lulu  Templeton. 

The  monument  stood  revealed;  a  marble  shaft  pointing 
heavenward,  rising  sixteen  feet  from  the  pedestal,  being  four 
feet  broad  at  the  base,  a  pedestal  of  some  feet  between  base 
and  shaft,  on  which  is  engraved  in  large  letters  the  name 

This  on  the  north  side,  and  above  it  is  the  dedication: 

In  Memoriam. 

"This  monument  is  placed  by  their  grateful  descendants, 
gathered  from  far  and  near,  and  who  are  as  the  sands  by  the 
seashore,  and  stars  of  heaven  for  multitude." 

August  17,  1899. 

On  the  eastern  or  sunrise  side: 

John  and  Margaret  Peden, 

Founders  of  the  House  in  South  Carolina. 

1768  .  1899. 


Born  in  Ireland. 

Emigrated    to    America. 

Died  in -Chester,  S.  C. 

"Lord  thou  hast  been  our  dwelling  place  in   all 
generations."     Ps.  90:1. 

[Said  to  have  been  the  last  audible  words  of  John  Peden.] 

On  the  southside  and  overlooking  long  rows  of  Peden 
tombs,  are  placed  the  arms  of  the  adopted  State — South  Car- 
olina. That  grand  old  commonwealth,  whose  freedom  from 
tyranny  was  dearer  to  John  Peden  and  his  seven  sons  than 
life  itself.  All  of  whom,  as  well  as  the  three  sons-in-law,  and 
numerous  grandsons,  bore  arms  in  defense  during  the  dark 
days  of  the  American  Revolution.  As  is  fitting,  the  arms 
are  entwined  and  surrounded  with  the  thistle  of  Scotland, 
the  shamrock  of  Ireland,  while  in  the  midst,  proud  and 
stately,  stands  the  imperishable  palm. 

While  on  the  western  side,  facing  the  broad  iron  gates, 
presented  by  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  are  inscribed  the  names  of 
the  children  of  John  and  Margaret  Peden. 










Mary  (Peden)  Alexander. 

Jane  (Peden)  Morton-Morrow. 

Elizabeth  (Peden)  Gaston. 
These,  for  want  of  correct  information  at  the  time,  are  not 
placed  in  their  proper  order,  later  and  authentic  information 
gives  the  following  table : 



Mary,  born  1732;  died . 

James,  born  1734;  died  181 1. 

Jane,  born  1737;  died  . 

Thomas,  born  1743;  died  1834. 
William,  born  1749;  died  1817. 
Elizabeth,  born   1750;  died  1824. 
John,  born  1752;  died  1810. 
Samuel,  born  1754;  died  1835. 
Alexander,  born  1756;  died  1841. 
David,  born   1760;   died   1823. 

The  second  day  of  the  reunion  was  intended  to  be  strictly 
historical,  but  owing  to  the  enforced  absence  of  Rev.  R.  B. 
Morrow,  the  time  allotted  to  his  theme  was  courteously  given 
to  Rev.  S.  R.  Preston,  D.  D.,  of  Chicora  College,  Greenville, 
S.  C,  who  spoke  fluently  for  Christian  Education. 

Capt.  David  D.  Peden,  acknowledged  chief  and  leader  of 
the  clan,  in  his  usual  happy,  courtly  style  gave  the  history  of 
the  race. 


My  Friends  and  Kinspeople : 

Your  committee  on  addresse  has  assigned  to  me  the  task 
of  writing  a  history  of  the  Peden  family.  I  doubt  not  this 
work  could  have  been  done  in  a  much  more  attractive  and 
interesting  manner  by  a  number  of  those  who  are  present 
here  today.  However  that  may  be,  I  will  do  the  best  I  can 
and  bespeak  your  kind  indulgence. 

Tradition  tells  us  that  the  name  Peden  appears  in  the 
annals  of  the  old  Culdee  church,  on  the  western  coast  of  Scot- 
land, located  on  the  little  island  lona,  and  near  to  Ayrshire, 
the  home  of  some  of  the  Pedens  to  this  day.  The  Culdee 
church  is  said  to  have  been  one  of  the  purest  types  of  the 
Protestant  religion.  In  fact,  it  is  claimed  to  be  a  continua- 
tion of  the  Apostolic  church,  (See  history  of  "The  Culdee 
Church"  by  Rev.  T.  V.  Moore,  D.  D.,  published  by  our  com- 
mittee at  Richmond,  Va.)    The  Peden  referred  to  is  said  to 


have  been  a  shepherd,  an  honest  and  honorable  calhng.  What 
relationship  there  is  between  the  Shepherd  Peden  and  our 
ancestors  is,  of  course,  conjecture,  though  we  may  reasonably 
suppose  we  are  his  descendants. 

The  first  authentic  mention  of  the  Peden  name,  that  I  have 
been  able  to  find,  after  considerable  research  and  correspond- 
ence, was  during  the  persecution  of  the  Protestant  Christ- 
ians by  the  Roman  Catholics  under  the  Stuarts  in  Scotland, 
a  period  embracing  the  year  1680,  when  "The  Declaration  and 
Testimony  of  the  True  Presbyterian,  Anti-prelatic,  Anti- 
erastian.  persecuted  party  in  Scotland,"  and  known  as  the 
"Sanquhar  Declaration,"  was  adopted.  (See  page  31,  Trad. 

The  Pedens  were  an  Ayeshire  family,  in  the  west  of  Scot- 
land, (where  to  this  day  it  is  still  quite  a  common  name).  In 
the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century  a  number  of  the  Peden 
families  went  to  the  North  of  Ireland  to  escape  the  persecu- 
tion then  raging  in  Scotland.  About  the  beginning  of  the 
seventeenth  century  some  of  these  famiHes  and  their  descend- 
ants returned  to  their  native  land,  some  remained  in  the  land 
of  their  adoption,  while  our  ancestors  sought  civil  and  re- 
ligious freedom  in  the  wilds  of  the  American  forests. 

I  will  leave  this  branch  of  the  subject  for  the  moment,  re- 
turning to  the  religious  persecution  of  Scotland.  Rev.  Alex- 
ander Peden,  sometimes  called  "Peden  the  Prophet,"  bore  a 
conspicuous  part  during  the  times  referred  to  in  1680,  in 
encouraging  the  Protestants  to  be  steadfast  in  adhering  to 
their  faith  and  doctrine,  many  of  whom,  in  order  to  do  so, 
had  to  endure  many  hardships  and  deprivations,  even  martyr- 
dom. During  the  reign  of  the  Stuarts  the  persecution  was 
both  cruel  and  relentless,  under  the  inhumane  Claverhouse 
and  his  minions.  In  order  to  worship  God  according  to  the 
dictates  of  their  consciences,  they  had  to  meet  oftentimes  at 
night  or  in  the  dense  forests  and  on  the  wild  mountain  sides. 
Their  ministers,  especially,  were  hunted  like  wild  beast  and 


had  to  take  refuge  in  caves,  caverns  and  the  moss  hags  and 

The  following  is  taken  from  his  "Life  and  Death,"  pub- 
lished in  Belfast,  in  1790: 

''Alexander  Peden,  late  minister  of  the  gospel  at  Glenluce, 
in  Galloway,  who  died  the  28th  of  January,  1686,  being  about 
sixty  years  of  age.  He  was  born  in  the  parish  of  Sorn,  in 
1626,  in  the  Sb-erififdom  of  Ayr.  After  that  he  passed  his 
courses  in  college,  he  was  employed  for  some  time  to  be 
school  master,  precentor  and  session  clerk  to  Mr.  John  Guth- 
rie, minister  of  the  gospel  at  Tarboltown.  He  had  no  family 
and  was  never  married.  He  was  a  man  of  sincere  and  deep 
piety ;  he  was  a  brave  man  and  possesed  the  courage  of  his 
convictions  in  a  very  remarkable  degree." 


I  will  read  some  extracts  from  a  little  volume,  the  title  of 
which  is  "Traditions  of  the  Covenanters,"  by  the  Rev.  Robert 
Simpson,  Sanquhar,  Scotland : 

"About  the  commencement  of  the  persecution  in  Scotland, 
nearly  three  hundred  and  fifty  ministers  were  ejected  from 
their  churches,  in  the  severity  of  winter,  and  driven  with  their 
families,  to  seek  shelter  among  the  peasants. 

"The  desolation  and  distress  of  many  a  family,  after  the 
standard  of  the  gospel  was  reared  in  the  field,  were  unutter- 
able. The  tender  hearted  wife  knew  not  how  it  fared  with 
her  husband  traversing  the  waste,  or  lodged  in  the  cold,  damp 
cave ;  and  many  a  disconsolate  hour  did  she  spend  in  weeping 
over  her  helpless  children,  who  had  apparetnly  nothing  before 
them  but  starvation.  The  affectionate  husband,  far  from  his 
dearly  cherished  home,  was  full  of  the  bitter  remembrance  of 
his  beloved  family,  and  picturing  to  himself  their  many  wants 
which  he  could  not  now  relieve,  and  their  many  sorrows 
which  he  could  not  soothe,  and  the  many  insults  from  which 
he  could  not  defend  them.  But,  notwithstanding  all  this,  they 
had  peace ;  for  God  was  with  them.  And  though  their  hearts 
sometimes  misgave  them,  yet,  through  the  grace  of  Him  with 



whose  cause  they  were  identified,  their    faith  recovered    its 
proper  tone,  and  their  despondency  vanished. 

"One  of  the  most  renowned  of  those  worthies  who  per- 
sisted in  preaching  the  gospel  in  the  wilds  of  his  native  land, 
at  the  constant  hazard  of  his  life,  was  the  venerable  Alexan- 
der Peden,  whose  history  is  familiar  in  almost  every  cottage 
in  Scotland.  Every  incident  of  any  importance  in  the  life  of 
this  good  man  has  already  been  collected,  so  that  scarcely 
anything  new  can  now  be  added.  Still  there  is  to  be  found  a 
stray  anecdote  of  him  here  and  there  in  the  romote  parts  of 
the  country,  and  which,  for  his  sake,  may  be  deemed  worthy 
of  record.     Few  persons  possessed  a  more  saintly  character 

than  did  this  man  of  God.  He  was  full  of  faith  and  of  the 
Holy  Ghost.     Entirely  devoted  to  his    Master's    service,  he 

counted  not  his  own  life  dear  unto  him,  that  he  might  main- 
tain the  cause  of  truth  in  the  face  of  the  abounding  iniquity  of 
a  degenerate  age.  His  solitary  wanderings,  his  destitutions, 
his  painful  perseverance  in  preaching  the  gospel,  the  peril  in 
which  he  lived,  his  prayerful  spirit,  and  the  homeliness  of  his 
manners,  greatly  endeared  liim  to  the  people  among  whom  he 
sojourned.  He  had  no  home,  and  therefore  he  spent  much  of 
his  time  in  the  fields.  The  caves  by  the  mountain  stream,  the 
dense  hazel  wood  in  the  deep  glens,  the  feathery  brackens  on 
the  hill,  the  green  corn  when  it  was  tall  enough  to  screen  him 
from  observation,  afforded  him  by  turns,  when  necessary,  a 
retreat  from  his  pursuers,  and  a  place  for  communing  with 
his  God. 

"On  one  such  occasion  he  had  fixed  his  eye  on  a  cottage 
far  off  in  the  waste  in  which  lived  a  godly  man  with  whom  he 
had  frequent  intercourse,  and  there  being  nothing  within  view 
calculated  to  excite  alarm  he  resolved  to  pay  his  friend  a  visit. 
With  his  staff  in  his  hand  he  wended  his  way  to  the  low 
grounds  to  gain  the  track  which  led  to  the  house.  He  reached 
it  in  safety,  was  hospitably  entertained  by  the  kind  landlord, 
and  spent  the  time  with  the  household  in  pious  conversation 
and  prayer  till  sunset.  Not  daring  to  remain  all  night,  he  left 
them  to  return  to  his  dreary  cave.    As  he  was  trudging  along 


the  soft  foot  path  and  suspecting  no  harm,  all  at  once  several 
moss  troopers  appeared  coming  over  the  bent  and  advancing 
directly  upon  him.  He  fled  across  the  moor,  and  when 
about  to  pass  the  torrent  that  issues  from  Glendyne,  he  per- 
ceived a  cavity  underneath  its  bank  that  had  been  scooped 
out  by  the  running  stream  into  which  he  instinctively  crept 
and  stretching  himself  at  full  length  lay  hidden  beneath  the 
grassy  coverlet  waiting  the  result.  In  a  short  time  the  dra- 
goons came  up,  and  having  followed  close  in  his  track, 
reached  the  brook  at  the  very  spot  where  he  was  ensconced. 
As  the  heavy  horses  came  thundering  over  the  smooth  turf, 
on  the  edge  of  the  little  rivulet,  the  foot  of  one  of  them  sank 
quite  through  the  hollow  covering  under  which  the  object  of 
their  pursuit  lay.  The  hoof  of  the  animal  grazed  his  head, 
and  pressed  his  bonnet  deep  into  the. soft  clay  at  his  pillow, 
and  left  him  entirely  uninjured.  His  persecutors  having  no 
suspicion  that  the  poor  fugitive  was  so  near  them,  crossed  the 
stream  with  all  speed,  and  bounded  away  in  quest  of  him 
whom  God  had  thus  hidden  as  in  his  pavilion,  and  in  the 
secret  of  his  tabernacle.  A  man  hke  Peden,  who  read  the 
hand  of  God  in  everything,  could  not  fail  to  see  and  to  ac- 
knowledge that  Divine  goodness,  which  was  so  eminently 
displayed  in  this  instance ;  and  we  may  easily  conceive  with 
what  feelings  he  would  return  to  his  retreat  in  the  wood,  and 
with  what  cordiality  he  would  send  up  the  voice  of  thanks- 
giving  and  praise  to  the  God  of  his  life. 


"It  is  recorded  in  the  Scots  Worthies  that  he  was  favored 
with  a  memorable  deliverance  from  the  enemy  who  were  pur- 
suing him  and  a  small  company  with  him  somewhere  in  Gallo- 
way after  he  came  out  of  Ireland.  When  their  hope  of  escape 
was  almost  cut  ofif,  he  knelt  down  among  the  heather  and 
prayed,  Twine  them  about  the  hill.  Lord,  and  cast  the  lap  of 
Thy  cloak  over  old  Sandy  and  these  poor  things  and  we  will 
keep  it  in  remembrance  and  tell  it  to  the  commendation  of 
Thy  goodness,  pity  and  compassion  what  Thou  didst  for  us  at 


such  a  time.'  Thus  he  prayed,  and  his  suppUcation  was  re- 
corded in  heaven,  for  he  had  no  sooner  risen  from  his  knees 
than  dense  volumes  of  snow-white  mist  came  rolHng  down 
from  the  summit  of  the  mountains  and  shrouded  them  from 
the  sight  of  their  pursuers  who,  Hke  the  men  of  Sodom  when 
they  were  smitten  with  bUndness,  could  not  grope  their  way 
after  them." 

I  quote  again  from  the  same  book : 

''This  occasion  is  related  by  old  Patrick  Walker  in  the  fol- 
lowing words :  'After  this,  in  Auchengrouch  muirs  in  Niths- 
dale,  Capt.  John  Mathison  and  others  being  with  him,  they 
were  alarmed  with  a  report  that  the  enemy  were  coming  fast 
upon  him,  so  they  designed  to  put  him  in  some  hole,  and 
cover  him  with  heather.  But  not  being  able  to  run  hard  by 
reason  of  age,  he  desired  them  to  forbear  a  little  until  he 
prayed,  when  he  said:  'Lord,  we  are  ever  needing  at  Thy 
hand,  and  if  we  had  not  Thy  command  to  call  upon  Thee  in 
the  day  of  our  trouble,  and  Thy  promise  of  answering  us  in 
the  day  of  our  distress,  we  wot  not  what  would  become  of  us  ; 
if  Thou  hast  an}^  more  work  for  us  in  Thy  world,  allow  us  the 
lap  of  Thy  cloak  this  day  again  ;"and  if  this  be  the  day  of  our 
going  olT  the  stage,  let  us  walk  honestly  of¥,  and  comfortably 
through,  and  our  souls  will  sing  forth  Thy  praises  to  eternity 
for  what  thou  hast  done  to  us,  and  for  us.'  When  ended  he 
ran  alone  a  little,  and  came  quickly  back,  saying,  'Lads,  the 
bitterest  of  this  blast  is  over ;  we  will  be  no  more  troubled 
with  them  this  day.'  Foot  and  horse  came  the  length  of 
Andrew  Clark's,  in  Auchengrouch,  where  they  were  covered 
with  a  dark  mist.  When  they  saw  it  they  roared  like  fleshly 
devils,  as  they  were  crying  out :  'There's  the  confounded  mist 
again !  we  cannot  get  these  execrable  whigs  pursued  for  it.'  " 


I  could  continue  to  quote  many  other  interesting  incidents, 
but  I  must  not  consume  too  much  of  your  time,  as  some  of 
you,  at  least,  are  perhaps  familiar  with  them.    I  will  mention 


one  incident  taken  from  the  "Life  and  Death  of  Alexander 

During  the  time  of  the  persecution,  he  and  a  number  of 
covenanters  were  captured  by  the  enemy  and  were  sentenced 
to  banishment  to  the  EngUsh  plantations  in  America.  "When 
brought  from  the  Bass  (prison)  to  Edinburgh  and  sentence 
passed  on  him  and  sixty  others,  in  December,  1678,  to  go  to 
America,  never  to  be  seen  in  Scotland  again  under  the  pain 
of  death.  He  several  times  said :  'The  ship  was  not  yet  built 
that  would  take  him  or  these  prisoners  to  Virginia,  or  any 
other  of  the  English  plantations  in  America.'  When  they 
were  on  ship  board,  in  the  road  of  Leith,  there  was  a  report 
that  their  enemies  were  to  send  down  Thumbikins  to  keep 
them  from  rebelling.  At  the  report  of  this  they  were  greatly 
discouraged;  he  came  above  deck  and  said,  'Why  are  you  so 
cast  down  ?  You  need  not  fear  there  will  be  Thumbikins  nor 
Bootekins  come  here ;  lift  up  your  hearts  and  heads,  for  the 
day  of  your  redemption  draweth  near ;  if  we  are  once  in  Lon- 
don we  will  all  be  set  at  liberty.'  This  remarkable  prophecy 
was  literally  fulfilled,  for  when  the  skipper  who  was  to  take 
them  from  London  to  Virginia  came  to  see  them,  they  being 
represented  to  him  as  thieves,  robbers  and  evil  doers,  he  re- 
fused to  take  them  aboard.  When  he  found  they  were  grave 
Christian  men,  banished  for  Presbyterian  principles,  he  said, 
'I  will  sail  the  sea  with  none  such.'  In  this  confusion,  that 
one  skipper  would  not  receive  them  and  the  other  would  keep 
them  no  longer,  it  being  expensive  to  maintain  them,  they 
were  all  set  at  liberty.  Both  skippers,  it  is  said,  'got  compli- 
ments in  London  for  releasing  them.'  They  went  to  Ireland 
and  then  returned  to  Scotland,  in  face  of  the  threat  that,  if  he 
did  he  would  be  punished  with  death,  thus  evincing  courage 
and  devotion  to  duty  that  cannot  be  surpassed.  Many  other 
thrilling  and  even  marvelous  incidents  could  be  given  regard- 
ing this  remarkable  man." 

I  must  forbear,  however,  and  return  to  our  immediate 
ancestors.  You  have  already  been  told  that  some  of  the 
Pedens  came  from  Ireland  to  America  to  seek  religious  and 


civil  liberty.  Among  that  number  were  our  ancestors,  John 
Peclen  and  wife,  Margaret.  We  are  assembled  here  today 
to  pay  homage  to  their  memory.  We  have  representatives 
here  from  the  Pacific  to  the  Atlantic  oceans,  all  the  way  they 
have  come,  from  the  golden  shores  of  California,  on  the 
Pacific,  to  dear  old  South  Carolina,  whose  shores  are  washed 
by  the  Atlantic,  and  which  was  the  home  of  these  aged  saints. 
Their  ashes  lie  buried  in  her  bosom.  I  suppose  there  is 
scarcely  a  State  or  Territory  in  the  United  States  that  does 
not  contain  descendants  of  John  Peden. 


Tradition  tells  us  that  he  settled  in  Pennsylvania,  probably 
Chester  County.  Our  ancesters,  having  several  sons  who 
had  preceded  them  to  this  country,  and  settled  in  what  in  now 
Spartanburg  County,  S.  C,  they  and  other  members  of  their 
families  came  and  settled  in  the  same  place,  not  far  from  old 
Nazereth  Presbyterian  church,  about  the  year  1768.  (See  Dr. 
Howe's  "History  of  Presbyterianism  in  South  Carolina,"  but 
more  particularly  the  centennial  celebration  of  old  Fairview 
church,  in  September,  1886;  specially  the  address  of  our  kins- 
man. Rev.  M.  C.  Britt,  and  an  historical  sketch  by  Mr.  Sav- 

It  is  sad  to  relate,  that  these  venerable  people,  with  their 
seven  sons,  three  sons-in-law  and  their  families,  were  not 
granted  the  privilege  of  enjoying  the  civil  liberties  they  had 
traveled  so  far  and  risked  so  much  to  obtain.  They  had 
scarcely  settled  in  their  new  homes  before  the  Revolutionary 
War  was  begun.  We  are  told  that  all  of  the  sons  and  sons- 
in-law  were  Revolutionary  soldiers.  I  have  heard  also  that 
the  venerable  John  was  himself  a  soldier.  I  have  some  doubt 
on  this  point  as  tradition  tells  us  that  by  reason  of  the  incur- 
sions of  the  Indians  and  Tories,  the  old  people,  with  the 
younger  members  of  their  families,  refugeed  to  Chester 
County,  near  the  old  "Catholic  Presbyterian  Church,"  for 
safety.  At  the  close  of  the  war  in  1783,  we  are  told  also,  on 
account  of  their  age,  they  remained  in  Chester  County  after 



the  close  of  the  Revokitionary  War,  where  they  died  and 
were  buried  near  the  old  "Catholic  Presbyterian  Church." 
The  others  returned  and  settled  near  this  church,  with  the 
exception  of  the  second  son,  Thomas,  who  returned  to  and 
settled  near  the  old  homestead  in  Spartanburg.  Some  years 
afterwards,  one  son,  probably  Samuel,  and  the  second 
daughter,  Jane,  with  her  second  husband,  Mr.  Samuel  ^lor- 
row,  moved  to  Alabama.  All  of  the  ten  children,  except 
Elizabeth,  who  married  \Vm.  Gaston,  raised  large  families. 
The  descendants  of  the  Pedens,  Alexanders,  Mortons  and 
Morrows  are  almost  as  the  sands  by  the  sea  shore  in  numbers. 


For  the  most  part,  the  descendants  are,  as  were  their 
honored  fathers  before  them,  engaged  in  agricultural  pursuits. 
It  is  said  that  when  our  ancestors  (to  honor  whose  memory 
we  have  erected  the  handsome  monument  in  the  old  cemetery 
near  by  where  the  ashes  of  so  many  of  our  loved  ones  are 
buried)  left  the  coast  of  Ireland  to  seek  their  homes  in  this 
country  that  the  father  of  us  all  set  his  face  steadfastly 
towrads  the  west,  refusing  all  entreaties  to  take  a  parting 
look  at  the  Emerald  Isle  as  it  faded  out  of  view.  On  the  con- 
trary, our  mother,  ]\Iargaret,  who  is  said  to  have  been  a  beau- 
tiful as  well  as  a  good  woman,  shed  tears  as  the  isle,  which  had 
been  her  home,  sank  out  of  sight  behind  the  eastern  horizon. 
The  passage  over  the  broad  Atlantic  was  a  long  and  tiresome 
one  at  best  in  those  days,  and  their  voyage  was  specially  disa- 
greeable on  account  of  severe  weather  and  lasted  many  days. 

Our  ancestors  were  cabin  passengers  on  this  memorable 
trip  from  the  Emerald  Isle  to  the  then  comparatively  new 
world,  and  they  fared  of  course  much  better  than  did  the 
steerage  passengers  on  this  long  and  stormy  passage. 

I  exceedingly  regret  that  both  time  and  lack  of  informa- 
tion prevent  me  from  giving  somewhat  in  detail,  at  least,  brief 
sketches  of  each  of  the  ten  children  of  our  venerable  and  ven- 
erated ancestors.  Their  record,  however,  is  a  glorious  one — 
one  in  which  we  can  take  a  pardonable  pride.    First,  and  best 


of  all,  they  were  God-fearing  men  and  women ;  all  strong  ad- 
herents-to  the  "true  Presbyterian,  Anti-Prelatic,  Anti-Eras- 
tian,  persecuted  party  of  Scotland,"  of  which  "Peden  the 
Prophet"  was  such  a  determined  and  fearless  advocate  and  to 
which  church,  I  presume,  at  least  nine-tenths  of  their  descen- 
dants are  still  adherents. 


The  above  remarks,  I  wish  it  distinctly  understood,  means 
no  reflection  to  the  remaining  tenth.  I  know  of  my  personal 
knowledge  of  some  of  our  kinspeople  who  have  united  with 
other  Protestant  churches  in  the  communities  to  which  they 
had  moved.  Others,  again,  married  into  families  of  other 
denominations  and  in  that  way  became  separated  from  us. 
Others,  perhaps,  joined  other  churches  through  choice.  Just 
so  long  as  they  are  Christians  and  are  fighting  under  the  ban- 
ner of  the  Cross,  we  are  all  brethren,  friends,  kinsmen,  and 
are  all  most  affectionately  and  cordially  welcome  to  this  love- 
feast  of  relatives.  If  there  is  a  family  in  this  great  and  glori- 
ous countfy  of  ours  (  the  United  States  of  America)  who  can 
honestly  and  truly  feel  a  glow  of  pride  in  the  part  taken  by 
their  Revolutionary  sires  in  the  memorable  struggle  that  won 
our  independence  from  England,  that  family  is  the  Peden 
family.  "There  are  others,"  but  we  yield  the  palm  to  none 
unless  they  can  successfully  prove  their  claim. 

Seven  sons  and  three  sons-in-law,  and  a  number  of  grand- 
sons, and  probably  the  old  father,  from  one  family,  is  a  record 
not  easily  beaten.  Several  of  the  sons  and  grandsons,  and 
perhaps  sons-in-law,  held  commissions. 


My  grandfather,  David  Peden,  was  the  youngest  of  the  ten 
children,  and,  no  doubt,  a  private  soldier.  There  is  not  a 
particle  of  doubt  that  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  revolution 
that  brought  independence  to  the  United  States.  I  have  here 
the  positive  proof,  it  being  a  grant  from  the  State  of  South 
Carolian  for  nine  hundred  acres  of  land,  signed  by  Governor 


Charles  Pinckney,  20th  of  February,  1792.  Rabun  Creek,  the 
head-waters  of  which  you  cross  coming  from  Fountain  Inn 
here,  runs  through  the  property,  on  which  stream  one  of  the 
first  grist  and  saw  mills  erected  in  this  part  of  the  country  was 
built  by  him.  He  and  his  two  wives  are  buried  in  the  ceme- 
tery near  the  monument  erected  in  honor  of  his  father  and 
mother,  John  and  Margaret  Peden.  He  was  the  father  of 
thirteen  children,  my  father,  Rev.  Andrew  G.  Peden,  being 
next  to  the  youngest.  For  a  more  detailed  history  of  the  ten 
children  of  John  and  Margaret  Peden,  and  their  descendants, 
we  will  have  to  look  to  our  historian,  who  will  take  up  Peden 
History,  etc. 


Before  concluding  I  wish  to  say  that  there  are  a  number  of 
Pedens  and  Padens  in  the  United  States  who  are  doubtless 
related  to  us,  but  who  are  not  descendants  of  our  ancestors. 
John  and  Margaret  Peden.  There  are  Pedens  and  Padens  in 
Pennsylvania,  Virginia,  Kentucky,  North  Carolina,  Texas 
and  perhaps  other  States,  whose  ancestors  came  direct  from 
Scotland.  I  have  in  my  possesion  a  copy  of  a  singular  letter 
written  by  Dr.  Alexander  D.  Peden,  giving  a  graphic  and 
tragic  account  of  the  great  flood  on  the  coast  of  Texas  about 
tewnty-four  years  ago. 


Indianola  at  that  time  was  a  prosperous  seaport  town ;  in 
fact,  was  a  rival  of  the  city  of  Galveston  in  point  of  commerce, 
trade,  etc.  The  city  was  literally  swept  from  the  face  of  the 
earth — ^the  waters  from  the  Gulf  were  driven  by  the  fury  of 
the  winds  many  miles  inland.  Dr.  Peden's  family  was  on  his 
ranch  (or  farm)  some  distance  from  the  city.  His  wife  and 
children  were  drowned,  except  three  children.  One  son  was 
assistant  keeper  of  the  Hghthouse,  one  daughter  was  absent 
(at  school,  perhaps),  one  small  son  took  refuge  in  a  cedar  tree 
which  was  about  to  be  submerged.  Seeing  his  pet  pony 
swimming  by,  he  called  to  him.    The  pony  turned  and  came 


immediately  under  the  tree  and  the  boy  dropped  on  his  back, 
and  was  thus  miraculously  carried  to  a  place  of  safety.  Dr. 
Peden  was  serving  on  a  jury  some  distance  from  home,  con- 
sequently was  unable  to  aid  his  family  in  making  their  escape. 
Speaking  of  himself,  Dr.  Peden  says  he  "sprang  from  an 
ancient  family  of  Pedens  in  Scotia's  isle." 

Further  says  he  was  "the  son  of  Alexeander  Peden,  de- 
ceased, merchant  of  Wilmington,  N.  C.  He,  in  turn,  was  son 
of  Mingo  Peden,  merchant,  in  Irvine,  Ayrshire,  Scotland," 
and  adds  that  he  had  been  at  the  grave  of  Alexander  Peden, 
"the  prophet  in  Scotland.  A  thorn  bush  grows  at  his  head,  as 
he  prophesied."  Archie  Hoye,  Chester,  S.  C,  says  the  grave 
is  at  Cumnock,  Scotland,  and  that  two  thorn  bushes  grow  at 
the  head  of  his  grave,  one  bearing  a  white  and  the  other  a  red 
bloom.  Mr.  Hoye's  statement  is  borne  out  by  books  from 
Scotland.  I  could  continue  to  give  various  interesting  inci- 
dents, sketches,  etc.,  but  time  admonishes  me  that  I  must  give 
way  to  those  whose  addresses  will  be  much  more  interesting 
than  this  historical  sketch. 


Before  taking  my  seat,  however,  I  want  to  beg,  insist  and 
entreat  one  and  all  to  pay  more  attention  to  the  education  of 
your  children.  Out  of  our  vast  relationship,  running  into  the 
thousands,  we  should  and  ought  to  have  representatives  in  all 
the  branches  and  walks  of  Hfe.  We  should  aspire  to  have  a 
president,  or,  better,  presidents  of  the  United  States,  presi- 
dents of  colleges,  universities,  governors  of  States,  United 
States  Senators,  memebrs  of  congress  and  legislatures,  men 
eminent  in  theology,  law  and  physics,  science,  arts,  mechanics 
and  in  other  walks  of  life. 

The  farmer's  life  is  an  honorable  one,  none  more  so,  but 
we  must  not  be  content  to  be  all  farmers.  Recognize  talent 
in  your  children  and  encourage  them  to  develop  it ;  for 
heaven's  sake,  don't  suppress  it ;  don't  discourage  them  by 
belittling  their  efforts.  I  haven't  the  least  doubt  but  there 
have  been  Pedens  and  descendants  by  other  names,  if  they 


had  been  encouraged  and  educated,  could  and  would  have 
occupied  the  positions  mentioned  above.  They  simply  lacked 
the  opportunity,  and  the  lack  of  a  good  education  barred  them 
from  the  opportunity. 

In  conclusion,  I  want  to  mention  a  little  incident  that 
occurred  within  a  short  distance  of  this  spot,  quite  recently.  I 
was  invited  to  visit  one  of  our  kinsmen.  The  weather  was 
intensely  hot ;  we  were  sitting  in  the  yard  in  the  shade  of  the 
trees.  The  father  directed  his  little  son  to  step  across  the 
road  and  see  if  the  peas  sown  in  the  corn  were  coming  up. 
The  little  fellow  promptly  obeyed.  Returning,  he  plucked  a 
"may  pop"  about  the  size  of  a  large  hen's  egg.  He  reported 
"the  peas  are  coming  up  all  right,  sir."  He  then  commenced 
cutting  into  the  "may  pop,"  and  in  a  few  moments  had  fash- 
ioned it  into  a  perfectly  proportioned  basket.  He  held  it  up 
by  the  deUcate  handle  and  looked  it  over.  He  then  began 
work  on  the  outer  sides  of  the  basket.  I  was  watching  him, 
and  the  thought  occurred  to  me  that,  boy-like,  he  was  going 
to  cut  it  to  pieces,  but  he  didn't ;  instead  he  was  ornamenting 
it,  by  tracing  a  vine  and  leaves  into  the  green  rind  of  the  "may 
pop."  I  then  asked  to  see  it.  He  seemed  surprised  that  I 
should  notice  what  he  regarded  so  simple  a  thing.  I  re- 
marked to  the  father :  "There  is  talent  in  that  boy,  you  ought 
to  encourage  him." 


The  father  then  told  the  boy  to  bring  and  show  me  the 
"scraper"  he  had  made.  He  soon  returned  with  the  front 
wheels  of  his  toy  wagon,  an  iron  rod,  a  piece  of  chain,  a  piece 
of  discarded  steel,  that  had  been  used  by  the  convicts  in  work- 
ing the  roads.  With  this  material  he  had  constructed  a  mini- 
ature  road  machine  that  does  beautiful  work.  The  little  fel- 
low showed  me  a  little  sidewalk  or  roadway  he  had  built  at 
right  angels  to  the  road  and  adjoining  the  front  yard.  The 
work  is  there  to  show  for  itself.  In  passing  the  home  of  Mr. 
James  Peden  going  from  here,  look  on  the  far  side  of  the 
yard,  and  you  will  see  as  perfect  a  little  road  bed  as  Mr.  San- 



ders,  manager  of  the  convicts,  can  construct.  The  lesson  is: 
Encourage  and  educate  the  boys  and  girls. 

Upon  the  conclusion  of  his  address  Capt.  Peden  introduced 
little  Lee  Peden  to  the  members  of  the,  family,  and  the  little 
fellow  was  given  an  ovation  by  his  kinspeople. 

The  great  reunion  of  1899  is  now  of  the  past.  Many  have 
crossed  over  beyond  our  ken,  in  the  few  years  that  have  inter- 
vened, some  sleep  in  faraway  tombs,  some  rest  under  the 
shade  of  the  trees  at  Fairview,  under  the  shadow  of  the  monu- 
ment they  helped  to  rear,  while  the  march  "Homeward"  and 
Heavenward !"  is  steady — there  are  equally,  or  more,  tiny 
crafts  launched  on  the  turbulent  ocean  of  this  life,  to  fill  up 
the  vacant  places,  and  advance  with  the  progressive  spirit  of 
the  New  Century. 


Fairview,  S.  C,  August  15th,   1899. 

The  reunion  exercises  of  Peden,  Alexander,  Morton,  Mor- 
row was  called  to  order  at  10  o'clock  a.  m.,  by  Hon.  Hooper 
Alexander,  of  Atlanta,  Ga.,  who  nominated  Hon.  Jno.  R. 
Harrison  as  chairman.  He  was  unanimously  elected  and 
made  a  capital  address  of  welcome ;  so  we  felt  at  once  so  per- 
fectly at  home  that  "it  was  good  to  be  there."  The  meeting 
began  with  grand  Old  Hundred  to  the  long  meter  doxology ; 
then  a  prayer  by  the  pastor  of  Fairview  church.  Rev.  H.  W. 
Burwell,  (who,  while  not  of  the  Peden  race,  has  been  closely 
identified  with  its  interests).  After  which  the  elction  of  a  per- 
manent chairman  was  in  order,  resulting  in  the  unimous  elec- 
tion of  Hon.  John  R.  Harrison,  of  Fairview,  South  Carolina. 

Then  the  following  vice-presidents  were  elected  from  the 
different  States  represented : 

1st — Rev.  R.  B.  Morrow,  Demopolis,  Ala. 

2d— J.  W.  T.  Peden,  Van  Vleet,  Miss. 

3d — Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  Houston,  Tex. 

4th— M.  S.  Paden,  Woodstock,  Ga. 

5th — Louis  Salmons,  Valley  Center,  Cal. 

6th — Judge  J.  Wister  Stewart,  Fairview,  S.  C. 

[None  of  the  other  States  having  representatives  present, 
the  election  of  vice-presidents  was  discontinued.] 

On  motion,  W.  M.  Stenhouse,  of  Sterling,  S.  C,  was  elected 
Secretary,  and  Eleanor  M.  Hewell,  of  Greenville,  S.  C,  was 
elected  as  Assistant  Secretary  and  Historian. 

After  the  election  of  permanent  officers  Dr.  H.  B.  Stew- 
art, of  Fairview,  S.  C,  presented  to  the  Reunion  a  beautiful 
gavel,  made  from  a  root  of  a  black  walnut  tree  taken  from 
"Alexander  Peden's  place."  The  venerable  tree  was  planted 
by  him,  over  a  century  ago,  soon  after  he  located  on  his  land. 


Dr.  Stewart  is  the  present  owner  and  a  great-great-grandson- 
in-law  of  Alexander  Peden. 

His  words  were  very  appropriate  in  presenting  the  gavel, 
finding  an  echo  in  all  our  hearts,  while  he  held  the  full  atten- 
tion of  the  large  gathering.  A  well  chosen  hymn  to  Autumn 
followed,  after  which  the  Reunion  had  the  pleasure  of  hearing 
Hon.  Hooper  Alexander,  of  Atlanta,  Ga.  Subject :  "The 
Scotch-Irish  and  their  Achievements."  [Hon.  Hooper  is  a 
typical  Alexander.  A  man  who  has  given  the  clan  every  rea- 
son to  be  extremely  proud  of  his  achievements  in  the  legal 
profession.]  His  address  was  received  with  enthusiastic  ap- 
plause, and  followed  by  grand,  inspiring  old  Coronation, 
"All  hail  the  power  of  Jesus  name." 

The  Rev.  R.  B.  Morrow  was  unavoidably  absent,  therefore 
the  Reunion  was  deprived  of  the  pleasure  of  seeing  and  hear- 
ing this  gifted  son  of  the  Church.  His  subject,  "The  Pedens 
and  Presbyterianism"  was  omitted  and  the  time  allotted  used 

The  closing  hymn  was  sung  to  Protection.  The  Chairman 
then  announced  that  at  the  afternoon  session  we  would  unveil 
the  Monument,  and  as  soon  as  the  unveiling  took  place  the 
afternoon  session  would  be  declared  adjourned.  Meeting 
then  adjourned  with  benediction  by  pastor. 

(Signed.)  W.  M.  Stenhouse, 



Meeting  called  to  order  by  Chairman,  Hon.  Jno.  R.  Harri- 
son. After  singing  the  Chairman  announced  that  the  Re- 
union would  repair  to  the  church  yard  to  witness  and  take 
part  in  the  unveiling  of  the  Peden  Monument. 

After  the  unveiling  the  meeting  is  adjourned  until  9  a.  m. 

(Signed.)  W.  M.  Stenhouse, 


The  reunion.  45 


Fairview,  S.  C,  August  i6th,  1899. 

Chairman  Hon.  Jno.  R.  Harrison  called  the  Reunion  to 
order  at  9  o'clock  a.  m.  Meeting  opened  with  prayer,  after 
which  we  sung  the  old  famihar  hymn,  117,  to  the  tune  Fount. 

The  Chairman  then  introduced  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  of 
Houston,  Texas,  to  whom  the  Reunion  is  very  much  in- 
debted for  its  success.  Capt.  Peden  was  listened  to  with 
great  interest  and  pleasure  while  he  traced  the  Peden  familv 
back  to  an  early  century. 

The  choir  then  rendered  very  beautifully  the  hymn  com- 
posed for  the  occasion  by  Rev.  H.  W.  Burwell,  "Singing  on 
the  Old  Church  Ground." 

Dr.  S.  R.  Preston,  President  of  Chicora  College,  Greenville, 
S.  C,  then  gave  a  very  able  talk  on  Christian  Education, 
filling  the  space  allotted  to  the  venerable  Judge  John  R.  Alex- 
ander, of  Thomasville,  Ga.,  who  was  debarred  from  coming 
to  the  Reunion  by  the  infirmities  of  age,  so  his  "Reminisen- 
ces"  were  omitted,  to  our  keen  regret. 

Reports  were  called  for  and  Adam  S.  Peden,  treasurer, 
read  his,  which  was  quite  satisfactory,  therefore  unanimously 
adopted  by  the  Reunion. 

Meeting  then  adjourned  to  meet  at  3.45  p.  m.  Benediction 
pronounced  by  Rev.  S.  R.  Preston,  D.  D.,  of  Chicora  College, 

Greenville,  S.  C. 

(Signed.)  W.  M.  Stenhouse, 



Meeting  called  to  order  by  the  Chairman,  Hon.  Jno.  R. 
Harrison,  and  opened  with  singing  of  the  grand  tune  of 
"Loving  Kindness,"  and  it  was  the  pleasure  of  all  to  hear  ad- 
dresses by  the  following:  J.  Ripley  Westmoreland,  of  Wood- 
rufif,  S.  C,  and  Rev.  John  C.  Bailey,  Jr.,  of  Summerton,  S.  C. 
[These  two  gifted  young  men  represent  the  present  genera- 


tion,  and  give  bright  promise  of  future  usefulness  in  their 
professions.]  They  were  followd  briefly  by  Col.  J.  A.  Hoyt 
(editor  of  the  oldest  newspaper  in  Greenville  County,  "The 
Mountaineer,"  which  has  been  in  existence  for  nearly  a  cen- 
tury, under  several  names.  He  is  also  of  Sctoch-Irish 
descent,  therefore  in  strong  sympathy  with  the  Peden  race). 

Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart  made  a  feeling  response  to  his  call  and 
paid  a  loving  tribute  to  the  memory  of  one  of  the  best  beloved 
pastors  of  old  Fairview  church,  who  in  life  and  death  was  a 
faithful  shepherd  of  the  flock,  Rev.  Clark  B.  Stewart. 

Adam  S.  Peden  then  read,  by  request,  a  letter  from  the 
venerable  and  beloved  Mark  S.  Peden,  of  Woodstock,  Ga., 
stating  that  his  advanced  age  only  kept  him  away,  and  re- 
quested to  be  kindly  remembered  to  all  present. 

The  closing  address,  which  was  a  grand  burst  of  oratory, 
was  given  by  Hon.  Hooper  Alexanded,  after  which  the  part^ 
ing  hvmn,  composed  by  Rev.  H.  W.  Burwell,  was  sung  stand- 
ing.   The  Chairman  announced  the  grand  Reunion  of  Peden 
Alexander,  Morton,  Morrow,  adjourned  to  meet  another  day. 

Rev.  H.  W.  Burwell  pronounced  the  last  benediction. 
(Signed.)  W.  M.  Stenhouse, 


These  minutes  are  inserted  as  part  of  the  Reunion  of  1899. 
They  will  be  corrected  and  adopted  by  the  next  Reunion  of 
Peden,  Alexander,  Morton,  Morrow. 

Eleanor  M.  Hewell, 
Assistant  Sec.  and  Clan  Historian. 

Eairview,  South  Carolina,  1899. 

Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  Houston,  Texas $144  00 

E.  A.  Peden,  Houston,  Texas 50  00 

D.  D.  Peden,  Jr.,  Houston,  Texas 37  50 

Allen  Vernon  Peden,  Houston,  Texas 12  qn 

John  M.  Peden,  Hubbard,  Texas 5  00 

J.  W.  T.  Peden,  Van  Vleet,   Miss 5  00 

M.  W.  Fowler,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 50 

J.  C.  Bailey,  Greenville,  S.  C 5  00 

Airs.  Harriet  Peden,  Westminster,  S.  C 3  00 

Mrs.  L.  M.  Peden,  Westminster,  S.  C 50 

Mrs.   Bettie  Wasson,  Westminster,  S.   C 50 

Mrs.  Corrie  Anderson,  Westminster,  S.  C i  (X) 

Mrs.  E.  M.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 5  00 

Miss  I.  H.  Stenhouse,  Fairwiew,  S.  C 5  00 

T.  W.  Peden,  Troy,  Miss i  00 

J.  T.  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.  C 5  00 

J.  F.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 5  00 

Mrs.  A.  G.  Peden,  Pedenville,  Ga i  00 

Mrs.  Dora  Sullivan,  Pedenville,  Ga i  00 

Hon.   Hooper  Alexander,  Atlanta,   Ga 1000 

L.  H.  Templeton,  Fairview,  S.  C 2  00 

Mrs.   Jane   Terry,    Lickville,    S.    C i  00 

Rev.  Thos.  P.  Pressly,  Miss  Belle  Pressly,  Troy,  Tenn  5  00 

Mrs.  B.  E.  Babb,  Babbtown,  S.  C i  00 

Miss  Mag  Thompson,  Babbtown,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  M.  A.  Salmons,  California i   00 

J.    W.    Peden,    Springtown,    Texas i  QO 

Mrs.  W.  A.  Haynes,  Spartanburg,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  M.  E.  Putnam,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.   Emma  Alexander,   California i  00 

Thos.  Peden,  Bascomville,  S.   C 3  00 

Rev.  J.  C.  Bailey,  Summerton,  S.  C i  00 


Mrs.  W.  F.  Pearson,  Due  West,  S.  C i  oo 

Mrs.    Mary    Stewart,   Atlanta,    Ga i  oo 

Claud  S.  McNeely,  Atlanta,  Ga 50 

H.  L.  Peden,  Spartanburg,  S.  C i  50 

Jas.  R.  Peden,  Kansas  City,  Mo 5  00 

Mrs.  Janet  P.  Stenhouse,  Sterling,  S.  C 5  00 

H.  W.   Cely,   Greenville,   S.   C i   00 

Mrs.  J.  J.  Vernon,  Wellford,  S.  C i  00 

J.  R.  Westmoreland,  Woodruff,  S.  C i  00 

W.  B.  Westmoreland,  Woodruff,  S.  C. i  00 

Jno.   R.   Harsison,   Fairview.   S.   C 5  00 

IMiss  Jane  Harrison,  Fairview,  S.  C 50 

Miss  Lillie  Harrison,  Fairview,  S.  C 50 

Angus  McQueen  Martin,  Laurens,  S.  C 50 

Mrs.  Mary  H.  Martin,  Laurens,  S.  C 50 

Mary  H.  Martin,  Laurens,  S.  C 25 

John  H.  Martin,  Laurens,  S.  C 25 

M.  L.  Thompson,  Fairview,  S.  C 1  00 

Drayton  Babb,  Fairview,  S.  C 50 

J.  P.  Simpson,  Fairview,  S.  C 50 

Mrs.  D.  M.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 5  00 

W.  P.  Fowler,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  Jane  McDowell,  Fairview,  S.  C 2  00 

Herbert  Hammond,  Greenville,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  M.  M.  Thompson,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

M.  P.  Nash,  Fairview,  S.  C i  50 

Mrs.  Mary  McKittrick,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

W.  H.  Britt,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

J.  M.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

J.  T.  Woods,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

J.  S.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.   C 5  00 

G.  C.  Anderson,  Fairview,  S.  C 50 

Walter  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart,  Fairview,  S.  C 5  00 

W.  C.  Harrison,  Fairview,  S.  C 50 

W.  S.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 5  00 


A.  S.  Peden,  Airs,  N.  S.  Peden,    Bessie    B.    Peden, 

Annie  S.  Peden,  J.  C.  Peden,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C.  18  00 

J.  T.  Fowler,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 50 

Nellie  West,   Greenville,   S.   C 50 

Carrie   Peden,   Graycourt,   S.   C 50 

Lours  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.  C 50 

Annie  West,   Greenville,  S.   C 25 

Mrs.  Laura  West,  Greenville,  S.  C 2  00 

Miss  Ethel  West,  Greenville,  S.  C i  00 

Eugene  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.  C 25 

Lucy  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.   C 25 

D.  D.  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.  C 2  00 

C.  L.  Peden,  Graycourt,  S.  C i  00 

Peden  Anderson,  Westminster,  S.  C 50 

Geneva  West,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 25 

Eleanor  West,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 25 

Mabel  West,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 25 

Robbie  West,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 25 

Wm.  West,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 25 

Mrs.  J.  R.  West,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  Dr.  Westmoreland,  Woodruff,  S.  C i  00 

J.  Alarvin  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

Calvin  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

Maggie  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

Lee  Ross  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

J.  E.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

Jno.  McDowell  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C 25 

Jas.  Stunt,  Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 50 

Crayton  Stunt,  Clifton,  S.  C i  00 

J.  W.  Stunt,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

J.  W.  Anderson,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

A.  L.  Peden,  Fairview,  S.  C i  00 

Jno.  S.  Hammond,  Welford,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  Nancy  Hammond,  Welford,  S.  C i  00 

Mrs.  Mary  Woodruff,  Welford,  S.  C i  00 

REINSON  OF  8899. 

Alexander,  Hon.   Hooper Atlanta,   Ga. 

Alexander,  Claude  L Bold.  Spring,  Ga. 

Anderson,  W.  P Westminster,  S.  C. 

Anderson,   Corrie   M Westminster,   S.   C. 

Anderson,  Wm.   P.,  Jr Westminster,   S.   C 

Anderson,  Frank  P Westminster,  S.  C. 

Anderson,  T.  Peden Westminster,  S.  C. 

Anderson,  J.  L Walnut  Springs,  Texas 

Anderson,  Ora  B Walnut  Springs,  Texas 

Anderson,  Marvin  C Walnut  Springs,  Texas 

Anderson,   Lang Walnut   Springs,   Texas 

Anderson,   Forrest Walnut   Springs,   Texas 

Anderson,  G.  C Fairview,  S.  C. 

Anderson,  Hattie  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Armstrong,  Mrs.  E.  A Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Armstrong,  Jane Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Armstrong,  Ernest Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Armstrong,   Charles Simpsonville,   S.   C. ' 

Armstrong,  John Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Aughey,  Rev.  Jno.  H Leavenworth,  Kan. 

Aughey,  Mary   P Leavenworth,   Kan. 

Babb,  Mrs.  Elizabeth Babbtown,  S.  C 

Babb,  J.  Drayton Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Babb,  Mrs.  Mary  T.  . : Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Baker,  A.  R.  W Springtown,  Texas 

Baker,  Mrs.  Nancy Springtown,  Texas 

Baker,  Beulah  M Springtown,  Texas 

Baker,  Samuel  R Springtown,  Texas 

Baker,  John  T Springtown,  Texas 

Baker,  Wm.  P Springtown,  Texas 

Baker,  Jessie  J Springtown,  Texas 

Bailey,  Rev.  J.  C Summerton,  S.  C. 

Boyd,  H.  Y Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 


Boyd,  Mrs.  Eiila  L Fountain  Inn  S.  C. 

Boyd,  Fowler Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Boyd,  Pearl Fountain  Inn,  S.   C. 

Boyd,  Ivy Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Britt,  Rev.  M.  C Sparta,  Ga. 

*Britt,  Mrs.  Lizzie Sparta,  Ga. 

Britt,  Mrs.  M.  E Sparta,  Ga. 

Britt,  W.  Hewell Sparta,  Ga. 

Brooks,  Mrs.  Alice Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Brooks,  Bertie  Lee Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Brooks,  Marie Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Brooks,  Gertrude Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Brooks,  C.  Peden Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Bugbee,  Mrs.  Lou Paris  Texas 

Carson,  Mrs.  J.  M Carnesville,  Ga. 

Clark,  Mrs.  Marion Atlanta,  Ga 

Cely,  H.  W Greenville,  S.  C. 

Cely,  T.  Lake New  York 

Cely,  W.  H Greenville,  S.  C. 

Cely,  Mrs.  Alice .  .    Greenville,  S.  C. 

Cely  Eleanor- Greenville,  S.   C. 

Cely,  W.  R Greenville,  S.  C. 

*Cleveland,  Vannoy. Marietta,  Ga. 

*Ferguson,  Mrs.  A.  K Chariton,  Iowa 

Ferguson,  Mary Chariton,  Iowa 

Fowler,  J.  T Martins  Mills,  Texas 

fowler,  Mrs.  Serena Martins  Alills,  Texas 

Fowler,  R.  Elizabeth Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  F.  Franklin Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  Robert  W Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  Moses  M Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  Nancy  R Martins  Mills  Texas 

Fowler,  Jno.  T Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  Harris   L Martins   Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  Albert  T Martins  Mills,  Texas 

*Died  since  the  Reunion. 



Fowler,  F.  F Martins   Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  Mrs.  Delpha  Pass Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Fowler,  M.  White Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Mrs.  O.  A Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

*Fowler,  D.  S Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Mrs.  Eliza Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,   Hattie Simpsonville,    S.    C. 

Fowler,   Mattie Simpsonville,   S.    C. 

Fowler,  Thomas Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  William Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Effie Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  David Simpsonville,  S.   C. 

Fowler,  Arthur Simpsonville,   S.   C. 

Fowler,  Stewart Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Grady Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  W.  P Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Mrs.  W.  P Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Moses  T Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Grover  P Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Wells Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Annie Crescent,  S.   C. 

Fowler,  W.  R Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Mrs.  Dora  T Crescent,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  Ethel  May Crescent,  S.  C 

Fowler,  Robert  S Crescent,  S.  C 

Fowler,  Wm.   H Simpsonville,   S.    C. 

Fowler,  Mrs.  W.  H Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  S.  A Fairview,  S.  C. 

Fowler,  W.  A Fairview,  S.  C. 

Garraux,  Charles Fairview,  S.  C. 

Garraux,  Mrs.  Belle Fairview,  S.  C. 

Garraux,  Cora Fairview,  S.  C. 

Garraux,  Annie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Garraux,  Belle Fairview,  S.  C. 

Garrett,  F.  L Commerce,  Texas 

*I>ied  since  the  Reunion. 


Garrett,  Mrs.  Mary  J Commerce,  Texas 

Garrett,  Henry  H Commerce,  Texas 

Garrett,  Waddy  L Commerce,  Texas 

Garrett,  Rose  E Commerce,  Texas 

Garrett,  Nancy  B Commerce,  Texas 

Garrett,  Florence  T Commerce,  Texas 

Garrett,  W.  P Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Garrett,  Mrs.  Hattie Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Garrett,  Crayton Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Garrett,  Annie  R Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 

Gaston,  Amzi  W Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  J.  W Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  R.  W Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  A.  C Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  J.  S Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  T.  C Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  N.  R Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  D.  H Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  F.  H Zebs,  S.  C. 

Gaston,  M.  E , Zebs,  S.  C. 

Goldsmith,  Mrs.  M.  E Cedrus.  S.  C. 

Goldsmith,  Helen Cedrus,  S.  C. 

Goldsmith,  Sarah Cedrus,  S.  C. 

Goldsmith,  Thomas Cedrus,  S.  C. 

Goldsmith,  Edwin Cedrus,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Jno.  S Welford,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Mrs.  Nancy  T Welford,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Adelia  C Welford.  S.  C. 

Hammond,  T.  Herbert Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Mrs.  T.  H Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  A.  P Greenville,  S.  C. 

•  Hammond,  Ethel  P Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Leila Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Nannie Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Ernestine Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Edna Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Mary  Ella Greenville,  S.  C. 


Hammond,  Jno.  H Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Margie  Belle Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Thos.  Alexander Greenville,  S.  C. 

*Hammond,  S.  G Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Mrs.  I\i.  E Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  J.  Oeland Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  E.  B Spartanburg  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Samuel  R Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Hammond,  Margaret  E Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Hardin,  F.  M Atlanta,  Ga. 

Hardin,  Mrs.  Mary  J Atlanta,  Ga. 

Hardin,  Mary  T Atlanta,  Ga. 

Hardin,  H.  Frank Atlanta,  Ga. 

Harrison,  Dr.  W.  A Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Edward  B Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Jno.  H Marietta,  Ga. 

Harrison,  J.  Wade Columbia,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  R.  P Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Eugene  S Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  W.  C Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Mrs.  Maggie Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  W.  Sloane Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Norman  A Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Lloyd  B Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Jno.  R Reidville,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Hon.  Jno.  R Laurens,  S.  C. 

'•'Harrison,  Jane Fairview,  S.  C. 

Harrison,  Lillie  H Laurens,  S.  C. 

Haynes,  J.   L Spartanburg,  S.   C. 

Haynes,  Mrs.  Welthy  A Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Haynes,  Annie Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Haynes,  Norman Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Haynes  Guy Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Hewell,  Dr.  J.  W Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hewell,  Mrs.  Meta  McJ Greenville,  S.  C. 

*Died  since  the  Eeunion. 


Hewell,  Marion  McJ  (1898) Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hewell,  Elizabeth  (1900) Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hewell,  Barbara  (1902) Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hewell,  E.  ]\I Greenville,  S.  C. 

Hewell,  Eugenia  Dunbar Greenville,  S.  C. 

Knight,  Mrs.  Martha Princeton,  S.  C. 

Knight,  Alma Princeton,  S.  C. 

Martin,  Angus  ]\IcS Laurens,  S.  C. 

Martin,  ]\Irs.  jNIar}-  E Laurens,  S.  C. 

Martin,  Helen Laurens,  S.  C. 

Martin,  John  H Laurens,  S.  C. 

*McDowell,  Mrs.  Jane Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  T.  Whitner Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Mrs.  T.  Whitner Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  James  S Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Corrie  E Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Laura  E Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Thomas  H Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Jno.  L Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Mrs.  Gertrude Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Frank  H Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell, Fairview,  S.  C. 

'''McDowell,  Mrs.  Eugenia Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Eva Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Jennie Fairview.  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Peden Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Minnie Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Hettie Fairview,  S.  C. 

McDowell,  Thomas Fairview,  S.  C. 

^=McKittrick,  Mrs.  J\L  A Fairview,  S.  C. 

McKittrick,  Jeff.  D Fairview,  S.  C. 

McKittrick,  Mrs.  Nannie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Nash,  M.  Perry Rapley,  S.  C. 

*Nash,  Mrs.  C.  E Rapley,  S   C. 

Nash,  L.  B Rapley,  S.  C. 

*Died  since  the  Reunion. 


Nash,  N.J Rapley,  S.  C. 

Nash,  S.  R Rapley,  S.  C. 

Nash  Essie  M Rapley,  S.  C. 

Nash,  E.  M Rapley,  S.  C. 

Neal,  LilHan  E Carnesville,  Ga. 

Parsons,  Mrs.  Sam Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Parsons,  Lucy Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Parsons,  Lillie Woodruff',  S.  C. 

Parsons,  Bruce Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Pearson,  Mrs.  E.  E Due  West  ,S.  C. 

Pearson,  A.  A Due  W^est,  S.  C. 

Pearson,  J.  T Anderson,  S.  C. 

Pearson,  Mrs.  J.  T Anderson,  S.  C. 

Pearson,  W.  G Anderson,  S.  C. 

Pearson,  Paul  C Anderson,  S.  C. 

Paden,  Mark  S Woodstock,  Ga. 

Peden,  J.  W.  T Van  Vleet,  Miss. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Sue Van  Vleet,  Miss. 

Peden,  Henry  S Van  Vleet,  Miss. 

Peden,  Dora Van  Vleet,  Miss. 

Peden,  Capt.  D.  D Houston,  Texas 

Peden,  Edward  A Houston,  Texas 

*Peden,  Mrs.  lone Houston,  Texas 

Peden,  Allen  Vernon  (1899) Houston,  Texas 

Peden,  Edward  David  (1901) Houston,  Texas 

Peden,  D.  D.,  Jr Houston,  Texas 

Peden,  Mrs.  A.  G Pedenville,  Ga. 

Peden,  Thomas Chester,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Irene Chester,  S.  C. 

Peden,  J.  M Chester,  S.  C. 

Peden,  David  M Chester,  S.  C. 

Peden,  William Chester,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Margaret Chester,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  E.  M Fafrview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Adam  S Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

*Died  since  the  Reunion. 



Peden,  Mrs.  Nannie  S Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Bessie  Belle Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Annie  S Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Peden,  J.  C Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Peden,  J  Stewart Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Mamie  ]M Fairview,  S.  C. 

*Peden,  Samuel Fairview,  S.  C. 

*Peden,  Robbie  Lee Fairview,  S.  C. 


Henry  Burwell Fairview,  S.  C. 

Lila  and  Lizzie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Mrs.  Caroline Fairview,  S.  C. 

Jno.  Thomas Gravcourt,  S.  C. 

Mrs.  Mary Graycourt,  S.  C. 

David  Dorroh Graycourt,  S.  C. 

Chas.   L Graycourt,   S.   C. 

Carrie  Sue Graycourt,  S.  C. 

Thos.  Eugene Graycourt,  S.  C. 

Lucy  Allen Graycourt,  S.  C. 

\V.  Stewart Fairview,  S.  C. 

Mrs.  Rixie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Fred  S Fairview,  S.  C. 

Nettie  C Fairview,  S.  C. 

Laura  Belle Fairview,  S.  C. 

David  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Mrs.  Eliza  Mc Fairview,  S.  C. 

Irene Fairview,  S.  C. 

Walter Fairview,  S.  C. 

]\Iay Fariview,  S.  C. 

Archie  I Fairview,  S.  C. 

,  Mrs.  Janie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Earle  L Fairview,  S.  C. 

Floride Fairview,  S.  C. 

Harry  Lee Fairview,  S.  C. 

Mrs.  Margaret Richburg,  S.  C. 

Andrew Richburg,  S.  C. 

*I>iecl  since  the  Keunion. 


Peden,  Jno.  M Hubbard,  Texas 

*Peden,  Mrs.  Mary  J Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Jas.  Rufus Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Jos.  Whitner Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Eleanor  E Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Ora  May Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Mary  A Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Hugh  B Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Corrie  M Hubbard,  Texas 

Peden,  Miss  Elizabeth Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Hugh  L.  W Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Hugh  L.  W Spartanburg,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Jas.  F .- Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Ella  j\I " Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Maggie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Joseph  Thompson Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Lee Fairview.  S.  C 

'•'Peden,  Jno.  P Fairview,  S.  C. 

*Peden,  Mrs.  Emma  V Fairveiw,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Janie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Eva Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Cora Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Roxie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,   Edgar Fairview,   S.   C. 

Peden,  Eliza Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,   Jessie Fariview,    S.    C. 

*Peden,  David  M Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Mary  J Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Leila Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  W.  S Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Essie Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Maggie Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Stacie Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Robert  D Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mary Babbtown,  S.  C. 

*Died  since  the  Reunion. 


Peclen,  J.  D Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Elizabeth Babbtown,  S.   C. 

Peden,  Nancy Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mary Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Myra Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Janet Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  William Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Rosa Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Ellen Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Earle Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Grace Babbtown,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  H.  M Westminster,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Elizabeth Westminster,  S.  C. 

Peden,  James  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  ]\I.  C Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Minnie  Thomason Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Emma  Turner Fairview.  S.  C. 

Peden,   Marvin Fairview,   S.   C. 

Peden,  A.   Calvin Fairview,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Mrs.  Annie Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

Peden,  John  T Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Charles  T Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Alice Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Andrew Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

Peden,  Edward Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

*Peden,  Fred Fork  Shoals,  S.  C. 

Pollard,  A.  P Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Pollard,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  A Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Pollard,  Fred Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Pollard,   Mattie Simpsonville,   S.    C. 

Pollard,  Geneva Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Pollard,  Ethel Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Pollard,  Zelema Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Pollard,  Sara Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Putnam,  Mrs.  M.  C Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

*Diecl  since  the  Keunion. 


Putnam,  Jas.  R Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Putnam,  Jno.  W Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Putnam,  Sara  K Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Putnam,  Thos.  Alex Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Putnam,  Mary Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Mrs.  M.  C Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  James  C Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Walter Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Maggie Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,   Marie Simpsonville,   S.   C. 

Richardson,  J.  M Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Mrs.  Mary  J Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  T.  W Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Freeman Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Pearl Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Richardson,  Carrie Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Salmons,  Mrs.  Mary Valley  Center,  Cal. 

*Shanon,  Mrs.  Cynthia Harmony  Grove,  Ga. 

Shannon,  W.  Alexander Harmony  Grove,  Ga. 

Snead,  Mrs.  Elizabeth Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Snead,  Jno.   R Martins   Mills,  Texas 

Snead,  Laura  E Martins  Mills,  Texas 

Stanton,  Dr.  Jno.  H Chariton,  Iowa 

Stanton,  Mrs.  Jno.  H Chariton,  Iowa 

Stanton,  Gertrude  E Chariton,  Iowa 

Stanton,  Sara  AlcCalla Chariton,  Iowa 

Stenhouse,  Miss  Isabella Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stenhouse,  Wm.  M Sterling,  S.  C. 

Stenhouse,  Mrs.  Jeannette Sterling,  S.  C. 

Stenhouse,  Elizabeth Sterling,  S.  C. 

Sprouse,  Mrs.  Mattie Fairview,  S.  C. 

Sprouse,    Mary   C Fairview,   S.    C. 

Sprouse,  Lucinda Fairview,  S.  C. 

Sprouse,  William  W Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Judge  J.  W Fairview,  S.  C. 

*Died  since  th&  Reunion. 

The  reunion.  6i 

Stewart,  Mrs.  J.  W Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Leila Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Katherine Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Anderson   Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Dr.  H.  B Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Mrs.  Mattie  E Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Frennie  F Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Bessie  Britt Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Rosa  R Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Clifford  C Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Mack  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Hoke  H Fairview,  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Calvin  B Fairview.  S.  C. 

Stewart,  Mrs.  Mary Atlanta,  Ga. 

Stewart,  Claud  M Atlanta,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  Mrs.  Stella Houston,  Texas 

Sullivan,  Leonora Houston,  Texas 

Sullivan,  jMargaret  Peden Houston  .  Texas 

Sullivan,  Luther  ]\I Houston,  Texas 

Sullivan,  Andrew  Peden Houston,  Texas 

Sullivan,  W.  Edward Houston,  Texas 

Sullivan,  Frances  E Houston,  Texas 

^Sullivan,  Mrs.  Eudora  E Pedenville,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  Malcolm  McKay Pedenville,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  Annie  Eudora Pedenville,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  Ruth  Peden Pedenville,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  M.  Lucile Pedenville,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  Wm.  Bartlette Pedenville,  Ga. 

Sullivan,  Julia  A.  (1900) Pedenville,  Ga. 

Templeton,  Mrs.  M.  C Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Templeton,  L.  Hayne Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Templeton,  Mrs.  Mary  C Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Templeton,  Lutie  M Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Templeton,  Lula  M fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Templeton,  Jas.  H Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

*Died  since  the  Reunion. 


Templeton,  David  Peden Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Templeton,  Carrie  E Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Talley,  Olin  B Fairview,  S.  C. 

Talley,  Mrs.  Olin  B Fairview,  S.  C. 

Talley,  Elizabeth  N Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thomason,  Rev.  D.  L Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thomason,  Mrs.  Therese  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thomason,  Sam  W Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  M.  L Townville,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  Mrs.  M.  L Townville,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  L.  Grace Townville,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  Maggie Townville,  S.   C. 

Thompson,  Leila  White Townville,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  W.  H.  L Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  Mrs.  M.  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  R.  V Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  A.  B Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  B.  B Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  M.  L Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  L.  M Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,  W.  S Fairview,  S.  C. 

Thompson,   S.    L Fairview,   S.    C. 

Thompson,   N.    E Fairview,   S.    C. 

Thomason,  Mrs.  Alice Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Thomason,  David  E Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

""Thompson,  Nina  Lee Simpsonville.  S.  C. 

Thomason,  Annie  May Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Thomason,  Francis  C Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Vernon,  J.  J Welford,  S.   C. 

Vernon,  Mrs.  J.  J Welford,  S.   C. 

West,  Jas.   I Greenville,   S.   C. 

West,  Mrs  Laura  F Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Charles  D Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Casper  S Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,   Ethel Greenville,   S.    C. 

*Died  since  the  Reunion. 

fllfi  EEUXIO]^.  6;^ 

West,  Nellie  M Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Annie Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  D.  Peden Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Jones  R Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Mrs.  Sue Greenville,  S.  C, 

West,  Geneva Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Eleanor Greenville,  S.   C. 

West,   Mabel Greenville,    S.    C. 

West,  Robbie  Jones Greenville,  S.  C. 

West,  Wm.  D.   P Greenville,  S.   C. 

Westmoreland,  J.  R Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  Mrs.  Mag-gie Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  J.  Ripley Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westomreland,  Nannie  P Woodruff.  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  Goldie  L Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  Bettie  Barbara Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  Fred  S Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  W.  B Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  Mrs.  Minnie  E Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Westmoreland,  Rebecca  Peden Woodruff,  S.  C. 

Whiten,  H.  T Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Whiten,  Mrs.  Ellen Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Whiten,  Alvin  C Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Whiten,  Cora Fountain  Inn,  S.  C 

Whiten,  Nannie Fountain  Inn,  S.  C. 

Wilson,  Rev.  S.  L Westminster,  S.  C. 

Wilson,  Mrs.  M.  M Westminster,  S.  C. 

Wilson,  Frank  Pearson Westminster,  S.  C. 

Wilson,  Park  T Westminster,  S.  C. 

Ei:,Eanor  m.  hkweli.. 


The  Pedens  of  America. 



A  g"odly  ancestry  is  the  best  heritage  that  can  be  given  to 
man.  Only  within  the  last  few  years  of  the  present  centurv 
has  the  new  world  awakened  to  the  sad  fact  that  the  very 
founders  of  its  history  were  fast  sinking  into  utter  oblivion, 
leaving  not  the  faintest  trace  of  their  achievements.  One  of 
the  curious  and  interesting  evolutions  of  the  dav  is  the  or- 
ganization of  societies  founded  upon  ancestries  connected 
'with  the  earlier  history  of  the  country,  and  happy  is  that 
family  who  can  boast  of  forefathers  whose  arrival  in  the  new 
world  ante-date  the  Revolution.  These  Historic  societies 
are  steadily  on  the  increase,  a  list  would  be  almost  intermi- 
nable, for  the  fever  is  spreading  yearly  until  it  is  becoming 
an  epidemic. 

The  tracing  of  this  ancestry,  while  laudable  in  itself,  is  in- 
volved in  great  obscurity  ;  therefore  attended  with  uncertainty 
for  it  cannot  always  be  told  what  is  at  the  far  distant  end, 
or  very  beginning  of  the  line,  consequently  many  mistakes 
are  made.  Yet  in  the  majority  of  cases  those  of  this  day  and 
time  who  can  go  back  to  their  ancestors  who  stood  boldly, 
bravely  and  loyally  for  the  defense  of  civil  and  religious  liberty 
in  the  Revolution  of  1776  have  every  reason  to  be  fully  satis- 
fied with  results ;  for  no  people,  no  nation,  ever  had  a  finer 
race  of  progenitors  than  the  Americans  of  these  United 
States.  Their  record,  compared  with  the  average  royal  line- 
age, is  as  white,  compared  to  very  deep  brown,  if  not  black  of 
a  mournful  hue.  As  Lowell  says  of  them :  "God  hath  sifted 
the  nations  for  the  wheat  of  this  planting." 

Of  these,  the  Scotch-Irish,  the  last  and  heaviest  sifting, 
have  produced  the  strongest  growth.  Little  did  James  Stuart 
dream  when  he  so  carefully  selected  and  transplanted  his 
staunch,  Presbyterian,  Ayreshire  Pedens  and  their  compeers 
to  his  barren  Irish  wastes,  that  he  was  merely  the  tool  in  the 
hand  of  God  for  the  furtherance  of  the  Divine  plan,  that  he 


was  promoting  the  very  cause  he  was  striving  to  eradicate 
by  simplv  garnering  antl  treasuring  the  golden  grain  of  civil 
and  religious  freedom  for  the  planting  of  the  untried  fields  of 
the  new  land  with  a  sturdy  race  whose  influence  is  now  domi- 

Practical  good  comes  from  the  new  movement,  for  it  in- 
creases respectful  admiration  and  appreciation  approaching 
reverence  for  the  lives  and  labors  of  glorious  ancestors, 
thereby  leading  to  a  deeper  study  of  national  history. 

The  point,  in  its  modern  application,  is  that  every  one  who 
can  trace  his  or  her  line  back  to  any  defender  of  this  grand 
land  stands  upon  the  sanie  social  level,  whether  that  defender 
was  a  simple  private  or  a  high  ol^cer,  whether  a  farm  hand 
or  cavalier,  whether  a  carpenter  or  an  aristocrat.  The  fact  that 
he  fought  loyally  for  his  country  entitled  him  to  equal  dis- 
tinction Avith  the  most  illustrious  of  his  day. 

The  prospect  is  amazing  standing  at  the  dividing  line 
between  two  centuries  a  glance  backward  shows  what  has 
come  of  the  past,  and  a  forward  look  shows  the  promise  of 
the  glorious  future.  While  it  is  the  duty  of  the  present  to 
treat  the  heroes  of  the  late  war  well,  while  they  yet  live  to  give 
them  that  sympathy  and  recognition  they  so  well  deserve, 
admire  heroism  and  sacrifice  to  principle  in  the  fast  vanishing 
veterans,  as  well  as  to  worship  it  a  century  ago. 

In  the  bloody  civil  war  the  name  Pedcn-Paden  was  written 
deep  with  the  life-blood  of  many  a  young  hero  "in  the  rank 
and  file"  on  both  sides.  It  is  in  honor  of  this  mighty  race, 
now  scattered  over  this  glorious  Union  and  in  far  lands,  that 
this  volume  is  written ;  also  to  rescue  the  Scotch-Irish-Ameri- 
can name  of  Peden  from  the  oblivion  which  threatens  to 
engulf  it,  giving  it  a  place  beside  its  compeers  among  the 
Scotch-Irish  race  in  America. 

Of  its  antiquity  as  a  race  there  can  be  no  question.  As 
Col.  Hooper  Alexander  and  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  in  their  able 
addresses  at  the  great  clan  reunion,  under  the  ancestral  oaks, 
at  Fairview,  S.  C,  in  1899,  l:)rought  out  the  strong  character 
and  fervid   religious   nature   of   the   race  in   the   old   world, 


with  a  few  additional  side  lights  thrown  from  secular  history, 
the  threads  will  be  taken  up  where  they  laid  them  down,  im- 
posing the  dutiful  task  of  tracing  the  Peden  in  the  new  world 
and  writing  an  honored  name  in  a  book  upon  the  author; 
therefore  wnth  considerable  trepidation  of  heart  that  mighty 
weapon,  the  pen,  is  taken  in  her  woman's  hand  with  the 
apology  in  advance  that  there  will  be  many  unintentional 
mistakes,  many  missing  links,  many  broken,  tangled  threads, 
left  to  be  rectified  by  some  gifted  historian  of  the  future,  who 
will  gather  and  garner  the  truths  as  they  emerge  from  the 
depths  of  the  dust  covered  folios  of  long  forgotten  lore, 
redolent  of  dead  rose  leaves,  thyme,  lavender  and  cedar  of 
the  past. 

In  following  the  Peden  in  America  through  his  many  wan- 
derings it  was  deemed  to  appoint  a  family  historian 
from  each  of  the  nine  families  representing  the  race.  This 
however  has  not  proven  a  success  generally,  and  the  author 
has  been  thrown  almost  entirely  on  her  own  resources,  which 
involved  a  voluminous  correspondence  wherever  an  address 
was  obtained,  so  if  some  are  left  out  they  will  understand  it 
was  not  the  author's  intention,  for  she  has  certainly  a  super- 
abundance of  ancestral  pride  and  race  love ;  therefore  "I  have 
gathered  me  a  posie  of  other  men's  flowers,  and  nothing  but 
the  thread  that  binds  them  is  mine  own." 



"Gently  draw  aside  the  curtain  of  the  Past,  and  gaze  reve- 
rently adown  the  dim-litten  vistas  of  Time." 

Far  back  in  the  misty  realms  of  tradition,  ere  Time's  foot- 
prints were  lighted  by  the  lantern  of  written  history,  the 
human  race  became  divided  into  three  great  families  or  septs. 
The  cradle  of  man  was  the  elevated  plateau  of  western  Asia  ; 
thence  they  were  dispersed  eastward,  southward,  westward. 
The  last  migration  to  leave  the  cradleland  were  the  great 
Aryan  division,  who  swept  westward  with  mighty  strides  of 
civilization,  crossing  in  time  over  into  Europe  after  founding 
tlie  Perso-Phenecian  races,  thence  founding  the  grand  colony 
of  ancient  Greece.  Legend  tells  that  about  the  time  of  the 
call  of  Abraham,  when  the  race  still  dwelt  in  tents,  a  number 
of  the  Aramites  began  the  westward  march  over  the  arid 
plains  toward  the  setting  sun,  finally  settling  in  Greece  where 
they  dwelt  in  the  "open  country  because  of  their  great  flocks 
of  sheep  and  cattle."  These  people  were  called  Pedens,  or 
dwellers  of  the  "open  fields,"  and  students  of  patronymics 
state  that  the  name  Peden  in  all  its  various  changes  signifies 
"a  field."  Taking  up  the  line  of  march  northward  this  tribe 
or  sept  finally  became  merged  into  the  Aryan  race,  eventually 
forming  the  great  Germanic  nation  which  proved  such  invin- 
cible foes  to  conquering  Rome,  forming  an  impassable  bar- 
rier between  that  all  powerful  empire  and  the  coveted 
shores  of  the  northern  sea.  The  story  of  Arminus  orHer- 
man  gives  the  indomitable  love  of  liberty,  so  strong  in  the 
Peden  race,  as  a  marked  characteristic  in  the  days  of  Ceasar 
as  well  as  of  today. 

All  modern  students  of  history  and  patronymics  are  agreed 
that  the  Scotch-Irish  people,  so  distinctive  now,  are  not,  as 
have  been  generally  received,  of  Gallic  or  Celtic  origin  but 
of  Germanic.  A  large  number  of  authorities  can  be  quoted 
bearing  on  this  subject.     Suffice  it  to     say     that  the  earliest 



trace  of  the  Germanic  in  the  British  Isles  is  in  Ireland  which 
being  the  more  fertile  land  was  more  attractive  to  these  tent 
dwellers  of  the  open  field  than  the  rugged  rock-bound  coast 
of  Scotland ;  however,  it  was  not  long  before  the  narrow 
channel  was  crossed  and  they  found  permanent  hold  in  Ayr- 

The  surname  was  a  product  of  the  Norman  invasion,  and 
the  Scot,  like  the  American  Indian,  derived  his  from  his  sur- 
roundings, his  locality.  For  example  the  famous  name 
Douglas,  under  whose  leadership  many  a  Peden  fought  for 
Scotland's  freedom,  signifies  "the  blackwater" — the  river 
Clyde.  Holmes  means  the  "low  lands"  or  land  along  the 
margin  of  streams.  Dunbar  is  from  a  stone  and  a  barrier, 
otherwise  stonewall.  It  was  an  olden  custom  to  call  a  man 
John,  of  Holmes;  James,  of  Douglas;  George,  of  Dunbar; 
and  as  Alexander  is  so  emphatically  a  Peden  name  it  is  sup- 
posable  that  Alexander,  of  Peden,  was  the  founder  of  the 
race.     The  saving  "Back  to  Alexander"  is  thus  defined. 


"Ouehein  Alexander  our  king  was  dede, 

That  Scotland  led  in  lane  and  le 
Alwayes  was  sons  of  ale  and  brede 

Of  wyne  and  wax,  of  gamyn  and  gle,"  ect. 

The  time  of  Alexander  the  Third  thus  alluded  to  by  the 
earliest  Scottish  poet  corresponds  to  the  days  of  the  Eng- 
lish Arthur  and  his  table  round,  and  is  almost  regarded  as 
mythical ;  however,  there  is  far  better  proof  of  the  existence 
of  Alexander  than  of  Arthur.  A  mystery  envelopes  the  foun- 
ders of  the  English  monarchy  which  does  not  exist  regarding 
the  Scottish.  "Thirty  kings"  preceded  the  Bruce,  all  of  whom 
sleep  on  the  sacred  Isle  of  lona,  Macbeth,  the  Usurper,  being 
the  last  Culdee  king,  for  the  Bruce  rings  in  the  Norman 
blood,  and  with  it  the  church  of  Rome,  first  established  by 
St.  Margaret,  wife  of  one  of  the  Alexander  fine,  which  became 
extinct  in  the  Alaid  of  Norway. 

The  name  Peden  existed  in  the  time  of  the  first  Alexander, 
for  a  shepherd  of  that  name  brought  the  king  "a  lammie  wrapt 


in  his  plaidie."  The  story  runneth  thus :  "Alexander  the 
good  king  being  wearied  from  the  chase  in  Ayr  loitered  be- 
hind his  band,  and  was  lost ;  a  storm  coming  tip  the  king 
sought  shelter  of  a  shepherd's  hut  or  "shealing."  The 
shepherd,  ignorant  of  the  rank  of  his  guest  and  seeing  his 
forlorn  state  bade  him  "rest  a  wee,"  and  wrapping  himself 
in  the  shepherd's  dry  plaidie  the  king  lay  down  and  slept  a 
lone  while,  but  was  awakened  bv  savorv  odors  in  the  air.  His 
host  seeing  him  awake  presented  a  part  of  a  freshly  roasted 
lamb  with  a  bannock  or  oaten  cake  which  the  king  ate 
eagerlv.  He  then  inquired  the  name  of  his  h.ost.  "Alexan- 
der, of  Peden,"  was  the  reply.  Then  said  the  good  king, 
"What  dost  thou  most  desire?"  Peden  replied  "The  free- 
hold of  the  stead  whereon  I  dwell."  Then  the  king,  on  fur- 
ther questioning,  discovered  that  the  desired  possession  was 
within  his  gift  said,  "On  this  condition,  that  from  this  time 
forth  thou  and  thv  descendants  shall  hold  the  stead  of  Au- 
chin-by-the-ford  by  presenting  yearly  a  young  lamb  to  the 
king  of  Scotland."  This  was  religiously  kept  until  the  king- 
doms were  united  under  James  Seventh. 

Tradition  also  states  that  the  third  Alexander,  and  the 
greatest  of  the  line,  expired  on  the  breast  of  "one  faithful 
yoeman,  Paiden  of  the  hags."  In  the  year  600  the  king  of 
Northumberland  applied  to  the  Culdees  for  men  to  come  and 
make  his  country  Christian.  Oswald,  who  had  been  banished 
to  the  land  of  the  Picts,  was  a  Culdee,  so  when  restored  to  his 
kingdom  prayed  the  church  at  lona  to  send  one  of  their  num- 
ber to  his  court.  A  man  named  Conan  was  sent  but  he  was 
soon  so  disgusted  with  English  manners  and  morals  that  he 
retired  to  the  sacred  island  and  his  brethren.  Then  Aidan  or 
Paidan  went  and  devoted  his  life  to  the  task  which  Conan  had 
found  so  distasteful.  He  taught  and  toiled  among  them 
with  great  zeal  which  Oswald  the  king  rewarded  and  warmly 
seconded.  He  was  the  founder  of  the  little  church  of  Lindis- 
farne  on  the  bleak  Northumbrian  shore. 

These  Culdee  priests  were  often  married  and  fathers  of 
families.     It  is  recorded  that  Duncan  the  Good  was  the  son 



of  the  Abbot  of  Dunkeld,  and  a  daughter  of  Malcolm  the 
Second.  It  is  also  stated  that  a  natural  son  of  Alex- 
ander the  First  bore  the  name  of  Peden  and  gave  his  brother 
the  king  much  trouble.  Considering  the  rude  morality  of 
those  dark  times  he  possibly  had  as  good  right  to  be  king 
as  his  brother  David. 

In  1160  the  Peden  name  occurs  on  a  list  of  Culdees  to 
whom  Donald,  ninth  Earle  of  Mar,  granted  land  to  build  a 
Culdee  church.  The  title  of  ]\Iar  is  the  oldest  in  the  English 
peerage.  . 

"On  the  eve  of  the  battle  of  Bannockburn  'tis     said     that 
from  out  the  Scottish  host  there  stepped  'a  tall  piper  of  so 
marvellous  likeness  to  the  king  that  many  wondered  greatly 
thereat,  and  as  he  doffed  his  bonnet  their  wonder  increased 
for  the  king  embraced  him  warmly'  and  thus  they  held  each 
other  for  a  space  as  though  loath  to  part  asunder.     Then 
Ihey  walked  together  out  of  ear-shot  and  without  the  guard, 
and  some  of  the  nobility  cast  dark  glances  at  the  tall,  martial 
figure  in  the  tartan  and  bonnet  with  the  eagle  feather,  but 
the  marvel  ceased  when  it  was  told  that  the  stranger     was 
Peden,  of  Cadzow,  the  favorite  piper  of  the  king;  that  he  had 
come  hither  at  the  Bruce's  desire,  for  none  else  in  the  king- 
dom could  so  well  play  the  "Logan  Water"  which  was  to  in- 
spire the  army  on  the  morrow  in  the  desperate  battle     for 
liberty  against  England's  chivalry  and     power.     When     the 
sun  rose  the  king  rode  bare  of  bonnet  in  front  of  the  humble 
Scottish  army  on  a  mean,  little  horse,  the  Abbot  of  Dunkeld 
walking  in  front  holding  aloft  the  cross,  the  tall  piper  stalk- 
ing at  the  horse's  flank      the  host  of  Scotland  knelt  as  they 
passed.     The  English     cried  "Behold,     they  kneel !"     Their 
leaders  replied,  "Yes,  but  not  to  us."     The  stiring  notes  of 
the  piper  followed  the  prayer.     On  came  the  charge."     The 
story  of  Bannockburn  has  oft  been  told  and  need  not  be  re- 
iterated.    It  is  of  the  tall  piper  we  sing.     "When  the  battle 
was  over  the  tall  piper  lay  stiff  and  stark  on  that  gory  field  of 
carnage.    Then  came  the  king,  and  in  the  wild  abandonment 
of  grief,  threw  himself  on  the  sward  beside  the  dead  corse 


with  the  wild  lamentation,  'Is  it  thus,  my  brother,  that  we 
part,  I  thought  to  have  clapt  on  thy  spurs  and  dub  thee 
Knight  of  Cadzow,  but  alas."  The  scene  is  from  "The  Bruce 
and  Wallace  Wight." 

History  tells  us  that  Cadzow  and  its  desmense  passed  after 
Bannockburn  into  the  possession  of  the  Hamilton,  it  being  a 
fief  of  the  crown,  therefore  within  the  king's  gift ;  also  the 
three  sons  of  the  piper  became  the  wards  of  the  crown.  Only 
one  grew  to  man's  estate.     He  lived  and  died  in  Ayr. 

Until  the  House  of  Stuart  came  to  the  throne  Scotland  en- 
joyed great  freedom  both  civil  and  religious.  Later  history 
tells  that  on  a  certain  occasion  Angus,  Earl  of  Douglas,  re- 
fused to  sleep  within  the  w^alls  of  a  captured  castle  saying  that 
"Better  hear  the  lark  sing  than  the  mouse  squeak."  The 
said  Lord  Angus,  "Bell  the  Cat,"  was  a  scholarly  man,  an 
illegitimate  son  of  the  old  earl,  whom  he  succeeded,  by  right 
of  his  great  superiority  to  his  lawful  brothers,  so  he  was 
legitimatized  and  given  the  title,  and  well  worthy  he  proved. 
Tradition  says  his  mother  was  Margaret,  of  Peden,  a  woman 
of  great  personal  beauty. 

The  ancient  name  does  not,  so  far  as  ascertained,  occur 
again  in  secular  history  until  the  days  and  times  of  the  Cov- 
enanters. That  its  bearers  were  strangely  shielded  by  the 
crown  during  those  bloody  periods  is  a  remarkable  proof  of 
not  only  esteem,  but  of  some  strange  claim,  together  with  the 
fact  that  the  family  or  sept  were  ever  vassals  of  the  crown  of 
Scotland,  never  of  any  petty  lord,  though  there  were  times 
when  they  fought  under  the  leadership  of  Douglass  and 
Hamilton ;  in  covenanting  days  under  Cameron.  It  is  the 
purpose  of  this  chapter  to  throw  the  secular  light,  not  the 
rehgious,  which  is  the  strongest  feature  of  the  Peden  char- 
acter. Another  pen  has  portrayed  their  adherence  to  the  re- 
formed religion. 

When  that  strange  sifting  for  the  planting  of  the  wastes 
of  North  Ireland  under  James  Seventh  took  place,  he  showed 
great  preference  for  the  house  of  Peden,  granting  them  many 
privileges  not  accorded  to  others.     This  transplanting  took 



place  1600- 1602.  During  a  space  of  nearly  two  centuries  the 
Pedens  with  their  compeers  were  engaged  in  making  the 
Irish  desert  blossom  as  the  rose  with  their  industry  and  skill. 
They  had  gathered  together  a  fair  share  of  possesions,  ex- 
cept land  ownership,  which  is  and  was  impossible  to  Irish 
tenantry ;  they  could  only  obtain  long  leases ;  when  these 
leases,  at  first  extremely  liberal,  expired,  owing  to  their  own 
vast  improvement  of  the  wastes  they  were  raised  exhorbi- 
tantly  by  owners,  oftimes  absentees,  but  more  frequently  op- 
pressive landlords  at  home.  In  addition  to  increased  rents 
their  woolen  and  linen  manufactories  were  suppressed  by 
enaction  of  harsh  laws.  The  spirit  of  the  Peden  revolted. 
The  historians  Froude,  McCauley  and  others  give  graphic 
pictures  of  the  times  of  both  civil  and  religious  persecutions 
covering  the  last  ninety  years  of  their  sojourn  in  Ireland. 
The  name  does  not  appear,  but  the  race  was  there.  At  the 
close  of  1668  began  the  attack  on  Londonderry.  The  story 
is  a  familiar  one,  but  the  names  of  the  brave  "thirteen  ap- 
prentices," Scottish  boys,  seem  unattainable.  Tradition 
states  that  the  Pedens  descend  from  one  of  them.  This  may 
be  on  the  maternal  side.  It  matters  not,  if  only  it  can  be 
proven  will  be  a  descent  worth  far  more  than  royal  blood.  It 
was  an  act  of  bravery  unparalleled  in  modern  history. 

The  Peden  was  now  called  upon  to  choose  between  the 
Protestant  religion  and  the  House  of  Stuart.  What  that 
choice  was  is  the  pride  and  glory  of  their  descendants.  Fore- 
most among  the  men  of  Ulster  he  is  found  side  by  side  with 
the  Leslie,  Mills,  McDill,  Gaston,  Alexander,  and  the  exiled 
Morton,  as  well  as  many  another  honored  name  that  would 
swell  the  list  interminably.  Among  the  band  that  surrounded 
William  of  Orange  in  the  mid-stream  of  that  Irish  river, 
running  red  with  blood,  the  tide  was  flowing  fast,  his  charger 
could  scarcely  keep  his  feet,  and  was  almost  swimming,  when 
his  bridle  was  seized  by  a  young  soldier,  Peden  by  name,  and 
led  to  shore  where  his  arrival  decided  the  fate  of  the  day.  He 
held  his  sword  in  his  left  hand.  One  of  the  Enniskilleners, 
thinking  him  an  Irish  leader,  was  about     to  fire,     William 


gently  pushed  the  carbine  aside  asking,  "What,  do  you  not 
know  your  friends?"  "It  is  his  majesty,"  said  their  leader. 
Then  rose  from  the  ranks  a  mad  shout  of  joy,  "Men  of  Ulster, 
1  have  heard  of  you,  let  me  see  something  also,  you  shall  be 
my  guards  today."  And  truly  they  proved  worthy,  but  the 
brave  young  soldier  Peden  fell  in  the  Battle  of  the  Boyne. 
There  were  three  others,  brothers  also,  there  on  that  proud 
occasion  fighting  under  the  Dutch  General  Schomberg,  who 
fell  that  day.  The  name  of  Gaston  occurs  among  his  men. 
"Men  of  the  rank  and  file  were  the  Peden."  After  this 
famous  battle  they  seem  to  have  led  quiet,  religious  lives 
until  the  accession  of  George  the  Third  and  passing  of  the 
infamous  law  that  made  them  exile  themselves.  For  the  finger 
of  God  pointed  westward,  their  hearts  heard  the  command 
"Go  forward !" 

[Note. — As  some  of  the  clan  seem  desirous  of  a  royal  be- 
ginning the  Historian  adds  to  this  chapter  a  few  lines  from 
the  best  recognized  Scottish  historians,  Tytler,  IMcArthur  and 

The  name  Scot  is  Celtic  and  signifies  a  rover  or  wanderer. 
At  some  remote  period,  not  now  possible  to  obtain  dates, 
there  came  from  Spain  into  Ireland  a  party  of  these  Celts, 
who  took  the  liberty  of  making  themselves  very  much  at 
home.  Vigorous  and  powerful  they  were  and  quite  capable 
of  planting  themselves  wherever  they  wished ;  even  down  to 
the  present  day  this  element  is  dominant ;  however,  they  very 
soon  took  possession  of  Ireland  and  drove  out  the  native 
Irish  wherever  they  wished  possession.  This  was  about  the 
third  century.  Here  they  remained  until  about  the  sixth 
century  when  a  small  colony  of  them  crossed  over  to  Scot- 
land and  settled  in  what  is  Argyleshire,  spreading  into  Ayre- 
shire  and  Galloway,  where  they  flourished,  and  in  the  year 
700  A.  D.  founded  the  little  kingdom  of  Dalraida,  a  long 
struggle  for  existence  against  the  Picts,  both  north  and  south 
and  the  Scottish  kingdom  of  Dalraida  united  them  under 
her  king  Kenneth  McAlpin.  This  king  was  elected  to  the 
throne  about  770  A.  D.     He  was  the  founder  of  the  Scotish 


monarchy  and  the  father  of  a  large  family.  A  long  list  of  the 
most  prominent  Scottish  names  could  be  given  as  his  descen- 
dants, but  only  a  few  will  be  culled.  Alexander  of  the  fields, 
or  Peden,  Grant,  Dunbar,  Cameron,  Campbell  and  all  the 

Kenneth  McAlpin  and  his  successors  down  to  Bruce,  13 14 
A.  D.,  were  buried  on  lona,  the  Sacred  Isle.  All  these  Scots 
were  Culdees,  having  embraced  Christianity  at  the  beginning 
of  the  second  century,  Jesus  having  been  preached  among 
these  Scots  by  refugees  from  persecution.  "Whoever  they 
were  that  first  sowed  the  gospel  seed  in  Scotland  all  recol- 
lection has  perished.  They  are  known  alone  to  Him  from 
whom  they  are  receiving  their  rewards,  some  information, 
however,  we  have  about  the  most  remarkable  of  those  prim- 
itive missionaries,  who  at  a  later  date  aided  in  extending  the 
worship  of  God  over  Scotland.  We  see  these  men  as  trees 
walking,  but  true  men  they  were,  in  heart  and  life."  They 
preached  a  simple  faith,  the  faith  of  the  Culdee.  The  first 
was  Ninian,  a  young  prince  who  visited  Rome  about  the  lat- 
ter part  of  the  fourth  century.  The  Bishop  of  Rome,  who 
had  not  yet  swollen  into  a  Pope,  found  the  young  Briton 
well  skilled  and  taught  in  divine  truth,  ordained  him  and  sent 
him  to  preach  to  his  countrymen.  He  landed  at  Whitehorn, 
in  Gallov/ay,  where  he  built  a  little  church — the  first  in  Scot- 
land. It  was  called  the  White  House.  "To  that  little  white- 
walled  church,  peacefully  looking  from  its  bold  headland, 
over  the  racing  tides  of  the  wild  Solway,  he  taught  the  pagan 
people  to  go  up  to  hear  the  words  of  eternal  life."  The  hum- 
ble White  House  in  after  years  formed  the  site  of  a  stately 
Abbey  which  bore  the  same  name,  but  not  a  trace  now  re- 
mains of  either,  A  few  years  later  came  Palladius  and 
founded  the  church  in  Ferdon,  in  the  Mearns  (Ayeshire), 
which  Burns  has  immortalized  in  Tam  O'Shanter  as  Auld 
Alloway's  Kirk.  He  was  a  powerful  preacher  and  his  con- 
verts were  very  numerous.  The  greatest  evangelist  was 
Columba,  who  came  about  545  A.  D.  to  lona  in  a  curraugh 
a  boat  made  of  hides  stretched  on  a  keel  and  ribs  of  wood; 


very  frail,  but  it  stood  the  stormiest  seas  and  bore  over 
Colum,  or  Columba,  and  twelve  companions.  Here  they  built 
a  church  of  posts,  wattled  with  reeds  and  plastered  with  clay, 
also  a  few  huts,  and  supported  themselves  by  cultivating  the 
soil.  This  was  the  first  theological  seminary  or  missionary 
college.  Starting  from  this  point  they  made  their  way  over 
rugged  mountains  and  through  pathless  forests ;  they  en- 
dured hardships  like  good  soldiers ;  suffered  violence,  and 
sometimes  death,  at  the  hands  of  the  Druids.  They  pursued 
their  way,  and  wonderful  success  was  given  them.  What  a 
life  of  strange  adventures  theirs  must  have  been.  At  night- 
fall waking  the  echoes  of  the  gloomy  forests  with  songs  of 
praise,  or  prostrated  on  the  grass  reading  their  Latin  Bibles ; 
now  driven  from  the  gate  of  some  mighty  chief ;  now  preach- 
ing in  his  huge  oaken  hall ;  now  standing  in  the  midst  of  the 
village  telling  the  story  of  the  cross ;  now  in  the  warrior's 
camp  preaching  the  Prince  of  Peace ;  now  teaching  various 
mechanical  arts,  for  they  were  well  skilled  in  manual  labor. 
Columba  fell  asleep  at  a  very  great  age,  but  his  work  was  not 
suffered  to  lag  and  went  on  growing  and  increasing  for  gene- 
rations, until  their  persecutor  arose  in  the  fair  St.  Margaret, 
queen  of  Malcolm  Canmore,  who  loved  not  their  simple  faith, 
but  desired  the  gorgeous  ritual  of  Rome. 

To  return.  The  followers  of  Columba  were  called  Culdees 
(servants  of  God).  Their  churches  and  schools  were  estab- 
lished at  Alcrnethy,  Dunblane,  Scone,  Brechin,  Dunkeld, 
Lochleven,  St.  Andrew's,  and,  in  fact,  all  over  Scotland. 
Their  religion  was  the  pure  and  undefield  religion  of  the 
Bible,  free  from  the  corrupt  doctrines  and  practices  of  the 
church  of  Rome.  They  owned  no  rule  but  the  word  of  God. 
They  had  no  worship  of  saints  or  angels ;  no  prayers  for  the 
dead;  no  confession  to  the  priest;  no  sacrifice  of  the  mass. 
They  hoped  for  salvation  from  the  mercy  of  God  alone, 
through  faith  in  Jesus  Christ.  They  had  no  bishops  or  pre- 
lates, and  their  only  office  bearers  were  ministers  and  elders. 
Th|e  little  island  settlement  grew  into  fame  and  grandeur,  for 
ages  it  was  the  great  light  of  the  north,  for  centuries    Scot- 


land's  kings  were  buried  in  its  soil,  even  the  royal  dead  of 
other  lands  were  brought  to  rest  in  its  sacred  soil.  Nothing 
now  is  to  be  seen  except  a  square  tower  and  roofless  walls. 
The  unceasing  roar  of  the  sea's  wild  waves  as  they  dash 
against  the  granite  cliffs  is  the  only  sound  that  breaks  the 
stillness  of  the  desolate  scene.  The  church  of  the  Culdees 
flourished  long  but  the  days  of  persecution  came  and  as  the 
ages  passed  it  was  reduced  to  a  mere  handful  who  kept  the 
faith  even  through  the  stormy  days  of  the  Reformation,  as 
late  as  1494  it  is  stated.  The  first  Archbishop  of  Glasgow  had 
thirty  persons,  mostly  of  prominence,  arrested  for  being 
Culdees,  and  many  of  them  from  Ayrshire. 

The  origin  of  the  name  Peden  has  two  traditions,  one  has 
been  already  given,  belonging  to  the  Culdee  sketch.  The  fol- 
lowing has  just  reached  the  author:  Among  the  knights  who 
accompanied  the  Norman  Conqueror,  William  to  Britain  in 
1066,  was  one  named  Sir  Hugh  de  Pothein;  and  in  confirma- 
tion of  this  Norman  theory  is  quoted  from  Johnson's  Appre- 
ciation of  Alexeander  Peden,  the  Prophet  of  the  Covenant, 
these  notes  from  his  "Lives  of  Six  Saints." 

"Alexander  Peden  was  registered  at  the  university  as 
Peathine,  and  he  sometimes  wrote  his  name  as  Pedine.  Other 
forms  of  the  family  name  occurring  in  writs  or  to  be  found  on 
old  heirlooms  are :  Pothein,  Pothoin,  Pothin,  Pethine,  Peath- 
ine, Petein,"  and  in  the  sixteenth  century  as  Peden. 

"In  the  list  of  'rebels  and  fugitives  from  our  laws'  appended 
to  the  royal  proclamation  of  the  5th  of  May,  1684,  the  fol- 
lowing names  belonging  to  the  same  locality,  Mauchline,  Ayr- 
shire ;  Alexander  Peden,  of  Blockerdyke ;  John  Peden,  por- 
tioner  of  Holehouse ;  Robert  Peden,  son  to  Hugh  Peden  in 
Waulkmill  of  Sorn,  and  also Peden,  his  son." 

"The  father  of  the  distinguished  Covenanter  was  a  small 
proprietor  in  the  district,  and  he  himself  (Alexander  Peden) 
seems  to  have  been  the  eldest  son  of  the  Laird  of  Auchen- 

In  Dr.  Hay  Fleming's  notes  to  the  lives  of  "Six  saints"  we 
learn  that  "Alexander  Pethein  was  retoured  heir  to  his  grand- 


father  (Alexander  Pethein)  in  Hill-side  of  Sorn,  on  the  i6th 
of  March,  1648;  and  on  the  same  day  heir  of  Auchencloich. 
And  so,  like  a  considerable  number  of  the  Covenanting  min- 
isters, Alexander  Peden  belonged  to  the  lesser  (Lairds) 
gentry  of  Scotland." 

"The  Covenanters  have  been  looked  upon,"  writes  Lord 
MoncriefT,  in  "Church  and  State,"  "as  a  somewhat  unedu- 
cated, rude,  fanatical  body  of  the  lower  order,  and  people 
seem  to  contrast  them  with  the  better  birth  and  manners  of 
the  royalists.  I  believe  there  is  in  all  this  a  very  great  delu- 
sion. The  inception  of  the  Covenanters  embraced  the  largest 
portion  of  the  upper  ranks,  and  whole  body  of  the  people. 
Whatever  of  birth,  of  culture,  of  manners,  and  of  learning  or 
intellectual  power  of  Scotland  could  boast  was  at  that  time 
unquestionably  to  be  found  in  the  ranks  of  the  Covenanters." 

To  like  purpose  the  words  of  Jas.  Dodds :  "Whether  it  was 
from  early  connection,  or  from  subsequent  acquaintance  he 
(Alexander  Peden)  was  honored  with  the  friendship  of  the 
Boswells,  of  Auchenleck,  in  his  immediate  neighborhood,  an 
old  and  respected  family  from  whom  descended  the  biogra- 
pher of  Samuel  Johnson.  Indeed,  it  is  manifest  from  many  in- 
cidents that  Peden  was  on  terms  of  endearing  friendship  with 
many  of  the  best  old  families  of  the  West.  I  mention  this  in 
passing,  not  because  in  itself  it  made  him  any  better,  but  to 
remove  an  impression  which  has  been  propogated,  that  he 
was  some  obscure,  ranting  vagrant — half-crazed  nondescript. 
In  the  best  sense  Peden  was  a  gentleman  and  through  life  the 
companion  of  gentlemen." 

From  "Heroes  and  Heroines  of  the  Scottish  Covenanters," 
by  Dr.  J.  M.  Dryerre,  F.  R.  G.  S. :  "The  strangest  man  of  the 
Covenanting  struggle  was  Alexander  Peden.  Around  his 
name  has  grown  a  multitude  of  stories,  in  which  people  have 
tried  to  express  the  wonderfulness  of  his  character.  Laying 
aside  such  as  have  need  of  verification,  we  still  have  the 
picture  of  a  strange  man,  spiritual  in  mind  and  heart,  noble 
in  character,  keen  of  insight,  and  fully  justified  to  the  title 
which  people  gave  him  of  the  'Prophet.'    We  must  not  deny 


the  term,  then,  to  Peden,  because  he  died  in  his  bed.  This 
was  not  the  fault  of  his  enemies.  To  the  hour  of  his  death 
they  hunted  him,  but  failed  to  shed  his  blood.  Peden  was  a 
native  of  Ayrshire,  being  born  at  Auchencloich,  in  Sorn, 
about  1626.  His  father,  Hugh  Pethein,  was  a  small  proprie- 
tor, and  left  his  son  a  fair  patrimony.  His  social  position 
gave  him  the  entrance  into  the  best  society,  and  we  find  him 
often  at  the  Boswells,  of  Auchenleck,  and  at  the  Baillies,  of 
Jerviswoode,  and  the  houses  of  all  the  gentry  round  about. 
From  an  early  period  he  felt  called  to  the  ministry,  and  cared 
nothing  for  earthly  honors,  or  glory.  His  prayers  were  con- 
versations with  a  Personal  Friend.  His  sermons  were  visions 
of  the  glory  of  God,  which  had  come  to  him  in  his  medita- 
tions, and  filled  the  people  with  awe.  His  talk  was  about  God 
and  His  will  in  regard  to  down-trodden  Scotland.  Tall  in 
stature,  and  wellbuilt,  as  he  proclaimed  his  message  of  God 
he  must  have  been  intensely  impressive." 

Another  writer  describes  him  as  of  "fair  and  ruddy  counte- 
nance, with  beaming  eyes  when  in  repose,  stern  and  flashing 
like  the  eagle's  when  denouncing  the  enemies  of  the  Lord  and 
Scotland."  (Wilson.) 

A  description  of  his  birth-place,  also  the  cradle  of  the 
American  line,  will  not  be  amiss  here : 

"Belonging  at  present  to  Sorn,  Auchencloich  (field  of 
stones);  at  the  time  of  our  story  (1626)  was  situated  in 
Mauchline  parish.  Sorn  was  not  able  to  boast  of  a  church  of 
its  own  till  1658,  nor  had  it  a  separate  existence  as  a  parish 
till  1692,  when  it  was  disjoined  from  Mauchline.  The  interest 
of  the  story  therefore,  at  the  outset,  centers    in    Mauchline. 

"The  village  of  Sorn  stands  on  the  river  Ayr,  about  three 
miles  from  Catrine  and  five  from  Mauchline.  As  the  birth- 
place of  Peden  it  is  famous.  Sorn  Castle,  not  far  ofif,  has  a 
charming  situation.  Pity  that  its  association  should  be  so 
dissimilar,  for  under  Scotland's  reign  of  terror  the  castle  was 
taken  possession  of  as  a  fort-a-lis  of  the  royal  forces  and 
made  the  seat  of  a  garrison  for  over-awing  the  Covenanters. 
Yet,  after  all,  what  does  it  matter?"  aptly  remarks  the  author 


of  "Mad  Sir  Uchtred  of  the  Hills  (R.  L.  Stevenson),  as  he 
says,  "thro'  all  the  sou-west  not  a  bairn's  prayer  is  changed 
for  all  the  fusillades  of  Claverhouse,  and  for  all  the  tramplings 
of  his  squadrons." 

"Auchencloich,  the  birth-place  and  death-place  of  the 
Prophet  Peden,  is  a  hamlet  in  Sorn,  2  miles  N.  E.  of  Mauch- 
line.  The  derivation  of  the  name,  and  historical  facts  con- 
nected with  the  place  will  be  found  in  Mr.  Todd's  'Homes 
and  Haunts.'  The  present  tenant  (1902)  is  Mr.  David  Bone, 
reputed  a  good  man  and  true  and  very  much  pleased  to  show 
Peden's  birth-place  to  all  comers.  Too  much  must  not  be 
expected,  however,  for  the  building  is  a  very  humble  one, 
having  been  converted  into  a  byre  for  cattle." 

"The  Peden  name  is  a  common  one  in  the  Mauchline  regis- 
ters, the  other  Peden  homes,  Auchen  Ion-ford  and  Tenshil- 
ling,  are  not  far  away,  also  Blockerdyke,  Waulkmill,  &c. 

"In  the  kirk  records,  session  of  1682,  there  is  an  entry  to 
the  elYect  that  the  sum  of  twenty-four  shillings  was  given  by 
the  church  to  a  poor  man  recommended  by  a  Mr.  Alexander 
Peden.  'It  is  just  probable,'  writes  Dr.  Edgar,  in  Old  Church 
Life,  'that  the  Alexander  Peden  who  gave  the  recommenda- 
tion may  have  been  the  famous  Covenanter  of  that  name, 
who  was  well  known  doubtless  to  both  ministers  and  elders  of 
Mauchline.'  The  minister  of  Mauchline  at  the  time  of 
Peden's  birth  and  baptism  was  John  Rose,  who  died  in  1634, 
and  was  succeeded  by  Geo.  Young  the  following  year." 

"Alexander  Pethein  was  retoured  heir  of  his  grandfather, 
Alexander  Pethein,  of  Hillheid  Sorn,  on  the  i6th  of  March, 
1648.  [Inquistiones  Generales,  No.  3433.]  and  on  the  same 
day  was  retoured  his  heir  in  the  half-merk  lands  of  Auchen- 
lonfuird,  in  the  lands  of  Bruntishiell  and  Lairdship  of  Kyle- 
muir  [Inquistiones  Generales,  Ayr,  No.  4*18].  This  last  little 
lairdship  had  appearently  been  in  the  hands  of  a  good  many 
Pedens  for  on  the  29th  of  April,  161 1,  Hugh  Pethein  was  re- 
toured heir  of  his  father,  Alexander  Pethein,  in  Sorn  in  the 
half-merk  lands  of  Auchenlonfuird  within  the  lands  of  Brun- 


tishiells  and  Lairdship,  and  regality  of  Kylesmuir.  [Ibid, 
No.  1 76. J 

"William  Cunningham,  one  of  the  foremost  scholars  of  his 
age,  and  author  of  several  works  on  Theology  was  'a  descen- 
dant of  the  Covenanting  Pedens,'  his  mother  being  a  sister, 
or  niece  of  the  Prophet,  and  to  whose  influence  and  godly 
upbringing  her  famous  son  owed  much  of  his  beauty  of 
character.  She  is  described  as  'a  tall,  stately  woman,  of  noble 
mein,  of  unswerving  fidelity  to  the  tenets  of  the  Covenanters, 
and  her  son,  whom  she  reared  and  educated  despite  many  and 
sore  trials,  proved  worthy  of  her  and  her  race,  the  ancient  and 
honorable  Pedens.'  William  is  said  to  have  been  a  reproduc- 
tion of  his  venerable  relative,  the  Prophet,  both  in  personal 
appearance  and  mental  vigor.  He  is  described  as  a  giant 
mentally,  physically  and  spiritually,  of  commanding  appear- 
ance, stern  of  countenance,  yet  with  a  manner  and  smile  so 
winning  that  the  'weest  bairnie'  gladly  nestled  in  his  broad 
bosom,  or  sought  shelter  in  the  lap  of  his  'plaidie.'  While  no 
picture  of  the  Prophet  Peden  exists,  the  strong,  gentle,  hand- 
some face  of  William  Cunningham  can  be  found  somewhere 
in  broad  Scotland." 

Statement  of  Charles  Peden,  engine  driver,  29  Union  Place, 
Dundee,  Scotland : 

I  am  sixty-three  years  of  age.  Have  resided  in  Dundee 
for  the  last  twenty-three  years.  I  came  to  Dundee  at  the 
opening  of  the  first  Tay  Bridge  and  was  driver  of  the  first 
through  passenger  train  from  Dundee  to  Glasgow.  This 
train  consisted  of  ten  carriages,  containing  between  two  and 
three  hundred  passengers.    I  have  a  family  of  four  daughters 

and  one  son.     I  was  born  at  .     My  father's     name  is 

also  Charles  Peden.  He  worked  in  the  free-  stone  quarries 
and  on  farms  as  a  laborer.  My  grandfather's  name  is  James 
Peden.  He  lived  some  years  in  Stirling  and  was  between 
sixty  and  seventy  years  of  age  at  the  time  of  his  death.  The 
following  particulars  are  contained  in  a  document  which  was 
found  among  my  grandfather's  papers : 

The  first  notice  of  the  Peden  family  is  in  1648.    On  the  i6th 


of  March  of  this  year  Alexander  Peden,  the  Prophet,  became 
heir  to  the  estate  of  Auchin-long-ford,  Ayreshire,  on  the 
death  of  his  grandfather,  also  named  Alexander  Peden. 
James  Peden,  father  of  Mingo  Peden,  came  into  the  property 
in  1693.  His  wife  was  Agnes  Miller.  He  was  succeeded  by 
his  son,  James,  in  1723,  whose  wife  was  Isabella  Robb.    Their 

son  James  succeeded  to  the  estate  in and  sold  it  to  a 

Mr.  Bones,  of  Stowe,  near  Edinburg,  and  it  is  still  owned  by 
the  Bones  family.  This  James  Peden,  who  was  the  last  suc- 
cessor to  the  estate  Auchin-long-ford  of  the  Peden  name, 
died  in  1775.  [Was  he  father,  brother  or  cousin  to  John 
Peden  who  was  born  in  1709  and  emigrated  to  America  in 
1 768- 1 770?] 

Alexander  Peden,  the  Prophet,  was  born  in  1626;  died  in 
1686  (two  years  before  the  Reformation),  in  a  brother's  house 
in  Auchinleck,  a  few  miles  from  Sorn.  His  estate  consisted  of 
three  small  farms  and  was  situate  about  three  miles  from  Sorn. 
He  was  never  married.  He  had  two  brothers  (from  one  of 
whom  the  Pedens  of  America  descend,  presumably  James). 
Their  names  are  James  and  Mingo.    Both  had  families. 

A  few  years  ago  I  had  the  pleasure  of  seeing  the  Bible  of 
the  Prophet.  It  was  in  the  possession  of  a  family  in  the 
vicinity  of  Dundee,  who  had  purchased  it  in  Edinboro  for 
twenty  guineas.  This  Bible  was  the  means  of  saving  his  life. 
The  cave  in  which  he  usually  hid  (under  Peden's  stone)  him- 
self to  elude  his  enemies  who  were  searching  the  country  for 
him  having  been  discovered,  he  forsook  it  and  fled  to  his 
brother's  house  (James).  His  sister-in-law  (Agnes  Miller) 
said  to  him,  "What  are  ye  doing  here,  the  enemy  will  be  upon 
ye  ?"  In  a  very  few  minutes  the  soldiers  were  seen  approach- 
ing. In  haste  the  Prophet  took  shelter  in  the  byre  or  small 
barn,  his  sister-in-law  accompanying  him,  there  he  laid  down, 
his  Bible  clasped  to  his  breast.  She  covered  him  with  straw 
and  retired.  The  soldiers  searched  the  house  in  vain,  then 
one  proceeded  to  the  byre,  only  a  pile  of  straw  was  seen  so, 
thinking  he  might  be  beneath  it,  the  soldier  plunged  his  sword 


down  through  the  straw  ;  the  point  of  the  weapon  was  arrested 
by  the  leathern  cover  which  it  but  slightly  touched,  leaving 
scarcely  a  mark  on  the  outside  board  of  considerable  thick- 
ness. Being  satisfied  that  no  man  was  hidden  beneath  the 
soldier  withdrew  and  joined  his  comrades,  thus  the  worthy 
man  again  escaped  his  enemies  miraculously. 

The  above  was  furnished  by  Mr.  T.  Y.  Miller,  of  Dundee, 
who  personally  saw  Charles  Peden. 



"Religion  stands  on  tiptoe,  in  our  land 
Ready  to  pass  to  the  American  strand." 

— Herbert. 

Down  one  of  Ireland's  greenest  of  green  lanes,  bordered 
on  either  side  with  neatly  clipped  hedges  of  hawthorn,  white 
with  blossom,  carpeted  with  velvet  sward,  studded  with  ox- 
eyed  daisies ;  over  head  floated  soft,  fleecy  clouds  in  a  sea  of 
blue  ether ;  no  sound  save  the  droning  of  bees  among  the  flow- 
ers ;  the  cawing  of  a  colony  of  rooks  in  the  castle  woods ;  dis- 
tant lowing  of  cattle.  A  study  fair  of  white,  blue,  gray  and 
green.  A  calm  Sabbath  in  May,  in  the  year  1750.  The  sound 
of  voices,  and  lo,  a  long  procession  of  men  women  and  little 
children,  following  like  sheep  an  old,  old  man  whose  long 
silvery  locks  fell  in  rippling  curls  on  the  stooping  shoulders. 
He  walked  very  slowly,  aided  by  a  shepherd's  crook. 

The  lane  ended  at  the  foot  of  a  knoll  on  whose  summit 
stood,  and  perhaps  still  stands,  a  gray  stone  church  over- 
grown with  ivy,  which  grows  more  luxuriantly  in  Ireland 
than  elsewhere,  because  tradition  as  well  as  history  tells  us 
that  Ireland  was  once  "one  vast  battle-field."  From  the  crest 
of  this  hill  nature  spreads  out  a  fair  landscape  of  hill  and 
dale;  a  wide  stretch  of  country,  grim,  old  castles  in  ruins, 
farm  houses  nestling  in  the  midst  of  smiling  farms,  with  here 
and  there  a  native  hovel  to  mar  the  beauty  of  the  scene.  In 
the  distance  flashed  the  silver  waters  of  the  Lough  in  their 
basin  of  emerald  and  gray  stone.  The  exiled  Scots  loved  this 
fair  spot  where  they  had  found  a  brief  refuge  from  persecu- 
tion and  had  named  their  church  Fairview. 

On  this  day  their  awakening  was  to  come ;  a  rude  one  it 
proved,  for  as  they  reached  the  open  door  of  the  church, 
passing  through  the  sweet  God's  acre  where  so  many  of  their 
race  were  sleeping  the  long  sleep  ere  the  final  waking.     Here 


and  there  among  the  grass  and  daisies  lay  white  stones  like 
a  scattered  flock  of  sheep.  Sounds  of  war  issued  from  the 
sacred  portals  and  instead  of  prayer  and  psalm  came  the  din 
and  clash  of  arms  and  spurs,  while  horses  grazed  in  the 
church  yard.  The  procession  paused.  The  officer  in  com- 
mand bade  them  disperse  in  the  king's  name.  Undaunted 
they  stood ;  the  blood  of  martyrs  flowed  in  their  veins,  the  old 
fire  only  smoldered.  The  Sabbath  calm  would  have  been 
broken  by  carnage  had  not  the  aged  pastor  (WilHam  Mont- 
gomerv)  raised  his  voice  for  peacefully  retiring;  resistance 
was  useless.  The  officer  held  a  writ  of  ejectment ;  the  ejected 
band  turned  and  followed  their  leader  slowly  down  the  hill 
away  from  the  green  graves  of  their  sires  and  little  ones,  the 
women  weeping,  the  little  children  full  of  wonder,  the  men 
full  of  a  stern  resolve.  They  had  borne  much,  their  fathers 
more,  for  their  faith's  sake*  driven  hither  and  thither  through 
Scotland,  and  finally  out  of  fair  Ayreshire  into  the  desert 
wastes  of  Antrim,  driving  before  them  the  wild  natives  of 
Tyrone  and  Tyrconnel. 

Again  out  of  the  darkness  came  the  command  of  "Go  for- 
ward!" With  prophetic  gaze  they  beheld  the  distant  shores 
of  the  new  world,  far  beyond  the  storm-tossed  ocean  where 
some  of  their  brethren  had  already  gone  and  built  altars  and 
homes  amid  primeval  forests,  finding  the  savage  red-man  and 
wild  beasts  more  merciful  foes  than  those  at  home  under  the 
sway  of  the  ruling  house.  His  eloquent  appeal  for  peace  was 
the  last  oration  of  the  old  pastor — that  night  he  was  appre- 
hended while  at  his  devotions,  but  ere  he  reached  his  prison 
"The  hand  of  God  touched  him  and  he  slept." 

Leadership  thus  devolved  upon  the  eldest  elder  who  bore 
the  time-honored  name  of  Peden,  tradition  says  James,  an 
old  man  who  had  seen  many  trials,  but  was  staunch  and  stead- 
fast in  the  faith;  and  well  he  fulfilled  his  part  to  the  bereft 
flock.  He  was  the  father  of  five  sons,  Thomas,  William, 
James,  Robert  and  John.  Of  these  Thomas  returned  to  Scot- 
land (there  is  some  uncertainty  as  to  whether  his  name  was 
Thomas  or  Samuel),' Robert  remained  in  Ireland,  where  his 


descendants  are  to  be  found  today  (1900),  John,  the  founder 
of  this  house,  was  at  the  time  of  this  ejectment  nearly  fifty 
years  of  age.  James  Peden  and  Mary  Mills,  his  wife,  were 
old,  and  the  old  tree  does  not  bear  transplanting,  so  after 
many  prayers  he  revealed  his  plans  to  them  advising  them  to 
seek  homes  with  others  of  their  faith  in  America,  where  the 
demand  for  skilled  labor,  especially  in  the  Southern  colonies, 
was  steadily  increasing,  and  where  many  were  still  going 
from  persecution,  both  civil  and  religious,  with  every  out- 
going tide,  gentleman  and  yoeman,  to  people  that  far  new 
world.  The  heavy  emigration  which  nearly  decimated  Ire- 
land's population  lasted  nearly  a  score  of  years  ere  it  was 
checked,  from  1758  to  1770.  It  is  said  of  the  Scotch  that  only 
one  motive,  that  of  gain,  will  induce  him  to  leave  Scotland, 
so  strong  is  the  love  of  country. 

While  the  sojourn  in  Ireland  was  not  more  than  a  century 
in  length,  it  had  the  efifect  of  weaning  and  preparing  for  a 
still  further  flitting.  In  1770,  John  Peden  having  helped  lay 
his  aged  parents  away  to  sleep  'til  the  resurrection,  called  his 
now  large  family  around  him  and  told  them  of  his  long 
cherished  hope  of  emigrating  to  America,  whither  two  sons 
had  preceded  him.  He  was  now  growing  old,  but  like 
Moses,  his  strength  was  not  abated,  his  eye  was  not  dim,  he 
had  a  great  spirit  within  him.  Verily  the  heaviest  sifting  was 
this  last  great  harvest  of  golden  grain  for  planting  in  America 
in  1770 

"At  long  anchor  in  Belfast  Bay  lay  a  great  sea-going  ship ; 
two  others  were  gliding  away  under  the  light  of  the  harvest 
moon  ;  their  decks  were  black  with  people,  so  were  the  shores, 
and  skififs  plied  busily  to  and  fro  between  ship  and  land. 
There  was  a  great  sound  of  lamentation  on  land  and  shore, 
the  people  mourning  and  crying  last  farewells  to  one  another 
so  as  to  pierce  the  heart ;  the  emigrants  put  out  their  hands 
beseechingly  towards  the  land  until  the  captain,  nearly  be- 
side himself,  gave  orders  to  sheer  ofT.  Then  the  friends  on 
the  beach  took  up  a  wild  lament  like  that  for  the  dying,  and 


were  joined  by  the  exiles  on  ship-board."     Presently,     how- 
ever, the  passengers  on  one  ship  took     up  the     Hundredth 
Psalm,  and  among  the  voices  joining  therein  was  that  of  old 
John  Peden  and  his  family.     The  name  of  the  vessel  is  lost. 
Her  log-book,  too,  lies  possibly  at^the  bottom  of  the  sea  until 
it  gives  up  its  dead  and  buried  treasures,  but  it  is  an  assured 
fact  that  with  John  Peden     and  his     wife,  Margaret  McDill, 
there  came  over,  James  Peden,  his  wife  and  five     children ; 
James  Alexander,  St.,  his  wife  and  several  children;     Jane 
Peden,     widow  of     James  or     David     Morton,  and  her  five 
children.     It  is  a  mooted  question  whether  these  came  with 
or  preceded  their  father.     The   following  is    unquestioned, 
Thomas  and  his  wife  and  an  infant  child,  Mar}^ ;  William  Gas- 
ton and  his  wife,  Elizabeth  Peden ;  the  five  younger  brothers, 
William,  John,  Samuel,  Alexander,     David,     ranging     from 
eighteen  to  ten  in  years.    Other  kith  and  kin  were  among  the 
passengers,  names  now  famous  in  America.    The  vessel  was 
crowded  "fore  and  aft,  cabin  and  steerange."    No  pen  can  de- 
scribe the  sufferings  of  the     emigrants,     the  long    tedious, 
dangerous  voyage,  the  sickness  and  death.    All  brought  what 
they  could  of  cattle,  goods  for  household     needs     in     the 
new  world.    The  men  the  tools     and    implements     of    their 
trades.     John  Peden  was  a  wagon  maker,  James  a     miller, 
Thomas  a  miller,  John  a  gunsmith,  Samuel  a     blacksmith ; 
James  Alexander  was  a  man  of  letters,  a  merchant  or  farmer, 
William  Gaston  was  of  high  lineage,  but  followed  the  trade  of 
weaving  silk  and  wool.     The     women     brought     their  fiax- 
wheels,  their  hackles,  their  looms  and  other  necessaries.     It 
is  told  that  Margaret  McDill  brought  over  in  a  bottle  a  tiny 
root  of  the  pink  moss  rose  which  grew  in  the  castle  garden 
at  Broughshane,  and  that  old  John  brought  some  apple  scions 
from  the  trees  that  grew  in  the  old  orchard  at  home ;  anyway, 
there  are  yet  to  be  found  a  peculiar  juicy  white  and  red  apple 
at  Fairview  known  as  "Grandfather's  apple"  by  the  children 
of  the  seventh  son,  David. 

The  last  vessel  with  the  Pedens  on  board  had  not  proceeded 


far  when  a  cry  arose  from  the  deck,  "A  man  overboard !"  A 
boat  was  lowered  and  the  man  rescued  amid  a  shower  of 
musketry  from  the  shore.  The  adventurous  youth  gave  his 
name  as  Robert  Mills,  and  was  promptly  taken  in  charge  by 
his  kinswoman,  Peggy  McDill,  and  her  brothr,  Thomas  Mc- 
Dill.  The  young  man  was  pursued  by  the  "press-gang"  and 
made  his  escape  by  slipping  under  a  fallen  tree,  his  pursuers 
being  mounted  had  to  make  their  way  around  the  tree,  lost 
time  and  he  cast  himself  into  the  sea.  His  subsequent  history 
belongs  to  the  McDill  family  who  have  preserved  their  tra- 
ditions, and  it  is  a  well  known  name  in  the  history  of  South 

Thomas  McDill  was  destined  to  be  the  hero  of  the  voyage, 
and  it  may  not  be  amiss  to  tell  of  his  act  of  heroism  as  it 
saved  the  vessel  and  its  valuable  cargo  of  souls  to  bless  the 
new  world.  He  was  somewhat  of  a  sailor  and  fond  of  the  sea 
and  soon  became  a  favorite  with  the  crew;  a  mutiny  was  im- 
minent ;  the  "good  captain"  thrown  overboard  and  the  first 
mate  took  command ;  he  was  unprincipled  and  took  the  part 
of  the  mutineers,  who  proposed  to  take  the  passengers  to 
the  Bermudas  and  sell  them  into  slavery,  turn  pirates  and 
scourge  the  seas.  Thev  took  Thomas  McDill  into  their  confi- 
dence,  proposing  that  he  should  join  them;  but  he  was  cast  in 
a  different  mould  and  with  the  help  of  his  friends  succeeded 
in  putting  the  crew  in  irons.  Providence  was  guiding  this 
vessel  for  a  divine  pifrpose,  for  Thomas  McDill,  totally  igno- 
rant of  the  coast  he  was  nearing,  piloted  them  safe  into  har- 
bor. It  was  not  the  harbor  of  their  destination,  however,  but 
a  safe  one.  "So  they  tarried  awhile  in  the  Land  of  the  Friend." 
History  is  not  clear  on  this  point  as  to  whether  they  really 
landed  in  Pennsylvania  first,  or  Charlestown.  There  are  two 
versions  so,  for  the  benefit  of  the  doubtful,  both  are  given. 
Anyway  the  Pedens  bore  titles  from  King  George  to  lands  in 
South  Carolina.  Unfortunately  these  old  titles  have  been 
lost.  However  many  believe  that  they  tarried  in  Pennsyl- 
vania and  prospered  there  until  the  great  tide  of  emigration 


swept  southward,  when  they  too  came  to  their  possessions  in 
what  is  now  Spartanburg  County,  South  Carolina.  The  other 
version  is  that  they  were  landed  at  Charlestown  and  there 
John  Peden  put  together  the  wagons  they  had  brought  and 
buying  a  few  horses  and  a  few  supplies  they  turned  their  faces 
bravely  toward  the  wilderness  of  upper  Carolina,  sending  in 
advance  some  to  "blaze"  a  path.  At  some  points  they  found 
a  road,  but  most  of  the, way  they  found  there  were  streams  to 
cross,  perils  to  meet.  They  subsisted  on  game  that  their 
rifles  brought  down,  fish  from  the  rivers,  green  corn  bought 
of  the  red-men  and  had  often  to  dodge  swift  arrows  sent  after 
them  by  hidden  foes.  At  night  they  built  great  fires  to  pro- 
tect them  from  wild  beast,  and  committing  themselves  to  God 
lay  down  to  rest  in  a  strange  land. 

"Tho  their  hearts  were  sad  at  times,  and  their  bodies  weary 

Hope  still  guided  them  on, 
'Patience  !'  whispered  the  oaks  from  oracular  caverns  of  dark- 
ness ; 
And  from  moonlit  meadows  a  sigh  responded — 'Tomorrow.'  " 


Note — Later  information  states  that  the  emigrant  ships 
were  the  "Eagle  Wing,"  "Morning  Star"  and  "Adventurer," 
each  150  tons  burden.  Each  emigrant  was  entitled  to  100 
acres  of  land  (some  more  none  less)  by  a  grant  from  the  king, 
for  which  was  paid  about  seventy-five  cents,  with  the  agree- 
ment to  bring  under  cultivation  a  certain  number  of  acres 
within  the  year.     These  old  grants  bear  the  date  1768. 

Old  records  of  the  Alexander  family  show  that  they  landed 
in  New  York  in  1768,  coming  to  South  Carolina  in  1770, 
tarrying  in  Penna.  for  two  years ;  also  that  James  Alexander, 
Sr.,  David  or  James  Morton,  and  James  Peden  came  first 
with  their  families  settling  in  Penna.,  while  Thomas  Peden 
with  his  father  and  five  younger  brothers,  and  William  Gas- 
ton, his  wife,  Elizabeth,  came  later  in  1770,  direct  from  Phil- 
adelphia to  South  Carolina,  making  no  stop  in  that  state. 
Among  their  fellow  emigrants  were  these  names,  Lee,  Gar- 


rett,  McQueen,  Hughes,  White,  Brown,  Hemphill,  Jackson, 
McQuestion,  McClintock,  McDonald,  McDill;  these  found 
homes  in  Chester  and  comprised  almost  an  entire  congrega- 
tion, while  to  Spartanburg  came  Anderson,  Alexander,  Barry, 
Caldwell,  Coan,  Collins,  Dodds,  Gaston,  Jamison,  McMahan, 
Miller,  Moore,  Morton,  Morrow,  Pearson,  Penrey,  and 



"What  sought  they  thus  afar? 

Bright  jewels  of  the  mine? 
The  wealth  of  seas;  the  spoils  of  war? 
•       They  sought  a  Faith's  pure  shrine." 

[Note — For  much  of  this  chapter  the  writer  is  indebted  to 
Rev.  R.  H.  Reid,  venerable  pastor  of  Nazareth  church,  also  to 
Mr.  A.  W.  Gaston,  lineal  descendant  of  Thomas  Peden,  who 
still  owns  the  old  home,  and  last,  but  by  no  means  least,  to 
the  fine  memory  of  her  own  maternal  grandmother,  Eleanor 
G.  Dunbar,  who  was  the  youngest  daughter  of  David  Peden, 
the  seventh  son  of  John  the  Founder,  who  was  a  girl  of  fifteen 
when  her  father  died,  so  she  had  the  precious  privilege  of 
hearing  the  dear,  old  brothers  talk  of  perils  past  in  which  con- 
versation they  delighted  to  while  away  the  long  winter  even- 
ings around  their  firesides.  A  custom  which  they  kept  up 
until  death  entered  the  charmed  circle  was  to  meet  at  one  of 
their  homes  Saturday  evening  and  spend  their  Sabbaths  under 
one  roof-tree.  This  they  did  in  rotation.  Eleanor  G.  Dunbar 
was  a  woman  whose  veracity  could  not  be  questioned,  for, 
like  her  venerated  father,  she  abhored  a  lie.  She  rejoined  the 
great  host  gone  before  in  May,  1899,  a  few  weks  prior  to  the 
Peden  reunion  at  Fairview,  S.  C.,  and  would  have  attained  her 
ninetieth  year  on  June  16,  1899.  Consequently  she  remem- 
bered her  father;  her  grandfather,  John,  dying  before  her 

It  was  long  past  mid-summer  when  John  Peden  and  his 
family  reached  the  place  of  their  final  sojourn  in  the  new 
world  and  there  was  already  a  suspicion  of  frost  in  the  air. 

Some  eight  or  ten  families  who  had  come  down  through  the 
pathless  woods  from  the  land  of  Penn.  and  had  settled  on  the 
branches  of  the  Tyger  river  in  what  is  now  Spartanburg 
County,  S.  C,  as  early  as  1761.     The  place  chosen  for  their 


church  was  equally  distant  between  the  two  settlements 
known  as  the  "upper"  and  "lower,"  in  order  to  be  accurate 
the  distance  was  stepped  by  two  old  men.  The  first  house  of 
worship  was  of  rough  hewn  logs,  built  in  1765.  It  was  this 
rude  temple  that  greeted  the  sight  of  John  Peden  when  he 
and  his  tired  band  emerged  from  the  woods  into  the  clear- 
ing. It  is  said  that  he  reverently  bared  his  head  as  he  passed, 
his  sons  following  his  example ;  here  too  they  were  met  and 
welcomed  by  their  brethren  all  joining  in  a  service  of  praise 
to  the  Great  Father,  who  had  brought  them  together  after 
many  perils  by  sea  and  land  at  the  altar  reared  by  pious  hands, 
on  the  sacred  hill  where  the  old  church  now  stands,  though 
the  rude  log  one  was  replaced  by  a  spacious  brick  one  long 

"The  solemn  voice  of  praise  then  broke  the  stillness  which 
had  reigned  upon  it  since  creation.  In  "  the  virgin  forest, 
amid  the  vistas  through  which  they  walked  as  through  long 
drawn  aisles  of  some  vast  temple,  while  above  them  hung 
the  dome  of  heaven,  fretted  with  stars.  From  the  green  isle 
beyond  the  sea,  and  from  Scotland's  glen  and  heather  came 
the  children  of  the  martyrs,  who  had  sealed  with  blood  their 
testimony  for  Christ's  crown  and  covenant.  Edging  their  way 
along  the  slopes  of  the  Alleghenies,  the  watershed  of  a  great 
continent,  their  weary  feet  rested  at  length  upon  the  fertile 
banks  of  Enoree  and  Tyger,  founding  upon  this  venerable 
spot  a  plantation  for  God.  By  obscure  bridle  paths  through 
tangled  woods,  across  rocky  fords,  over  which  wild  streams 
yet  dash  their  shallow  floods  they  came  singly  and  in 
groups  to  this  rude  sanctuary  in  the  woods." 

Here  too  John  Peden  and  his  family  found  food  and  rest. 
These  friends  kindly  ministered  to  their  needs  ere  they  passed 
on  to  the  hillside  where  John  Peden  reared  his  first  cabin 
home.  When  their  first  camp  fire  was  kindled  and  ere  an  axe 
was  laid  to  fell  a  tree,  or  stone  was  placed,  John  Peden 
brought  from  the  depths  of  his  wagon  the  "Book"  Seating 
himself  on  a  huge  flat  rock,  with  his  wife  beside  him,  his 
children  and  grandchildren  around  him,  Davie  with  his  tired 


head  on  his  mother's  knee  watching  the  smoke  curl  up,  and 
sparks  lose  themselves  among  the  trees,  striving  to  keep  his 
sleepy  eyes  wide  open.  The  father  opened  at  the  nintieth 
psalm,  which  he  read  slowly  and  impressively,  offered  a  fer- 
vent prayer,  and  they  all  joined  in  singing  "Old  Hundredth," 
after  which  they  partook  of  "hominy"  and  laid  themselves 
down  to  sleep  regardless  alike  of  wild  beast  and  yet  wilder  red- 
man,  knowing  well  that  "He  who  keepeth  Israel  slumbers  not 
nor  sleeps."  Thus  the  Peden  reared  his  altar  ere  he  built  his 

These  early  pioneers  held  grants  or  deeds  to  lands  on  the 
Tygers  and  Enoree  rivers  for  several  hundred  acres  of  land. 
Of  only  one  of  these  documents  is  there  any  trace  and  unfor- 
tunately it  is  lost,  being  an  heirloom  in  the  family  of  Thomas 
Peden,  second  son  ;  a  deed  for  five  hundred  acres  of  land  lying 
along  what  is  known  as  Ferguson's  creek,  bearing  the  signa- 
ture of  George  the  Third,  king  of  England,  &c.  The  price 
paid  was  seventy-five  cents  per  hundred  acres,  equal  to  three 
dollars  and  seventy-five  cents  for  the  whole  five  hundred 
acres,  with  the  understanding  that  a  certain  portion  was  to  be 
put  in  cultivation  within  a  given  time,  one  or  two  years.  This 
tract  is  now  in  the  possession  of  his  descendant,  Mr.  A.  W. 
Gaston,  who  has  many  of  the  characteristics  of  his  fore- 
fathers. It  is  generally  accepted  among  the  Pedens  that  John 
Peden  purchased  a  larger  number  of  acres  because  of  his  four 
younger  sons,  they  all  being  under  age.  However  all  traces 
of  these  earlier  boundaries  are  lost,  for  after  the  War  of  the 
Revolution,  all  these  lands  were  regranted  and  only  Thomas 
Peden  remained  near  the  old  site.  Where  once  stood  the 
first  cabin  home  of  John  Peden  is  the  bare  hillside  and  the 
disused  spring  at  its  foot.  This  pioneer  home  differed  in  no 
wise  from  its  neighbors,  being  simply  a  kind  of  pen  of  rough 
hewn  logs,  the  spaces  filled  in  with  clay  to  keep  out  the 
wintry  blast  and  too  curious  gaze  of  the  red-men.  Its  size  was 
20  X  20  feet,  one  entire  end  filled  by  a  huge  fire-place  of  stone 
and  clay,  here  swung  the  crane  and  pot-hooks  of  rude  manu- 
facture; here  was  baked  the  Johnny    cake  and    ash-cake  of 


Indian  meal ;  here  was  roasted  the  wild  game  from  the  woods, 
and  fish  from  the  streams.  In  one  corner  stood  the  loom, 
near-by  the  flax  wheel,  brought  across  the  sea.  The  furniture 
was  of  the  rudest  description,  and  what  need  for  better  in  a 
wild  land,  where  the  torch  of  the  red-man  was  so  often  ap- 
plied and  they  had  to  flee  for  refuge  to  some  fort  or  block- 
house. Old  Fort  Prince  will  serve  as  a  description  of  all  the 
others  as  there  was  no  essential  difference  in  the  style  of  these 
places  of  safety.  It  was  named  for  Wm.  Prince,  an  old  set- 
tler. There  were  several  others  equally  distant,  Poole's,  near 
Glendale,  Nicholls,  near  "Narrow  Pass,"  on  the  David  Ander- 
son place.  Blockhouse,  Earle's,  Thicketty.  Which  of  these 
afiforded  safety  to  the  Peden  in  times  of  danger  is  lost  to  tra- 

The  historic  Fort  Prince  was  built  near  the  famous  Black- 
stock  road  (once  the  route  used  by  armies  of  the  Revolution, 
and  during  the  troublous  days  prior  to  1776,  also  in  the  piping 
days  of  peace  noted  persons  have  traveled  its  length)  , about 
three-fourhs  of  a  mile  from  Mt.  Zion  church,  two  and  one- 
half  miles  from  the  present  town  of  Fairforest,  near  the 
stream  now  known  as  Gray's  creek,  one  of  the  tributaries  of 
North  Tyger  river.  This  stream  is  the  only  water  crossing 
the  Blackstock  road  between  Motlow's  creek,  one  of  the 
prongs  of  the  South  Pacol'et  river,  and  the  Tyger  river  at 
Blockstock  ford,  a  distance  of  forty  miles.  "The  fort  was  cir- 
cular in  shape,  of  heavy  timbers  from  twelve  to  fifteen  feet 
high ;  surrounding  this  was  a  ditch  or  moat  the  earth  from 
which  was  thrown  up  against  the  walls  of  parapet  height. 
This  was  secured  in  front  by  an  abatis  of  heavy  timbers  mak- 
ing when  completed  a  respectable  place  of  defense  against  the 
enemy.  In  the  upright  pieces  port-holes  were  cut  one  and 
one-half  inches  by  four  inches  in  diameter  for  the  riflemen 
inside."  (Landrum's  History  of  Colonial  and  Revolution- 
ary South  Carolina.) 

Oftentimes  their  bedding  and  clothing  were  concealed  for 
weeks  in  hollow  trees,  where  great  piles  of  brushwood  hid 
the  openings,  at  the  mercy  of  mice,  squirrels  and  other  sharp- 



toothed  wood  folk.  Many  valuable  records  were  lost  in  this 
way.  Their  food  was  also  buried  under  ground  for  days,  the 
cattle  driven  ofif  to  the  cane-brakes,  or  captured  by  the  foe, 
their  barn-yards  depopulated  of  poultry  and  hogs ;  yet  they 
returned  and  took  up  the  burden  anew,  enjoying  even  a  tem- 
porary lull  of  hostilities.  Within  a  few  years  they  gathered 
about  them  a  few  of  the  rudest  comforts  of  life,  happy  and 
content  to  have  the  freedom  to  worship  as  they  chose. 

One  thing  they  missed  sadly  and  that  was  schools  for  their 
growing  youth.  The  older  members  were  not,  as  is  generally 
supposed,  ignorant,  this  idea  is  erroneous  in  the  extreme. 
The  Scotch-Irish  were  well  educated  as  a  race,  and  some  of 
those  wonderfully  preserved  old  yellow  documents  show  a 
scholarship  remarkable  even  at  this  late  day.  They  seldom 
had  the  "preached  word"  for  only  occasionally  during  those 
early  days  did  a  minister  reach  them  traveling  by  bridle  paths 
from  the  older  settlements  or  the  coast,  which  was  extremely 
hazardous  and  tedious.  The  first  mentioned  was  the  Rev. 
Joseph  Alexander,  who  came  from  Philadelphia  to  minister  to 
his  brethren  in  the  wilderness.  It  is  presumed  that  he  was 
related  to  that  James  Alexander,  husband  of  Mary  Peden. 
Why  no  preacher  came  over  with  the  Pedens  is  a  source  of 
some  comment,  as  one  generally  came  with  each  ship-load, 
history  is  silent — possibly  he  was  lost  at  sea,  for  many  died  on 
ship-board,  or  he  may  have  been  on  one  of  the  other  two 
ships  from  which  they  were  separated  and  which  subsequent 
events  proved  reached  the  Jersey  shore.  The  intensely  re- 
ligious nature  of  the  Peden  did  not  suffer  from  this  want  for 
he  had  his  Bible  and  his  catechism,  and  was  not  a  worshipper 
of  creed,  marking  out  straight  paths  by  the  light  from  the 
word,  he  walked  therein  regardless  of  man. 

Troubles  were  brewing  too  across  the  sea;  the  heel  of  op- 
pression was  grinding  the  colonies ;  vague  rumors  reached 
them  through  occasional  travelers,  or  when  one  of  their  num- 
ber made  the  perilous  trip  down  to  Charleston.  The  Pedens, 
never  remarkable  as  talkers,  did  a  great  deal  of  thinking,  and 



when  the  fulhiess  of  time  gave  opportunity  proved  them  men 
of  action.  While  these  distant  thunders  were  muttering  in  the 
distance,  the  Pedens  on  the  Tyger  and  Enoree  were  clearing 
their  lands,  attending  to  their  trades  and  attending  strictly  to 
their  own  affairs.  Their  women  were  teasing  wool,  hackling 
fiax,  spinning  yarn,  weaving  long  webs  of  cloth,  clothing  their 
households,  if  not  in  purple  and  fine  linen,  at  least  warmly. 
Thfe  costume  of  a  pioneer  ancestress  may  not  come  amiss. 
She  wore  short  comfortable  skirts,  blue  stockings,  heavy, 
home-made  shoes,  a  short,  full  sacque,  always  different  from 
her  skirt,  this  was  belted  down,  a  kerchief  around  her  neck, 
and  after  motherhood  a  cap  over  her  sunny  or  raven  hair. 
These  caps  were  curious  things,  a  bit  of  snow-white  linen 
cloth  folded  square,  a  seam,  a  slight  pucker,  a  pair  of  ties,  a 
hem  and  they  were  done,  and  fair  and  sweet  was  the  face  they 
framed.  The  dress  of  the  men  was  truly  pioneer  in  appear- 
ance. They  wore  the  hunting  shirt,  belt,  powder  horn  and 
knife,  heavy  boots,  coming  well  up  over  their  homespun 
trousers,  the  three  cornered  hat,  and  always  carried  their 
rifles.  When  at  work  they  removed  the  outer  or  fringed  deer 
skin  hunting  shirt,  and  wore  the  homespun  one  provided  by 
the  thrifty  wife  at  home.  For  Sunday  or  holiday  occasions 
they  shone  out  in  brave  attire  and  were  quite  splendid  in  cues 
and  powder,  lace  and  buckles.  The  women  were  always 
soberly  clad  like  the  mother  birds. 

[Note — According  to  Howes'  History,  the  settlements  on 
the  North  and  Middle  Tygers  did  not  take  place  earlier  than 
1755.  This  was  the  year  of  Governor  Glenn's  treaty,  and  the 
statement  is  corroborated  by  Ramsey,  who  refers  to  the 
colony  as  following  Colonel  Clark  and  settling  in  Spartan- 
burg County  in  1755.  (Ramsey's  Hist.  S.  C,  page  118.) 
Among  these  settlers  are  the  present  familiar  names,  Moore, 
Barry,  Jordan,  Nesbit,  Vernon,  Collins,  Peden,  Nichols,  Cald- 
well, Wakefield,  Anderson,  Snoddy,  Miller.  Mills  says  in  his 
statistics,  "This  section  was  settled  between  1750-1760,  but 
from  its  exposed  situation  ,  it  did  not  much  increase  in  popu- 
lation until   1776.     These  first  settlers  were  from  Virginia, 



Pennsylvania  and  North  Carolina."  There  was  positively  no 
communications  with  the  eastern  or  sea-board  colonies  earlier 
than  1775.  "They  were  a  brave,  noble  set  of  pioneers,  well 
worthy  to  be  the  entering  wedge  of  civilization  in  the  up- 
country  of  South  Carolina.  They  came  to  confront  the 
Indian  tomahawk  and  scalping  knife,  with  a  true  heroism  and 
patriotism,  a  spirit  of  energy  and  progressiveness,  which  they 
transmitted  to  a  noble  posteriy.  They  braved  all  dangers  and 
difficulties,  and  their  humble  efiforts  to  better  their  condition, 

and  to  lay  the  foundation  for  the  generations  that  succeeded 
them  have  been  crowned  with  success.  Therefore  it  becomes  a 
solemn,  a  sacred  duty  to — 

"Cherish  their  memory, 

Glory  in  their  triumphs, 

Emulate  their  virtues, 

Avoid  their  mistakes, 

Faithfully  discharge  the  trusts. 

Committed  by  them  to  our  keeping — " 




"Hail  Independence !  heavens's  next  best  gift 
To  that  of  life,  and  air  and  an  immortal  soul." 

— Thompson. 

With  long,  low  mutterings  the  ominous  clouds  of  war  were 
ready  to  burst  over  the  infant  colonies.  The  Pedens  were  too 
fresh  from  the  land  of  the  oppressor,  the  house  of  bondage, 
to  forget  their  wrongs.  They  had  breathed  in  the  spirit  of 
Freedom  during  their  brief  sojourn  in  the  new  world  :  so  were 
ready — among  the  first  to  cry,  with  the  Virginia  orator : 
"Give  me  liberty — or  give  me  death !" 

The  Pedens  being  men  of  action,  not  of  words,  were  ready 
long  before  the  call  came,  thinking  and  thinking  deeply,  so 
when  the  cry  came  echoing  down  from  Boston,  and  Dan 
Morgan  called  for  men  they  were  ready  to  respond.  An  old 
author  says :  "There  came  into  the  camp,  among  the  first 
recruits,  a  company  from  over  the  Carolina  mountains  of 
Scotch-Irish  settlers  along  the  Tygers  and  Enoree  rivers. 
Among  them  an  old  man  with  long  locks,  white  as  snow,  and 
eyes  that  flashed  like  the  eagle's.  He  was  tall  and  somewhat 
bent,  as  one  who  had  stooped  much.  He  was  driving  the 
company's  wagon  and  with  his  seven  sons  were  enlisted ;  as 
well  as  some  sons-in-law  and  not  a  few  grandsons.  These 
men  fought  through  the  war  to  its  close  in  rank  and  file,  but 
braver  soldiers  never  were  in  any  army." 

The  name  of  this  old  man  was  not  given,  but  there  is  every 
reason  to  believe  it  to  be  John  Peden,  as  the  company  was 
a  picked  one  from  the  famous  Spartan  regiment.  Col.  John 
Thomas,  Sr.  In  regard  to  this  regiment  it  may  be  of  interest 
to  give  some  historic  authority  in  this  place,  so  two  are 
quoted. quoted. 

"I  had  this  day  (August  21,  1775)  a  meeting  with  the  people 
in  this  frontier.    Many  were  present  of  the  other  party  (Tory), 


but  I  have  the  pleasure  to  acquaint  you  that  those  became 
voluntary  converts.  Every  person  received  satisfactory  rea- 
sons and  departed  with  pleasure.  I  finished  the  day  with  a 
barbecued  beef.  I  have  also  ordered  matters  here,  that  this 
whole  frontier  will  be  formed  into  volunteer  companies,  but 
as  they  are  at  present  under  Fletchall's  (Tory)  command, 
they  insist  upon  being  formed  into  a  regiment  independent  of 
him ;  and  I  flatter  myself  you  will  think  this  method  of  weak- 
ening Fletchall,  to  be  considered  sound  policy.  These  people 
are  active  and  spirited;  they  are  staunch  in  our  favor;  are 
capable  of  forming  a  good  barrier  against  the  Indians,  and  of 
being  a  severe  check  upon  Fletchall's  people.  For  these 
reasons  and  to  enable  them  to  act  with  vigor, I  shall  take  the 
liberty  of  supplying  them  with  a  small  quantity  of  ammuni- 
tion, for  they  have  not  an  ounce,  when  they  shall  be  formed 
mto  regular  companies.  Several  companies  will  be  formed 
by  this  day  week."     (Drayton's  Memoirs,  vol.  I.,  page  374.) 

This  regiment,  known  as  the  Spartan  Regiment,  was 
formed  on  September  11,  1775.  A  letter  from  Col.  John 
Thomas  follows : 

"Spartan  Regiment,  Sept.  11,  1775. 
"To  the  Honorable  Wm.  H.  Drayton,  Esq. : 

"May  it  please  Your  Honor :  I  this  moment  received  Your 
Honor's  favor  of  the  loth  inst. ;  and  very  fortunately,  the 
command  for  this  district  (Spartan),  was  just  assembled  at  my 
house  in  order  to  address  the  Council  of  Safety  almost  on  the 
very  purport  of  Your  Honor's  letter,  as  we  had  all  the  reason 
in  the  world  (and  still  have)  to  believe  from  good  information, 
that  the  malignants  (Tories),  are  forming  the  most  hellish 
schemes  to  frustrate  the  measures  of  the  Continental  Con- 
gress, and  to  use  all  those  who  are  willing  to  stand  by  those 
measures  in  the  most  cruel  manner.  Your  Honor  will  be  fully 
convinced  of  the  truth  of  this  by  perusing  the  paper  trans- 
mitted herewith,  to  which  I  refer  Your  Honor. 

"I  shall  comply  with  Your  Honor's  orders  as  far  as  is  in 
my  power;  Your  Honor  must  suppose  it  impossible  to  raise 
the  whole  regiment,  as  several  have  families,  and  no  man  be 


left  about  the  house,  if  they  should  be  called  away.  I  shall 
take  as  large  a  draft  as  possible  from  every  company,  and  in 
short,  do  everything  to  the  utmost  of  my  power,  and  when 
encamped  shall  transmit  to  Your  Honor  as  quick  as  possible, 
an  account  of  my  proceedings. 

"John  Thomas."  (Col.) 

These  quotations  show  the  patriotism  of  the  race.  They 
were  a  people  knowing  their  rights,  and  knowing  dared  main- 
tain, and  prove  that  prior  to  1776  they  were  in  armed  re- 
sistance to  unjust  taxation  from  the  mother  country.  From 
Almanance  to  the  finish  at  Yorktown  which  acknowledged 
their  independence,  their  names  are  on  muster  rolls  of  every 
force  engaged  in  fighting  the  foes  of  liberty.  These  rolls  are 
many  of  them  lost,  but  a  few  remain  that  have  been  rescued 
from  oblivion.  The  Pedens,  Mortons,  Alexanders  were 
scattered  through  this  regiment,  and  fought  under  various 
leaders.  A  few  of  the  captains  of  the  companies  have  been 
obtained ;  a  list  of  one  company  has  the  name  of  James 
Morton  on  the  roll,  Captain  Wm.  Smith.  John  Alexander 
was  first  lieutenant  in  one  company.  The  names  of  some  of 
the  captains  many  interest  the  reader.  Andrew  Barry,  John 
Caldwell,  Edward  Hampton,  Shadrack  Inman,  Wm.  Johnson, 
John  Collins  and  others.    The  Majors  were,  Samuel  Mcjun- 

kin,  Joseph  Hughes, Chronicle,  Benj.  Roebuck,  Wade 

Hampton.  The  Colonel  was  John  Thomas.  They  served 
under  Daniel  Morgan  at  the  first,  later  under  the  partisan 
leaders  of  Upper  South  Carolina,  taking  part  in  the  battles  of 
the  whole  Revolutionary  period. 

John  Peden,  patriot,  gave  to  the  Revolutionary  army  him- 
self and  seven  sons,  James,  Thomas,  John,  William,  Samuel, 
Alexander  and  David ;  three  sons-in-law,  James  Alexander, 
Sr.,  Samuel  Morrow,  William  Gaston ;  grandsons,  John, 
James,  William  and  Thomas  Alexander,  John,  James  and 
David  Morton,  William,  John,  James  and  Thomas  (?)  Peden; 
about  twenty-two  in  all.  Some  of  these  were  mere  boys,  but  it 
is  a  glorious  record  for  one  family.  "It  is  not  the  names  that 


shine  brightest  on  history's  pages  that  have  done  most  for 
any  land,  it  is  the  unnamed  heroes  that  win  the  fields  of 
glory.  It  is  the  fault  of  history  to  give  too  much  prominence 
to  officers  and  ignore  the  men,  who  fought  and  died  to  make 
them  great,  and  in  that  way  the  truth  is  confounded." 

History  says,  the  "first  men  to  respond  to  the  call  of  the 
Continental  Congress  were  the  already  organized  companies 
gathered  together  by  Daniel  Morgan  (who  had  suffered  great 
outrages)  from  the  'over  mountains'  of  Pennsylvania,  Vir- 
ginia and  the  Upper  Carolinas.  They  were  determined  men, 
stern  of  mein.  and  very  striking  in  their  appearance.  They 
wore  coarse,  fringed  hunting  shirts,  belted  with  deer-skin 
bands,  trousers  of  rough  cloth,  flax,  wool  or  skin  made  by  the 
industrious  women  in  the  cabins,  raw-hide  shoes  of  the 
roughest  kind,  woolen  hats  of  cloth,  also  home-made;  some 
three-cornered  with  springs  of  green  for  cockades ;  some  like 
"Scotch  bonnets ;"  many  brimless  crowns ;  they  carried  their 
blankets  folded  and  strapped  over  their  shoulders  by  thongs 
of  deer-skin ;  pouches  of  the  same  held  their  day's  supply  of 
rock-a-hominy  (Indian  corn  parched  and  pounded  coarsely 
between  two  stones),  a  handful  was  eaten,  then  a  cup  of  water 
was  swallowed  to  moisten ;  this,  and  what  wild  game  their 
rifles  brought  down  had  sustained  them  on  the  long  march 
from  the  Tygers  to  Boston.  Their  arms  consisted  of  their 
rifles,  bits  of  lead,  a  powder  horn,  home-made,  sometimes  a 
cow's  horn,  sometimes  a  gourd,  a  hunting  knife,  and  the 
"Spartan"  soldier  was  ready  for  the  fray." 

John  Peden  was  too  old  for  active  service,  but  made  himself 
useful  in  many  ways,  but  very  reticent  about  any  good  he 
did.  On  one  occasion  he  was  asked  if  he  did  anything  in  the 
war  by  a  favored  grandchild,  "Nothing  much,  nothing  much." 
But  in  the  silent  watches  of  the  night  John  Peden  retired 
behind  his  wagon  to  pray,  and  in  the  hottest  of  the  fight  his 
hands  swifty  loaded  many  a  deadly  shot  into  waiting  rifles 
and  handed  them  to  less  skilled  hands,  many  savory  messes 
met  them  on  their  return  to  camp  from  the  depths  of  the  "old 
Conestoga  wagon,  that  went  through  the  war." 


At  Valley  Forge  the  Peden  left  his  bloody  foot-prints  on  the 
snow,  and  tradition  tells  that  the  feet  of  one  brother  were  so 
injured  that  he  never  was  able  afterward  to  wear  shoes  in 
comfort  (William).  Three  came  home  with  coughs  that 
lasted  all  their  lives,  not  consumptive  but  bronchial  (John, 
Samuel  and  Alexander).  The  barrels  of  their  rifles  made 
prints  on  their  shoulders,  often  wore  bare  places  through 
their  clothing;  these  marks  were  plainly  visible  on  the 
shoulders  of  one  brother  (John)  when  he  was  robed  for  the 
grave  in  1810. 

"The  darkest  hour  comes  just  before  daylight."  (John 
Peden.)  This  was  1780,  and  the  territory  of  South  Carolina 
was  completely  subjugated  by  the  British.  After  the  defeat  of 
Gen.  Gates  the  people  were  crushed  and  inclined  to  submit  to 
the  powers  that  were  for  a  period  of  rest,  but  their  minds 
changed  very  quickly  when  they  realized  what  the  rest  meant, 
and  a  ray  of  hope  gleamed  through  the  darkness,  though 
many  had  taken  protection.  The  Peden  sternly  refused  to  do 
this,  "he  had  little  worldly  pelf,  and  a  life  of  bondage  was 
worse  than  death,  he  would  hide  in  caves  and  dens  until  the 
calamity  be  past."  (James  Peden.)  It  goes  down  to  history 
that  the  Peden  never  took  protection,  as  the  proudest  record 
of  this  quiet  race. 

Such  was  the  case  in  Upper  South  Carolina  when  a  procla- 
mation was  issued  requiring  them  to  join  the  British  army  in 
order  to  keep  their  liberty  (?)  ,  raised  the  mettle  in  their 
natures.  While  discontent  had  reigned  as  well  as  despair, 
and  most  of  them  believed  the  cause  of  freedom  to  be  lost, 
and  were  for  quietly  submitting  to  their  fate.  Those  active 
spirits,  Sovith  Carolina's  Immortal  Trio,  Marion,  Sumter  and 
Lee,  with  Roebuck,  Mcjunkin  and  others,  who  had  persist- 
ently defied  royal  authority  Avere  working  among  the  Whigs. 
Thomas  Peden  was  with  Roebuck,  also  the  Alexanders  and 
Mortons,  while  the  others  were  with  Mcjunkin  and  Hughes. 
Their  commands  which  had  been  reduced  to  mere  handfuls  of 
patriots  soon  began  to  swell,  and  were  soon  respectable  in 
numbers.    Hope  revived,  the  people  in  small  parties  began  to 



rendezvous  and  arm  for  resistance.  Said  they,  "If  we  must 
lesume  our  arms,  let  us  rather  fight  for  America  and  our 
friends  than  for  England  and  strangers."  So  they  flocked  to 
the  recruiting  camps  nearest  them.  Cedar  Spring  and  Earle's 
Ford.  Thomas  Peden,  having  preferred  outlawry  to  British 
p  -otection,  had  gone  to  the  Xorth  Carolina  mountains,  in 
I  'edell  County,  with  his  wife  and  children,  being  a  man  of 
indomitable  will  and  unconquerable  spirit.  His  father,  John 
Peden,  would  have  gladly  remained  quietly  at  home,  as  would 
several  of  his  sons,  but  the  larger  number  sided  with  Thomas, 
so  the  father  said,  "I  follow."  Seeing  his  wife  and  numerous 
grandchildren  safe  in  Chester,  this  old  patriot,  with  the  eagle 
eyes  and  lint  white  locks,  again  took  up  the  line  of  march  and 
battle  cry  of  "Freedom !"  They  had  been  greath^  troubled  by 
the  false  report  circulated  by  Tories,  that  the  Continental 
Congress  had  abandoned  South  Carolina  to  her  fate  after 
Gates'  defeat.  Before  the  year  which  dawned  so  darkly  (1780) 
ended,  the  following  battles  were  fought  and  won :  Cedar 
Spring,  Thicketty,  Wofiford's  Iron  Works,  Earle's  Ford,  Mus- 
grove's  Mill,  King's  Mountain  and  Cowpens.  All  of  these 
partisan  battles  save  King's  Mountain  are  within  the  old 
boundaries  of  the  Spartan  district,  where  the  Peden  made  his 
first  home.  To  the  world  at  large  they  seem  insignificant,  as 
compared  with  some  of  modern  times,  yet  each  one  was  a 
giant  stride  on  the  line  of  march  to  memorable  Yorktown,  on 
that  historic  peninsula  where  most  if  not  all  of  America's 
greatest  battles  have  been  fought.  Their  work  did  not  end 
with  Yorktown.  They  came  back  to  the  Carolina  hills  to  find 
the  Tory  in  possession  and  their  families  scattered,  to  plunge 
again  into  brief  but  bloody  partisan  warfare. 

While  neither  John  Peden  or  his  seven  sons  rose  from 
rank  and  file  to  oi^ce.  one  grandson  became  a  Major  and 
another  Captain.  On  many  of  the  old  grave-stones  in  the 
rock-walled  God's  acre  at  Fairview  mav  vet  be  read  this 
legend :  "A  soldier  of  the  Revolution." 



"They  wrought  better  than  they  knew — 
The  guns  they  fired  that  famous  day 
Were  heard  around  the  world." 

John  Peden's  was  one  of  the  train  of  wagons  that  did  sue). 
.«-ervice  for  the  cause  at  King's  Mountain  so  faithfully  de- 
scribed by  Draper.  His  sons,  sons-in-law,  grandsons,  ect , 
were  among  Col.  Williams'  men  in  that  memorable  battle  thac 
paved  the  way  to  Yorktown.  This  is  from  Major  Mcjunkin  s 
Memoirs  by  Saye. 

At  Cowpens  (the  writer  wishes  it  were  possible  to  either 
copy,  or  place  a  copy  of  this  great  partisan  battle  in  the  hands 
of  every  Peden  as  depicted  by  Landrum  in  his  History  of 
Upper  South  Carolina)  where,  figuratively  speaking,  "they 
fought  with  halters  around  their  necks,"  the  three  youngest 
brothers,  Samuel,  Alexander  and  David,  were  among  the 
picked  men  of  Pickens ;  men  selected  with  the  greatest  care 
being  brave  and  daring,  all  young  unmarried  men,  they  were 
culled  from  the  whole  of  Morgan's  army  and  stationed  loosely, 
even  carelessly,  in  the  front  line.  Their  names  should  have 
been  preserved,  but  no  record  can  be  found.  This  front  line 
or  decoy  were  instructed  to  "mark  the  epaulette  men."  It 
was  a  favorite  recital  of  David  Peden  to  tell  of  this  scene  to 
his  sons  long  winter  nights,  how  they  stood  in  very  unmili- 
tary  positions  waiting  the  charge,  but  the  rustling  of  the  wind, 
the  fall  of  a  dead  twig,  put  them  on  the  alert ;  how  when  they 
fell  back  in  such  perfect  order  as  to  throw  the  enemy  into  the 
arms  of  their  army;  how  the  color  bearer  tripped  and  fell; 
how  he  snatched  the  colors  and  ran  on  with  them  until  his 
comrade  recovered  and  took  them  back. 

Then  the  last  scene  at  Yorktown,  when  Washington  re- 
viewed his  army,  just  before  the  battle,  "when  he  and  his 
staff  neared  Morgan's  'split-shirt  men,'  he  dismounted  from 
his  charger,  gave  the  reins  to  one  of  the  officers,  took  off  his 
three-cornered  hat,  removed  his  gauntlet  from  his  right  hand, 
held  both  hat  and  glove  in  his  left,  advanced  the  entire  length 
of  the  line"  shaking  hands  with  all  whom  he     could     reach. 


David  Peden  said,  "That  was  the  proudest  moment  of  my  Hfe, 
to  clasp  the  great  general's  hand,  sufficient  reward  for  all  the 
hard  marching."  These  last  incidents  are  from  David  Peden's 
own  lips,  handed  down  to  the  writer  by  his  youngest  daughter. 
As  a  question  arises  as  to  where  the  other  Peden  brothers 
settled  prior  to  the  war  of  the  Revolution,  the  writer,  after 
much  exhaustive  correspondence  with  many  different  mem- 
bers of  the  race  and  strangers,  evolved  the  following  solution : 
John  Peden,  his  wife  and  four  youngest  sons  came  direct  from 
Pennsylvania,  with  their  second  son,  Thomas.  The  landing 
took  place  in  New  York  according  to  McDill  testimony  in 
1770-1772.  James  Peden,  the  eldest  son,  came  somewhat  later 
from  Chester,  Penna.,  to  Chester,  S.  C.  The  Alexander 
family  came  to  Spartanburg  just  prior  to  the  Revolution. 
They  had  large  connections  already  settled  in  Penna.,  and 
also  in  Maryland.  There  are  two  versions  as  to  the  first  home 
of  the  Morton's.  First,  that  the  husband  of  Jane  Peden  died 
from  injuries  received  during  the  persecution  in  Ireland. 
(Remininiscences  of  her  son,  David  Morton.)  Second,  that 
he  was  a  brother  of  John  Morton,  one  of  the  signers  of  the 
Declaration  of  Independence,  "the  pivot  who  turned  the  scale 
that  memorable  day  and  died  the  next ;"  after  whose  death, 
which  occurred  in  Penna.  about  the  same  time  of  his  broth- 
er's she,  with  her  five  Morton  children,  turned  southward. 
Her  marriage  to  Samuel  Morrow  taking  place  in  South 
Carolina.  The  Morrows  came  from  Penna.  to  South  Caro- 
lina. As  James  Peden  was  a  member  of  the  Provincial  Con- 
gress from  Chester  District,  it  is  safe  to  presume  that  he 
settled  there,  and  was  'a  coi-d'  to  draw  John  and  Peggy 
thither,  as  well  as  the  McDill  family.  He  went  to  Fairview 
about  1789.  (This  is  from  records  sent  direct  from  Chester 
by  Dr.  G.  B.  White,  James  Hemphill  and  others).  It  is  safe 
therefore  to  assume  that  James  Peden  and  his  sons  were  not 
of  the  Spartan  Regiments,  but  with  those  of  Chester.  All 
their  patriotic  hearts  beat  as  one,  and  when  the  war  ended  the 
strong  cords  of  brotherhood  and  clanship  drew  them  together 


singly  and  in  groups  to  old  Fairview.     Those     chords     are 
broken  now  and  the  Peden  roams  afar. 

The  following  is  a  partial  Hst  of  the  officers  of  the  Spartan 
Regiment,  Battalion  of  the  Tygers : 

Generals — Dan  Morgan,  Nathaniel  Green. 

Colonels — John  Thomas,  Sr.,  John  Thomas,  Jr.,  Andrew 
Pickens,  Wade  Hampton,  William  Austin. 

Majors — Benjamin  Roebuck,  Joseph  Hughes,  Samuel  Mc- 
Junkin,  John  Alexander. 

Captains — John  Barry,  Andrew  Barry,  John  Collins, 
Mathew  Patton,  William  Smith. 

These  were  not  all  in  command  at  the  same  time,  as 
will  be  understood. 

John  Morton's  name  appears  on  the  roll  of  Capt.  Smith's 
company,  and  John  Alexander  was  first  lieutenant,  afterwards 
Major,   of  the   "Tyger   Irish." 

The  officers  of  the  Chester  Pedens,  as  far  as  known,  were : 
Captains— John  Hemphill,  Berry  Jeffries ;  and  Major  Joseph 

Most  of. the  old  records  are  lost;  fire,  flood  and  winds  have 
done  their  work,  and  "tradition  becomes  history."  Even  if 
the  old  swords  are  turned  to  rust,  the  old  guns  classed  as  rub- 
bish, the  powder  horns  playthings  of  the  generations  follow- 
ing, the  clanking  spurs  creations  of  wonder  to  the  eyes  of 
today,  a  few  remain  at  Fairview.  The  wheels  that  spun  the 
flax  and  wool,  the  looms  that  wove  the  "hodden  grey"  home- 
spun worn  by  the  patriots,  have  been  relegated  to  long  for- 
gotten garrets  or  becqme  fuel  long  ago,  this  one  grand  fact 
remains,  the  Peden  had  a  share,  a  very  large  share,  in  the 
founding  of  the  glorious  fifth  power  of  the  world,  America ! 



"Over  the  mountain's  height 
Like  Ocean  in  its  tided  might 
The  Hving  sea  rolled  onward." 

It  is  the  purpose  of  this  volume  to  trace  the  Peden  back 
into  dim  and  misty  realms  beyond  the  sunrise  sea,  to  the  old 
home  nest  in  Ayeshire,  "in  all  Scotland,"  and  in  Ballymena, 
Ireland,  and  follow  them  up,  step  by  step  until  they  reach  the 
throne  of  that  long  vanished  king,  Alexander,  traditional 
founder  of  the  house. 

Their  migrations,  with  the  causes,  are  historic ;  their  up- 
rooting in  Scotland  in  1602-1609;  their  sojourn  in  Ireland, 
covers  a  period  of  nearly  one  century.  Their  banishment  to 
the  "emerald  isle"  along  with  the  Hamilton,  iMontgomery 
and  others  under  the  High  Sheriff  of  Ayre  is  no  longer  a 
mooted  question,  but  historically  proven.  (Douglas  Camp- 

That  they  had  some  claim  on  t4ie  noble  house  of  Hamilton 
no  longer  admits  of  doubt ;  but  that  house  was  never  all 
Protestant,  and  was  ever  divided  in  its  religious  views,  and 
its  adherence  to  the  Stuart  the  pages  of  history  can  prove. 
Robert  the  Bruce,  of  Norman  descent,  divided  his  patrimony 
in  Ayre  with  Hamilton  and  Douglas  on  his  accession  to  the 
Scottish  throne,  and  the  Peden  went  with  the  Hamilton  ever 
after  in  his  fortunes. 

In  1630,  to  prevent  the  Scotch  in  Ulster  from  signing  the 
covenant,  Charles  Stuart,  tyrant,  imposed  the  Black  Oath, 
in  which  they  swore  allegiance  to  the  king,  promising  never 
to  rebel  against  him,  never  to  protest  against  any  of  his  com- 
mands, never  to  enter  any  covenant  or  oath  without  his 
authority.  This  spread  consternation  among  them,  and  prov- 
ing obstinate,  the  Lord  Lieutenant  of  Ireland,  Lord  Went- 
worth,  imposed  heavy  fines ;  this  pouring  gold  into  the  king's 


treasury,  made  him  a  prime  favorite  and  he  was  created  Earl 
of  Strafford.  Then  he  decided  to  banish  the  contumacious 
Scotch  to  the  new  world  and  sell  them  into  slavery,  but  "the 
Lord,  who  has  been  our  dwelling  place  in  all  generations," 
interfered.  He  was  sifting  the  golden  grain  for  the  last  great 
planting  in  America. 

The  fates  of  Charles  Stuart  and  the  Earl  of  Strafford  belong 
to  English  history.  While  the  Peden  and  his  compeers  re- 
alized that  Ireland  was  no  longer  a  home  for  him  and  his — 
this  was  his  first  rude  awakening  from  a  dream  of  security. 

The  second  came  in  1700.  The  passing  of  the  Test  Act 
which  completed  the  suppression  of  civil  freedom. 

It  has  been  the  earnest  effort  of  the  writer  to  settle  the 
much  disputed  question  as  to  the  date  and  manner  of  the  emi- 
gration to  the  New  World,  so,  after  much  laborious  and  ex- 
haustive correspondence,  both  within  and  without  the  clan,  it 
is  yet  indefinitely  proven.  The  best  solution  seems  that  given 
by  the  McDill  annals ;  for  they,  unlike  the  Pedens,  have  kept 
their  records  dating  back  nearly  three  hundred  years.  This 
migration  took  place  in  1770- 1772.  Though  destined  for  the 
Carolinas  they  lingered  for  two  years  in  Pennsylvania,  "along 
the  Jersey  shore"  in  one  of  the  three  original  counties,  gene- 
ral opinion  being  Berks  or  Chester,  preferably  Chester. 

"There  were  three  shiploads  of  emigrants  composed  of  the 
entire  congregation  of  the  church  in  Balleymena,  consisting 
of  about  three  hundred  souls,  with  their  pastor,  whose  name 
is  not  given  but  is  supposed  to  have  been  one  Alexander, 
left  Belfast  port  on  September  9th,  1768  or  1770.  The  names 
of  these  ships,  one  of  them  owned  in  part  by  the  emigrants, 
named  the  "Eagle  Wing"  which  had  attempted  to  cross  thirty 
years  before,  but  proved  too  heavy  and  was  put  back  into 
port  and  remodeled,  the  "Morning  Star,"  and  the  "Adven- 
turer." The  names  of  all  the  captains  are  lost  to  history  save 
that  of  Captain  Andrew  Agnew,  who  is  described  as  a  kindly 
man  and  a  Presbyterian.  Of  which  ship  he  had  charge  and  on 
which  the  Pedens  came  over  is  lost.  The  "Eagle  Wing,"  150 
tons  burden,  was  built  in  1735,  and  attempted  its  first  voyage 


in  1736,  having  on  board  one  hundred  and  forty  passengers, 
among  them  the  following  godly  ministers,  Revs.  Chas, 
Campbell,  Jno.  Somerville,  Hugh  Brown  and  others."  But, 
as  stated  before  the  ship  was  driven  back.  Nothing  daunted 
the  younger  men  made  the  voyage  later,  and  it  is  a  tradition 
that  Hugh  Brown  came  with  the  same  company  of  the 
Pedens,  that  he  went  aboard  one  of  the  other  ships  leaving 
"godly  Jno.  Peden"  to  look  after  the  spiritual  welfare  of  part 
of  his  flock  on  the  way  over. 

It  is  a  well  established  fact  that  the  heaviest  emigration 
from  Ulster  took  place  from  1755-1768.  Their  destination 
being  the  "land  of  Penn."  Yet  many  bore  grants  to  the  un- 
opened lands  of  "Upper  South  Carolina."  It  is  a  curious,  if 
not  a  providential  fact,  that  this  favored  land  of  the  Quaker 
Penn,  ever  open  to  the  oppressed,  received  most  of  the 
Scotch  emigrants  from  Ireland.  It  seemed  as  if  they  needed 
a  brief  respite  from  the  bufYetings  and  trials  of  the  old  world 
before  encountering  those  of  the  new,  so  the  land  of  Penn 
proved  that  haven  of  rest.  It  is  also  handed  down  by  the 
families  of  White,  Archer,  Martin,  Morrow,  all  of  whom  came 
to  Penna.  and  settled  in  Chester  County  and  formed  a  church 
called  Fairview.  The  McDills  also  were  of  this  congregation, 
and  it  has  been  alBrmed  to  the  writer  by  her  maternal  grand- 
mother, Eleanor  (Peden)  Dunbar,  that  the  Pedens  of  South 
Carolina  named  their  church  at  Fairview  for  both  the  old 
church  in  Ballymena,  Ireland,  and  the  one  in  Chester  County, 
Pennsylvania.  The  location  of  this  latter  church  the  writer 
has  failed  to  find  after  much  earnest  effort,  and  is  inclined  to 
think  it  a  mistake,  though  there  are  two  Fairviews  in  Penn- 
sylvania. West  Fairview  near  Harrisburg  and  Fairview  in 
the  extreme  northwestern  portion.  If  there  exists  an  East 
Fairview  she  has  found  no  trace  as  yet. 

Tradition  tells  that  the  wife  of  one  of  the  brothers  was  a 
Friend  or  Quakeress ;  that  she  never  lost  the  use  of  "thee 
and  thou"  all  her  life  among  the  Pedens,  as  well  as  wore  their 
garb,  and  while  she  attended  faithfully  the  Presbyterian 
church  at  Fairview,  her  views  never  changed.  "She  was  a 


tiny  creature  so  sweet  and  demure"  clad  in  her  plain  drab 
dress  with  white  linen  cap  and  kerchief  (three  cornered  cape), 
and  when  she  learned  the  secret  of  dying  her  peculiar  color  of 
drab,  or  dull  grey,  with  an  infusion  of  sweet-gum  bark  and  a 
pinch  of  copperas,  her  delight  was  boundless. 

The  White  family  have  recorded  many  reminiscences  of 
their  stay  in  Pennsylvania  before  coming  to  South  Carolina, 
and  as  two  of  the  seven  brothers  married  aunts  of  Gen.  Hugh 
Lawson  White,  and  their  nephew,  David  Morton,  married 
the  youngest  sister  of  the  same  family  it  seems  conclusive 
that  they  must  have  been  co-resident.  Elizabeth  White  was 
the  wife  of  Thomas  Peden,  and  Katherine  of  his  brother 
Samuel.  The  first  were  married  in  Ireland  and  it  was  their 
infant  (Mary)  whom  Peggy  McDill  brought  ashore  in  her 
arms  and  "Mary  was  her  darling  all  her  days."  Samuel  and 
Katherine  were  married  just  prior  to  the  journey  southward, 
while  tradition  says  that  David  Morton  and  Penelope  were 
married  in  Chester,  S.  C,  after  the  Revolution.  These  two 
crossed  the  seas  together  as  children. 

The  Martin  family  also  came  from  Pennsylvania  and  "Re- 
becca, wife  of  Alexander  Peden,  was  the  daughter  of  a  neigh- 
bor in  the  mother  country  who  came  over  with  them."  The 
family  were  undoubtedly  from  Pennsylvania. 

.  The_Mo.rrows,  to  whom  Jane  Peden's  second  husband  be- 
longed, was  a  colonial  family  of  Pennsylvania.  They  are  very 
proud  of  their  record  and  well  they  may  be.  The  writer  has 
seen  some  interesting  relics  of  this  house.  The  prevalence  of 
the  name  Eleanor  is  as  significant  to  the  Morrows  as  to  the 
Pedens  descending  from  Eleanor  Goodgion,  wife  of  David, 
the  seventh  son. 

Thomas  Hughes,  who  settled  in  Chester,  S.  C,  came  direct 
from  Pennsylvania  and  across  the  ocean  with  the  same  com- 
pany and  he  always  mentioned  the  McDills,  Millers  and 
others  as  being  in  the  same  colony  with  the  Pedens.  He 
shared  their  perilous  voyage,  and  the  statement  comes  from 
him  that  "under  stress  of  weather  the  companion  ships  were 
driven  apart  at  sea,  and  came  together  into  the  same  port." 


He  assisted  Thomas  McDill  in  quelling  the  mutiny  on  ship- 
board. He  also  gave  the  name  of  the  ship  in  which  he  came 
over  as  the  "Adventurer."  This  Thomas  Hughes  came  to 
America,  as  he  states,  under  a  heavy  cloud.  He  imparted  his 
secret  to  John  Peden  alone,  under  pledge  of  secrecy,  which 
pledge  John  Peden  kept  inviolate  and  was  a  good  friend  of 
Thomas  Hughes  as  long  as  they  both  lived.  Thomas  Hughes 
married  Annie  Miller.  Their  history  would  make  a  vivid 
romance  if  ever  written.  Thomas  Hughes  also  states  that 
they  (owing  to  the  munity)  did  not  reach  the  port  for  which 
they  were  bound  (Charleston),  but  landed  on  the  '"Jersey 
shore,"  afterwards  crossing  over  to  Penna. 

There  are  also  traditions  preserved  by  the  James,  Collins 
and  Thompson  families  proving  that  the  Pedens  sojourned  in 
Penna.  some  years  ere  coming  southward.  And  the  most 
conclusive  of  all,  seems  to  the  writer,  the  statement  of  her 
own  ancestor,  David  Peden,  that  he  was  a  boy  of  eight  or  ten 
when  he  crossed  over.  He  was  born  in  Ireland  November  i, 
1760.  He  was  strangely  silent  regarding  where  the  two  or 
four  interevening  years  were  spent. 

Howe's  History  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  in  South  Caro- 
lina in  responsible  for  the  statement  that  the  Pedens  landed  in 
Charleston,  S.  C,  and  came  direct  to  Spartanburg.  His  in- 
formants were  men  and  women  who  came  over  on  the  voy- 
age living  at  the  time  the  book  was  written.  This  is  accepted 
by  Rev.  R.  H.  Reid  and  also  by  a  great  many  of  the  Pedens. 

The  shipping  records  of  Charleston  were  mostly  if  not 
wholly  destroyed  during  some  of  Charleston's  many  catastro- 
phes.   No  trace  is  to  be  found  there. 

However  they  came,  through  whatever  port  they  entered, 
"they  came,  they  saw,  they  conquered."  Accepting  either 
version,  John  Peden  came  to  America  in  1768  to  1770,  as  the 
old  royal  grants  show,  as  none  were  issued  after  that  date 
for  two  reasons.  George  the  Second  died  October  7,  1760, 
and  "George  the  Third  was  king."  The  other  reason  is  that 
Ireland  was  fast  returning  to  "a  howling  wilderness"  by  the 
departure  of  the  Scotch ;  a  coast  guard  was  placed    and  the 


"Press-law"  enforced,  so  it  is  hardly  supposable  that  a  family 
of  sons  like  John  Peden's  would  be  allowed  to  depart  together 
and  peaceably  by  a  king  like  George  the  Third,  under  a  royal 

The  War  of  Independence  found  John  Peden  and  his  family 
in  Spartanburg  County,  South  Carolina.  The  family  had 
already  taken  firm  root  in  the  new  soil.  "All  seven  followed 
their  father  through  those  trying  days,  and  all  came  home 
together,"  is  the  statement  of  a  daughter  of  David  the  young- 

At  the  close  of  the  war  the  next  migration  took  place  bring- 
ing the  family  to  Fairview,  in  Greenville  County.  All  lands 
were  re-granted  at  this  time  and  this  country,  recently 
wrested  from  the  Indians,  was  opened  to  the  settlers,  so  the 
pioneer  Peden  came  among  the  very  first.  This  may  be  con- 
sidered the  very  cradle  of  the  race,  nay,  the  American  house 
of  Padan,  Paden,  Peden,  in  all  its  varied  spelling.  Every  fact 
brought  to  light  so  far  proves,  with  one  exception,  that  all 
these  trace  their  origin  back  to  South  Carolina.  Here,  with 
three  exceptions,  the  older  men  and  women  of  the  ten  origi- 
nal families  spent  their  last  years  and  sleep  their  last  sleep. 
During  the  year  1803  the  Louisiana  purchase  and  acquisition 
of  the  "great  northwest"  began  to  stir  the  interest  of  these 
Pedens  of  the  third  generation.  1812  brought  the  excitement 
of  war  with  England  and  many  a  stalwart  young  Peden 
mounted  his  horse,  shouldered  his  gun  and  rode  away  to  re- 
turn with  tidings  of  fair  land  farther  on  to  the  westward ; 
Georgia,  Mississippi  and  the  great  north  were  holding  out 
hands  tp  these  brave,  young  pioneers  to  come  help  build 
up  these  waste  places,  occupy  these  lands.  The  call  was  re- 
sistless, they  turned  their  faces  toward  the  setting  sun.  Part 
of  the  second  generation  and  most  of  the  third  leaving  Fair- 

The  story  of  some  of  these  migrations  as  told  by  the  ven- 
erable chronicler  and  clerk  of  the  sessions,  Anthony  Savage, 
in  the  oldest  church  book  now  in  existence,  is  as  follows : 


"April  4,  181 5 — ^Jno.  Peden's  family  and  part  of  widow 
Peden's  family  moved  to  Kentucky ;  regularly  dismissed." 

"181 5,  Oct.  16 — Widow  Peden  and  the  rest  of  her  family 
moved  to  Kentucky." 

"1816 — Thomas  Peden  and  family  moved  back  to  Chester, 
S.  C,  (Rev.  Jno.  Hemphill  pastor  at  Hopewell  church,  Chester 
Co.,  S.  C.)" 

"18 1 7 — Robert  Morrow,  his  two  sons,  Samuel  and  Thomas, 
with  their  families  moved  to  Alabama  territory." 

"1820 — Maj.  Jno.  Alexander  and  family,  Wm.  Alexander 
and  family,  leave  the  State." 

This  ends  the  first  manuscript  book  to  be  found,  therefore 
a  period  of  ten  or  more  years  and  a  number  of  dismissals  or 
emigrations  are  also  lost. 

"1833 — Robert  W.  Peden,  Dan  and  Alexander  Peden 
(brothers),  David  S.  Peden,  with  their  families,  regularly  dis- 

"1835 — Dismissed  four  of  our  familes,  Wm.  Morrow,  four 
in  number,  Jas.  Morton,  six  in  number,  Wm.  Armour,  two  in 
number,  and  Jas.  McVickers." 

"1836 — Dismissed,  Linsay  A.  Baker  and  family,  four  in 
unmber,  Samuel  H.  Baker  and  family,  three  in  number." 

"1837 — Jas.  Peden's  family,  six  in  number.  Alex.  Alexander 
and  family,  six  in  number,  Wm.  Harrison  and  wife,  Jas.  Har- 
rison and  wife,  Alexander  Savage  and  his  wife  Rosanna" 

"1843 — Dismissed  Andrew  W.  Peden,  Rebecca  Peden,  Jno. 
M.  Peden,  Esther  E.  Peden,  A.  W.  R.  Baker,  David  C.  Baker, 
Jno.  W.  Baker." 

Here  also  is  recorded  so  beautifully  the  death  of  Jenny 

"1847 — The  dismissal  of  Laurens  F.  Baker  and  his  wife  to 

Here  Anthony  Savage  lays  aside  the  pen.  The  historian 
did  not  have  time  to  follow  these  dismissals  through  the 
other  books  by  James  Dunbar,  who  took  up  the  pen  where 
Anthony  Savage  laid  it     down.     He  too,  after    "serving  his 


generation  according  to  the  will  of  God,  fell  asleep."  The 
pilgrim  mantle  and  stafif  then  fell  to  the  present  clerk,  Dr. 
David  R.  Anderson,  worthy  successor  to  these  two  saintly 
men.  From  these  small  beginnings  began  the  "Westward 
ho !"  of  this  now  almost  numberless  race,  scattered  all  over 
these  fair  United  States  and  in  other  lands. 

All  Padans,  Padens,  Pedens  in  America  have  a  common 
ancestry,  as  is  proven  by  numbers  of  letters  from  almost 
every  State  telling  the  same  legend,  "my  Peden  ancestor  was 
from  South  Carolina,  his  name  was  James,  Thomas,  William, 
Samuel,  Alexander,  David,  or  Mary  Peden  who  married  Jas. 
Alexander,  or  Jane  Peden,  who  married  first  a  Morton  then 
a  Morrow."  They  are  in  Tennessee,  Missouri,  Ohio,  Indiana, 
Illinois,  Iowa,  Michingan,  Minnesota,  Nevada,  Wyoming, 
Washington,  Utah,  California,  Texas,  Arkansas,  Kansas, 
Louisiana,  Mississippi,  Alabama,  Georgia,  North  and  South 
CaroHna,  Oklahoma,  New  York,  Massachusetts,  as  well  as 
elsewhere.  Some  are  combating  the  Papist  in  South 
America,  one  is  in  China,  some  are  in  the  Philippines.  All 
these  do  not  bear  the  clan  name  of  Peden  (original  spelling), 
but  claim  and  prove  their  descent  from  John  Peden  and  Peggy 

It  now  becomes  the  duty  of  the  historian  to  record  in  suc- 
cession the  nine  houses  of  Peden  as  sent  in  by  their  own  his- 
torians. Some  are  very  meager.  It  is  the  sincere  hope,  that 
if  this  volume  should  ever  reach  the  second  edition  all  missing 
links  will  be  found ;  that  it  may  present  to  the  world  a  perfect 

In  addition  to  this  great  house  two  brothers  of  John  Peden, 
William  and  James,  the  former  settling  in  Penna.,  the  latter 
in  Virginia,  came  over  early  in  the  past  century,  or  about 
1790.  These  brothers  came  down  to  the  Carolinas  but  only 
lingered  awhile  as  they  "could  not  brook  slavery  in  any 
form,"  retraced  their  steps  back  to  the  upper  settlements, 
founding  houses  in  Pennsylvania  and  seme  other  western 
States.  Two  grandsons  of  John,  the  father,  William  and 
John,  sons  of  James,  migrated  to  Ohio,  they  had  large  fami- 


lies  with  whom  the  historian  has  utterly  failed  to  come  in 
touch.  Other  Pedens,  who  came  over  prior  to  the  Revolu- 
tionary war,  have  only  recently  been  traced  by  the  writer,  who 
has  positive  proof  in  a  letter  from  J.  S.  Peden,  New  York 
city,  that  one  Joseph  Peden  served  honorably  through  the 
war  of  Independence,  who  was  probably  a  brother  of  John 
Peden.  His  descendants  are  found  in  New  York,  Pennsyl- 
vania, Indiana  and  Missouri.  In  1809  Alexander  Peden,  son 
of  INlingo  Peden,  who  was  undoubtedly  a  brother  of  James 
Peden,  father  of  John,  came  to  Wilmington,  N.  C.  He  was 
the  father  of  three  sons,  the  eldest,  Dr.  Alexander  D.  Peden, 
whose  biography  appears  elsewhere,  being  half  brother  to 
the  two  younger,  who  in  time  migrated  to  Kentucky,  found- 
ing there  the  house  of  Padon.  One  of  these  brothers  was  for 
many  years  a  member  of  the  Kentucky  legislature.  Of  Judge 
Peden  once  foreign  minister  under  the  administration  of 
President  Pierce,  the  writer  has  no  trace.  He  seems  to  have 
been  utterly  alone,  unless  belonging  to  some  of  the  missing 

From  time  to  time  others  of  the  name  have  come  over 
from  the  old  country  and  among  those  of  recent  date  are, 
Jas.  R.  Peden,  of  Kansas  City,  Mo.,  and  David  S.  Peden,  of 
Anaconda,  Mont. 



"Ancestral  oaks  ! 
Beneath  your  mighty  shade, 

They  reared  their  altars,  brothers  hand  in  hand, 
In  shining  order,  there  they  stand, 
Like  a  living  hymn  written  in  shining  light." 

In  the  fall  of  the  year  1785  came  the  Peden  brothers,  John, 
Samuel,  David,  with  their  nephew,  James  Alexander,  and 
their  good  friend,  James  Nesbit ;  their  wives,  little  ones  and 
the  few  possessions  left  by  the  fortunes  of  war,  to  the  new 
and  untried  wilderness  of  what  is  now  Fairview  Township, 
Greenville  County,  South  Carolina.  Each  holding  a  grant  or 
deed  from  the  new  government  to  certain  newly  acquired 
lands.  One  of  these  old  documents  is  still  in  the  possession 
of  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  Houston,  Texas,  showing  the  holding 
of  David,  his  ancestor,  to  have  been  nine  hundred  and  fifty 
acres.  Another,  kept  by  Mr.  A.  S.  Peden,  Fountain  Inn,  Sj 
C,  showing  that  of  Alexander,  who  came  a  few  months  later, 
to  have  been  six  hundred  and  fifty  acres.  David's  lands  ex- 
tended from  Raeburn  to  Rocky  creek.  Alexander's  lay  west- 
ward toward  Reedy  river ;  John's  (amount  not  known) 
reached  the  river,  joining  both  Alexander,  and  the  Alexan- 
ders, husband  and  son  of  Mary  Peden ;  the  lands  of  James 
Alexander,  Sr.,  were  nearest  the  center,  and  Fairview  church 
is  situated  near  where  the  lands  of  James  Alexander,  Sr.,  and 
David  Peden  met,  at  the  church  spring.  It  stands  on  land 
given  by  James  Alexander,  Sr.,  as  the  writer  understands. 
James  Peden,  the  eldest  brother's  possessions  extended  be- 
tween those  of  John  and  Alexander  Peden,  and  of  Wiliam 
Gaston,  husband  of  Elizabeth  Peden ;  William's  joined 
David's,  and  both  met  Samuel's,  while  those  of  Samuel  Mor- 
row, husband  of  Jane  (Peden-Morton),  were  further  north- 
ward beyond  the  others,  joining  her  sons  David  and  John 


Morton  and  James  Alexander,  Jr.  William  for  some  reason, 
owned  less  land  than  his  brothers,  it  is  supposed  that  he  pre- 
ferred plying  his  trade — "blacksmithing" — to  agriculture. 
Tradition  says  that  he  was  "a  giant  of  a  man,"  while  his  wife, 
Mary  Archer,  was  very  small,  and  very  pretty.  The  writer 
.had  great  difficulty  in  locating  some  of  these  old  spots,  and  is 
still  in  doubt  about  those  of  Samuel,  William  and  Jane. 

However,  to  resume  the  narrative.  The  younger  men, 
David  Peden  and  James  Alexander,  Jr.,  acted  as  guides 
through  the  trackless  woods,  "blazing"  a  pathway  for  the 
others  to  follow.  After  leaving  the  old  historic  Blackstock 
road,  and  crossing  the  old  boundary  line  on  Enoree  river, 
they  followed  an  Indian  trail  for  awhile,  then  struck  boldly 
out  westward !  Night-fall  found  them  foot-sore  and  weary 
beside  a  bold  spring  of  ice-cold  water,  issuing  from  among 
the  rocks  and  roots  of  "three"  immense  tulip,  or  poplar  trees, 
and  rushing  swiftly  away  down  a  deep  narrow  valley,  to  join 
the  waters  of  Raeburn  creek.  This  natural  fountain  still  re- 
mains a  favorite  resort  of  the  present  day ;  it  has  quenched 
the  thirst  of  six  or  seven  generations  of  Pedens ;  has  been 
used  in  their  baptisms  for  over  a  century,  and  furnished  the 
water  supply  for  the  Peden  camp  during  the  great  ^nd  mem- 
orable reunion  (1899).  Only  one  "big  tree"  remains,  a  silent 

Here  in  this  green  spot  the  tired  guides  kindled  the  first 
camp-fire  to  have  "a  cheery  blaze"  when  the  others  should 
come  "up  the  stream"  Soon  the  whole  little  company  ap- 
peared, and  the  Httle  children  ran  merrily  to  the  fire,  their 
elders  following  more  sedately.  Before  they  allowed  them- 
selves to  partake  of  food,  or  indulge  in  rest,  "the  brothers" 
retired  apart  on  the  "eastern  hillside,  beyond  earshot,"  (on 
this  spot  they  afterwards  built  their  first  rude  "meeting- 
house,") yet  where  they  could  over  look  the  little  company  at 
the  spring,  joined  their  hands  in  solemn  covenant  with  God, 
and  each  other.  Then  after  a  fervent  prayer  they  repeated  a 
psalm,  and  singing  "Old  Hundredth,"  they  went  down  to  the 
camp.    These  pioneers  then  pitched  their  tents,  built  boughs 


of  pine  into  booths,  while  the  women  prepared  a  simple  meal 
of  Indian  corn  porridge  known  as  "mush,"  this  they  all  ate, 
drinking  with  it  the  new  milk,  which  had  been  hastily  drawn 
from  the  few  cows  and  quickly  cooled  in  "jugs"  set  in  the 
limpid  waters  of  the  spring.  Afterwards  they  had  a  prayer, 
sang  a  hymn  and  laid  them  down  to  sleep  under  the  star 
studded  canopy  of  heaven.  With  the  Peden  God  was  first, 
His  worship  more  important  than  creature  comfort ;  more- 
over, his  faith  was  implicit.  (For  this  scene  the  writer  is  in- 
debted to  her  maternal  grandfather,  James  DunDar,  son-  in- 
law of  David  Peden,  long  years  afterward,  who  had  it  told  to 
him  by  his  venerated  father-in-law  on  the  spot  ,one  quiet  Sab- 
bath day  when  there  was  "no  preaching,"  as  he,  James  Dun- 
bar, of  sainted  memory,  told  the  writer  sitting  beside  him  on 
the  rock-curb  of  the  spring  in  the  sweet  summer  time  of 

On  the  morrow  after  "worship"  and  a  scanty  breakfast 
work  began  in  earnest.  Winter  was  coming  and  homes  were 
to  be  built.  So  after  they  made  the  little  camp  as  secure  as 
they  could,  they  set  out  for  the  scene  of  the  "first  cabin 
home."  The  Indian  and  Tory  were  still  a  menace.  Raeburn 
and  his  band  still  lingered  near,  but  for  some  reason,  God 
only  knows,  they  did  not  molest  the  "hated  Peden." 

Soon  the  women  at  the  camp,  "Katie"  White,  wife  of  Sam- 
uel, Betsy  Ann  Baker,  wife  of  John,  and  Eleanor  Goodgion, 
wife  of  David,  also  Mary  or  "Polly"  Miller,  wife  of  James 
Alexander,  Jr.,  the  wife  and  children  of  James  Nesbit,  had 
their  first  callers,  these  were  an  Indian  woman  and  her  half- 
breed  daughter  named  "Dagg"  or  Dagnall.  The  mother  was 
skilled  in  "simples"  and  other  woodlore  which  was  gladly 
welcomed  by  thse  pioneer  house  wives,  so  they  kindly  made 
room  for  them  around  the  camp-fire.  While  the  Indian 
woman  smoked  and  grunted  over  her  pipe,  the  daughter 
made  herself  useful,  and  most  acceptable  help  she  soon  be- 
came. To  the  children,  however,  she  was  a  source  of  terror. 
"I'll  call  Sal  Dagg  to  get  you"  was  a  direful  threat,  or  "You're 


as  mean  as  Sal  Dagg"  an  epithet  of  keenest  insult.  This 
meanness  consisted  in  concocting  nauseous  doses  and  pour- 
ing them  down  reluctant  throats,  for  various  childish  mala- 
dies, this  medicine  they  called  "garbroth;"  otherwise  Sarah 
Dagg  was  a  harmless,  useful  creature,  despite  her  weird  ap- 
pearance, also  she  was  a  safe-guard  against  both  Indian  and 
Tory.  Ere  long  both  left  the  country  in  quiet  possession  of 
the  Pedens,  leaving  only  the  name  of  Raeburn  to  the  once 
turbulent,  but  now  quiet,  stream  that  flows  through  the 
lands  once  owned  entirely  by  Pedens. 

Soon  the  sound  of  the  axe  re-echoed  through  the  forest, 
the  trees  felled,  the  rough  hewn  logs  ready,  the  oaken  boards 
riven.  One  of  the  brothers  built  a  blacksmith's  forge  and 
made  spikes  of  all  the  bits  of  iron  attainable,  and  some  old 
swords  and  gun  barrels  went  that  way.  One  was  a  stone- 
worker  so  they  were  independent,  each  one  had  a  trade  and 
they  all  worked  together.  The  house  of  James  Alexander 
was  the  first  one  built ;  the  women  assisted  in  drawing  the 
logs  by  chains,  and  when  the  walls  of  the  cabins  were 
reared  beyond  reach  the  men  mounted  them  and  the  women 
placed  the  chains  around  the  logs  so  that  they  could  be 
pulled  up  and  placed  by  them.  These  colonial  cabins  were 
"twenty  by  twenty  feet  square,"  with  huge  chimneys  in  one 
end,  these  stand  many  of  them  and  are  beautiful  specimens 
of  stone-craft.  There  were  no  windows,  only  one  door,  this 
opened  eastward  for  two  reasons ;  first,  a  crack  was  left 
above  it  to  show  the  coming  dawn ;  the  second,  clocks  were 
almost  unknown  and  the  sun  marked  the  hours  on  the  floor, 
what  they  did  in  cloudy  weather  is  not  handed  down,  but 
doubtless  they  had  other  signs  as  to  how  time  was  passing. 
The  walls  were  smoothed,  the  crevices  fiilled  with  clay,  then 
white  washed  with  this  same  white,  blue  or  "pipe  clay."  The 
floors  were  of  packed  earth  neatly  sanded  and  swept  into  fan- 
tastic figures.  In  time  however  rude  plank  or  "puncheons" 
covered  them.  These  first  homes  were  built  exactly  alike. 
All  were  built  near  some  cool  spring,  and  each  had  its  shel- 


taring  black  walnut  tree,  as  Alexander  Peden  said,  "The 
walnut  gave  both  fruit,  shade  and  also  dye  stuff." 

The  author  remembers  to  have  stood,  a  child  of  ten,  up- 
right in  the  great  fire-place  of  the  first  chimney  (Jas.  Alex- 
ander, Jr.,),  it  was  then  part  of  "the  kitchen,"  among  the 
"pot-hooks"  and  "hangers,"  with  its  revolving  "spit";  many 
were  the  great  dinners  it  furnished  forth,  and  the  sable 
priestess  of  the  everlasting  fire  informed  her  that  the  dinners 
were  served  when  the  sun  came  down  the  chimney  and  shone 
on  the  pots,  exactly  at  noon.  Alas,  it  is  a  ruin  now,  and  a 
stranger  owns  the  land.  This  old  home  stood  on  the  "head- 
waters" of  North  Raebur4i  creek,  that  is,  the  great  spring 
was  the  source  of  this  stream.  Along  the  roadway  stretched 
a  line  of  tall  cedars,  and  down  to  the  creek  an  avenue  of 
stately  walnuts.  These  trees  were  all  cut  down  and  disposed 
of,  for  some  strange  reason,  during  the  civil  war,  1861-1865. 
Imagination  brings  back  the  ruddy  faced,  jovial  gentleman, 
the  stately  dark-eyed  dame,  "Polly  Miller,"  who  spent  her 
last  days  in  a  cripple's  chair ;  gone  are  the  tall  and  beautiful 
daughters,  all  so  like  the  dear  old  mother,  the  sons  all  scat- 
tered like  the  leaves  of  the  forest,  leaving  no  trace. 

In  the  greenest  of  green  valleys  stood  the  cabin  of  David, 
the  seventh  son,  and  it  stands  today  erect,  proud  as  in  the 
day  when  David  Peden  first  bowed  his  tall  form  to  enter  the 
door-way  to  hang  up  his  rifle  and  welcome  his  young  wife  to 
her  forest  home,  very  bare  it  must  have  looked,  but  she  was 
brave  and  true,  she  was  very  young ;  tradition  tells  us  she  was 
fair  to  look  upon.  Soon  the  home  was  furnished  simply.  It 
was  a  snug  warm  nest  for  the  large  brood  it  was  to  shelter. 
In  front  of  the  door  stood  a  walnut  tree  too  and  its  shadows 
fell  athwart  the  floor  when  the  sunshine  played  in.  Around 
about  it  the  everlasting  hills  in  verdure  clad,  a  sheltered 
spot,  a  safe  retreat.  Of  the  old  land  marks  only  the  main 
house  and  chimney  stands  as  of  yore ;  gone  the  trees,  the 
orchards ;  all  save  one  hillside  of  primeval  forest  yet  spared  by 
the  axe  of  civilization.     Even  the  old  spring  has  vanished. 


Hushed  the  voices  of  the  children,  who,  with  their  descen- 
dants, found  homes  and  graves  in  other  States,  while  the  old 
cradle  home  has  passed,  a  silent  monument,  into  other  hands. 
It  is  now  the  property  of  L.  Brownlee,  going  out  of  the  fam- 
ily in  the  troublous  days  of  1864- "65. 

Across  the  roadway  toward  the  sunset,  in  another  green 
valley,  lay  the  home  of  William  Peden,  of  which  some  traces 
may  be  found,  but  the  most  marked  is  the  wonderful  spring 
which  seems  never  to  fail,  and  which  was  the  delight  of  these 
dear  people.  From  out  this  home  they  went  westward  long, 
long  ago,  and  it  too  went  to  the  stranger  in  about  1820. 

John  Peden's  home,  too,  nestled  in  a  valley.  The  author 
saw  it  only  once ;  then  there  were  a  few  traces,  the  spring 
with  its  square  stones,  the  walnut  trees,  the  old  house,  now- 
only  a  part  of  the  old  house  remains.  John  dying  in  1810, 
his  family  left  the  old  nest  and  went  westward ;  after  passing 
through  many  hands  it  has  come  again  into  the  hands  of  the 
Peden,  Mrs.  i\nn  Peden,  whose  husband  was  a  Hneal  descen- 
dant of  Alexander,  the  sixth  son. 

The  home  of  Samuel,  unlike  the  others,  was  on  an  emi- 
nence commanding  a  fine  view.  The  old  house  is  still  stand- 
ing, but  has  been  added  to  and  is  well  preserved.  So  far  as 
can  be  ascertained  it  has  always  belonged  to  a  Peden,  not 
always  of  descent  from  Samuel.  The  present  owner,  Mrs. 
yi.  C.  Templeton  is  descended  from  Alexander  and  Thomas, 
two  of  the  original  brothers. 

The  early  home  of  James,  the  eldest  brother,  who  came 
later  to  Fairview,  stood  on  a  hill-crest,  at  whose  foot  rushed 
a  bold  spring.  Only  a  splendid  walnut  tree  and  pile  of  stone 
now  marks  the  spot.  It  has  never  left  the  Pedens,  and  is  now 
owned  by  Airs.  W.  M.  Stenhouse,  a  descendant  of  Alexander, 
the  sixth  son. 

Alexander  Peden's  cabin  home  stood  on  a  high  hill,  over- 
looking the  surrounding  country.  Only  a  sunken  spot  marks 
the  cellar.  Like  the  others  this  home  was  of  logs  with  a 
huge  stone  chimney  facing  the  road,  while  a  big  walnut  tree 


shaded  the  roof,  whose  charred  stump  now  lies  mouldering 
near  where  it  once  stood  in  towering  beauty.  The  hill  is  now 
a  vast  field  of  cotton,  or  waving  grain,  the  spring  lies  a 
pellucid  pool  at  the  foot  of  the  hill,reflecting  the  stars  at 
night,  and  heaven's  own  blue  by  day.  Nearby  are  the  rock 
foundations  of  the  old  barn,  curious  and  skillful  bits  of  stone- 
masonry  of  a  past  age.  This  old  home  place  is  now  the  prop- 
erty of  Dr.  H.  B.  Stewart,  whose  noble  wife  is  a  lineal  de- 
scendant of  the  first  owner,  Alexander,  the  sixth  son. 

Between  this  and  the  land  of  James  Peden  there  rushes  a 
brave  little  stream  known  as  the  "Peden  branch,"  it  is  fed  by 
two  or  three  Peden  springs  and  comes  merrily  down  among 
the  ferns  and  mosses  like  Tennyson's  brook — 

"For  men  may  come  and  men  may  go — 
But  I  go  on  forever." 

It  rushes  madly  along  over  "cold  grey  stones"  in  glad- 
some whirls  and  eddys.  Oft  have  the  white  feet  of  the  Peden 
daughters  been  laved  in  its  coolness  in  by-gone  days.  At 
one  place  it  flows  between  two  steep  hills.  An  old  road-way 
is  still  visible,  though  long  disused  and  almost  forgotten.  Up 
and  down  these  hills  the  Peden  traveled  wearily  to  and  from 
market  (Charleston  or  Augusta)  before  the  days  of  railroads. 

The  homes  of  the  Peden  sisters  were  more  pretentious 
than  those  of  the  brothers,  for  ere  they  came  to  Fairview 
wondrous  strides  had  been  made.  David  had  acquired  a  saw- 
mill, also  one  for  grist  "on  the  creek."  The  site  is  now  to  be 
seen,  and  part  of  the  picturesque  dam  of  black-gray  rocks 
yet  exists  on  the  land  of  Hon.  John  R.  Harrison,  Hneal  de- 
scendant of  James,  the  eldest  son.  There  were  several  forges 
among  the  brothers,  as  each  had  some  useful  trade  besides 
his  farm.  David  Morton  had  brought  his  tools  and  was  quite 
a  good  carpenter,  having  learned  under  his  loved  grand- 
father, John  Peden. 

Of  these  homes,  that  of  Mary,  or  "Polly,"  wife  of  James 
Alexander,  Sr.,  was  by  far  the  most  attractive,  being  "a  colo- 


ni'al  mansion,  a  wonder  in  those  days."  It  had,  and  has  mas- 
sive brick  chimneys,  and  in  the  memory  of  the  writer  was  a 
lovely  old  home,  embowered  in  a  grove  of  immense  oaks  and 
walnuts,  a  long  vista  of  the  later  as  far  as  eye  could  reach ; 
down  a  steep  hill  at  the  back  of  the  house  was  the  lovliest 
spring  and  spring-house.  It  did  not  take  much  play  of  fancy 
to  call  up  visions  of  the  courteous  old  gentleman  with  snowy 
hair,  knee  buckles  and  ruffles,  and  the  stately  dame  with  the 
"keen,  dark  eyes,"  known  as  "Aunt  Polly".  The  great  doors 
stood  wide  open  towards  the  high  road.  In  that  mansion 
where  the  old  clock  ticked  against  the  wall  there  was  free- 
hearted hospitality — one  hundred  years  ago.  Today — it 
stands  a  tottering  ruin,  a  monument  to  the  past,  the  brave 
sons  of  Alexander,  and  the  fair  daughters  also,  have  scat- 
tered far  and  wide,  after  passing  those  fair  portals,  while  the 
dear  old  people  rest  in  the  rock  walled  God's  acre  over  the 
hill  at  Fairview.  James  Alexander  was  the  first  magistrate 
at  Fairview.  He  was  as  large-hearted  and  open  handed  a  col- 
onist as  the  old  world  ever  furnished  the  new,  but  his  noble- 
ness must  be  left  to  his  proper  historian. 

The  second  sister,  Jane,  the  wife  of  Samuel  Morrow,  whom 
tradition  says  was  a  fair  counterpart  of  her  mother,  "Peggy 
McDill,"  The  spirit  of  the  pioneer  was  strong  within  her. 
The  house  of  Samuel  Morrow  was  also  colonial,  and  stood 
on  a  fair  hill.  Not  a  trace  now  remains,  not  a  stick,  tree  or 
stone.  It  was  a  square  house.  "Pretty  Jenny"  liked  to  look 
abroad  so  there  was  not  so  many  trees.  The  site  is  on 
the  land  of  Edward  Martin,  whose  wife  is  descended  from 
both  Thomas,  the  second  son,  and  Alexander,  the  sixth  son. 

Elizabeth  Peden,  wife  of  Wm.  Gaston,  lived  in  a  double 
house ;  her  home  was  the  favorite  resort  of  her  family.  There 
seems  to  have  been  some  wealth  there,  for  it  is  said  that  Wm. 
Gaston,  while  only  a  silk-weaver  in  the  old  country,  was  of 
high  lineage,  that  his  guests  were  warmed  with  ruddy,  old 
wine,  surely  not  of  colonial  vintage,  poured  from  flagons  of 
silver  bearing  arms  and  crest ;  silver  took  the  place  of  pewter 


in  this  house.  Gone  is  the  sweet  warm-hearted  hostess ;  gone 
the  grand  old  host  with  the  deep,  bkie  eyes,  the  tall  princely 
form,  that  bowed  so  gallantly  to  the  ladies,  yet  so  proudly 
borne  in  the  face  of  foes.  Lost  the  flagons,  faded  the  fra- 
grance of  the  wine.  Out  of  the  broken  hearthstone  there  was 
growing  some  years  ago  a  tall  graceful  sycamore  tree.  The 
very  stones  are  gone,  tradition  says  they  were  used  to  build 
the  pillars  of  Pisgah  church,  which  is  near  by.  The  Gaston 
home  is  now  owned  by  Mr.  Louis  Thomason.  The  Gastons 
were  childless  so  their  memory  will  live  only  on  the  memo- 
rial tablets  of  their  tombs  and  unworthy  pages  of  this  hum- 
ble volume. 

Thomas  Peden  never  came  to  live  at  Fairview.  The  fol- 
lowing is  from  letters  of  his  lineal  descendant  and  family 
historian,  Amzi  Williford  Gaston,  who  owns  and  resides  on 
the  lands  of  his  fore-fathers : 

"I  cannot  locate  the  exact  spot  where  John  Peden  and 
Peggy  McDill  built  their  first  cabin ;  but  I  can  come  within 
a  few  yards  of  it.  There  is  not  a  tree  or  stone  left;  nothing 
but  the  bare  hillside.  The  spring  is  still  there,  of  course  it 
is  not  much  used,  and  is  all  grown  over  with  bushes  and 
briars.  Thomas  Peden,  son  of  John  and  Peggy,  is  buried 
one  mile  from  where  I  live,  and  I  see  his  grave  occasionally. 
He  had  a  deed  or  grant  for  five  hundred  acres  of  land  here 
on  Ferguson's  creek,  where  I  live,  from  King  George.  The 
deed  is  lost,  so  that  I  cannot  get  the  date,  but  recollect  seeing 
it  several  years  ago.  The  price  paid  was  seventy-five  cents 
per  hundred  acres,  or  three  dollars  and  seventy-five  cents  for 
the  whole  five  hundred  acres,  with  the  understanding  that 
a  certain  portion  was  to  be  put  in  cultivation  in  the  first  year 
or  two.  My  grandfather,  Andrew  Peden,  inherited  the  plan- 
tation I  now  live  on  from  his  father,  Thomas,  so  you  see  it  is 
still  in  the  family  and  has  been  ever  since  it  was  granted  to 
Thomas  Peden  in  1770- 1772.  The  house  he,  Thomas,  built 
after  the  Revolution  was  a  large,  two-storied  one,  painted 
red  with  white  doors,  and  was  destroyed  by  fire  in  1854." 


Of  the  early  home  in  Chester  the  writes  has  been  utterly 
unable  to  obtain  a  trace,  save  that  it  was  near  old  Catholic 
church,  also  located  on  lands  adjoining  the  large  possessions 
of  the  AIcDills,  and  probably  after  the  death  of  John  and 
Peggy,  and  the  removal  of  their  son,  James,  to  Fairview, 
passed  into  their  hands.  The  road  thither  being  so  intricate 
and  difficult  the  writer  shrank  from  making  a  personal  tour  of 



"The  base  and  foundation  of  the  Church  and  Nation  is  the 

"Fairview  stands  with  hills  surrounded — 
Fairview  kept  by  power  Divine." 

The  history  of  Fairview  church  and  the  history  of  the  foun- 
ders of  the  Peden  race  in  America  are  literally  one  and  insep- 

The  devout  spirit  coming  down  through  long  centuries — 
Culdee  to  Covenanter,  Covenanter  to  Presbyterian;  passing 
through  the  ordeals  of  blood,  fire,  death  itself,  to  win  the 
crown  of  martyrdom. 

The  following  quotation  is,  in  the  main,  from  the  centen- 
nial address  of  Rev.  Marion  C.  Britt,  lineal  descendant  of 
David,  the  seventh  son,  delivered  at  old  Fairview  to  an  im- 
mense congregation  on  the  morning  of  September  25th,  1886, 
one  hundredth  anniversary  of  its  organization : 

"Fairview  church  was  organized  during  the  fall  of  1786, 
by  these  five  families,  John  Peden's,  Samuel  Peden's,  David 
Peden's,  James  Alexander's,  James  Nesbit's,  and  was  re- 
ceived April  10,  1787,  under  the  care  of  South  Carolina  Pres- 
bytery. That  the  organization  was  effected  in  the  year  1786 
rests  upon  reliable  and  conclusive  evidence.  It  was  recorded 
by  Mr.  Anthony  Savage,  in  his  sketch  of  the  church  while 
some  of  the  first  members  still  lived  and  upon  their  state- 
ment. It  is  a  matter  of  regret,  however,  that  no  record  has 
been  preserved,  that  can  be  found,  of  the  month  and  day. 
There  is  ground  for  the  presumption  that  it  was  near  the 
close  of  the  year.  The  fact  that  the  church  did  not  join  Pres- 
bytery until  the  spring  of  the  following  year  renders  it  proba- 
ble that  the  organization  took  place  subsequent  to  the  fall 
meeting  of  that  body.  This  opinion  is  also  strengthened  by 
the  fact  that  the  third  Sabbath  in  December  was  selected  for 


the  semi-centennial  celebration,  at  which  time  it  is  reasonable 
to  suppose  the  exact  date  was  still  well  known  among  the 
people.  In  1787  three  other  families — those  of  James  Alex- 
ander, Sr.,  William  Peden,  John  Alexander  and  David  Mor- 
ton, a  son  of  the  second  sister,  Jane — came  from  Nazareth 
and  united  with  the  infant  church.  There  were  also  other  ac- 
cessions to  it,  probably  as  early  as  the  first  year,  from  families 
living  in  Laurens  County,  Alexander  Peden  among     them. 

"It  is  worthy  of  record  that  a  house  of  worship  was  built 
and  the  church  organized  the  same  year  in  which  the  ne>v 
settlement  was  made.  They  came  with  no  doubt  limited 
means,  to  a  territory  but  recently  obtained  from  the  Indians 
and  therefore  devoid  of  the  comforts  of  civilized  life.  There 
were  dense  forests  to  be  felled,  fields  prepared  and  cultivated 
and  houses  built.  The  rude  tem.ple  which  they  erected  for 
the  worship  of  God  under  such  circumstances  becomes  a 
grand  testimony  to  their  reHgious  faith  and  zeal,  and  recalls 
the  example  of  the  patriarch  of  old  who  as  he  journeyed  from 
place  to  place  with  his  family,  wherever  he  rested  he  builded 
an  altar  unto  the  Lord,  and  called  upon  the  name  of  the  Lord. 

'Tn  the  course  of  the  next  few  years  all  the  Pedens  except 
the  father  and  mother,  who  remained  in  Chester  County,  and 
Thomas  who  continued  at  Nazareth,  had  collected  around 
Fairview  with  their  familes.  They  are  all  buried  here,  except 
Samuel  and  Jane.  The  former  moved  to  Mississippi  in  1832 
and  rests  in  Smyrna  church-yard,  Kemper  County.  Jane 
moved  to  North  Alabama  and  rests  near  Somerville. 
Thomas  lies  in  a  family  burying  ground  on  his  old  home- 
stead, near  Nazareth  church,  which  he  helped  to  found,  in 
Spartanburg  County,  South  Carolina. 

"The  Rev.  Samuel  Edmondson  preached  the  first  sermon 
and  organized  the  church ;  but  this  was  the  extent  of  his 
labors  in  connection  with  it.  He  was  a  Virginian,  who  came 
to  this  State  soon  after  he  was  licensed  by  Hanover  Presby- 
tery in  October,  1773,  'and  spent  a  useful  life.'  The  first 
ruling  elders  were  John  Peden,  Samuel  Peden,  James  Alex- 
ander, Sr.,  and  his  son,  John  Alexander.    The  first  minister 


employed  by  the  church  was  the  Rev.  John  McCosh  from  the 
north  of  Ireland,  who  served  one  year  as  stated  supply.     It 
was  during  his  ministry  that  the  sacrament  of  the  Lord's  sup- 
per was  administered  for  the  first  time.     He  was  assisted  by 
the  Rev.  Robert  McClintock  (who  was  related  to  the  Peden 
family),  and  we  are  told  that  it  was  'a.  season  of  great  interest 
and   solemnity.'     (Fairview  kept  up  the   custom  of     giving 
tokens  of  admission  to  the  communion  as  late  as  1840-1850. 
These  were  small  bits  of  metal    bearing  the  name     of    the 
church,  and  the  candidate  for  admission  had  to  answer  some 
searching  questions  by  the  elders  ere  obtaining  one.)    These 
two  ministers  on  account     of  their     Pelagian     views,  were 
never  recognized  by  South  Carolina  Presbytery,  and  it  cen- 
sured Thomas  Peden  of  Nazareth  for  taking  part  in     this 
communion  as  being  disorderly.    There  was  also  a  division  in 
the  church  connected  with  the  doctrine  and  practice  of  these 
ministers,  but  it  was  of  short  duration.     From  the  time  Rev. 
McCosh  ceased  to  serve  the  church  until  1794,  Revs.  J.  Fos- 
ter, J.  Simpson  and  William  Montgomery  preached  occasion- 
ally, but  there  was  no  regular  supply.     In  1794  Rev.  James 
Templeton  was  called  as  stated  supply  for  half  of  the  time, 
and  so  continued  for  six  years.     During  the  year  1798  Revs. 
Wm.  Williamson  and  James  Gilliland  are  mentioned  as  sup- 
plying the  church ;  but  it  is  probable  that  they  merely  assisted 
Mr.  Templeton,  whose  term  of  service  embraced  this  year. 
From  1800  to  1802  the  pulpit  was  again  vacant,  Revs,  John 
Simpson,  James  Gilliland,  Sr.,  and  William  Williamson  were 
occasional  supplies.     In  1802  the  church  united  with  Naza- 
reth to  call  as  pastor  the     Rev.  James     Gilliland,  Jr.,     each 
church  for  half  of  the  time.    (One  of  the  Gillilands,  father  or 
son,  was  avowdely  opposed  to  slavery  and  eventually  went  to 
the  northwest  territory  carrying  quite  a  number  of  Pedens 
with  him.)     Mr.  Gilliland  was  licensed  by  the  second  South 
Carolina  Presbytery  April  8,  1802,  and  on  April  7,  1803,  was 
ordained  and  installed  pastor  of     Nazareth     and     Fairview 
churches.     He  is  described     as  'a  good     scholar,  a     lively 
speaker,  and  popular  in  his  manners.'    He  was  the  first  pas- 


tor  of  the  church,  and  it  prospered  under  his  ministry.  His 
relation  to  the  church  continued  until  1812  (date  of  the  first 
emigration  to  the  northwest  territory).  From  1812  to  1814 
Revs.  James  Hillhouse,  Thomas  Archibald,  Joseph  Hillhouse 
and  Alexander  Kirkpatrick  were  occasional  suppHes  ap- 
pointed by  Presbytery.  In  1814  Rev.  Hugh  Dickson  became 
stated  supply  for  one-fourth  of  his  time,  and  so  remained 
until  the  spring  of  1816,  when  he  resigned  and  was  succeeded 
by  Rev.  James  Hillhouse,  who  only  served  the  church  until 
October  of  that  year.    From  the  fall  of  1816  to  the  spring  of 

1817  Rev.  Thos.  Archibald  supplied  the  pulpit,  and  from  1817 
to  1818,  Mr.  Alexander  Kirkpatrick,  a  licentiate  of  the  Pres- 
bytery of  Ballymena,  Ireland,  was  stated  supply.  (This  "fair, 
fat  and  rosy  Irishman"  was  a  great  favorite  with  the  younger 
portion  of  the  congregation,  while  the  elders  did  not  consider 
him  sufficiently  sedate;  to  their  reproofs  he  returned  the 
reply,  "only  a  Christian  has  a     right  to  be  happy.")     From 

1818  to  1820  Rev.  Thos.  Baird  occupied  the  pulpit  a  portion 
of  the  time ;  but  for  the  most  part  the  church  was  dependent 
upon  irregular  supplies.  It  was  however  a  period  of  activity  in 
the  church,  as  is  shown  by  the  records.  Among  other  items 
of  interest  which  they  contain  we  find  the  following:  August 
II,  1818.  'About  this  time  our  new  meeting-house  is  finished 
and  dedicated  by  Rev.  Mr.  Carter.  In  the  spring  of  1820  Mr. 
Michael  Dickson,  who  was  at  the  same  time  hcensed  by  the 
Presbytery  of  South  Carolina,  began  to  supply  the  church 
under  the  direction  of  the  Presbyterial  Committee  of  Mis- 
sions, and  in  the  fall  was  called  as  pastor  by  the  congrega- 
tions of  Nazareth  and  Fairview,  each  for  half  the  time,  and 
was  ordained  and  installed  as  such  April  5,  1821.  His  con- 
nection with  Fairview  ceased  in  1827,  and  the  church  was 
again  vacant  until  1832,  Messrs.  Watson  and  Craig  being 
appointed  by  Presbytery  as  occasional  supplies.  It  is  proba- 
ble that  this  period  embraced  the  ministry  of  Rev.  Arthur 
Mooney,  but  as  the  church  records  covering  this  period  are 
lost  the  information  is  not  positive.  (There  is  a  blank  of 
about  ten  years  for  some  reason  in  the  records,  some  of  the 


old  people  now  living  say  that  the  spirit  of  contention  was 
abroad  among-  the  brethren.)     In  1832  Rev.  Jno.  Boggs,  of 
Virginia,  took  charge  of  the  church,  first  as  stated     supply, 
then  in  the  fall  as  pastor  for  half  of  the  time.     Rev.  Boggs 
was  pastor  when  Rev.  David  Humphrey  was  called  as  stated 
supply  and  continued  so  for  three  years  (division  the  cause). 
He  was  succeeded  by  Rev.  Wm.  Carlisle  in  1838,  who  was 
stated  supply  for  six  years.     In  the     fall  of  1845,  the     Rev. 
John  McKitrick,  who  was  stated  supply  during  the  previous 
six  months,  was  installed  pastor.     He  resigned  in  1847  and 
was  succeeded  by  Rev.  Dr.  E.  T.  Buist  as  stated  supply,  for 
six  years.    (This  relation  continued  most  pleasantly  until  Dr. 
Buist  was  called  as  pastor  elsewhere,  and  Fairview  gave  him 
up  most  reluctantly.)     Here  we  reach  the  ministry  of  Rev.  C. 
B.  Stewart,  which  extends  over  a  period  of  thirty  years,  and 
embraces  the  era  of  greatest  church  enterprise  and  prosper- 
ity (moreover  harmony).     He  began  to  serve  as  stated  sup- 
ply for  eighteen  years,  when  he  consented  to  become  pastor, 
and  so  remained  for  twelve  years.    In  1884  he  felt  it  to  be  his 
duty  to  have  the  pastoral  relation  dissolved  on  account  of 
the  growing  infirmities  of  age.    He  still  residing  in  the  midst 
of  the  people  whom  he  had  served  so     long  and    faithfully, 
held  in  the  deepest  veneration  and  love."     Rev.  M.  C.  Britt, 
his  worthy  successor,  was  installed  pastor  in  the  fall  of  1885, 
having  already  had  charge  of  the  church  since     November, 
1884,  as  stated  supply.     He  being  a  son  of  Fairview,  as  line- 
ally descended  from  David,  the  seventh  son. 

"There  have  been  four  church  buildings.  The  first  was 
built  of  logs  and  located,  if  tradition  correctly  marks  the  spot, 
not  far  from  the  church  spring,  on  the  east  side.  The  second 
was  also  a  log  structure  and  situated  near  the  spot  on  which 
the  brick  church  afterwards  stood."  This  long,  low  building 
had  an  earthen  fioor.  Huge  stone  chimneys  filled  each 
end;  the  seats  were  of  puncheons  or  slabs  supported  with 
pegs  and  placed  against  the  walls.  Light  and  air  were  ad- 
mitted through  openings  near  the  roof,  made  by  leaving  out 
a  few  logs.    The  preacher  occupied  a  rude  pulpit  in  the  middle 


of  the  space  and  preached  all  around.  The  third  was  a  brick 
building  which  for  some  unaccountable  reason,  was  rased 
nearly  a  half  century  ago,  and  is  a  source  of  keen  regret.  The 
writer  with  some  assistance  has  outlined  a  rude  sketch.  The 
exterior  presented  the  appearance  of  a  huge  brick  barn,  with 
a  heavy  square  roof,  without  gables.  Only  a  few  years  ago 
there  could  be  found  the  remains  of  the  gallery  stairs,  solidly 
built  of  brick,  which  ran  up  along  the  western  side  and  opened 
into  a  wide  gallery  across  one  end  and  used  for  colored  mem- 
bers. On  the  eastern  or  "sunny  side"  the  older  women  gath- 
ered to  smoke  the  friendly  pipe,  lighting  them  in  summer  by 
means  of  sun  glasses,  and  to  indulge  in  a  bit  of  whispered 
gossip,  generally  harmless,  during  "intermission."  To  this 
sheltered  side  the  mothers  of  babies  stole  out  during  service 
to  quiet  their  crying  so  as  not  to  disturb  "meeting"  and  rest 
the  tired  little  mortals,  for  Peden  babies  were  expected  at 
church  when  a  few  weeks  old,  and  unlucky  the  small  mite 
who  went  unbaptized  past  the  sixth  month  of  its  existence. 
They  grew  upon  the  gospel,  the  catechism,  and  long  sermons, 
these  last  were  never  delivered  for  less  than  one  hour,  oftener 
two,  for  in  early  days  preaching  was  rare,  therefore  of  great 
value.  There  was  usually  an  intermission  of  a  few  hours  at 
noon  spent  under  the  great  trees  in  summer,  around  hospita- 
ble tables ;  in  winter  or  inclement  weather  they  gathered  in 
the  old  log  church  or  session  house,  a  few  rods  away,  where 
sometimes  in  very  severe  weather  services  were  held  as  there 
was  no  way  of  heating  the  church  building. 

A  very  dim  and  vague  picture  of  the  interior  is  submitted 
as  drawn  from  the  reminiscences  of  a  few  of  the  dear  old 
people  yet  at  Fairview,  but  mostly  from  memories  of  the 
writer's  own  sainted  mother,  who  delighted  to  talk  of  the 
dear  old  church  of  her  own  happy  girlhood.  The  great  doors 
at  either  end  north  and  south  were  mullioned  while  those  in 
the  sides  were  small  and  bastioned.  The  windows  were 
placed  high  in  the  walls  and  had  shutters,  no  glass,  and 
during  the  coldest  weather  stood  open,  consequently  some 
shivering  was  done,  although  the  early  Pedens  were  a  hardy 


race,  and  lung  troubles  almost  unknown  among  them.  The 
aged  and  the  infirm  had  rocks  heated  in  the  fire-places  of  the 
sesssion  house  and  well  wrapped  in  blankets  or  woolen  cover- 
lets to  keep  their  feet  warm  during  the  long  service.  It  was 
the  good  fortune  of  a  few  to  possess  soap-stones.  To  com- 
plain of  being  cold  during  "meeting"  was  considered  a  weak- 
ness bordering  on  crime  as  the  sermons  were  supposed  to 
keep  the  congregation  warm. 

The  seats  or  pews  were  arranged  in  tiers  or  terraces  of 
four  then  a  step  up  or  down  as  the  case  might  be,  that  is, 
down  from  the  doors  towards  the  pulpit.  Fairview  church 
never  countenanced  the  practice  prevalent  in  most  country 
places  of  worship  of  the  men  sitting  on  one  side  of  the  middle 
line  the  women  on  the  other ;  their  families  were  required  to 
sit  together  under  the  eyes  of  their  parents. 

Above  the  pulpit  hung  the  sounding  board,  this  curious 
relic  of  a  byegone  age  resembled  an  open  umbrella  or  huge 
wooden  toad-stool.  The  boxed  up  pulpit  was  so  small,  and 
so  high  with  steps  so  steep  and  narrow  that  a  visiting  minister 
once  gave  great  offense  by  remarking,  "Satan  must  have 
planned  this  pulpit."  About  halfway  down  was  a  smaller  box 
known  as  the  "clerk's"  place  and  from  this  perch  he  "lined 
out"  the  psalms  and  hymns  for  the  congregation  to  follow 
his  lead  in  singing.  The  last  occupant  was  Moses  T.  Fowler, 
of  the  house  of  Thomas,  the  second  son. 

Supporting  the  huge  roof  through  the  wide  middle  aisle 
were  large  pillars,  great  trees  hewn  into  shape,  also  down  this 
space  were  placed  the  communion  tables  and  benches.  This 
beautiful  custom  is  fast  disappearing  or  falling  into  disuse. 
These  tables  were  closely  fitted  together  end  to  end  across 
the  entire  building  with  benches  placed  alongside  for  solemn 
occasions.  The  long  snowy  linen  cloths  were  of  home  manu- 
facture, the  flax  having  been  grown,  hackled,  spun,  woven 
and  bleached,  by  Peden  women ;  one  of  whom  was  regularly 
appointed  by  the  session  to  take  charge  thereof  and  great 
was  the  honor  conferred,  as  well  as  the  pride  and  pleasure 
taken  in  keeping  them  beautifully  laundried,  and  scented  with 


thyme,  cedar  and  lavender.  They  too  prepared  the  un- 
leavened bread  for  the  communion.  (The  old  Pedens  would 
have  lifted  hands  of  holy  horror  at  what  is  now  used  in  the 
service.  The  writer  was  unable  to  ascertain  the  exact  num- 
ber of  seats,  but  they  were  numbered  Hke  those  of  the  present 
church,  that  is,  all  even  numbers  on  one  side,  uneven  on  the 
other.  For  example,  David  Peden's  family  occupied  number 
12  and  exactly  opposite  in  number  13,  against  the  east  wall, 
sat  his  sister,  Jane  Morrow,  and  after  her  her  son  David 
Morton,  while  James  Dunbar  took  the  seat  left  vacant  at  the 
death  of  David  Peden.  Nine  of  the  first  family  had  sittings 
in  the  old  church,  while  most  of  the  congregation  were  their 
descendants.  It  must  also  be  borne  in  mind  that  a  number  of 
them  emigrated  as  early  as  1811-1814,  and  some  had  departed 
to  the  church  above. 

To  resume.  "The  fourth  and  present  edifice  is  a  large  com- 
modious wooden  structure.  It  was  built  principally  by  a 
legacy  left  by  David  Morton,  aided  also  by  general  subscrip- 
tion. It  was  completed  during  March,  1858,  and  was  dedi- 
cated by  the  saintly  David  Humphrey,  assisted  by  Rev.  Dr. 
E.  T.  Buist,  on  May  15th  of  that  same  year.  This  occasion 
was  also  a  season  of  great  spiritual  blessing  to  the  church  and 
the  membership  was  much  revived. 

"The  congregation  of  Fairview  has  always  been  a  homo- 
geneous body.  Those  who  first  composed  it  and  the  pious 
households  of  godly  men  and  women  that  have  been  added  to 
it  from  time  to  time,  belonged  to  a  common  ancestry.  They 
had  the  same  faith  and  customs.  The  history  of  Fairview,  as 
a  consequence,  has  not  been  a  process  of  harmonizing  con- 
flicting elements  with  a  composite  result,  as  is  true  of  so 
many  churches  and  other  institutions  in  this  country';  on  the 
contrary,  the  natural  and  almost  uninterrupted  growth  of  an 
unmixed  Scotch-Presbyterian  church,  on  American  soil. 
This  growth  has  been  remarkably  uniform  in  its  nature.  It 
has  been  a  progress  marked  not  by  sudden  expansions,  but 
by  a  regular  increase.  It  has  the  proud  distinction  of  being 
the  mother  of  Presbyterianism  in  Greenville  County,  and  of 


many,  many  churches,  in  other  States,  colonists  who  have 
carried  with  them  her  faith  and  spirit.  Several  of  her  sons 
are  in  the  ministry.  An  imperfect  roll  of  communicants  from 
the  beginning  to  1886  contains  about  twelve  hundred  names. 

"The  church  has  suffered  greatly  at  times  from  emigration, 
and  whenever  there  has  been  a  decrease  in  membership  it 
must  be  attributed  to  this  cause  and  not  to  the  loss  of  spiri- 
tual influence  and  hfe.  It  has  now  (1886)  one  hundred  and 
forty-six  communicants.  The  century  of  her  existence  has 
been  rich  in  blessings  and  we  can  raise  our  Ebenezer  today 
with  thanksgiving  and  praise.  She  bears  no  marks  of  decay, 
and  if  her  children  are  only  faithful  to  their  heritage,  it  can  be 
said  of  her  that  she  has  but  entered  upon  her  divine  mission 
of  the  'gathering  and  perfecting  of  the  saints.'  " 

A  list  of  the  various  ministers  and  elders,  as  well  as  dea- 
cons, who  have  served  Fairview  is  appended  as  of  interest  to 
the  readers  of  this  book. 

Ministers. — Revs.  Samuel  Edmundson,  John  McCosh, 
John  Foster,  James  Simpson,  James  Templeton,  William 
Williamson,  William  Montgomery,  James  Gilliland,  Sr., 
James  GilHland,  Jr.,  Hugh  Dickson,  John  Boggs,  Wilham 
Carhsle,  John  L.  Kennedy,  James  Hillhouse,  Thomas  Archi- 
bald, Joseph  Hillhouse,  Alexander  Kirkpa'trick,  Thomas  D. 

Baird,  Cater,  Micheal  Dickson,     David     Humphries, 

Arthur  Mooney,  John  McKittrick,  Edward  T.  Buist,  Clark 
B.  Stewart,  Marion  C.  Britt,  William  G.  F.  Wallace,  Henry 
W.  Burwell,  David  S.  McAlHster,  W.  W.  Ruff. 

Elders. — John  Peden,  Samuel  Peden,  James  Alexander, 
Sr.,  John  Alexander,  Alexander  Peden,  William  Peden, 
Robert  Morrow,  Anthony  Savage,  James  Peden,  T.  W.  Alex- 
ander, Lindsay  A.  Baker,  David  Morton,  James  Dunbar, 
James  Alexander,  Jr.,  Alex.  Thompson,  Adam  Stenhouse, 
John  M.  Harrison,  Austin  Williams,  James  E.  Savage,  A. 
Wilson  Peden,  T.  H.  Stall,  Wm.  A.  Harrison,  T.  L.  Wood- 
side,  Wm.  L.  Hopkins,  David  R.  Anderson,  Robt.  Wham, 
David  Stoddard,  J.  W.  Kennedy,  H.  Boardman  Stewart,  A.  S. 
Peden  and  others  whose  names  have  not  reached  the  writer. 



Deacons. — John  T.  Stenhouse,  Wm.  Nesbit,  Thos.  L. 
Woodside,  W.  L.  Hopkins,  C.  D.  Nesbit,  T.  C.  Peden,  A.  S. 
Peden,  M.  P.  Nash,  T.  C.  Harrison,  D.  R.  Anderson,  Thos. 
H.  Stall,  S.  T.  McKittrick,  D.  M.  Peden,  E.  W.  Nash,  J.  T. 
Peden,  Jeff  D.  McKittrick  and  others  since  1886.  This  office 
was  not  established  until  1858. 

The  fair  temple  of  today  stands  on  an  eminence  facing 
northward  toward  the  "everlasting-  hills."  Southward  the 
sunny  fields  and  valleys.  On  the  eastward  slope  lies  the 
stone-walled  God's  acre  where  so  many  generations  sleep 
awaiting  the  summons  to  awake.  Its  walls  now  enclose  most 
of  the  site  of  the  old  brick  church  on  whose  "sunrise  corner" 
stands  the  gleaming  monument  to  the  Peden  race.  This 
sacred  enclosure  is  a  silent,  solemn  epitome  to  man.  On  the 
western  slope,  at  about  the  same  distance,  a  few  hundred 
yards,  is  the  new  session  house,  built  with  the  present  sanctu- 
ary. Both  of  these  session  houses  have  been  used  for 
schools,  though  the  academy  proper  is  some  miles  away,  and 
belongs  to  the  educational  history  of  Fairview.  The  older 
Pedens  were  not  indifferent  to  the  education  of  their  children, 
and  at  one  time  Fairview  was  a  centre — drawing  pupils  from  a 
distance.  The  first  school  was  taught  in  humble  fashion  be- 
neath the  giant  oaks  that  surround  the  present  home  of  Mrs. 
Jane  (Peden)  McDowell,  by  a  friend  of  the  Mortons  and 
Morrows,  a  Mr.  Moffat.  He  was  succeeded  by  others,  names 
lost,  until  about  1820-1825,  when  the  academy  was  estab- 
lished and  became  famous,  who  the  teachers  were  is  lost 
until  the  Rev.  Boggs  and  his  wife  took  charge,  sometime  in 
1830-1840.  They  were  followed  by  one  Thomas  Walker,  and 
later  Thomas  Flannagan.  Around  the  latter  hangs  a  halo 
of  romance,  wrapped  in  mystery,  it  was  hinted  that  he  was 
one  of  the  political  exiles  of  France  contemporary  with  the 
great  Marshal  Ney.  Prior  to  these  two  there  taught  at  Fair- 
view,  dates  not  given,  Antony  Savage  and  James  Dunbar,  the 
latter  came  to  Fairview  direct  from  Antrim,  Ireland,  in  1821. 
Married  Eleanor  G.  Peden  in  1824.  Anthony  Savage,  de- 
dscribed  as  a  "clerkly"  man,  preceded  James  Dunbar  a  num- 


ber  of  years.  He  was  also  direct  from  Ireland  and  married 
Jane  (or  as  she  was  lovingly  called  "Aunt  Jennie"),  daughter 
of  James  Peden. 

The  later  history  of  the  Fairview  schools  is  so  varied  and 
vague  that  the  writer  has  almost  no  information  to  impart 
further  than  there  has  always  been  a  school  at  Fairview. 
Some  of  the  later  teachers  were,  Revs.  Hyde,  C.  B.  Stewart, 
Austin,  Kennedy  and  others,  including  not  a  few  excellent 

Fairview  of  today  keeps  even  pace  with  the  oustide  world ; 
is  no  primitive  pioneer  station  in  the  woods,  "lost  to  fame 
and  memory  dear."  The  annual  shows  attract  great  crowds 
of  visitors  from  all  over  the  State.  The  hospitality  of  the 
Peden  is  proverbial  wherever  the  name  is  found,  and  those 
of  old  Fairview  are  not  lacking  in  this  spirit. 



It  is  the  purpose  of  this  chapter  to  bring  into  relief  Peden 
characteristics ;  and  will  include  several  sketches  and  inci- 

As  a  fitting  beginning  two  sketches  of  the  island  home  of 
the  traditional  "Paidan"  are  copied  from  The  Christian  Ob- 
server and  The  Houston  (Texas)  Post. 

lona  Cathedral,  intimately  associated  with  the  early  life 
and  work  of  Presbyterianism  in  Scotland,  form  a  part  of  the 
estate  which  for  generations  has  been  in  the  possession  of  the 
Argyll  family.  The  present  Duke,  evidently  contemplating 
the  possibility  of  its  alienation  at  some  future  day  from  Pres- 
byterian keeping,  has  conveyed  the  site  and  ruins  of  the  old 
cathedral  to  certain  trustees  to  hold  for  the  Church  of  Scot- 
land. The  cathedral  is  to  be  restored,  and,  in  the  event  of 
Disestablishment,  the  Secretary  for  Scotland,  the  Lord  Advo- 
cate and  the  Sheriff  of  Argyll  are  to  determine  what  body  the 
cathedral  shall  belong  to. 

The  announcement  that  the  Duke  of  Argyll  has  conveyed 
the  ruins  of  lona  to  a  public  trust  in  connection  with  the  Es- 
tablished Church  of  Scotland  is  of  more  than  passing  interest, 
particularly  as  it  is  proposed  to  restore  the  venerable  cathe- 
dral, which  will  thus,  after  the  lapse  of  centuries,  be  used  once 
more  for  public  worship.  lona  is  indissolubly  associated 
with  the  name  of  St.  Columba,  who  had  there  established  his 
base  of  operations  long  before  St.  Augustine  came  to  convert 
the  men  of  Kent  to  the  Christian  religion.  The  Scottish 
saint,  a  man  of  splendid  physique,  was  in  his  forty-second 
year  when  he  drove  Druids  from  their  ancient  stronghold 
of  Icohnkill  in  563  A.  D.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  at  the 
time  of  this  historic  religious  invasion  the  foundations  of 
modern  jurisprudence  were  being  laid  by  the  Emperor  Jus- 
tinian, and  his  great  general,  Belisarius.  was  at  the  zenith  of 
his  fame.     St.  Columba  and  his  twelve  disciples  built  a  mon- 


nastery,  which  was  a  place  of  pilgrimage  not  only  for  the 
Picts  and  Scots,  but  even  for  the  men  of  Strath,  Clyde,  and 
Northumbria,  and  till  the  end  of  the  eighth  century  lona  was 
a  veritable  Scottish  Mecca.  In  common  with  so  many  other 
great  centers  of  religion  it  did  not  escape  the  ravages  of  the 
Northmen,  who  plundered  and  burnt  it  in  795,  and  again  in 
802.  On  several  subsequent  occasions  the  monks  suffered 
martyrdom,  and  it  is  recorded  that  in  986  the  ruthless  bar- 
barians paid  a  Christmas  visit  to  the  sacred  island  and  slew 
the  abbot  and  fifteen  of  his  monks.  St.  Columba's  monastery 
did  not  survive  these  devastations,  but  when  John  was  King 
of  England  the  cathedral  of  St.  Mary  was  built,  and  survives 
to  this  day,  though  in  ruins,  with  its  choir  and  chapels,  tran- 
septs, nave,  and  a  central  tower  rising  to  a  height  of  75  feet, 
lona  has  a  further  claim  to  the  respect  of  antiquarians  as  the 
burying  place  of  no  less  than  48  Scottish  and  four  Irish  and 
eight  Norse  kings.  As  all  the  world  knows.  Dr.  Johnson  was 
much  impressed  by  his  visit  to  this  part  of  the  Hebrides,  and 
he  described  it  reverently  as  "That  illustrious  island  which 
was  once  the  luminary  of  the  Caldonian  religions,  whence 
savage  clans  and  roving  barbarians  derived  the  benefits  of 
knowledge  and  the  blessings  of  religion." 

This  is  followed  by  a  sketch  of  the  Prophet  Peden,  1626- 


Charles  I.  succeeded  his  father,  James  VI.  in  1625  and  the 
year  following  Alexander  Peden  was  born  at  Auchenloich  in 
Sorn,  Ayrshire,  Scotland.  He  died  in  1686,  two  years 
before  the  Revolution,  and  thus  he  lived  through  almost  all 
the  stormy  time  of  Scotland's  religious  history,  witnessing  a 
good  confession,  and  though  hunted  like  a  wild  beast  he 
escaped  his  persecutors  and  died  at  last  in  the  house  where 
he  was  born,  on  the  Water  of  Ayr. 

Dodd  calls  him  the  "Prophet  of  the  Covenant,"  and  says 
that  "Peden  in  an  age  fertile  in  singular  men  and  when  the 
circumstances  of  the  times  brought  out  their  qualities  in  the 


strongest  relief,  surpassed  all  in  what  may  be  termed  romance 
of  character.  His  memory  has  been  overlaid  by  the  doating- 
ness  of  martyrology,  by  the  very  rankness  and  luxuriant 
foliage  of  tradition.  Wonder  tales  crop  and  cluster,  and 
twine  all  around  him  as  the  ivy  does  around  some  majestic, 
old  tower.  Love  and  awe,  and  primitive  simplicity,  working 
on  an  extraordinary  subject,  have  well-nigh  changed  into  a 
wizard  this  brave,  wise,  kindly  old  spirit,  whose  marvellous 
insight  and  intensity  of  feeUng  and  expression  were  all  taken 
for  sorcery." 

His  father  was  a  small  proprietor,  and  it  is  believed  he  was 
the  eldest  son,  for  he  is  spoken  of  as  having  "a  piece  of  heri- 
tage." He  was  intimate  with  the  Boswells,  of  Auchenloch, 
an  old  and  respected  family  in  the  neighborhood  of  his 
home.  Nothing  seems  to  be  known  of  his  early  Hfe,  or  of 
his  university  career.  He  first  comes  into  notice  as  school 
master,  precentor  and  session  clerk  to  Mr.  John  Guthrie, 
minister  of  Tarbolton. 

When  about  to  enter  the  ministry  a  clamor  was  raised 
against  him  by  a  young  woman,  which  was  fully  cleared  up, 
proving  him  an  innocent  victim  of  a  base  plot.  This  circum- 
stance, however,  seemed  to  have  in  some  degree  tinged  his 
whole  after  life. 

A  little  before  the  Restoration  he  was  ordained  minister  of 
New  Luce,  in  Galloway,  and  for  three  years  labored  in  this 
lovely  spot,  which  the  Luce  watered  as  it  wound  by  many  a 
knoll,  and  clump  of  brush-wood,  until  lost  in  the  sea ;  while 
around  towered  dark  precipitious  hills — those  hills  of  Gallo- 
way which  Mrs.  Stewart  Montieth  has  so  beautifully  apostro- 
phizied  in  her  "Lays  of  the  Kirk  and  Covenant." 

What  Peden's  ministry  was  in  this  place,  and  how  much  he 
was  beloved  by  his  people  we  can  have  some  idea  of  from 
their  grief  when,  after  three  years,  he  was  called  to  leave 
them  and  Hke  Abraham  of  old,  to  go  forth  not  knowing 
where  he  went.  The  reason  of  his  ejectment  from  the  place 
was  his  refusal  to  comply  with  the  Act  of  Parliament,  May, 
1662,  which  required  all  ministers    who  had  been    inducted 


since  1649  to  receive  presentation  from  their  respective  pat- 
rons, and  collation  from  the  Bishop  of  the  diocese  in  which 
they  resided  before  the  20th  of  September,  that  year,  under 
the  penalty  of  deprivation.  That  he  and  many  others  refused 
to  submit  to  these  terms  may  readily  be  believed ;  recogniz- 
ing no  right  of  the  civil  power  to  break  asunder  so  sacred  a 
tie  as  that  which  existed  between  a  minister  and  his  people, 
they  were  therefore  in  not  haste  to  desert  their  charges,  when 
in  October  the  Lords  of  the  Privy  Council  passed  another 
Act  "prohibiting  and  discharging  all  ministers,  who  have  con- 
travened the  foresaid  act  concerning  the  benefits  and  stipends 
to  exercise  any  part  of  the  functions  of  the  mininsty  at  their 
respective  churches  in  time  coming,  which  are  hereby  de- 
clared vacant  *  *  *  *  and  command  and  charge  the  said 
ministers  to  remove  themselves  and  their  families  out  of  their 
parishes,  betwixt  this  and  the  first  day  of  November  next  to 
come,  and  not  to  reside  within  the  bounds  of  their  respective 

In  the  face  of  this  Peden  and  many  others  declining  still 
to  acknowledge  the  civil  courts,  forcible  measures  were  taken 
for  their  ejection.  On  the  24th  day  of  Febrauary,  1663,  the 
Lords  of  the  Privy  Council  ordered  letters  to  be  directed 
against  him  and  twenty-five  other  ministers  in  Galloway, 
commanding  them  to  remove  themselves,  wives  and  children 
and  goods  from  their  respective  manses,  and  from  the 
bounds  of  the  Presbytery,  where  they  now  lived,  before  the 
20th  day  of  March  following;  forbidding  them  to  exercise 
any  part  of  their  ministerial  functions,  and  also  charging  them 
to  appear  before  the  Council  on  the  24th  day  of  March." 
This  order  Peden  durst  no  longer  refuse  to  recognize  so  he 
had  to  prepare  to  leave  his  beloved  and  attached  flock. 
When  he  preached  his  farewell  sermon  we  are  told  "this  was 
a  weeping  day  in  that  kirk,"  the  greater  part  could  not  con- 
tain themselves.  He  many  times  requested  them  to  be  silent; 
but  they  sorrowed  most  of  all  when  he  told  them  that  they 
should  never  see  his  face  in  that  pulpit  again.  So  unwilHng 
were  minister     and     people  to     part  that     they     continued 


together,  he  speaking  to  them  and  they  listening,  until  com- 
pelled by  darkness  to  stop,  the  night  coming  upon  them." 
When  descending  from  the  pulpit  he  closed  the  door,  and 
knocking  three  times  upon  it  said,  "I  arrest  thee  in  my  Mas- 
ter's name,  that  none  ever  enter  thee  but  such  as  come  in  by 
the  door  as  I  did,"  and  it  so  happened  that  neither  curate  or 
indulged  mininster  ever  entered  that  pulpit  during  the  perse- 
cution which  followed.  The  church  was  completely  deserted 
and  desolate  until  after  the  Revolution,  when  a  Presbyterian 
minister  opened  it.  It  has  been  said  that  his  old  pulpit  was 
used  in  the  church-yard  afterwards  at  tent  preachings  on 
communion  seasons.  Though  he  never  preached  again  in  the 
church,  he  afterwards  occasionally  visited  his  old  parishion- 
ers, for  says  Wodrow,  "they  were  taxed  and  quartered  upon 
for  receiving  him  into  their  houses,"  and  on  "Martinmas, 
1681,  Claverhouse  commisioned  Sheriff  of  Galloway,  brought 
two  troops  of  horse  on  the  said  parish  for  baptizing  of  child- 
ren with  Mr.  Peden." 

In  1670  Peden  passed  his  time  sometimes  in  Scotland  and 
sometimes  in  Ireland  (whither  his  kin  had  been  banished, 
1601),  in  which  country  he  seems  to  have  visited  Ulster  (of 
which  Antrim  was  a  part),  and  preached  to  great  multitudes 
there,  thereby  giving  offense  to  some  of  the  ministers  who 
were  annoyed  that  an  ousted  Scotch  minister  should  come 
amongst  them,  and  open  his  mouth,  which  was  closed  in  his 
own  country;  but  there  was  no  law  (then)  forbidding  full 
liberty  of  worship  in  Ireland.  Returning  again  to  Scotland, 
he  was  apprehended  June,  1672,  by  Major  Cockburn,  in  the 
house  of  Hugh  Ferguson,  of  Knockdow,  in  Carrick,  accord- 
ingly they  were  both,  landlord  and  guest,  carried  prisoners 
to  Edinburg.  Ferguson  was  fined  a  thousand  merkes  "for 
visit,  harbour,  and  converse  with  him."  The  Council  ordered 
fifty-four  pounds  sterling  to  be  paid  to  the  Major  out  of  the 
fine ;  and  twenty-five  pounds  to  be  divided  amongst  the  party 
who  apprehended  them.  After  examination,  Peden  was 
carried  by  a  party  of  military  to  the  prison  of  the  Bass,  to  be 
delivered  to  the  governor  of  the  garrison     there,     who  "is 


hereby  ordered  to  keep  him  (Peden)  a  close  prisoner  until 
further  orders."    This  Act  was  dated  26th  June,  1673 

"Stone  walls  do  not  a  prison  make, 

Nor  iron  bars  a  cage, 

A  spotless  mind  and  innocent 

Calls  that  an  hermitag-e." 

— Lovelace. 
The  Bass  Rock  is  an  islet  in  the  Firth  of  Forth,  three  miles 
and  a  half  distant  from  North  Berwick,  and  is  about  seven 
acres  in  extent.  It  resembles  in  form  the  base  of  a  sugar 
loaf.  Precipitous  on  all  sides,  the  only  landing  place  is  a  little 
shelf  of  rock  over-looked  by  the  ramparts,  where  cannon 
were  formerly  placed  to  defend  the  entrance  of  the  Firth. 
However  calm  the  weather  a  strong  surf  is  always  seething 
round  the  Bass,  and  it  is  necessary  to  cling  hard  to  iron 
rings,  and  clamps  in  the  rock  when  parties  land  lest  their  boat 
should  be  dashed  to  pieces.  The  steep  and  slippery  landing 
place  is  only  a  species  of  fissure,  or  chasm,  and  leads  to  a 
plateau  of  naked  red  rocks,  always  covered  with  dead  gannets 
and  Norwegian  rabbits  in  all  stages  of  decay.  This  sea-rock 
"the  storm  defying  Bass,  the  giant  fragment  of  a  former 
world,"  has  forty  fathoms  of  water  all  around  it,  and  is  the 
haunt  of  myriads  of  gannets,  or  solar  geese,  and  sea-gulls, 
which  wheel  in  the  sunshine  and  whiten  its  cliflfs.  The  Bass 
Rock  was  purchased  in  1671  by  Lauderdale,  in  the  name  of 
the  government,  to  become  a  state  prison,and  it  was  the  last 
piece  of  British  soil  that  surrendered  to  William  of  Orange. 
The  castle  of  the  Bass  was  never  taken  by  storm,  and  it 
defied  a  blockade  by  sea  and  land  for  four  years  after  the  battle 
of  Killiecrankie.  In  what  was  the  soldier's  garden  there  are 
still  a  few  flowers,  with  a  few  pots  herbs  growing  rank  and 
wild ;  and  in  summer  the  Rock  is  covered  with  Lavatera 
arbora,  or  the  tree  mallow  of  the  Bass,  a  rare  plant  in  Britian, 
which  grows  there  in  great  luxuriance  to  the  height  of  six 
and  eight  feet. 

When  Alexander     Peden  was  fifty-one  years  of  age,     we 
learn  through  the  kind  offices  of  the  Governor,  he  was  re- 


moved  to  the  mainland;  this  was  on  the  9th  day  of  October, 

(Signed)  J.  M.  Ainslee  Miller. 

This  sketch  is  closed  with  an  incident  showing  the  domestic 
side  as  well  as  prophetic  nature  of  Alexander  Peden.  A 
prophecy  literally  fulfilled. 

During  those  stormy  times  when  pious  Scotchmen  were 
hunted  like  deer  by  Claverhouse  and  his  dragoons,  because 
they  would  not  submit  to  the  prelacy  forced  upon  their 
churches  by  English  tyranny,  there  lived,  near  Ayr,  a  lass 
named  Isabel  Weir.  She  had  a  pretty  face,  winsome  man- 
ners, a  lively  disposition,  and  a  very  superior,  well  cultivated 

A  young  farmer,  a  widower,  of  fine  character,  much  trusted 
by  his  neighbors,  and  greatly  beloved  tor  his  gentle  ways  by 
those  who  knew  him  best,  often  came  to  do  business  with 
Isabel's  father.  His  name  was  John  Brown,  of  Priesthill.  Of 
course,  he  frequently  saw  the  lass,  talked  with  her,  and,  as 
was  natural,  loved  her.  She  reciprocated  his  love.  When  he 
proposed  to  marry  her,  he  very  frankly  said : 

"The  times  are  troublous,  Isabel,  and  I  have  a  foreboding 
that  I  shall  one  day  be  called  to  seal  the  Church's  testimony 
with  my  blood." 

This  was,  most  assuredly,  a  very  grave  wooing,  and  a  very 
unlikely  method  of  winning  a  bride.  But  Isabei  was  no  light- 
minded,  frivolous  girl.  Like  her  lover,  she  was  ready  to 
suffer  for  old  Scotland's  religious  freedom,  and,  instead  of 
holding  back  her  troth  because  of  her  wooer's  ghastly  fore- 
boding, she  nobly  replied : 

"If  it  should  be  so,  John,  through  affliction  and  death  I 
will  be  your  comfort.  The  Lord  has  promised  me  grace,  and 
he  will  give  you  glory." 

These  were  not  the  words  of  a  sentimental  girl  eager  to 
secure  a  handsome  husband,  but  of  a  true  woman  with  a 
heroic  soul,  who  fondly  loved  the  man  desiring  to  make  her 
his  wife. 

A  month  or  two  later,  in  a  secluded,  romantic  glen,  Isabel 


gave  her  hand  to  the  young  farmer  of  Priesthill.  Not  in  a 
church,  but  at  Nature's  altar,  hidden  from  the  eyes  of  perse- 
cuting priests,  their  vows  were  pUghted  and  their  hands 
joined  by  that  distinguished  Covenanter,  Alexander  Peden. 
A  goodly  company  of  godly  people  were  there,  of  whom  Mr. 
Peden  said,  addressing  Isabel: 

"These  are  to  be  witnesses  of  your  vows.  They  are  all 
friends,  and  have  come  at  the  risk  of  their  lives  to  hear  God's 
work  and  to  countenance  his  ordinance  of  marriage." 

At  the  close  of  the  interesting  service  Peden  took  Isabel 
aside,  and,  looking  into  her  face  with  paternal  affection,  said: 

"Isabel,  you  have  got  a  good  husband;  value  him  highly. 
Keep  linen  for  a  winding-sheet  beside  you,  for  in  a  day  when 
you  least  expect  it  thy  master  will  be  taken  from  thy  head. 
In  him  the  image  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  is  too  visible  to 
pass  unnoticed  by  those  who  drive  the  chariot  wheels  of  per- 
secution through  the  breadth  and  length  of  bleeding  Scotland. 
But  fear  not ;  thou  shalt  be  comforted." 

A  gloomy  wedding  benediction  this ;  but  though  it,  no 
doubt,  chastened  her  gladness,  it  did  not  chill  her  heart.  She 
respected  Mr.  Peden ;  knew,  indeed,  that  he  was  esteemed  a 
prophet ;  nevertheless,  she  would  not  believe  that  one  so 
good  and  gentle  as  her  beloved  could  be  persecuted  by  any 
one,  not  even  by  prelatists. 

In  1890  a  new  monument  was  reared  to  his  memory  instead 
of  the  single  grave-stone,  from  which  the  following  was 
copied  by  Mr.  Ainslee  Miller,  and  kindly  furnished  with  his 
sketch : 

In  Memory 


Alexander  Peden. 

A  Native  of  Sorn. 

That  faithful  minister  of  Christ,  who  for  his  unflinching 
adherence  to  the  Covenanted  Reformation  in  Scotland,  was 
expelled  by  tyrant  rulers  from  his  parish  of  New  Luce;  im- 
prisoned for  years  on  the  Bass  Rock  by  his  persecutors,  and 


hunted  for  his  life  on  the  surrounding  mountains  and  moors 
till  his  death  on  January  26,  1686,  in  the  60th  year  of  his  age, 
and  here  at  last  his  dust  reposes  in  peace  awaiting  the  resur- 
rection of  the  just. 

"Such  were  the  men  these  hills  who  trod, 
"Strong  in  the  love  and  fear  of  God, 
"Defying  through  a  long  dark  hour — 
"Alike  the  craft,  and  rage  of  Power." 

The  inscription  on  the  grave-stone  is  also  furnished — 

Here  Lies 

Mr.  Alexander  Peden, 

Faithful  Minister  of  the  Gospel 

At  Glenluce. 

Who  departed  this  mortal  life  the  26th  day  of 
January,  1686,  and  was  raised  after  six  weeks 
out  of     the  grave,  and  buried     here  out     of 




In  contrast  to  the  preceding,  and  showing  also  the  firm 
unyielding  adherence  to  what  they  believe  to  be  right  in  civil 
life,  the  character  of  Judge  Samuel  C.  Peden  stands  out  as 
boldly  as  did  his  predecessor,  the  "Prophet,"  for  religious 
freedom.  The  Missouri  Judge,  while  not  a  descendant  of 
John  Peden,  shows  remarkable  similarity  of  character  to 
many  of  them.  He  descends  from  Joseph  Peden,  also  a  brave 
soldier  of  the  Revolution,  and  in  all  probabiUty  one  of  the 
long  lost  brothers  of  the  founder  of  the  Southern  house  of 
Peden.  The  letter,  and  incidents  which  follow  show  the 
strong  points  in  Peden  character. 

The  first  clipping  is  from  the  Houston  (Texas)  Post,  under 
the  heading  "Refuses  to  Accept  Liberty  On  the  Terms 
Offered  by  United  States  Judge :" 

Kansas  City,  Mo.,  December  2. — Judge  Samuel  C.  Peden, 


of  the  St.  Clair  County  Court,  one  of  the  three  County  Judges 
who  have  been  compelled  to  serve  most  of  their  terms  of 
office  in  jail  because  they  have  disobeyed  the  order  of  the 
Federal  Courts  to  vote  railroad  bonds  which  involve  St.  Clair 
County  in  great  expense,  today  refused  to  accept  his  liberty 
upon  the  terms  of  Judge  Phillip's  decision  rendered  in  the 
Federal  Court  Thursday,  and  decided  to  remain  in  jail. 

The  second  is  also  from  the  same  paper,  of  a  later  date: 

One  of  the  most  unique  cases  in  the  civilized  world  is  the 
St.  Clair  county  bond  case,  which  a  dispatch  from  Kansas 
City  announces  is  about  to  be  compromised. 

For  years  the  Judges  of  St.  Clair  County,  Missouri,  have 
either  been  in  jail  for  contempt  of  the  Federal  Court  or  fugi- 
tives from  justice,  holding  court  in  the  woods  to  avoid  arrest. 

In  1868  the  County  of  St.  Clair  issued  $200,000  worth  of 
bonds  to  build  a  railroad  across  the  county.  In  spite  of  the 
fact  that  the  railroad  was  not  built,  the  Federal  Court  ren- 
dered a  judgment  against  the  county  in  favor  of  the  bond- 
holders. The  county  officials  refused  to  pay  and  the  Federal 
Court  committed  the  county  judges  to  jail  for  contempt  of 
court  because  they  refused  to  order  the  county  officials  to 
levy  the  tax  to  pay  the  judgment.  The  debt,  with  principal 
and  interest,  now  amounts  to  $1,500,000.  For  thirty-four 
years  the  county  judges  have  patriotically  refused  to  bank- 
rupt the  county  by  ordering  the  levy  of  the  tax.  It  has  been 
known  that  election  to  the  office  of  county  judge  meant  im- 
prisonment or  dodging  arrest  during  the  term  of  office.  Yet 
men  have  never  been  wanting  to  serve  their  country  in  this 
arduous  capacity,  and  St.  Clair  County  has  always  had  its 
judges,  in  jail  or  out  of  jail,  resolutely  standing  between  its 
people  and  the  ruin  threatened  by  the  Federal  Court.  Of  the 
three  judges  at  the  present  time.  Judge  Thomas  Nevitt  is  in 
jail  at  Maryville,  where  he  has  been  a  year,  serving  a  sen- 
tence for  contempt.  Judge  S.  C.  Peden  is  serving  a  similar 
sentence  in  Warrensburg  jail.  Judge  Walker,  it  is  reported, 
has  lived  in  the  brush  since  he  was  elected,  and  the  United 
States  deputies  have  not  been  able  to  capture  him. 


This  remarkable  state  of  afifairs,  which  is  humorous  from 
one  point  of  view  and  very  serious  from  another,  arises  from 
our  system  of  having  Federal  Courts  besides  State  Courts. 
It  is  very  questionable  whether  a  Federal  Court  has  the 
power  to  commit  a  State  Judge  for  refusing  to  obey  its  man- 
date, and  whether  a  Federal  Court  has  the  right  to  issue  a 
mandate  directed  to  a  State  Judge  in  his  official  capacity.  It 
would  seem  as  if  the  State  Judge  should  be  protected  by  the 
sovereignty  of  the  State.  Certainly  when  the  constitution 
was  adopted  it  was  never  contemplated  that  a  situation  like 
that  in  St.  Clair  county,  Missouri,  should  ever  arise. 

Although  the  St. Clair  County  case  is  about  to  be  settled  by 
compromise,  the  law  upon  the  subject  should  be  made  plain 
either  by  authoritative  judicial  decision  of  by  legislation,  that 
such  an  anomalous  condition  may  not  occur  again. 

The  third  is  from  the  Atlanta  (Ga.)  Constitution : 

St.  Paul,  Minn,  August  28,  1902. — The  United  States  Court 
of  Appeals,  in  an  opinion  by  Judge  Seaborn,  today  denied  the 
application  for  writs  of  habeas  corpus  or  other  relief  in  the 
cases  of  Thomas  D.  Nevitt  and  Samuel  C.  Peden,  Judges  of 
the  County  Court  of  St.  Clair  Country,  Missouri,  and  sus- 
tains the  right  of  a  Federal  Judge  to  carry  out  the  mandates 
of  a  judgment  by  him. 

This  case,  the  like  of  which,  it  is  said,  has  not  come  before 
the  Courts  since  the  early  and  unsettled  days  of  the  republic, 
dates  back  to  a  period  shorty  after  the  close  of  the  civil  war. 
St.  Clair  County,  in  aid  of  the  construction  of  a  railroad, 
issued  a  large  amount  of  bonds  and  when  these  became  due, 
the  county  sought  to  evade  payment  and  to  have  the  Courts 
invalidate  them. 

Judgments  against  the  county  aggregating  more  than 
$200,000,  however,  were  issued  in  the  United  States  Court. 
The  county  fought  on,  adopting  every  legal  device  to  defeat 
the  enforcement  of  the  judgment  until  about  two  years  ago, 
when  United  States  Judge  Phillips,  at  the  instance  of  the 
judgment  creditors,  issued  a  writ  of  mandamus  directing  the 
County  Court  to  levy  a  tax  for  the  partial  payment  of  the 


indebtedness.  The  judges  refused  to  obey  this  mandate, 
holding  that  the  bonds  had  been  illegally  issued.  Then  came 
the  order  of  arrest  and  commitment  for  contempt  of  Court. 
The  Judges  evaded  the  Federal  Court  officers,  who  sought  to 
serve  the  writs  of  commitment,  hiding  in  the  woods  and  other 
unknown  places.  Meanwhile  the  County  Courts  were  not 
held,  criminals  went  untried,  civil  cases  could  not  be  heard, 
the  county  roads  and  bridges  fell  into  decay  and  other  busi- 
ness commonly  transacted  by  the  County  Court  was  wholly 

Recently,  however,  the  marshals  discovered  the  hiding 
places  of  the  fugitive  judges  and  arrested  them.  Their  coun- 
sel petitioned  the  Court  of  Appeals  for  their  release  on  bail 
and  for  an  order  staying  proceedings  until  an  application 
could  be  made  to  President  Roosevelt  for  a  pardon. 

In  denying  their  application  Judge  Sanborn  holds  that  a 
writ  of  habeas  corpus  cannot  be  made  to  perform  the  office 
of  writ  of  error,  as  it  is  available  only  when  a  prisoner  is  ille- 
gally restrained  by  a  Court  without  power  to  make  an  order 
for  contempt. 

The  following  letter  will  explain  itself: 

Maryville,  Nodway,  County,  Mo.,  June  ist,  1902. 
Mr.  D.  D.  Peden,  St.,  Houston,  Texas. 

Dear  Sir :  I  will  say  that  I  have  been  shifted  around  some, 
and  may  have  forgotten  to  answer  your  other  letter.  I  live 
in  St.  Clair  County  and  have  a  wife  and  six  children,  four  girls 
and  two  boys.  Am  fifty  years  old.  Have  been  in  jail  thirteen 
months  at  Bethany  and  Maryville.  My  father's  name  was 
Joseph  Peden ;  he  was  born  in  Pennsylvania,  and  moved  to 
Indiana,  Clark  County,  but  sold  out  in  '68  and  moved  to 

I  have  been  in  the  Bond  Fight  since  '70.  I  would  like  to 
see  my  county  and  people  free,  and  that  is  why  I  am  in  jail. 

Yours  truly, 
(Signed)        Samuel  C.  Peden. 



Among  the  strong,  noble  characters  of  a  stern  age,  and 
of  the  race  of  Peden,  there  stands  out  in  bold  and  beautiful 
reHef,  like  some  statue  in  marble  that  of  David  Morton,  the 
third  son  of  James,  or  David  Morton  and  Jane  Peden.  Born 
in  Antrim.  Ireland,  in  1760,  he  was  brought  to  America  when 
a  boy  of  eight  or  ten  by  his  grandfather,  John  Peden,  along 
with  his  mother  and  her  other  children,  as  his  father  died 
while  they  were  very  young. 

David  Morton  grew  to  man's  estate  under  the  guidance 
of  his  venerable  grandfather,  to  whom  he  was  peculiarly  de- 
voted. He,  though  a  mere  lad,  took  part  in  the  War  for  In- 
dependence, serving  in  the  Fairforest,  or  Spartan  regiment 
a  short  while,  then  under  the  partisan  leaders,  Marion,  Sum- 
ter and  Pickens,  at  Cowpens  and  numerous  local  battles  of 
upper  South  Carolina. 

He  was  twice  married,  first  to  Penelope,  a  sister  or  daugh- 
ter of  Hugh  L.  White,  who  lived  only  a  few  years  and  died 
childless.  He  then  married  Mary  or  MolHe  Jamison,  also  of 
prominent  Whig  parentage.  She  also  died  leaving  him  in 
his  old  age,  blind,  helpless  and  alone,  save  for  the  devotion 
of  som.e  excellent  slaves,  who  deserve  the  enconium  of  "Sem- 
per Fidelis !"  After  the  death  of  John  Peden,  he  came  to 
Fairview  township  and  settled  the  place  where  he  plied  his 
trade  and  spent  his  long,  useful  life  among  kith  and  kin. 

This  old  homestead  is  located  on  South  Raeburn  Creek, 
near  its  source.  At  the  present  time  only  the  site  of  the  old 
house  remains,  all  traces  of  a  once  pretentious  building  are 
gone.  The  spring  remains  as  he  left  it,  but  is  disused.  A 
forlorn  apple  tree,  very  decrepid,  still  stands  in  the  old  yard 
place.  The  once  large  plantation  has  been  divided  into  sev- 
eral tracts  and  is  owned  by  different  parties,  among  them 
two  brothers,James  and  John  Putnam,  lineal  descendants  of 
Thomas  and  Alexander,  second  and  sixth  sons  of  John  Pe- 
den. There  is  a  small  tract  donated  to  a  negro  church.  Beth- 


Four  of  the  former  slaves  still  linger  on  the  old  home  place, 
very  old  and  poor.  Their  names  are:  Wilson,  Alexander, 
Sallie  and  Jane.  All  bear  the  Morton  name.  Jane  was  house 
maid  and  her  mistress  chief  assistant;  Wilson  was  his  mas- 
ter's boy,  ministering  to  his  wants  in  his  blindness,  caring 
carefully  for  him  in  his  last  illness,  with  faithful  and  unerring 
love,  not  uncommon  among  the  well  treated  slaves  of  by- 
gone days.  Wilson  has  a  few  mementoes  of  his  idolized 
master  and  friend  that  he  resolutely  refuses  to  part  with  even 
for  bread,  among  them  an  old  arm  chair  which  David  Mor- 
ton made  for  his  grandfather's  comfort  in  his  last  days,  meet- 
ing all  overtures  for  its  purchase  with,  "It  was  Mastah's  chair. 
Misses  died  in  it,  and  I  can't  sell  it." 

David  Morton's  trade  was  that  of  carpenter  and  cabinet 
maker,  and  most  of  the  quaint  old  three-cornered  cupboards, 
tables,  benches,  cradles  to  rock  their  infancy,  and  colons  to 
bury  the  dead  of  the  Pedens  for  three  generations  were  made 
by  the  grand  old  man. 

The  history  of  the  much  coveted  chair  which  is  well  pre] 
served  is  as  follows : 

It  was  the  first  article  made  by  David  Morton  in  his  shop 
in  his  new  home.  Thinking  of  his  beloved  grandfather,  he 
made  it  and  carried  it  across  the  country  back  to  Chester, 
where  he  found  John  Peden  very  feeble.  Abandoning  every- 
thing else,  gave  his  time  and  young  manhood  to  nursing  the 
aged  saint  to  the  end.  From  this  chair  he  Hfted  John  Peden 
to  his  last  sleep,  and  from  it  he  also  was  Hfted  by  these  slave 
friends  to  his  own  rest  about  fifty  years  later. 

His  was  a  character  of  great  generosity  and  nobility,  as 
well  as  deep  piety.  His  mental  attainments  were  very  su- 
perior, despite  educational  disadvantages  of  pioneer  times. 
He  made  friends  of  books,  of  which  he  had  many,  enabled 
by  his  ample  means  to  procure  those  luxuries. 

He  was  possessed  of  great  physical  strength  and  manly 
beauty,  large  and  fair,  with  noble  head  and  face,  beaming 
blue  eyes  and  a  benevolent  countenance. 


David  Morton  came  to  his  end  beloved  and  honored.  The 
present  building  of  Fairview  church  is  one  of  his  monuments, 
and  the  record  placed  on  his  tomb  is  so  true  and  faithful  that 
it  is  copied  here  as  a  fitting  tribute  to  one  grand  character  of 
the  second  generation. 

Sacred  to  the  Momory  of 
David  Morton 

Who  departed  this  life  on  the  25th  day  of  September,  1848, 
in  the  88th  year  of  his  age. 

He  had  been  a  Revolutionary  soldier,  and  fought  the  bat- 
tles of  his  country. 

He  was  an  elder  in  the  church  at  this  place,  a  worthy  mem- 
ber of  the  session  until  the  day  of  his  death. 

He  was  always  liberal  in  its  support,  and  at  death  left  a 
handsome  estate  to  be  divided  between  this  church  and 
foreign  missions. 

He  was  a  liberal  solil  and  devised  liberal  things. 

"And  now  abideth  Faith,  Hope  and  Charity,  these  three; 
but  the  greatest  of  these  three  is  Charity."     i  Cor.  13:13. 


Alexander  David  Peden,  son  of  Alexander  Peden,  formerly 
a  merchant  of  Wilmington,  N.  C,  whose  father  was  Mingo 
Peden  merchant  in  Irvine  Ayrshire,  Scotland,  whose  father 
was  Alexander  Peden  the  "Prophet"  whose  grave  is  at 
MauchHne.  (This  is  a  mistake  as  far  as  Alexander  the 
Prophet  is  concerned  as  he  was  unmarried  and  a  sketch  of 
him  is  in  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden's  admirable  sketch  of  the  family 
at  the  Fairview  reunion.  Doubtless  this  Alexander  Peden 
was  a  nephew  of  the  Prophet.) 

Alexander  David  Peden  was  born  in  Wilmington,  but  on 
the  death  of  his  mother  was  sent  back  to  Scotland  a  small 
boy  to  the  care  of  his  grandfather  and  maiden  aunt  living  in 
Edinburg.  He  was  educated  at  Irvine,  Ayreshire,  graduating 
at  Glasgow,  as  a  physician,  then  went  to  sea  out  of  London 
as  surgeon's  mate  in  employ  of  East  Indian  Company  for 


twelve  years,  then  for  eight  years  roamed  around  the  world. 
His  daring  to  save  the  lives  of  a  crew  of  American  sailors 
"dubbed"  him  Com'd  Perry,  a  name  that  clung  to  him  on 
land  and  sea.  He  first  settled  in  New  Orleans  where  he 
married  then  moved  to  Galveston,  Texas,  but  about  that  time 
the  civil  war  between  the  states  broke  out.  Two  of  his  sons 
went  into  the  Confederate  service.  "My  father  being  an  old 
man  seeing  things  taken  and  destroyed,  went  to  Mexico 
where  he  remained  until  the  war  ended."  (Letter  of  Louis 
Peden.)  When  he  went  to  the  ill-fated  town  of  Indianalo, 
where,  during  a  cyclone  and  deluge  (1875?)  his  wife  and 
several  children  were  drowned ;  also  his  ranch,  houses, 
horses  and  cattle  were  swept  away,  all  his  earthly  posses- 
sions, leaving  him  utterly  without  property,  at  the  age  of 
seventy-five.  "My  father  died  in  1881 — gone  but  not  for- 
got. He  was  always  a  friend  to  the  weak  and  helpless.  Al- 
though he  was  one  of  the  best  physicians  and  surgeons  in 
this  country  he  did  not  make  much  money  out  of  his  prac- 
tice for  he  refused  to  take  money  from  the  poor  for  his  ser- 
vices. Therefore  he  never  accumulated  a  vast  fortune,  as  he 
could  have  done  if  he  desired.  While  my  father  was  not  a 
rich  man  he  was  in  good  circumstances  up  to  the  great  Indi- 
anola  disaster,  in  which  everything  he  possessed  w^as  de- 
stroyed. Afterwards  (this  terrible  calamity)  father  gave  up 
the  practice  of  medicine ;  this  world  had  no  more  attraction 
for  him  after  the  loss  of  his  dear  wife.  Bowed  down  with 
grief,  broken-hearted,  he  lived  on  very  quietly  until  God  called 
him  home,  where  he  claims  his  final  reward  in  heaven  with 
mother.  (Extract  from  letter  of  his  son,  Louis  Peden,  with 
his  permission,  also  the  following  letter  from  the  pen  of  Alex- 
ander D.  Peden,  which  brings  out  this  beautiful  character,  a 
noble  son  of  the  house  of  Peden,  the  letter  was  never  sent, 
but  kindly  loaned  the  writer  for  a  copy  here.) 

"Excuse  the  freedom  of  an  unknown  stranger,  one  long 
lost  to  memory,  and  no  doubt  considered  numbered  among 
the  dead.    The  Lord  in  His  divine  providence  spared  my  life 

THE  PEDEj^S  of  AMERICA.  155 

through  many  adversities  by  land  and  sea.  Encountering 
gales  of  wind,  cyclones,  white  squalls,  and  Borean  blasts, 
with  a  restless  sea  and  angry  billows  tossing  our  frail  barques 
like  chaflf  before  the  wind,  leaving  ourselves  to  the  care  of 
and  mercy  of  an  all-seeing  eye. 

"Now  old  age  has  crept  upon  me,  seventy-five  years  old, 
feeble  and  worn-out,  when  anchored  on  a  treacherous  shore. 
God  in  His  all-wise  providence  sent  a  cyclone  with  a  deluge 
flood  to  sweep  our  ill-fated  city  from  the  face  of  the  earth, 
(drowning)  my  wife  and  children  and  sweeping  my  ranch, 
houses,  horses  and  cattle  up  into  the  prairies  for  the  course 
of  six  miles.  All  I  possessed  in  the  world  was  on  this  ranch ; 
myself  being  called  away  from  home  to  serve  on  the  jury  of 
my  country.  If  at  home  should  not  have  troubled  you  with 
this  epistle  ;  should  have  died  with  and  for  my  family  being  too 
much  of  a  sea-dog  to  have  lost  all.  But  now  left  behind  to 
mourn  and  bow  to  adversity.  People  were  hurried  from 
sleep  into  eternity  and  up  where  rolls  the  boundless  ocean  of 
the  stars.  "Forever  freed  and  unrestrained.  Life's  weary  toil, 
forever  o'er;  which  immortality  is  gained,  "and  pain  and 
struggles  are  no  more ;"  and  all  the  joys  that  dying  brings ; 
submitting  our  fate  to  the  Supreme  Ruler  of  the  universe, 
and  short  space  of  time  allotted  for  man  to  live,  deprived  of 
youth  to  labor  it  seems  hard  to  become  a  pauper;  one  sprung 
from  the  ancient  family  of  Pedens  in  Scotia's  isle.  Having 
no  friends  here  it  struck  me  to  address  the  sympathy  of  my 
kinsman  to  reheve  me  of  the  distress  I  am  now  suffering.  If 
any  doubt  should  arise  in  your  mind  that  I  am  not  the  "Simon 
pure"  A.  D.  Peden  I  refer  you  to  your  fellow  townsman,  Mr. 
Kidder,  who  had  the  pleasure  of  my  company  in  Bagdad, 
Mexico,  then  on  a  voyage  to  Tisal,  Yucatan,  who  can  vouch 
for  my  credulity.  (This  kinsman  was  a  half-brother,  William 
or  James  Peden,  or  both  who  went  from  Wilmington,  N.  C, 
to  Virginia,  and  to  Kentucky  and  Illinois ;  of  these  the  writer 
has  a  trace,  they  were  really  a  later  emigration  of  the  same 
line.)     I  am  Alexander  David  Peden,  son  of  Alexander,  de- 


ceased,  formerly  merchant  in  Wilmington,  N.  C.  My  father's 
father  was  Mingo  Peden,  merchant  in  Irvine,  Ayreshire, 
Scotland,  where  I  was  educated  and  graduated  as  a  physician 
in  Glasgow ;  then  went  out  to  sea  out  of  London  as  surgeon's 
mate  in  East  India  Company  for  twelve  years.  Then  for 
eight  years  roamed  the  world.  That  is  my  pedigree.  Al- 
though American  seamen  are  not  entitled  to  their  Christian 
names,  being  obliged  to  give  shipping  papers  of  their  char- 
acters before  entering  upon  another  voyage ;  and  all  seamen 
avoid  the  law  by  false  papers  on  every  ship.  My  daring  to 
save  the  life  of  a  ship's  crew  of  America  they  "dubbed"  me 
Commodore  Perry,  a  name  which  has  hung  to  me  on  land 
and  sea.  If  I  was  to  write  my  Hfe  it  would  become  volumes 
so  I  shall  close,  hoping  your  sympathy  will  be  towards  me. 

(He  here  mentions  a  number  of  Pedens,  James  Peden,  at 
Jonesborough,  Tenn.,  who  belonged  to  the  i6th  Alabama 
Regiment,  and  Charles  Peden,  at  Atlanta,  Ga.,  John  and 
Thomas  Peden,  to  ordinance  train ;  this  was  during  the  civil 
war  and  they  were  with  his  son  Louis,  and  expresses  the 
wonder  where  and  who  they  all  were  and  where  they  came 
from.)  "Although  suffering  now  from  want  I  will  not  com- 
mit suicide  nor  blast  my  good  name,  but  will  wander  on  until 
I  can  wander  no  more,  so  excuse  a  wanderer.  Hoping  to 
hear  from  you,  I  am,  dear  friends, 

Alexander  D.  Peden. 

(He  seems  trying  to  prove  beyond  doubt  his  identity,  after 
long  years  of  absence,  to  the  members  of  his  father's  family, 
and  the  writer,  as  before  stated,  has  letters  from  these 
Pedens,  or  as  they  spell  the  name  Padon.  One  family  lives 
in  Kentucky  (Carrsville),  and  copy  here  an  extract  from 
a  letter  by  a  devoted  young  doctor,  who  laid  his  young  life 
down  last  year  in  Blackwell,  O.  T.,  W.  H.  Padon,  M.  D. 
"Our  ancestry,  grandfather's  and  father's  families  were  all 
missionary  Baptist,  and  have  always  been  noted  for  their 
strict  piety  and  great  interest  in  Christianity." 




Mitchell  Peden  was  born  in  Spartanburg  District,  S.  C, 
August  24,  1809. 

He  united  with  the  church  at  Nazareth  (Presbyterian),  at 
the  age  of  nineteen  years.  He  had  been  a  member  of  the 
Sabbath  school  for  twelve  years  in  Mr.  Dickson's  class.  He 
was  licensed  to  preach  the  Gospel  by  the  Presbytery  of  Har- 
mony in  April,  1838,  at  the  age  of  twenty-nine.  The  first 
year  after  being  licensed  he  preached  one  hundred  and  six 
sermons,  at  thirty-three  different  places  situated  in  Spartan- 
burg, Greenville  and  Sumter  Districts  (counties),  over  two 
hundred  miles  distance. 

He  married  Eliza  Caldwell  November  13,  1838,  and  settled 
at  a  place  named  Barrondale,  near  Longtown.  He  was  or- 
dained to  the  full  work  of  the  ministry  at  Mt.  Olivet  church, 
October,  1839,  and  served  Aimwell  and  Mill  Creek  churches 
as  pastor  until  1844,  when  he  removed  to  Pontotoc  County, 
Miss.,  with  a  large  following  of  kith  and  kin.  Settled  at 
Houston,  Miss.,  in  1845,  being  elected  principal  of  the  Male 
Academy  at  that  place. 

In  1846  he  was  bereft  of  his  wife  and  three  children  of 
scarlet  fever.  In  1847  he  moved  to  Lowndes  County,  Miss., 
and  took  pastoral  charge  of  Bethel  and  Mt.  Zion  churches. 
In  1847  (November  16)  he  married  Mrs.  Mary  P.  Ervine.  In 
1855  he  removed  to  Winston  County,  Miss.,  and  took  charge 
of  Bethsalem  and  Lebanon  churches,  where  he  continued  to 
faithfully  discharge  his  duties  until  God  in  His  providence  saw 
best  to  paralyze  his  physical  powers  in  1865.  Although  ad- 
vised by  his  physicians  to  cease  preaching,  he  would  go  to 
church  and  read  his  sermons,  sitting  in  a  chair,  like  John  of 
old.  He  was  very  punctual  in  filling  his  appointments ;  there 
were  very  few  meetings  of  Presbytery  or  Synod  in  which  his 
seat  was  vacant.  He  was  a  member  of  the  General  Assembly 
a  number  of  times,  and  was  present  at  that  notable  meeting 
which  saw  the  division  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  North 
and  South. 


Mitchell  Peden,  like  his  race,  was  remarkably  conscientious 
and  faithful  in  his  adherence  to  the  principles  and  constitu- 
tion of  the  Presbyterian  church.  In  character  he  was  kind, 
humble,  fraternal  in  his  feelings  and  intercourse  with  his 
brethren;  zealous  and  affectionate  in  his  manner  of  preach- 
ing and  assiduous  in  his  efforts  to  win  souls  for  Christ,  in 
which  he  was  wonderfully  blest. 

He  died  August  31,  1868,  of  a  final  stroke  of  paralysis.  A 
ripened  sheaf  of  golden  grain,  garnered,  and  granted  a  place 
in  the  Master's  Harvest  Home. 

(By  his  son,  Hugh  L.  Peden.) 

Alexander  Wilson  Peden  was  born  November  9,  1809; 
died  February  8,  1868.  He  was  a  very  pious  man,  one  who 
was  highly  respected  by  the  entire  community.  He  was 
County  Commissioner  for  the  term  of  twenty-seven  years, 
and  at  the  time  of  his  death  Treasurer  of  the  Board  for 
Greenville  County,  S.  C.  He  was  bitterly  opposed  to  seces- 
sion though  he  took  an  active  part  in  the  Civil  War  did  all  he 
could  for  the  country ;  gave  it  three  sons  and  sent  several 
negroes  to  work  on  the  breast-works  at  Charleston.  Was 
Commissioner  of  the  Poor  during  this  trying  period  and  often 
said  it  was  hard  to  please  all  who  applied  for  assistance  or 
pensions.  (Extract  from  records  of  Fairview  church,  Septem- 
ber 2,  1849.)  "The  Rev.  E.  T.  Buist  preached  a  sermon  on  the 
institution  and  qualifications  of  the  eldership,  and  at  the  close 
of  the  sermon  proceeded  to  the  ordination  of  the  elders  elect, 
to  wit :  Austin  Williams,  John  M.  Harrison,  James  E.  Savage 
and  Alexander  W.  Peden,  after  the  constitutional  questions 
being  proposed  to  the  candidates  and  also  to  the  congrega- 
tion and  they  both  had  answered  in  the  affirmative.  Rev.  Buist 
then  proceeded  to  set  apart  by  prayer  the  Elders  elect  to  the 
office  of  Ruling  Elders  in  this  church." 

He  was  a  son  of  White  Peden  and  Margaret  Peden,  grand- 
son of  Thomas  Peden  on  the  father's  side,  and  of  Alexander 



Peden  on  his  mother's.  Therefore  springing  from  the 
Houses  of  Thomas  and  Alexander,  second  and  sixth  sons  of 
John  the  father  and  founder. 

(By  his  son  Jas.  B.  Peden.) 

I  feel  I  must  tell  you  of  my  father,  but  I  know  very  little 
of  the  Pedens. 

My  father  was  left  an  orphan  at  the  age  of  nine  years.  My 
grandfather,  James  Peden  emigrated  from  Fairview,  S.  C,  in 
1824;  died  in  this  county;  his  wife  followed  very  soon,  both 
within  five  years  of  their  arrival  in  ^Mississippi,  consequently 
my  father  was  left  without  educational  advantages,  and  but 
little  family  history.  He  had  three  sisters  and  two  brothers, 
Samuel  and  Frank. 

Father  was  born  in  South  Carolina  September  14,  1819; 
died  September  9,  1896.  Served  through  the  Civil  War  as  a 
lieutenant  in  the  2nd  Mississippi  state  troops,  a  brave  and 
daring  soldier. 

In  religious  belief  he  was  a  Missionary'  Baptist.  Held  the 
office  of  deacon  most  of  his  life.  He  served  his  church  faith- 
fully, loved  it  dearly,  and  contributed  freely  to  its  needs,  but 
all  good  men  were  his  brethren.  He  lived  upon,  moved  and 
acted  on  that  broad  plane  that  all  Christians  were  of  one  fam- 
ily, regardless  of  creeds.  He  was  also  a  Master  ^Slason ;  was 
buried  with  Masonic  honors. 

He  lived  to  just  that  period  of  life  he  so  coveted,  to  see  all 
his  children  grown  up  and  educated  to  the  very  best  extent 
he  was  able  to  give. 

(A  Memorial — By  Rev.  Jas.  Stacey,  D.  D.) 

There  is  no  death,  the  stars  go  down. 
To  rise  upon  some  fairer  shore, 
1  And  bright  in  heaven's  jeweled  crown, 

They  shine  forever  more. — 


Rev.  Andrew  Gilliland  Peden  was  born  near  Fairview 
church,  Greenville  County,  S.  C,  October  28,  181 1,  and  died 
at  his  home  in  Pike  County,  Ga.,  on  Sabbath  morning,  Janu- 
ary 19,  1896. 

He  was  a  son  of  David  Peden  and  Margaret  Hughes,  his 
father,  David  Peden,  being  the  youngest  of  ten  children  who, 
with  their  parents,  John  Peden  and  Margaret  McDill,  came 
to  Spartanburg  County,  (then  Spartan  District),  S.  C,  about 
the  year  1768- 1770,  with  a  colony  from  Ulster,  in  the  north 
of  Ireland,  from  County  Antrim.  He  (Rev.  Andrew  G.  Pe- 
den) was  the  twelfth  child  of  his  father,  and  the  second  of 
his  mother,  she  being  the  second  wife ;  her  predecessor  leav- 
ing ten  children.  Out  of  this  large  family  only  one  sister, 
Mrs.  Eleanor  G.  Dunbar,  now  remains,  she  being  his  only 
own  sister,  and  still  resides  in  the  old  Carolina  home.  Mr. 
David  Hamilton  Peden,  for  years  an  efificient  elder  in  the 
Griffin,  Ga.,  church,  and  who  died  a  few  years  ago  being  his 
youngest  brother. 

When  about  seventeen  years  af  age  Rev.  Andrew  G. 
Peden  made  a  profession  of  faith  in  Christ.  Soon  after  he 
entered  the  school  of  Dr.  J.  L.  Kennedy  in  Spartanburg 
County,  where  he  remained  for  three  years,  he  then  entered 
the  Theological  Seminary  at  Columbia,  S.  C,  graduated  in 
1834,  with  the  second  class  sent  out  from  those  venerated 
halls,  and  at  the  time  of  his  death  was  the  oldest  surviving 
graduate  of  that  institution. 

He  was  licensed  to  preach  November  28,  1834,  by  Har- 
mony Presbytery,  in  company  with  Dr.  R.  b.  Gladney,  the 
samted  J.  Henley  Thornwell,  and  a  number  of  names  equally 
bright  in  the  Southern  Presbyterian  Church.  His  first  field 
was  Indiantown  church,  to  which  he  was  called  in  January, 
1835;  on  April  21,  1835,  he  was  ordained  and  installed  pastor 
of  said  church  by  the  aforesaid  Presbytery,  where  he  re- 
mained until  April  4,  1839,  when  this  pastorate  was  regret- 
fully dissolved,  and  he  became  pastor  of  the  neighboring 
church  of  Williamsburgh  or  Kingstree,  which  he  supplied 
twelve  years,  until  towards  the  close  of  1847,  when  he  re- 


moved  to  Pike  County,  Ga.,  where  he  spent  the  remainder  of 
his  hfe,  becoming  the  founder  and  pastor  of  Friendship 
church  in  April,  1848.  He  preached  also  at  Greenville,  Ga., 
for  two  years,  1854-1856,  and  at  other  places  as  the  opportu- 
nity offered  until  the  infirmities  of  years  and  failing  sight  laid 
him  aside  from  the  active  duties  of  the  ministry- 

Rev.  A.  G.  Peden  was  a  man  of  well  rounded  character.  Of 
fine  physique,  of  handsome,  pleasant  countenance,  in  which 
could  be  seen  depicted  gentleness,  coupled  with  great 
strength  of  character.  He  was  a  man  of  sympathy  and 
neighborly  feelings,  kind,  generous  to  a  fault,  of  unbounded 
hospitality ;  a  man  of  honor,  unswerving  in  his  devotion  to 
principle,  true  as  steel  to  his  word,  entirely  free  from  double- 
dealing,  with  fine  judgment,  practical  business  sense,  manag- 
ing his  own  affairs  with  prudence  and  discretion;  sound  in  his 
theological  views,  solid  and  practical  in  his  preaching;  a  good 
presbyter  and  a  man  whose  judgment  might  be  safely  trusted 
in  all  questions  of  Church  and  State.  It  is  not  a  cause  for 
wonder  that  such  a  man  should  enjoy  as  he  did  the  confidence 
and  esteem,  of  the  entire  community.  As  evidence  of  this 
confidence  reposed  in  him,  during  and  just  after  the  Civil 
War,  without  any  solicitation  on  his  part,  his  neighbors  and 
friends  and  fellow  citizens  nominated  and  elected  him  to  rep- 
resent them  in  the  representative  hall  of  the  State  of  Georgia. 

Though  afflicted  for  several  years  with  great  physical 
weakness,  and  for  sometime  before  his  death  with  total  blind- 
ness, yet  he  unmurmuringly  submitted  to  the  chastening 
hand  of  God,  his  Heavenly  Father,  and  was  frequently  heard 
to  speak  of  his  unshaken  trust  in  Him,  and  love  to  his  fellow- 

On  his  eighty-fourth  birthday,  a  few  months  before  his 
death,  he  asked  his  wife  to  send  for  a  neighbor  to  come  and 
pray  with  him.  On  being  told  that  it  was  nearly  midnight 
he  said:  "Hold  me  up  on  my  knees,  then."  This  was  done, 
and  there  in  the  solemn  stillness  of  that  dark  hour,  upon  his 
feeble,  bended  knees  he  poured  out  his  soul  in  earnest  prayer 
and  supplication  unto  God. 


After  a  lingering  illness  of  three  months  this  loved  saint 
passed  quietly  away  without  struggle  or  groan,  early  on  Sab- 
bath morning,  January  19,  1896,  entering  into  his  eternal  rest. 

"As  fades  the  summer  cloud  away 

Or  sinks  the  gale  when  storms  are  o'er." 

His  funeral  services  were  held  at  Friendship  church,  where 
he  had  so  long  ministered  in  sacred  things.  They  were  con- 
ducted by  his  co-pastor  and  successor.  Rev.  R.  N.  Abrahams, 
the  address  being  made  by  Rev.  W.  G.  Woodbridge,  of  the 
Grifhn,  Ga.,  church,  from  Psalm  46:10.  "Be  still  and  know 
that  I  am  God." 

Rev.  Andrew  G.  Peden  was  thrice  married.  His  first  wife 
was  Miss  Margaret  Dantzler,  of  that  union  two  of  the  five 
children  survive,  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  of  Houston,  Texas,  and 
Mrs.  J.  Russell  Tolbert,  of  Clarksville,  Arkansas.  His  second 
wife  was  Miss  Mary  I.  Britt,  who  lived  but  a  few  years  and 
left  no  children.  The  devoted  wife  who  remains  was  Miss 
Margaret  C.  Davis.  Two  daughters  of  the  four  children  of 
this  marriage  survive,  Mrs.  J.  W.  Sullivan,  Houston,  Texas ; 
Mrs.  T.  C.  Sullivan,  Pedenville,  Ga. 

This  sketch  is  adapted  from  the  Memorial  prepared  for  At- 
lanta Presbytery  at  Riverdale,  October  10,  1896,  by  his  life- 
long personal  friend,  Rev.  James  Stacey,  D.  D. 

We  leave  him  to  rest,  in  hope  of  a  joyful  resurrection,  be- 
neath the  somber  shadows  of  the  soughing  Georgia  pines, 
behind  the  pulpit  he  filled  so  long  and  so  well,  knowing  that 
when  the  Lord  descends  we  shall  greet  the  quiet  saint  in  his 
spiritual  beauty,  clad  in  the  vigor  of  immortal  youth,  along 
with  that  youthful  Andrew  Peden,  martyr,  over  whose  bright 
curls  closed  the  dark  waters  of  Loch  Mary,  in  Scotland,  hun- 
dreds of  years  ago. 


The  parents  of  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden  were  Rev.  Andrew  G. 
and  Margaret  Peden  (nee  Dantzler).  He  was  born  Novem- 
ber 2nd,  1835,  at  the  home  of  his  grandparents,  David  and 

CAPT.  D.  D.  PEDEN. 


Elizabeth  (nee  Miller)  Dantzler,  in  Spartanburg  County,  S. 
C.  His  father,  Andrew  G.,  was  the  twelfth  child  of  David 
Peden,  who  was  the  youngest  of  the  ten  children  of  the  vene- 
rable John  and  Margaret  Peden,  the  founder  of  the  South 
CaroHna  Pedens.  His  maternal  grandfather,  David  Dantzler, 
was  the  son  of  Jacob,  who,  in  turn,  was  the  son  of  Harry 
Dantzler,  who  came  from  Germany  prior  to  the  Revolution- 
ary war  and  settled  in  what  is  now  Orangeburg  County,  S.  C, 
many  of  whose  descendants  are  still  honored  citizens  of  that 
section  of  the  State. 

His  grandmother  Dantzler,  was  the  daughter  of  Michael 
and  Nancy  Miller,  the  latter  was  the  daughter  of  Alexander 
Vernon  and  his  wife,  Margaret,  nee  Chesney.  The  descend- 
ants of  Michael  and  EHzabeth  Miller  were  quite  numerous, 
and  through  this  family  Capt.  Peden  is  related  to  very  many 
of  the  best  people  in  Spartanburg  County,  and  other  sections 
of  the  State  and  Western  States. 

Until  about  12  or  13  years  of  age,  he  resided  in  Williams- 
burg County,  where  his  father  was  pastor  successively  of  the 
Indiantown  and  Williamsburg  Presbyterian  churches,  the 
latter  located  near  the  village  of  Kingstree,  the  county  seat  of 
said  county.  His  mother,  his  sister,  Mary  Crawford,  and  his 
brother,  Anderson  Vernon,  are  buried  in  the  grave  yard  of 
this  venerable  church. 

In  the  winter  of  1848,  his  father  (having  married  the  second 
time),  removed  to  Georgia,  settUng  in  Pike  County.  In  the 
course  of  a  few  years  he  was  sent  to  the  "High  School"  at  La 
Grange,  Ga.  About  the  years  1855  or  1856  he  entered  the 
"Georgia  MiUtary  Institute"  located  at  Marietta.  He  re- 
mained in  this  institute  about  two  years.  Being  quite  fond  of 
the  military  feature  of  this  institution,  he  became  a  good  tac- 
tician. About  the  year  1857,  his  father  purchased  a  planta- 
tion in  Calhoun  County,  in  the  southwestern  part  of  the  State 
and  he  (D.  D.  Peden)  was  in  charge  of  this  farm  when  the 
Civil  War  between  the  States  was  declared,  in  1861.  He  was 
among  the  first  volunteers  to  enlist  in  his  county.  On  ac- 
count of  his  previous  military  training,  he  was  soon  put  to 


work  drilling  the  volunteers.  At  the  organization  of  the 
"Calhoun  Rifles,"  which  was  the  first  company  to  leave  the 
county,  many  of  his  friends  urged  him  to  become  a  candidate 
for  the  captaincy.  This  he  positively  declined  to  do,  saying, 
he  could  not  think  of  commanding  men,  many  of  whom  were 
by  a  number  of  years  his  seniors  in  age.  He  was,  however, 
unanimously  elected  first  lieutenant,  which  position  he  ac- 
cepted. Soon  after  the  organization  of  the  company,  he  was 
detailed  to  go  to  Milledgeville,  the  then  State  Capital  of 
Georgia.  Arriving  at  Milledgeville,  he  found  that  Gov.  Jos. 
E.  Brown  and  staff  had  removed  their  headquarters  to  At- 
lanta. He  proceeded  to  Atlanta  and  there  tendered  to  the 
governor  the  services  of  the  company.  He  was  informed  that 
the  company  would  be  listed,  but  would  have  to  wait  its  regu- 
lar "turn"  to  be  mustered  into  the  service  and  be  organized 
into  a  regiment. 

The  prospect  of  delay  and  inaction  was  quite  a  disappoint- 
ment. He  returned  home  and  reported  results  to  the  com- 
pany. As  many  of  the  men  had  given  up  positions,  some  who 
were  farmers  having  sold  orotherwise  disposed  of  their  crops, 
and  were  consequently  having  to  bear  their  own  expenses,  it 
was  a  sore  disappointment  to  the  men.  Many  of  them  threat- 
ened to  leave  us  and  join  other  organizations  that  had  been 
previously  mustered  into  service.  About  this  time  an  oppor- 
tunity presented  itself  which  enabled  them  to  make  a  direct 
tender  of  their  services  to  the  Cofederate  Government  at 
Richmond.  The  regiment  was  organized  and  mustered  into 
service  there  and  was  first  known  as  the  Third  (3)  Indepen- 
dent Georgia  Regiment.  Later  it  was  known  as  the  12th 
Regiment  Georgia  Volunteers 

The  first  regimental  officers  were,  Colonel,  Edward  John- 
son; Lieutenant  Colonel,  Z.  T.  Conner;  Major, Smead; 

Adjutant,  Edward  Willlis.  The  companies  were.  A.,  from 
Sumter  County,  Willis  A.  Hawkins,  captain;  B.,  from  Jones 

County, Pitts,  captain ;  C,  from  Macon  County, 

Carson,  captain ;  D.,  from  Calhoun  County,  W.  L.  Furlow, 

E.  A.  Pedex. 

D.  D.  Pedex,  Jr. 

Allen  V.  Peden. 

Edward  D.  Peden. 


captain,  D.  D.  Peden,  1st  lieut. ;  E.,  from  Muscogee  County, 

Scott,  captain;  F.,  from     Dooley     County,     

Brown,  captain;  G.,  from  Putnam     County,  Davis, 

captain;  H.,  from  Bibb  County, Rodgers,  captain;  J., 

from   Lowndes   County,  Patterson,   captain   (?);   K., 

from  Marion  County,  Mark  A.  Blanford,  captain. 

Soon  after  organization  was  perfected,  the  regiment  was 
ordered  to  Staunton,  Va.,  by  rail,  thence  to  West  Virginia  on 
foot,  over  the  Staunton  and  Parkersburg  pikes  to  re-inforce 
General  Garnett.  They  were  too  late,  however,  General 
Garnett  was  killed  and  his  troops  retreated.  For  several 
months  the  regiment  was  encamped  on  Greenbrier  river,  be- 
tween Allegheny  and  Cheat  Mountains.  Later  they  moved 
back  and  went  into  winter  quarters  on  top  of  the  Allegheny 
Mountain,  one  among  the  coldest  spots  this  side  of  the  north 
pole.  This  was  the  winter  of  1861.  The  following  spring 
they  were  started  in  the  direction  of  Harper's  Ferry.  When 
the  army  reached  McDowell,  they  were  engaged  in  battle 
with  the  enemy,  our  troops  being  under  cornmand  of  General 
'Stonewall"  Jackson.  In  Dr.  Dabney's  life  of  General  Jack- 
son special  mention  is  made  of  the  gallantry  of  the  12th  Geor- 
gia Regiment.  The  losses  to  the  regiment  were  very  heavy. 
Col.  Ed.  Johnson,  afterwards  promoted  to  Brigadier,  and 
later  to  Major  General,  was  severely  wounded.  Company 
D's  losses  were  heavy,  both  in  ofHcers  and  men.  Captain 
Wm.  L.  Furlow,  the  company's  first  captain,  and  junior  2nd 
Heutenant,  J.  T.Woodward,  were  both  killed  in  this  engage- 

First  lieutenant,  D.  D.  Peden,  then  became  captain  and 
commanded  the  company  until  just  before  the  Gettysburg 
campaign  opened  in  the  spring  of  1863.  Just  prior  to  the 
opening  of  this  campaign,  he  was  assigned  to  duty  on  the 
staff  of  Major  General  R.  E.  Rodes  as  Inspector  General  of 
the  Division.  The  appointment  was  quite  a  surprise  to  him 
as  it  was  unexpected  and  unsoHcited  on  his  part,  but  very 
highly  appreciated.     The  12th  Georgia  Regiment  was  under 


General  "Stonewall"  Jackson  in  all  of  his  brilliant  battles  and 
record  breaking  marches.  Captain  Peden  was  fortunate  in 
never  having  been  captured  by  the  enemy.  He  was  severely 
wounded,  however,  in  the  very  last  of  the  seven  days  battles 
around  Richmond,  and  known  as  the  battle  of  "Malvern 
Hill."  His  Division  made  the  last  charge  that  was  made  on 
General  McClellan's  stronghold  on  the  above  mentioned 
Malvern  Hill.  Captain  Peden  was  leading  his  company  at 
"double  quick"  when  one  of  the  enemy's  shells  exploded  in 
front  of  him,  completely  destroymg  his  right  eye,  besides 
lacerating  his  face  and  hands  in  a  number  of  places.  In  a 
few  minutes  after  he  was  wounded,  it  now  being  nearly  dark, 
the  seven  days  battles  were  ended.  The  friends  of  Captain 
Peden  had  small  hope  of  his  recovery,  as  it  was  in  July,  the 
weather  very  warm,  and  to  make  matters  worse,  erysipelas 
set  in,  which  greatly  aggravated  the  danger,  besides  adding 
additional  pain  to  his  suffering. 

In  about  three  or  four  months,  however,  he  was  sufficiently 
recovered  to  return  to  his  command,  which  he  rejoined  at 
Bunker  Hill,  Va.,  soon  after  the  battle  of  Sharpsburg,  in 
Maryland,  had  been  fought.  Against  the  advice  of  a  num- 
ber of  his  friends,  he  resumed  command  of  his  company,  and 
was  with  them  in  the  battles  of  Fredericksburg  and  Chance- 
lorsville.  It  was  not  long  after  the  latter  engagement  when 
he  was  assigned  to  duty  as  Inspector  General  on  Major  Gen- 
eral R.  E.  Rodes'  staflF.  This  position  he  held  for  quite  a 
while,  embracing  the  Pennsylvania  campaign,  including,  of 
course,  the  battle  of  Gettysburg.  General  Rodes'  Division 
was  the  advance  guard  of  the  famous  2nd  Army  Corps 
("Stonewall"  Jackson's)  Army  of  North  Virginia,  and  was 
the  first  of  the  Confederate  Army  to  enter  the  town  of  Get- 
tysburg. General  Rodes'  Division  also  acted  as  rear  guard 
to  the  "Stonewall"  Jackson  Corps  on  the  retreat  from  Get- 
tysburg back  in  to  Virginia.  Some  months  afterwards,  his 
health  having  been  completely  broken  down,  with  the  advice 
of  both  General  Rodes  and  his  chief  surgeon.  Dr.  Mitchell, 


he  reluctantly  resigned  the  position  of  Inspector  General  and 
was  later  assigned  to  Post  duty  in  his  adopted  State  of  Geor- 
gia. His  headquarters  were  first  at  Grififin,  near  his  father's 
home.  Later  on  he  was  transferred  to  Savannah.  The  cli- 
mate and  water  disagreeing  with  him  he  took  a  severe  re- 
lapse, and  by  a  competent  board  of  surgeons  he  was  placed 
on  the  retired  Hst,  a  short  while  before  General  Sherman's 
famous  march  through  Georgia,  and  on  to  Savannah. 

He  was  in  Calhoun  County,  Georgia,  when  the  war  closed, 
and  in  May,  1865,  was  married  to  Miss  Fannie  D.  Plow- 
den,  a  native  of  Sumter  County,  S.  C.  For  about  ten  years 
after  the  war  he  was  engaged  in  farming  in  Calhoun  and  Pike 
Counties,  but  on  account  of  the  difficulty  of  securing  reliable 
labor  for  his  farm  he  gave  it  up  and  m'oved  to  Griffin,  where 
he  successfully  engaged  in  the  cotton  warehouse  and  fer- 
tilizer business.  Later  he  was  elected  cashier  of  the  Griffin 
Banking  Company.  Later  still,  at  the  organization  of  the 
Merchants  and  Planters  Bank(in  the  same  town),  which  he 
was  largely  instrumental  in  organizing,  he  was  elected  its 
first  cashier. 

His  only  two  sons,  Edward  A.  and  D.  D.  Peden,  Jr.,  mean- 
time having  moved  to  Houston,  Texas,  where  they  were 
engaged  in  business,  Captain  Peden  and  wife,  in  order  that 
the  little  family  could  all  be  together,  decided  to  move  to 
Texas,  which  they  did  in  1891. 

He  and  his  two  sons,  under  the  firm  name  of  Peden  &  Co., 
are  successfully  engaged  in  the  iron  business.  They  have 
four  travelling  salesmen  who  cover  the  greater  part  of 
Texas,  reaching  up  in  to  the  Indian  Territory  and  into  the 
southwestern  portion  of  Louisiana.  In  their  office  and  ware- 
house they  employ  on  an  average  about  fifteen  men. 

It  goes  without  saying  that  he  and  family  are  all  Presby- 
rerians ;  he  is  an  Elder  of  the  First  Presbyterian  church, 
Houston,  while  his  eldest  son,  Edward  A.,  is  a  Deacon  in  the 
same  church. 



Mrs.  Elizabeth  Miller  Tolbert,  wife  of  J.  R.  Tolbert,  was 
the  daughter  of  Rev.  A.  G.  Peclen  and  his  wife  Margaret  E,. 
Dantzler.  She  was  born  in  South  Carolina  in  1838.  After 
the  death  of  her  mother,  at  Kingstree,  S.  C,  her  father  and 
family  removed  to  Pike  County,  Georgia,  about  the  year 
1848.  She  graduated  at  the  Synodical  Female  College,  Grif- 
fin, Ga.,  in  1856. 

In  i860  she  married  Mr.  J.  R.  Tolbert,  and  was  the  mother 
of  nine  children,  six  of  whom  survive  her. 

On  her  father's  side  she  was  descended  from  John  and 
Margaret  Peden,  founders  of  the  Peden  family  in  the  South. 
On  her  mother's  side  she  was  descended  from  Alexander 
Vernon  and  his  wife,  Margaret  Chesney,  and  is,  therefore, 
related  to  many  of  the  best  people  in  South  Carolina, 
specially  in  Spartanburg  County. 

Her  only  remaining  brother  is  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  of  Hous- 
ton, Texas. 

A  good  woman  has  gone  to  her  reward  was  the  unanimous 
expression  used  at  her  death,  which  occurred  December  15, 
1901.  Her  husband  says  truthfully:  "Faith,  love,  charity,  un- 
selfishness and  all  the  Christian  virtues  were  highly  person- 
ified in  her  daily  walk  and  conduct.  Indeed,  her  whole  life 
was  a  striking  illustration  of  the  precepts  and  examples 
taught  and  practiced  by  Jesus  when  upon  the  earth.  The 
high,  the  low,  the  rich  and  the  poor  were  all  regarded  alike, 
and  that  great  reHgious  injunction,  'Love  thy  neighbor  as 
thyself,'  was  exemplified  through  her  whole  life  in  a  remark- 
able degree." 

Let  all,  then,  especially  relatives  and  friends,  strive  to  em- 
ulate her  meek,  gentle  spirit,  with  the  full  assurance  that  if 
we  live  as  we  should  we  will  meet  her  again  in  the  "sweet  by 
and  bye." 

Let  us,  as  much  as  possible,  emulate  her  faith,  patience  and 
perseverance,  feeling  and  knowing  as  she  did,  that 

"Heaven  is  not  reached  at  a  single  bound : 
But  we  build  the  ladder,  by  which  we  rise. 
From  the  lowly  earth  to  the  vaulted  skies. 
And  we  mount  to  its  summit  round  by  round." 

Mrs.  E.  M.  Tolbert. 

John  S.  pAnEN. 



"This  son  of  the  house  of  Peden  has  the  honor  of  being 
fifth  in  line  of  descent,  of  the  name  John,  was  born  in  Cobb 
County,  Georgia,  February  11,  1842.  Was  son  of  John  T.  and 
Margaret  (Foster)  Paden.  Was  reared  in  Roswell,  Ga.  At 
the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  he  entered  at  once  the  Con- 
federate service,  with  company  H,  Seventh  Georgia  Infantry. 
Was  in  the  first  battle  of  Bull-Run,  and  in  all  the  battles  in 
and  around  Richmond,  Va.,  and  was  with  General  Long- 
street  at  Chickamauga,  Tenn.  Surrendered  with  Gen.  R.  E. 
Lee's  army  at  Appomattoz,  Va. 

"In  1867  he  located  at  the  new  town  of  Gadsden,  Ala., 
where  he  was  very  successful  in  business.  Very  active  and 
influential  in  developing  the  resources  of  that  now  famous 
region,  and  becoming  a  familiar  figure  in  the  state  history  of 
Alabama.  In  1874  (February  5th)  he  was  married  to  Miss 
Anna  HolHngsworth,  who,  with  five  children,  survive  him. 
His  death  took  place  on  November  21,  1896." 

A  true  Peden,  useful  citizen,  faithful  Christian,  a  brave 
soldier,  a  loyal  son  of  the  South,  a  model  husband  and 

From  an  extract  sent  by  his  devoted  wife. 

(Signed)  Anna  D.  Peden. 

This  letter  from  Rev.  W.  M.  Paden  will  explain  itself : 

Salt  Lake  City,  March  22,  1899. 
D.  D.  Peden,  Esq. : 

Dear  Sir:  Your  letter  interests  me  very  much,  for  I  have 
heard  a  number  of  times  concerning  the  Pedens  of  the  South. 
At  one  time  I  had  some  correspondence  with  one  by  that 
name  in  North  Carolina.  I  then  concluded  that  my  grand- 
father's relationship  with  the  Southern  family  was  not  very 
close,  and  yet  I  do  not  think  that  there  is  any  doubt  but  that 
the  Pennsylvania  family  and  the  Carolina  family  have  the 
same  origin. 

My  grandfather  came  from  the  north  of  Ireland  towards 
the  end  of  the  last  century  and  settled  in  Pennsylvania.    His 


name  was  William.  His  father's  name  was  John.  I  am 
almost  certain  that  none  of  my  grandfather's  descendants 
moved  South,  although  I  am  not  positive,  not  having  traced 
the  family  very  thoroughly.  As  seems  to  be  the  case  with  the 
Southern  family  my  great  grandfather's  family  were  Presby- 
terians, and  there  are  some  five  or  six  in  the  Presbyterian 
ministry,  five  or  six  Padens  I  mean.  I  do  not  know  very 
much  about  the  other  branches  of  the  family. 

While  my  grandfather  and  great-grandfather  spelled  their 
name  Peden,  my  father  and  all  the  grandchildren  for  perhaps 
the  last  forty  years,  have  spelled  their  name  Paden,  it  having 
been  pronounced  that  way  by  the  people. 

I  am  sending  the  pamphlets  to  an  old  uncle  of  mine  who 
knows  more  about  our  ancestry  than  any  other  man  living, 
and  I  think  it  altogether  likely  that  it  will  not  be  difificult  to 
establish  some  remote  relationship.  The  families  seem  to 
have  had  very  much  the  same  type  of  history  and  to  be  the 
same  type  of  people. 

W.  M.  Paden. 


The  writer  of  the  following  account  of  part  of  the  Northern 
family  of  Peden,  Col.  Milton  Peden,  was  a  brave,  daring 
soldier  during  the  recent  war  bteween  the  States,  serving  as 
Colonel  of  the  147th  Indiana  Regiment  during  the  whole 
time;  retiring  to  private  life  at  the  close  of  the  civil  war.  He 
is  now  a  hale,  hearty  old  man  of  four  score  and  is,  in  connec- 
tion with  Capt.  D.  D.  Peden  of  the  Southern  family,  planning 
a  reunion  of  the  entire  Peden  race  as  soon  as  practicable,  at 
some  central  place: 

"The  following  is  something  of  the  history  of  our  branch 
of  the  Peden  family  as  I  obtained  it  from  my  old  uncle,  Daniel 
L.  H.  Peden,  who  died  in  1873.  I  visited  him  some  time  prior 
to  his  death,  at  which  time  he  gave  me  his  best  recollection  of 
our  family  genealogy,  to  wit : 

"Near  the  close  of  sixteenth  century  a  Peden  (given  name 
not  remembered),  went  from  Glasgow,  Scotland,  to  London 


as  chief  baker  to  royal  family.  The  baker  had  a  son,  Joseph, 
who  went  to  the  north  of  Ireland,  and  his  son,  Samuel  Peden, 
came  to  America  about  the  year  1750,  and  settled  in  York 
County,  Penna.,  where  he  married  a  Miss  Potter,  and  they 
had  born  to  them  six  children  as  follows :  Obadiah  Peden, 
Samuel  Peden,  Lydia  Peden,  Joseph  Peden  (my  grandfather), 
Isaac  Peden  and  Alexander  Peden.  Joseph  Peden  married 
Miss  Rebecca  Driver,  of  York  County,  Penna.,  an  own  cousin 
of  Patrick  Henry  of  Revolutionary  fame.  To  them  was  born 
the  following  children,  to  wit :  Margaret  Peden,  James  Peden 
(my  father),  Jesse  Peden,  Elizabeth  Peden,  Joseph  Peden, 
Daniel  T.H.  Peden,  David  Peden,  Isaiah  Peden,  Samuel  Peden 
and  Abner  Peden.  The  two  eldest  were  born  in  York  County 
and  the  others  in  Washington  County,  Penna.  Grandfather 
Peden  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  War,  and  he  being  a 
gunsmith  by  trade  was  detailed  to  make  guns  for  the  army  in 
the  field.  Grandfather  died  in  Washington  County,  Penna., 
aged  94  years,  and  his  father,  Obadiah  Peden,  died  in  York 
County  at  the  age  of  100  years.  These  have  all  passed  over 
to  the  great  beyond  long  years  ago.  This  ends  Uncle  Dan- 
iel's story. 

"James  Peden  (my  father),  married  Miss  Margaret  Love, 
of  Sistersville,  West  Virginia.  To  them  were  born  ten  child- 
ren, as  follows :  Elizabeth  Peden,  Rebecca  Peden,  James 
Peden,  Joseph  Peden,  Jane  L.  Peden,  David  Peden  Milton 
Peden,  Reuben  Peden,  Hiram  Peden  and  William  Peden.  All 
of  whom  have  passed  over  to  the  better  land,  save  Hiram  and 
the  writer  hereof.  My  mother,  Margaret  Peden,  died  August 
1st,  1855,  ^^^  ^y  father  on  August  19th,  1855,  just  nineteen 
days  apart.  Hiram  Peden  resides  in  Anderson,  Madison 
County,  Indiana ;  is  76  years  of  age,  and  in  feeble  health.  I 
am  80  years  of  age  and  am  quite  rugged  for  that  age." 

"The  Pedens  were  humble  folk,  good  Christians  and  loyal 
citizens." — David  H.  Peden. 

"The  Pedens  were  never  ambitious  to  shine,  but  in  church 
and  state  were  the  staunch  yeomanry." — David  T.  Peden. 


"The  Pedens  were  never  politicians ;  all  quiet  farmers  or 
mechanics,  and  always  deeply  religious  people." — G.  R. 

"The  Pedens  are  a  quiet,  home-loving  race,  have  no  taste 
for  public  life ;  farming  is  the  favorite  work  of  most  of  us." — 
J.  Waddy  T.  Peden. 

"The  Pedens  were,  and  are  a  quiet  people,  slow  to  wrath 
but  'Tak  tent  how  ye  meddle  wi  their  rights.'  " — A  Kentucky 

In  reply  to  the  question  asked  of  a  Missouri  Paden  as  to 
whether  any  Pedens  were  in  the  Spanish-American  war.  1897- 
1898,  came  the  reply,  'The  Padens  have  something  better  to 
do  than  be  found  idling  time  away  around  the  campfires  of 
useless  warfare,  .among  the  riff-raflf  of  volunteer  soldiery. 
When  their  country  needs  them  to  defend  her  liberties  they 
are  found  in  the  front  ranks." 

One  can  fancy  the  spirit  of  old  John  Peden  in  the  above. 
The  Pedens  were  not  triflers  of  old,  neither  are  they  today, 
this  characteristic  is  the  same  in  all  ages.  Ready  to  ,die  for  a 
principle  but  scorn  a  caprice.  They  are  for  "Liberty,  civil, 
social  and  religious." 

If  the  sons  of  Peden  inherited  the  strongly  marked  traits 
of  the  father,  John  Peden,  shorn  of  some  of  his  enthusiastic 
faith,  the  daughters  of  Peden  stand  for  all  that  is  pure,  true 
and  sweet  in  woman,  like  the  mother,  Peggy  McDill.  She 
has  always  stood  for  the  kingdom  of  home,  always  a  home- 
maker.  There  were  always  some  notable  house-keepers  or 
famous  cooks  among  them,  but  as  the  wife,  the  mother,  she 
shines  brighter.  The  name  has  never  figured  in  the  civil 
courts  as  a  "fair  divorcee,"  nor  has  there  ever  been  a  divorced 
woman  among  them.  To  most  of  them  the  crown  of  mater- 
nity has  descended  and  they  wear  it  proundly,  uncomplain- 
ingly. Into  some  lives  there  came  and  comes  a  minor  chord 
that  of  widowhood.  Now  the  Paden  widow  does  not  wrap 
her  grief  around  her  like  a  sable  robe  and  sit  inconsolable  all 
her  days.  Second  marriages  were  always  rare.  She  lives  for 
her  children.    There  were  many  such  during  that  dark  period 


of  1861-65.  Some  left  with  large  families  of  helpless  little 
ones,  but  none  of  them  ever  gave  up  in  despair  and  sent  their 
children  to  some  orphan  home ;  they  simply  put  their  trust  in 
God  and  struggled  on.  Verily  they  had  their  reward — in  a 
generation  of  sturdy,  independent  men  and  useful  women. 

Spinsterhood  is  rare,  but  there  were  always  one  or  two 
true  "old  maids"  or  household  angels  to  step  fearlessly  into 
the  lines  when  some  devoted  sister  has  fallen  asleep  to  take 
up  the  tangled  threads  and  smooth  the  way  for  the  children's 
feet.  There  is  in  the  writer's  mind  a  picture  sweet  of  Miss 
Jane  Harrison,  of  precious  memory,  and  Miss  Elizabeth 
Peden,  who  has  just  bravely  taken  charge  of  a  brood  of  eight 
or  ten  young  nephew^s  and  nieces  left  orphans,  this  being  the 
third  or  fourth  time  in  her  beautiful  self-sacrificing  Hfe  that 
she  has  placed  herself  in  the  desolate  breach  made  by  death. 
Also  there  is  another,  young  in  years  but  strong  in  spirit, 
Miss  Irene  Peden,  who  mothers  a  crowd  of  five  motherless 
babes.  These  are  only  a  few  personally  known  to  the  writer, 
while  from  far  ofif  Mississippi  she  has  just  laid  down  a  letter 
in  which  is  this  statement :  "A  Peden  mother,  a  widow,  laid 
five  sons  on  the  altar  of  the  Southern  Confederacy." 

There  is  a  tradition  that  Peggy  McDill  reappears  once 
every  generation  in  some  female  descendant,  if  so  she  must 
have  doubled  in  the  generation  to  which  the  writer  belongs 
in  Mrs.  H.  B.  Stewart,  Martha  Eugenia  Peden(  line  of  Alex- 
ander), and  Mrs.  E.  T.  Jarvis,  Eveline  Peden  (line  of  David). 
Both  are  notable  housekeepers  and  model  home-makers, 
both  wear  the  crown  maternal  on  fair  unsullied  brows,  both 
have  the  sunny  hair,  the  laughing  blue  eyes,  both  are  divinely 
tall  and  fair,  and  each  home  is  full  of  the  merry  laughter  of 
happy  childhood.  Eugenia  Stewart  lives  at  Fairview,  Eveline 
Jarvis  dw^ells  in  Peden,  Miss. 

The  Peden  woman  is  little  known  outside  her  home.  Its 
circle  is  wide  enough  for  her  happiness.  She  in  not  even 
"wrapt  up  in  church  work,"  which  is  quite  frequently  a  sad 
misnomer  for  something  else  far  less  worthy.  She  cares 
little  for  the  outside  world.    There  are  exceptions  of  course 


to  this  general  rule,  but  they  all  stand  firm,  whatever  their 
views,  for  "The  peace,  purity  and  perfect  harmony  of  the 


The  young  girl  Julia  Peden,  of  Montana,  whose  noble  act 
or  heroism  copied  from  the  Anaconda  Standard,  Anaconda, 
Montana,  is  inserted  here  as  an  example  of  the  quick  wit  and 
ready  resource  peculiar  to  the  Peden  woman.  She  never  hes- 
itates in  the  hour  of  peril : 

"It  was  on  May  14  that  Julia  Peden,  that  brave  and  daring 
little  rough  rider  woman  of  Eastern  Montana,  rode  her  race 
with  the  north  coast  limited  train  that  has  made  her  famous. 
Riding  over  the  rolling  prairie  on  her  pet  pony  Kuter,  she 
came  upon  a  fire  that  was  destroying  a  railroad  bridge.  The 
location  was  such  that  the  fastest  train  in  the  Northwest,  the 
north  coast  limited,  due  then  in  twenty  minutes,  could  not  see 
the  fire  in  time  to  stop.  Visions  of  the  awful  wreck  that 
would  ensue,  the  death  and  destruction  that  would  result, 
flashed  through  the  girl's  mind.  Her's  was  the  duty,  as  she 
saw  it,  to  ride  to  the  station  and  stop  the  train  before  it  had 
gained  headway.  Like  the  wind  she  sped  away  on  the  four- 
mile  ride,  covering  the  distance  in  fourteen  minutes.  And  now 
the  railway  company  has  given  her  a  testimonial  of  its  appre- 
ciation. A  Standard  correspondent  and  photographer,  who 
secured  the  photographs  of  the  young  lady  posed  especially 
for  the  Standard,  that  appear  on  this  page,  tells  of  his  visit  to 
her  home. 

"Miles  City,  June  11. — This  morning  just  as  the  sun  showed 
his  red  disk  above  old  Signal  Butte  and  gilded  the  metal  and 
glass  and  rose-tinted  the  steam  cloud  of  the  eastbound  4:22 
train,  I  put  the  little  gray  before  the  buggy  and  tried  how 
quick  he  could  cover  the  distance  to  Julia  Peden's  home.  He's 
known  hereabouts  as  a  "fair  good  roadster,"  in  Gray  J.  D., 
and  I  pushed  him  a  little  the  last  half,  yet  the  four  miles  that 
Julia  Peden  rode  at  midday  the  14th  of  May  last,  when  she 
stopped  the  north  coast  train,  took  us  28  minutes.    Julia  did  it 



in  14  minutes  and  had  a  good  three-quarters  further  to  cover 
that  I  had. 

"Her  father,  Dave  Peden,  the  well-known  cowboy  farmer, 
was  in  the  stable  yard  when  we  rattled  in  to  the  narrow  by 
lane  among  the  young  cottonwoods,  and  the  little  Scotch 
housewife  and  mother  was  already  astir  in  the  neat  kitchen. 

"  'Yer  takin'  an  early  spin  the  morn,'  says  the  Scotch  far- 
mer. 'Ye  have  the  nag  warmed  up ;  he's  fair  too  fat  for  the 
likes.  Take  out  the  bit,  man,  and  tie  to  yon  rack,  where  he'll 
get  a  mouthful  of  alfalfa  while  he  cools,  and  we'll  have  a  bit 
of  breakfast  shortly  oursel's.' 

"There's  nothing  quite  like  the  sun  and  wind  to  blow  the 
foohshness  out  of  one.  Joe — that's  the  farm  name  JuHa  has 
from  her  father — Joe's  face  shows  she  has  plenty  of  contact 
with  the  sun  and  wind.  'Have  ye  the  pigskin  under  the  seat  ? 
Ye'll  not  let  the  mare  go  too  fast,  Joe?  And  ye'U  be  home 
against  noontime?'  were  the  father  and  mother's  inquiries — 
not  commands — as  14-year-old  JuHa,  with  her  long,  neat 
braid  and  her  gauntlets  and  cowboy  hat,  stepped  into  the 
buggy  at  6  a.  m.,  and  was  off  for  the  reservation  course  to  put 
the  aforesaid  pigskin  on  Door  Key  and  give  him  his  regular 

"  'Door  Key,'  JuHa  had  explained  to  me  as  we  sat  at  the 
frugal  breakfast  of  cofifee,  eggs,  good,  home-made  bread  and 
strawberry  jam,  'is  a  dandy.  He's  getting  his  name  from  the 
range  mark  on  the  broad  of  his  jaw.  Indeed,  yes.  It  would 
have  been  a  different  story  if  I  had  been  up  on  that  big  bay 
lad  instead  of  poor  Httle  Kuter.  Kuter's  a'  right  for  a  mon- 
grel grasser,  but  the  big  bay,  he'd  no  stop  at  ditches  or 
fences — if  I'd  let  him.  Mack  D.  owns  him.  I  am  to  work 
him  every  day.  We  will  see  what  he  can  do  at  the  race  meet- 
ing on  the  Fourth.' 

"Once  Farmer  Dave  had  gone  to  his  work  I  sat  for  a  few 
minutes  with  the  mother,  who  talked  in  her  quiet  way  about 
JuHa,  her  brother,  their's,  her's  and  David's  life  since  they 
came  out  from  across  the  water  to  Michigan,  then  to  New 
Mexico,  where  Julia  was  born. 


"  'She's  15  her  next  birthday.  Her  father  says  she's  the 
licht,  firm  ha-a-nd  that  horses  Hke.  Yes,  she's  helpful,  JuHe 
is,'  said  the  mother.  'She  Hkes  driving  the  mower  for  her 
father.  Boys,  ye  know,  have  a  way  of  losing  their  temper 
with  young  horses,  jerkin'  them  about,  but  Julie  always  has 
patience  and  gets  on  well.  JSIo  fear  of  her  losing  her  head 
over  a  bit  of  notoriety.  It's  an  education  Julie — and  the  fam- 
ily— are  wanting  for  her;  not  the  taking  of  her  to  the  wild 
west  show.' 

"  'Yes,'  went  on  Mrs.  Peden,  'I  think  it  was  on  the  14th  of 
last  month  I  gave  Julia  leave  to  take  Kuter — the  little  bald- 
face  pony — and  go  to  the  schoolsouse,  just  over  near  the 
bridge  that  burned.  The  teacher  was  having  some  doings 
and  all  the  child's  mates  were  riding  there  for  a  holiday.' 

"And  so  it  most  fittingly  happened  that  day  that  'the  little 
Peden  maid  who  rides  races'  chanced  to  be  astride  a  horse 
near  the  85-foot  bridge  situated  at  the  slough,  a  half  mile  east 
of  her  home — a  pile  and  timber  structure  not  unlike  the  one 
shown  in  the  accompanying  picture.  Neighbor  Leonard  saw 
the  bridge  burning,  saw  Julia.  It  needed  but  a  word  to  drive 
thoughts  of  holiday  pleasures  out  of  her  mind  and  send  her 
fiying  villageward.  Faithful  to  the  little  mother,  though,  she 
took  time  to  dash  to  the  door  as  she  passed. 

"  'Child !  Child !  Ye  can't  do  it ;  the  fast  train  must  be  due 
here  in  20  minutes ;  but  hurry,  hurry ;  try  it,  try  it.' 

"Save  for  a  couple  of  narrow  gulches  and  one  sharp  turn 
the  course  lies  true  and  straight  along  the  railroad  track  to 
the  town.  The  girl's  training  has  been  good,  and  it  stood  her 
in  hand  that  day.  She  knew  how  and  when  to  push  a  mount 
to  his  limit.  Three  miles  up  the  trails  ducks  under  a  bridge 
so  low  one  must  'scrooch  a  bit  and  take  ofif  one's  hat,  for  they 
have  started  dumping  gravel  to  fill  it  up,  as  the're  doing  all 
the  pile  bridges.' 

"  'Sell  Kuter !'  said  Julia  to  me  today.  'I  think  not !  A  while 
back  we  did  want  to  sell  him,  but  I  think  he's  like  to  stay  on 
with  us  now.  Oh,  no ;  he  wasn't  so  beat,  though,  at  the  fast 
four  miles,  if  he  did  shed  lather  from  every  strap    the    last 











burst,  and  there's  many  a  'grasser'  that  could't  have  headed 
us  from  the  last  crossing  to  the  telegraph  office.' 

"She  was  in  good  time,  the  train  was  held.    Neighbor  Leo- 
nard piled  ties  east  and  west  and  kept  a  lookout  until  the  work 

train  arrived. 

"President  Mellen  was  out  on  the  line  at  the  time,  and  not 

much  later  Julia  got  a  Tlease  call'  card  from  the  Northern 
Pacific  Express  Company.  When  she  called  there  was  ten- 
dered, as  a  testimony  of  the  railway's  appreciation,  her  choice 
of  'a  pass  for  the  year  or  a  hundred  dollars  in  cash.'  It 
needed  but  one  guess  to  tell  which  she  would  take.  That 
hundred  will  soon  be  on  time  deposit  along  with  the  eighty- 
odd  already  there  as  a  result  of  'Joe's'  getting  several  good 
horses  under  the  wire  first  at  last  year's  races. 

"While  the  Httle  maid  in  not  in  the  least  'puffed'  about  the 
exploit  and  consequent  compHmentary  notices,  one  thing  is 
most  pleasing  to  her  and  her  family,  and  may  be  worth  a 
great  deal  to  them  by  bringing  them  in  touch  with  their  kin- 
folk  scattered  from  the  Atlantic  to  the  Pacific.  For  instance, 
D.  D.  Peden,  ironmaster,  from  somewhere  South,  writes: 
'My  Dear  Little  Cousin,  etc.:  I  saw  the  article  quoted  in  our 
daily  paper.  I  am  proud  of  you.'  Then  follow  other  letters 
telling  of  the  reunion  at  the  Fairview  Presbyterian  church, 
South  Carolina,  and  the  jolly  time  the  1,300  Pedens  and  their 
kinfolks  had,  and  how  John  Peden  and  Margaret  McDill 
came  out  before  the  Revolution,  raised  a  family  of  ten,  with 

never  a  bad  one,  etc. 

"Here's  to  your  success,  thrifty    Scotch  lass.    May    your 

nag  never  put  foot  in  a  pairie-dog  burrow,  and  here,  finally, 
is  my  indorsement  of  the  sentiments  of  one  of  your  kin,  a 
neighbor,  who  has  long  watched  you  'sit  straight'  as  you  rode 
through  the  village,  and  said  as  he  threw  up  his  bonnet  when 
you  came  ahead  over  the  scratch :  'She's  gude,  the  child  is ! 
She's  no  afraid  at  a  pinch  to  put  a  mount's  nose  in  where 
the're  bunched  and  takin'  a  chance  at  findin'  room  for  hersel' 
and  the  saddle  gittin'  through.  Man,  but  the  gerl  sits  Hke  she 
was  part  of  the  horse !'  " — L.  A.  Hufifman,  in  the  Anaconda 



"The  man  who  rules  his  spirit" — 

Saith  the  voice  that  cannot  err, 

"Is  greater  than  the  man  who  takes  a  city." 


"What  is  nobler  for  a  woman  than 

To  know,  within  her  hands 
Is  the  destiny  if  nations,  and 

The  fate  of  many  Lands." 

— Bryant. 

John  Peden,  father  and  founder  of  the  American  house  of 
Peden,  especially  in  the  South  and  West,  was  born  near 
Broughshane,  in  the  Parish  of  Ballymena,  County  Antrim, 
Ireland,  as  nearly  as  can  now  be  ascertained,  about  the  year 
1709.  This  statement  is  confirmed  by  his  granddaughter, 
Eleanor  (Peden)  Dunbar,  who  claimed  that  he  was  born  just 
one  hundred  years,  to  date,  before  she  was.  Her  birth  date 
being  June  16,  1809.  He  was  one  of  at  least  five  brothers, 
family  tradition  says  seven,  and  that  David  was  "the  seventh 
son  of  the  seventh  son,"  therefore  supernaturally  gifted.  His 
father  was  named  James,  or  Thomas,  there  is  some  dispute 
as  to  which.  His  mother,  according  to  one  testimony,  was 
Mary  Mills.  His  grandparents  being  James  Peden  and  Agnes 
Miller.  This  James  Peden  was  a  younger  brother  of  "The 
Prophet  Peden."  In  this  family  there  were  three  sons,  Alex- 
ander, James  and  Mingo.  Their  mother  was  Isabella  Robb, 
and  the  father  was  Hugh  Peden,  who  suffered  martyrdom ; 
the  grandfather  being  Alexander  Peden,  husband  of  one  of 
the  daughters  of  the  "House  of  Hamilton,  with  whom  he  re- 
ceived a  fair  dower." 

These  statements  are  given  as  they  reached  the  writer,  but 
it  is  "a  far  cry"  back  to  1524,  so  there  may  be  some  mistakes. 
The  father  and  brothers,  as  well  as  John  Peden  himself,  were 


Ulstermen  to  the  heart's  core,  having  part  in  the  long  con- 
tinued, bloody  warfare  that  banished  the  Stuart  forever  from 
the  throne.  Of  the  "distaf?  side,"  mere  mention  calls  up 
memories  of  covenanting  names,  glowing  crimson  on  the 
annals  of  martyrology. 

Only  one  of  John  Peden's  brothers  remained  in  Ireland. 
There  is  some  uncertainty  about  his  name,  probably  Robert 
or  Samuel,  and  his  descendants  yet  linger  at  the  old  home  in 
Broughshane,  while  one  or  two  others  returned  to  Scotland, 
when  the  way  was  opened  on  the  suppression  of  the  woolen 
trade,  and  where  their  descendants  are  found  in  Ayreshire 
and  other  parts  of  Scotland.  Tradition  also  state  that  two 
or  three  brothers  preceded  John  Peden  to  America ;  another 
version  states  that  they  followed  from  time  to  time.  Only  very 
recently  have  traces  been  found  of  the  descendants  of  these 
old  brothers,  and  all  families  of  Peden,  who  came  to  Ameri- 
ca prior  to  the  Revolution  of  1776-  1783  trace  their  origin  to 
one  of  these  four  brothers.  The  Pedens  of  Enon  Valley, 
Penna.,  from  whom  the  writer  has  been  unable  to  elicit  any 
replies  to  numerous  inquiries,  hold  the  same  traditions  as 
those  held  by  the  descendants  of  John  Peden,  founder  of  the 
Southern  house. 

John  Peden  grew  to  manhood  in  troublous  days,  which 
left  an  indelible  impress  on  his  character;  an  enthusiast  in  his 
faith,  he  inherited  the  fervid  piety  of  long  generations  of 
saints  and  martyrs.  He  possesed  a  fair,  almost  liberal,  edu- 
cation. "For  be  it  remembered  that  the  exiled  Scots  in 
Ireland  were  very  careful  to  have  good  schools,  and  attended 
carefully  to  the  education  of  their  children,  both  secular  and 
religious,  therefore,  they  were  not  cast  upon  the  shores  of 
the  new  world  a  crowd  of  ignorant  wretches."  From  Doug- 
las Campbell's  Puritans  of  the  South.)  He  was  therefore 
steady  and  industrious  at  his  trade  of  wagonmaker;  he  also 
was  skilled  in  other  woodwork  as  well,  and  knew  somewhat 
of  "blacksmithing,"  which  stood  him  good  stead.  He  was  a 
stern,  silent  man,  of  quiet  temper  and  rigid  self-control,  rul- 
ing his  own  spirit,  very  humble  in  his  own  eyes,  and  reticent 


about  his  attainments  which  were  many  and  varied,  cheerful 
and  content  with  his  lot  in  life.  His  one  pride  and  glory  being 
in  his  descent  from  an  ancestry  which  had  never  bowed  the 
neck  to  Rome.  Family  tradition  states  that  his  grandfather, 
who  bore  the  name  of  Andrew  Hugh  Peden,  a  young  man, 
and  the  father  of  several  young  children,  was  shot  by  the 
orders  of  Claverhouse,  whide  standing  by  St.  Mary's  Loch, 
in  a  lonely  glen.  He  sprang  forward  in  the  death  struggle 
into  the  black  waters  of  the  loch,  which  received  his  body  and 
holds  it  in  sacred  trust  until  time  shall  be  no  more,  and  all 
will  be  revealed. 

Scorning  the  intervention  of  the  priest,  which  the  Irish  law 
required,  John  Peden  was  married  by  a  Protestant  minister 
to  his  neighobor's  daughter,  bonny  "Peggy"  or  Margaret 
McDill.    She  always  bore  this  name. 

[Note — For  the  history  of  "Peggy"  or  Margaret  McDill 
the  writer  is  indebted  to  several  members  of  the  McDill  fam- 
ily, which  family  has  kept  its  records  intact  for  centuries.] 

"Peggy"  or  Margaret  was  the  eldest  daughter  of  John  Mc- 
Dill and  Janet  Leslie,  his  wife  (what  memories  the  Leslie 
name  stirs).  She  was  born  during  August,  1715,  at  Brough- 
shane,  Ballymena  Parish,  Antrim  County,  Ireland.  "She  was 
a  winsome  lassie,  brimful  of  glee,  buxom  and  rosy."  She 
married  John  Peden  after  much  coaxing  on  his  part  in  the 
year  1730,  being  not  quite  sixteen  years  old  at  the  time, 
therefore  she  was  more  like  a  sister  than  mother  to  her  older 
children,  while  her  staid  husband  acted  for  all.  She  is  de- 
scribed as  a  sweet-faced,  sunny-tempered  woman,  with  deep 
blue,  laughing  eyes  and  golden  hair,  whose  rebellious  curl 
refused  the  restraint  of  cap  or  snood,  and  reveled  in  the 
winds."  As  to  figure,  she  was  not,  as  is  generally  supposed,  a 
"little  dimpled  darling,"  to  be  cuddled  and  petted,  but  rather  cast 
in  heroic  mould,  "large  and  stately,  with  a  spirit  and  mind  of 
her  own."  Her  supply  of  wit  and  humor  was  as  great  as  that 
of  her  husband  was  lacking ;  his  faith  bordered  on  fanaticism, 
while  hers  took  a  very  practical  common  sense  form,  and  it 
is  told  that  she  rather  deUghted  in  "bringing  her    John    to 


earth"  sometimes,  which  he  bore  with  great  patience  for  the 
love-sake.  Her  personal  energy  was  boundless,  and  while 
her  household  were  not  clad  in  purple  and  fine  linen,  her  in- 
dustrious hands  kept  them  bountifully  supplied.  She  was  a 
famous  housekeeper,  and  because  her  youngest  daughter 
most  resembled  her  in  this  respect,  she  at  her  death  "willed 
to  my  beloved  daughter  Elizabeth  my  set  of  wedding  china." 
While  she  loved  work,  she  also  delighted  in  "a  little  play." 
She  maintained  throughout  life  a  strong  devotion  to  her  fam- 
ily, and  always  insisted  on  being  called  "Peggv'"  McDill,  and 
so  well  was  she  loved  by  them  that  there  has  always  been  in 
the  American  family  of  McDill  a  Margaret  to  bear  her  name, 
some  of  whom  being  marvellous  reproductions. 

Their  children  were  all  ten  born  in  Ireland,  and  the  parents 
were  long  past  life's  summer  time  when  they  came  across  the 
seas.  Mary,  the  eldest,  was  born  1732,  James  1734,  Jane 
17  ,  Thomas  1743,  William  1749,  Elizabeth  1750,  John  1752, 
Samuel  1754,  Alexander  1756,  David  1760.  These  all  came 
to  America  with  their  parents.  During  that  long  and  peri- 
lous voyage  the  Christian  fortitude  of  the  father  shone  out 
brightly  through  the  darkest  hours,  though  the  mother  some- 
times murmured  secretly  for  the  "auld  countree,"  she  bore 
herself  calmly,  even  cheerfully,  all  the  way  over.  David  her 
youngest  was  a  "braw  lad"  of  ten  when  they  came  over,  and 
"Davie"  idolized  his  fair  mother,  while  he  stood  greatly  in 
awe  of  his  father,  who  wore  a  stern  countenance.  The  nu- 
merous grandchildren,  too,  claimed  the  care  of  the  mother, 
so  she  had  little  time  to  herself  on  that  crowded  emigrant 
ship.  During  the  trying  hours  when  crew  and  passengers 
were  having  that  feaful  struggle  for  the  mastery,  the  spirit  of 
"Peggy"  McDill  never  once  faltered.  Her  keen  eyes  were 
the  first  to  sight  the  new  shores,  as  they  were  the  last  to  view 
the  old,  and  when  they  came  to  anchor  she  stepped  ashore 
with  proud,  firm  tread,  bearing,  well  wrapped  in  her  shawl, 
one  of  the  youngest  grandchildren.  Eminently  fitted  by 
nature  for  a  pioneer's  wife,  she  transmitted  much  of  her 
strong  character  to  her  sons  and  daughters,  while  the  father's 


piety  and  energ-y  were  splendid  examples  for  his  children, 
and  they  were  faithfully  followed.  The  mother's  industry 
was  tireless,  and  "whatever  she  put  her  hands  to  prospered," 
so  when  the  Indians  stole  her  "stufif"  she  forthwith  made 
more.  On  one  occasion  when  after  much  abuse  and  many 
threats,  they  set  fire  to  her  cabin  during  the  absence  of  her 
husband  and  sons,  she  "outed  the  flames"  with  her  own 
hands,  having  the  children  bring  water  from  the  spring  in 
"piggins."  In  the  hour  of  danger  she  was  as  ready  with  a 
musket  as  husband  or  sons  ;  but  she  loved  best  the  days  of 
peace ;  to  sing  old-time  ballads  and  psalms  to  the  humming 
of  her  wheel. 

When  the  call  came  for  men  to  rise  for  the  sacred  cause 
of  Freedom  John  Peden  was  too  old  for  active  service.  He 
did  not  hesitate  long.  Peggy  said  "he  must  go  with  the 
boys"  so  she  took  from  her  "kist"  of  blankets,  all  the  work 
of  her  hands,  a  goodly  store,  rolled  and  bound  them     with 


deer-skin  thongs,  packing  in  a  few  shirts,  and  woolen  socks 
of  her  own  knitting,  then  prepared  the  parched  corn  for 
their  "rock-a-hominy,"  singing  all  the  while  to  keep  her 
"spirits  up."  John  Peden  made  ready  his  wagon,  while  the 
sons,  who  were  at  home,  the  four  youngest,  burnished  their 
guns,  moulded  bullets,  filled  their  powder  horns,  and  sharp- 
ened their  hunting  knives.  It  was  the  voice  of  this  Spartan 
mother  that  sent  them  forth  from  that  cabin  home  on  the 
hillside.  All  together,  husband  and  sons,  to  do  or  die  for 
liberty,  with  the  words,  "Laddies  be  bra',  dinna  ye  show 
white  feather,  remember  ye  mither,  and  God  be  wi  ye."  Then 
she  stood  shading  her  eyes  with  her  hand  until  they  were  lost 
to  sight,  and  "Davie"  stole  back  a  few  steps  to  wave  his  bon- 
net "to  mother."  The  father  was  very  useful  in  many  ways, 
a  cheerful,  though  silent  guide.  Who  knows  but  his  "fervent, 
effectual  prayers"  brought  them  safely  throvigh  many  hair- 
breadth escapes ;  many  perils  by  flood  and  flame,  back  to  the 
cabin  door  where  Peggy  welcomed  them  after  Gate's  defeat. 
The  father,  already  old  and  much  broken,  found  the  Tory  in 


possession,  and  his  Peggy  longing  for  a  sight  of  her  broth- 
er's family  over  in  Chester,  also  deeming  it  a  place  of  greater 
security,  removed  thither  with  the  younger  members  of  the 
family  and  several  grandchildren,  hoping  to  find  rest,  and 
here  they  (the  old  people)  remained  unto  the  end  of  their  pil- 
grimage. [Note. — This  removal  is  said  by  some  to  have 
taken  place  prior  to  the  war,  in  1774,  but  the  majority  lean 
to  the  date  here  given,  1780.]  However  the  hope  was  vain, 
as  is  recorded  elsewhere,  and  John  Peden  followed  his  sons 
to  the  grand  finale  at  Yorktown ;  thence  he  came  back  to 
Chester  to  find  a  few  more  years  of  toil,  an  evening  time  of 
rest.  ' 

"Peggy"  McDill  was  first  to  fall  "on  sleep,"  and  lies  among 
the  green  mounds  of  the  McDills  near  Catholic  church,  Ches- 
ter, S.  C.  She  was  about  seventy-five  years  old,  the  date  of 
her  death  is  somewhat  uncertain,  but  is  supposed  to  have 
been  1788.  John  Peden  survived  her  some  years.  It  is 
handed  down  that  he  made  a  visit  to  his  children  at  Fairview, 
passing  about  a  year  among  them.  When  the  longing  came 
to  be  near  his  wife  was  no  longer  resistible,  he  was  carried 
back  by  his  sorrowing  sons,  James,  the  eldest  remaining  with 
him  until  his  release  came,  which  is  said  to  have  occurred  in 
1791-1792.  This  would,  if  the  dates  are  correct  have  given 
him  a  long  life  of  over  four  score  years  (1709— 1791).  The 
date  of  death  is  thus  fixed,  as  it  was  during  this  year  that 
David  Morton  was  married  and  brought  his  first  wife,  Pene- 
lope White,  to  Fairview,  and  he  had  made  it  his  duty  to  stay 
with  his  loved  gradnfather,  and  who  records,  that  as  he  lifted 
him  from  his  chair  to  his  bed  he  uttered  these  words :  "Lord 
thou  hast  been  our  dwelling  place  in  all  generations."  They 
are  recorded  on  his  monument  at  Fairview  church,  S.  C. 
But  John  Peden  lies  also  in  the  beautifully  kept  burial  place 
of  the  McDills,  near  Catholic  church,  in  Chester.  Not  as  is 
generally  believed,  in  the  church  yard  at  Fairview. 

The  name  of  John  Peden  is  not  blazoned  on  his  country's 
roll  of  fame;  his  good  deeds  are  unwritten  and  unsung;  his 


good  name  is  borne  by  thousands  of  worthy  sons  scattered 
over  all  America's  wide  domains,  so  we  inscribe  proudly  here : 
To  the  memory  of  our  father,  John  Peden,  Christian  soldier 
of  the  American  Revolution,  1776- 1783. 

The  name  of  "Peggy"  McDill  does  not  appear  on  the  pages 
of  Mrs.  Ellet's  Women  of  the  Revolution,  but  we  inscribe  her 
here  as  the  mother  of  a  mighty  race,  who  rise  and  call  her 
blessed,  among  the  Spartan  dames  of  a  glorious  era. 



Mary,  or  as  she  was  best  known  in  her  home  and  among 
her  friends,  "Pretty  Polly,"  was  the  eldest  daughter,  as  well 
as  eldest  child  of  John  and  Peggy  Peden.  Her  birth  place 
was  near  Broughshane,  in  Antrim  County,  Ireland.  The  best 
accepted  date  being  1730-1732.  She  is  spoken  of  traditionally 
as  being  very  lovely,  both  in  character  and  person.  She  pos- 
sessed the  beautiful  dark  eyes  inherited  from  the  martyr 
Mill,  or  Mills;  eyes  that  smile  or  glow  as  the  soul  within  is 
stirred  by  varying  emotions.  She  was  a  devout  Christian,  a 
model  house-wife  and  true  mother,  yet  withal  full  of  the  in- 
trepid, pioneer  spirit,  utterly  devoid  of  fear.  Though  the 
latter  part  of  her  life,  covering  many  years,  was  spent  in  a 
cripple's  chair,  and  though  a  great  sufferer,  she  was  uncom- 
plaining, patient,  and  directed  with  great  precision  the  do- 
mestic machinery  of  her  large  househould.  From  its  depths 
she  was  lovingly,  tenderly,  mournfully  born  "over  the  hill" 
by  her  stalwart  sons  to  her  last  rest,  in  true  Scottish  fashion. 
She  was  married  in  Ireland  to  James  Alexander,  and  was  the 
mother  of  several  children  before  the  emigration  took  place. 

The  Alexander  name  needs  no  comment  from  the  pen  of 
the  Peden  historian,  it  shines,  on  Scotland's  annals  as  far  back 
as  there  are  records.  It  is  of  Greek  origin,  the  legend  run- 
ning thus:  "The  first  Alexander,  a  Greek  merchant,  was 
driven  ashore  near  Edinburg  under  stress  of  weather,  meet- 
ing kindness  at  the  hands  of  a  Caledonian  lassie,  he  forgot 
home  and  Greece,"  which  is  saying  a  great  deal  for  a  Greek. 
The  name  is  peer  to  the  oldest  in  the  land,  having  its  closest 
association  with  the  fortunes  of  Stirling.  Among  the  dissent- 
ing nobles,  with  the  Cameronian  leaders,  with  the  long-roll 
of  the  Solemn  League  and  Covenant,  with  the  Scots  exiles  to 
Ireland.  In  both  church  and  state  in  the  old  world  and  the 
new  it  glows  with  undiminished  luster. 

Of  James  Alexander,  the  husband  of  "Aunt     Polly"     the 


writer  has  only  a  few  traditions.  He  was  a  master  mind,  and 
the  pivot  on  which  the  settlement  at  Fairview  turned.  He 
was  extremely  liberal  with  his  ample  (for  that  day)  means. 
He  gave  the  land  for  church  and  school  buildings.  In  a  hol- 
low dell  between  his  old  homestead  and  the  church  the  bricks 
were  moulded  and  burned  for  the  old  brick  church  and  a  few 
remains  of  the  moulding  and  burning  are  yet  to  be  seen  there, 
1900.  He  was  noble  of  mein,  inclined  more  to  joviality  than 
dignity ;  he  was  generous  of  heart  and  open  of  hand ;  his  hos- 
pitality was  boundless ;  his  countenance  was  merry  and  ruddy. 
He  lived  to  a  great  age,  but  no  trace  of  his  tomb  was  found 
by  the  writer  after  a  long  search.  He,  too,  was  actively  en- 
gaged in  the  Revolutionary  War,  with  several  sons,  among 
them  his  eldest,  afterwards  Maj.  Jno.  Alexander  of  the  "Tyger 
Irish,"  in  the  famous  Spartan  Regiment. 

Their  children  were  in  number  thirteen ;  the  sons  are  men- 
tioned first  and  daughters  last,  not  as  they  naturally  came, 
and  the  writer  simply  follows  the  information  given  by  their 
granddaughter,  Mrs.  C.  A.  Shannon. 

I.,  John  (1751);  II.,  Joseph;  III.,  James,  Jr.,  (1760);  IV., 
Thomas;  V.,  William;  VI.,  Alexander;  VII.,  Samuel  the  last 
died  young. 

The  daughters  were:  VIII.,  Katherine;  IX.,  Margaret;  X., 
Nency;  XL,  Mary;  XII.,  Elizabeth;  XIII.,  Jane. 

I.,  John,  the  eldest  son,  was  born  in  Ireland  and  was  about 
fifteen  or  sixteen  years  of  age  when  they  came  over.  "During 
the  Revolution,  1776,  he  commanded  the  'Tyger  Irish'  in  the 
great  battle  of  King's  Mountain.  His  grave  is  still  visible  in 
the  church-yard  of  Fairview  church,  in  Gwinnett  County, 
Georgia,  which  church  he  and  a  number  of  Alexanders  and 
Pedens  really  founded.  The  marble  slab  over  his  grave 
bears  the  inscription:  'Sacred  to  the  memory  of  Maj.  John 
Alexander,  who  departed  this  life  May  29th,  1830,  in  the  75th 
year  of  his  age.  The  Patriot,  the  Soldier,  and  the  Christ- 
ian.' " 



The  family  to  which  his  first  wife  belonged  originally 
owned  the  land  whereon  now  stands  the  flourishing  city  of 
Spartanburg.  Landrum,  in  his  Revolutionary  and  Colonial 
History  of  Upper  South  Carolina,  makes  the  statement, 
"Where  Spartanburg  now  stands  was  deeded  for  a  court 
house  by  Thomas  Williamson." 

He  was  twice  married,  first  to  Williamson.     One 

record  states  that  she  was  from  Kentucky,  but  later  investi- 
gation proves  her  from  Spartanburg,  S.  C.  She  was  mother 
of  two  sons,  I,  Thomas  W. ;  2,  James.  After  her  death,  he 
married  a  Mrs.  Russell,  of  North  Carolina.  Her  children 
wxre :  3,  Elizabeth ;  4,  Newton ;  5,  FrankUn ;  6,  Harvey ;  7, 
Jane ;  8,  Amanda. 

I,  Thomas  Williamson  Alexander  married Walker, 

of  Picken,  S.  C.  Five  sons  and  one  daughter,  Thomas  W.  Jr., 
WiHam,  Judge  John  R.,  Cicero,  James  P.,  Elizabeth.  Of 
these  the  writer  has  scant  record.     Thomas  W.  Jr.,  married, 

Hooper ;  their  children,  Hon.  Hooper  Alexander,  Mrs. 

J.  A.  Rounsaville.  Mrs.  C.  W.  King,  Mrs.  S.  P.  Pegues.  Hon. 

Hooper  Alexander  married  Word,  a  cousin  on  his 

mother's  side.  They  have  several  children.  He  was  one  of 
the  prominent  figures  of  the  Peden  reunion,  and  holds  a  high 
position  in  the  legal  profession  of  his  native  State,  Georgia. 
His  sister,  Mrs.  Hallie  Alexander  Rounsaville,  is  president  of 
the  United  Daughters  of  the  Confederacy. 

John  R.,  now  an  octegenarian,  was,  in  his  prime,  an  emi- 
nent jurist  and  prominent  both  in  church  and  state.  Of  his 
immediate  family  the  writer  has  no  records.  As  a  man  he  is 
greatly  loved  and  reverenced  by  all  who  know  him.  Owing 
to  his  great  age  and  failing  health,  he  failed  to  honor  the  re- 
union with  his  presence,  or  the  address  assigned  him,  and 
when  asked  to  write  his  reminisences,  repHed  very  courte- 
ously and  regretfully  that  the  fire  fiend,  which  swept  away 
his  lovely  home,  had  destroyed  all  his  journals  with  his 
library,  and  he  was  unwilling  at  his  age  to  trust  his  memory. 


William.    No  records. 

Cicero.     No  records. 

James  F.  (The  following  is  taken  from  the  Atlanta  Consti- 
tution ;  it  appeared  a  few  days  before  he  went  home) : 

"Dr.  Jas.  Franklin  Alexander  was  born  in  Greenville 
County  (then  district),  S.  C,  May  24,  1824.  When  a  child  his 
parents  moved  to  Georgia  and  settled  at  Laurenceville,  where 
he  received  the  principle  part  of  his  early  education  at  a 
school  taught  by  Rev.  James  Patterson.  He  began  the  study 
of  medicine  in  1846,  and  graduated  from  the  Medical  College 
of  Georgia,  at  Augusta,  1849  (two  years  after  the  graduation 
from  the  same  college  of  the  writer's  father,  1847).  The  fol- 
lowing account  of  the  cause  of  his  residence  in  Atlanta  is 
given  in  the  Memoirs  of  Georgia : 

*Tn  April,  1849,  ^  n\3-T^  was  attacked  with  smallpox,  and  Dr. 
Alexander,  though  he  had  just  graduated,  thought  he  saw  an 
opportunity  to  establish  himself  in  Atlanta.  He  immediately 
went  there,  thinking,  as  he  says,  that  it  was  no  worse  to  run 
the  risk  of  smallpox  than  to  have  no  practice.  Arriving  there 
he  met  Dr.  E.  C.  Calhoun,  a  former  classmate,  who  had  come 
on  the  same  errand,  and  who  had  secured  the  refusal  of  a 
room,  the  only  one  than  to  be  had,  that  would  serve  as  an 
ofBce.  Dr.  Calhoun,  however,  decided  that  the  rent  for  the 
little  office  (it  was  only  $6.00  per  month),  was  too  great,  and 
Dr.  Alexander  at  once  secured  it.  The  smallpox  patient  was 
lying  ill  at  the  Thompson  (the  proprietor  of  this  hostelry  was 
Jos.  Thompson,  a  brother  of  Alexander  Thompson,  who  mar- 
ried first  Elizabeth  Alexander,  then  Eliza  Peden,  houses  of 
Mary  and  Thomas,  therefore  connected  by  marriage),  and 
stood  where  the  Kimball  House  now  stands,  and  was  con- 
ducted as  well  as  owned  by  Dr.  Thompson,  who  soon  after 
erected  a  small  wooden  structure  oustide  the  city  to  which 
the  two  patients,  a  man  and  woman,  were  removed.  There 
Dr.  Alexander  took  charge  of  them,  and  under  his  efficient 
care  and  treatment  they  recovered.  This  made  Dr.  Alexan- 
der's reputation  at  once  and  he  entered  upon  a  large  prac- 


tice  which  continued  to  increase  until  he  retired  from  active 
work  several  years  ago. 

At  the  outbreak  of  the  Civil  War  Dr.  Alexander  entered 
the  Confederate  army  as  surgeon  of  the  Seventh  Georgia 
Regiment  (infantry),  of  which  Col.  L.  J.  Gastrell  was  the  first 
Colonel.  He  served  six  months  in  the  field  then  was  detailed 
to  hospital  duty  in  Atlanta,  in  which  he  was  actively  engaged 
until  the  close  of  the  war. 

For  ten  years  he  was  a  member  of  the  board  of  health  of 
Atlanta,  and  its  president  for  several  terms.  In  1896,  during 
the  the  yellow  fever  scare,  he  maintained,  that  the  disease 
would  not  spread  in  Atlanta  and  as  president  of  the  board 
of  health  and  against  active  opposition,  he  opened  the  doors 
of  the  city  to  fever  refugees.  One  fever  patient  was  brought 
and  treated  but  without  the  disease  spreading,  thus  proving 
Dr.  Alexander's  faith  in  the  clmate  of  Atlanta  was  not  mis- 

He  was  twice  married  and  the  author  recalls  vividly  the 
often  confusing  resemblance  of  the  first  wife  to  her  own 
sainted  mother,  and  her  own  frequent  mistakes  regarding 
them,  especialy  at  church,  which  both  attended  as  devoted 

At  that  time  there  were  Jennie,  James  F.,  (the  writer  sup- 
poses that  Jennie  is  now  Mrs.  J.  P.  Stevens),  Ada,  whom  she 
does  not  recall.  The  two  families  were  separated  to  meet  no 
more  at  the  close  of  the  civil  war,  they  remaining  in  Atlanta, 
Ga.,  her  father  being  transferred  to  Montgomery,  Ala.,  in 

Elizabeth  was  twice  married,  first  to  Dr.  Gordon,  who  fell 
a  victim  to  yellow  fever  during  an  epidemic  in  Savannah,  Ga., 
nobly  refusing  to  leave  his  post,  and  giving  his  Hfe  for  suffer- 
ing humanity.  Their  children  were  four,  Alice,  Albert, 
Thomas  A.,  Florence. 

Alice  married Cassells,  mother  of  several  children, 

and  possibly  grandchildren. 

Albert  gave  his  bright  young  life  a  sacrifice  to  the  Confed- 
erate cause,  dying  in  Mobile,  Ala.,  in  1863- 1864. 


Thomas  married  in  Virginia,  and  did  not  long  survive  his 
marriage.  Whethei^hey  had  any  children  or  not  the  writer 
is  in  ignorance. 

Florence,  former  schoolmate  and  playfellow  of  the  writer, 

for  a  few  brief  months,  married Cassells,    Has  eleven 


Elizabeth  Alexander  Gordon  married  the  second  time 
Lowry.     No  children. 

2,  James  (son  of  Maj.  John),  married  his  cousin    in    the 
second  degree,  Margaret  Peden,  eldest  daughter  of  David, " 
the  seventh  son,  therefore  of  the  house  of     David.      Their 
children  were  seven:  i,  Eleanor;  2,  Elizabeth;  3,  Nancy;  4, 
Thomas;  5,  John;  6,  James;  7,  Franklin. 

I, Eleanor  married  William  Knox. 

2,  Elizabeth  married  Norton. 

3, Nancy  married  Claiborne  Brown.  Of  these  no  trace  has 
been  obtained. 

4,  Thomas  married  and  moved  to  Texas.    No  further  trace. 

5,  John  died  young. 

6,  James  moved  to  North  Alabama;  later,  1866,  to  Califor- 

7,Franklin.     No  trace. 

This  family  moved  from  Fairview,  S.  C,  to  Gwinnett 
County,  Georgia,  either  with  Maj.  Jno,  Alexander  or  soon 
after  his  migration.  The  following,  copied  from  the  oldest 
church  record  in  existence:  "1820.  Maj.  John  Alexander, 
his  entire  family  and  William  Alexander  (his  brother),  and  his 
entire  family  leave  the  State  for  Georgia.  Regularly  dis- 
missed.   Anthony  Savage,  Clerk  of  Sessions." 

These  families  went  to  occupy  newly  opend  lands  in  Geor- 
gia, and  settled  in  what  is  now  Gwinnett  County,  founding 
together  with  a  number  of  Pedens  and  others  of  the  same 
family,  the  church  of  Fairview,  in  memory  of  the  old  home 
church,  and  many  of  them  are  sleeping  in  its  church  yard,  es- 
pecially the  older  members. 


This  completes  the  records  of  the  two  older  sons  of  Maj. 
John  Alexander  and  his  first  wife,  Williamson. 

•    Maj.  Jno.  x\lexander  and  his  second  wife,  Mrs.  Russell, 
I, Elizabeth  married  Chatham.  No  children. 

2,  Newton  married  Knox.  Two  daughters,  names 


3,  Franklin  married  Neal.  Three  children.  Har- 
riet, Mrs.  M.  A.  Salmons,  name  of  other  child  not  given. 

4,  Harvey  married.  Wife's  name  not  given.  Four  children. 
No  trace. 

5,  Jane  married.    Name  not  given.    Several  children. 

6,  Amanda  died  young. 

n.  Joseph  never  married. 

in.  James  Alexander,  Jr.,  (1760-1761)  married  Mary  or 
"Polly"  Miller,  of  Spartanburg  County  (who  also  spent  her 
last  years  a  cripple),  lived  out  his  long,  useful  life  at  Fair- 
view,  S.  C,  where  he  sleeps  his  last  sleep,  among  his  race. 
There  are  two  incidents  in  his  life  which  show  the  spirit  of 
this  man.    He  was  more  daring  as  a  soldier  than  prudent. 

"In  1781  a  certain  Col.  Greigson  was  shot  at  Augusta  by 
an  American  militiaman,  after  having  surrendered.  It  was 
claimed  by  the  American  authorities  that  no  one  knew  who 
did  the  shooting.  Col.  Thos.  Brown,  the  British  olBcer  in 
command  of  the  captured  garrison,  afterward,  in  1786,  de- 
clared in  a  letter  written  from  the  Bahamas,  that  the  shot  was 
fired  by  a  militiaman  from  Carolina  under  the  command  of 
Gen.  Pickens,  and  that  his  name  was  James  Alexander.  Capt. 
Hugh  McCall,  of  Savannah,  states,  in  1816,  that  the  shot 
was  fired  by  Samuel  Alexander  in  revenge  for  great  cruelties 
and  indignities  previously  practiced  by  Brown  and  Greigson 
upon  his  father,  Jas.  Alexander,  Sr.  Now  as  Samuel  was  very 
young  at  the  time  and  never  in  the  army,  the  general  belief  in 
the  clan  is  that  the  act  of  revenge  was  performed  by  James, 
Jr.    The  other  incident  is  positively  vouched  for.  He  was  so 


daring  and  reckless  toward  the  Britsh  that  he  was  in  per- 
petual "hot  water."  He  refused  protection  in  the  dark  days 
and  went  home  to  see  his  mother;  the  enemy  caught  him, 
assured  his  mother  that  she  should  never  behold  him  alive, 
they  threw  a  halter  round  his  neck  intending  to  hang  him.' 
They  had  not  reckoned  upon  the  spirit  of  Mary  Peden. 
Alexander  was  rescued  by  his  brothers  and  safely  spirited 
away  by  them  to  another  part  of  the  country.  His  mother 
was  kept  posted  as  to  his  whereabouts,  but  none  else  knew. 
He  did  not  return  to  South  Carolina  until  the  year  after  peace 
was  declared.  Then  he  joined  his  uncles,  the  Peden  brothers, 
John,  Samuel  and  David  in  the  pioneer  settlement  of  Fair- 
view,  S.  C.  Their  children :  i,  Rachel ;  2,  Elizabeth ;  3,  Nancy ; 
4,  Harriet;  5,  Jane  Caroline;  6,  James;  7,  Robert. 

1,  Rachel  never  married,  but  spent  a  long,  useful,  beautiful 
home  life,  leaving  a  fragrant  memory  of  good  deeds  well 
done  and  service  lovingly  rendered 

2,  Elizabeth  married  Alexander  Thompson  and  settled  near 
Fairview,  S.  C.  Children':  i, Joseph;  2,  James;  3,  John;  4, 
William  ;  5,  Jane ;  6,  Mary  Ann. 

I, Joseph  married  a  daughter  of  Samuel  Morrow,  Jr. 

2,  James  married  Rebecca  (Peden)  Morton,  daughter  of 
Jno.  Thos.  Peden  (house  of  Alexander),  and  widow  of  Mont- 
gomery Morton,  who,  with  the  wife  of  Joseph,  above  men- 
tioned, were  of  the  house  of  Jane.  Their  children  were  six: 
Alexander,  John  Thomas,  Joseph,  Mary,  David,  Jefiferson. 

3,  "William  married  Hawk.     No  further  trace  of 

these  three  familes,  save  they  with  the  Mortons.  Morrows 
and  others  located  near  Fayettville,  Tenn.,  and  Somerville, 

4,Jane  married  A.  W.  Peden,  son  of  M.  White  Peden 
(house  of  Thomas)  where  her  record  is  to  be  found. 

5,  John  married.  Wife's  name  unknown,  supposed  to  be 

6,  Mary  married Moore.    Four  children;  one  son 


and  three  daughters.    No  further  trace  save  they  located  near 
Somevlille,  Alabama. 

3,  Nancy  married  Jno.  Anderson  on  the  4th  day  of  October, 
1825.    Their  children: 

1,  James  Alexander  was  born  on  the  6th  day  of  August, 
1826;  departed  April  12,  1868,  of  consumption  contracted  in 
camp  during  the  civil  war  on  Confederate  side. 

2,  Clarrisssa  A.  was  born  on  the  14th  day  of  November, 
1828;  departed  on  the  14th  Septembre,  1872. 

3,  Sara  EHzabeth  was  born  on  the  4th  day  of  May,  183 1 ; 
departed  September  26,  i860.    Never  married. 

4,  Mary  Jane  was  born  on  the  30th  day  of  November,  1834; 
departed  March  31,  1836;  aged  two  years. 

5,  Martha  A.  was  born  on  the  15th  day  of  Feb.,  1837. 

6,  William  Denny  was  born  on  the  9th  day  of  August,  1840; 
departed  on  Nov.  i6th,  1863  amid  the  roar  and  carnage  of 
one  of  the  bloodiest  battles  of  the  civil  war,  in  Tennessee,  a 
brave,  loyal  heart  as  ever  beat  was  stilled  forever.  He  was 
one  of  the  first  to  go  and  he  never  came  home  from  the  front 
even  on  a  brief  furlough  or  missed  a  battle  of  his  command 
until  he  received  his  honorable  discharge. 

Of  this  family  only  two  married. 

1,  Clarissa  married  Oliver  P.  Wood.  Their  children:  i, 
Augustus  Reid ;  2,  Joe  Wallace ;  3,  Boyd  Durant ;  4,  William 
Anderson;  5,  John  Daniel;  6,  Charles  Isham.  Of  these  no 
fouther  records  have  reached  the  writer.  Some  are  married 
some  are  dead. 

2,  Martha  A.  married  Isham  Robison.  Their  children:  Wil- 
liam James  (1867),  John  Anderson  (1869),  Oliver  Isham 
(1872),  Samuel  Henry  Hamilton  (1875),  Edward  Miller 
(1879),  died  an  infant,  Annie  Weatra  (1881). 

1,  William  James  married.  No  record. 

2,  John  Anderson  married.  Name  of  wife  unknown.  Three 
sons ;  one  daughter. 

3,  Isham  Oliver  married.    No  records. 

4,  Samuel  H.  H.  also  married.   No  records. 


5,  Edward  M.  died. 

6,  Annie  Weatra  married  Grosse.     One     child,  a 


The  above  records  of  the  Anderson  family  were  furnished 
by  the  sole  survivor,  Mrs.  Martha  A.  Robison. 

4,  Harriet  married  J.  Wilson  Baker.  Mother  of  three  sons. 

I,  William  L.,  who  married  xA.nne  Hopkins.  Their  child- 
ren: I,  James  Alexander;  2,  Pinckney  Miller;  3,  Harriet;  4, 
William  L.,  Jr. ;  5,  John.     Of  these — 

1,  James  Alexander  died  unmarried. 

2,  Pinckney  Miller  married Woods.    No  record  sent. 

3, Harriet  married  a  Kirby;  died  leaving  a       number     of 

children.     No  further  records. 

4,  William  L.  Jr.,  married  twice;  the  first  wife  was 

Cunningham ;  the  second Brockman.    He  has  several 

children ;  names  unknown. 

5,  John  also  married  twice.    The  first  wife  was Mc- 

Knight.     Name  of  second  and  number  of  children  unknown. 

2,  James  Harvey  married  Martha  Caroline  Young,  youngest 
daughter  of  Colonel  Young,  of  Greensboro,  N.  C,  in  1852. 
Born  to  them  six  children:  i,  John  Washington;  2,  Alice;  3, 
Sallie  Lowrance ;  4,  EUiotte  Sullivan ;  5,  Robert  Vance ;  6, 
Irene  Electra. 

I, John  W.Baker  married  Emma  C.  Putnam,  1878.  Born 
to  them  six  children :  George  Putnam,  John  Harvey,  Harold 
Harvey,  Hazel  May,  Gertrude  Irene,  Eleanor,  or  as  she  is 
lovingly  called,  Nellie. 

2,  Sallie  L.  married  John  Cobb,  of  Greensboro,  N.  C.  Born 
to  them  four  children :  Edsall  Vance,  Dorroh,  Flora,  Sallie, 
Carmie.  , 

3,  ElHotte  S.  married  Samuel  Dick,  also  of  Greensboro,  N. 
C.  Born  to  them  three  children :  Creighton,  Martha,  James 

4,  Robert  Vance  Baker  married  Lillian  Minor,  of  Denver, 
Col.  Born  to  them  three  children,  Hortense  Adelaide,  Mer- 
ritt,  Melvin. 


3,  Thomas  P.  married  Thompson.     Two  children, 

Beulah,  Wade  Hampton.  The  first  is  unmarried;  the  latter 
married  in  Mississippi.     Name  of  wife  unknown. 

The  Confederate  cause  had  no  braver  or  more  loyal  sons 
than  these  three  Baker  brothers ;  the  two  elder  came  out  of 
the  struggle  wrecked  physically,  and  died  soon  thereafter  of 
the  dread  disease  consumption,  caused  by  exposure. 

Their  mother  was  a  woman  of  noble  mein  and  regal  bear- 
ing. A  strong,  sweet  character,  throughly  energetic  and 
business-like  in  her  dealings  with  her  kind;  honest  to  her 
heart's  core  she  required  the  same  honesty  from  others.  A 
woman  more  feared  than  loved,  save  by  those  who  knew  her 
best,  and  who  were  admitted  to  the  inner  circle. 

5,  Jane  Caroline  "beautiful  as  an  angel,  a  sweet  saint," 
married  Henry  Merrit  Cely.  Their  children,  i,  Martha  Ann 
Elizabeth;  i,  Mary  Ann  Clarissa;  2,  James  Merrit;  3,  Hamil- 
ton Wilson;  4,  William  Henry;  5,  Jane  Caroline;  6,  Louisa 

I,  IMartha  A.  E.  married  James  P.  Stewart.  Their  children 
are,  i,  Dora  Jane  ;  2,  Robert  H. ;  3,  James  H. ;  4,  Wm.  Frank- 
lin. I,  Dora  Jane  and  2,  Robert  H.,  unmarried.  3,  James  H. 
married  Nannie  Garrett.    4,  Wm.  F.  unmarried. 

1,  Mary  A.  C.  died  an  infant. 

2,  James  Merrit  died  in  boyhood. 

3,  Hamilton  W.  was  twice  married;  first  to  Kate  Lake. 
Their  children,  i,  Thomas  Lake;  2,  Hamilton;  3,  Henry  Mer- 
rit ;  4,  Mary  Kate.  The  three  youngest  died  in  infancy.  T. 
Lake  is  in  business  in  New  York  city.  Second  to  Sallie  Lake. 
No  children. 

The  war  record  of  Hamilton  W.  Cely  is  brief  but  brave  and 
bright.  He  was  a  member  of  Company  E.  Hampton's  Le- 
gion, and  was  in  the  foremost  of  their  brillian  dash  during  the 
First  battle  of  Manassas,  receiving  a  wound  in  the  head  that 
was  nearly  fatal  and  from  which  he  has  never  fully  recovered. 

4,  William  Henry  married  Alice     Means.  Their     children, 


Elanor,  Charles  Cunningham,  Henry  Means  and  Jane  Caro- 
line (twins),  William  Riley  Jones,  Arthur  Hamilton. 

Charles  C,  Henry  M.,  J.  Caroline,  Arthur  H.  all  died  in  in- 

William  H.  Cely  was  a  brave,  daring  member  of  Jenkins' 
Brigade,  ist  S.  C.  Regiment,  and  fought  through  the  whole 
war,  spending  about  eight  months  a  prisoner. 

5,  Jane  C.  married  J.  F.  Fowler.  Their  children,  William 
H.,  H.  Pierce,  Laurens  D.,  Homer  F.,  Annie  L.,  Palmer  C, 
Werner  B.  The  two  last  died  in  infancy.  William  H.  married 

6,  James  married  Esther  Hanna,  a  daughter  of  the  brave 
old  Revolutionary  patriot,  and  sister  of  Nancy,  wife  of  Thom- 
as Peden  (house  of  David).  Their  children,  James  L.,  Eliza- 
beth P.,  Katherine,  Julia,  Andrew,  John  Charles,  Mary 

1,  James  L.  unmarried. 

2,  EHzabeth  Palmer  married  W.  S.  Powell.  One  son,  Alon- 
zo  Jerome. 

3,  Katherine  was  accidently  drowned  at  the  age  of  seven. 

4,  Julia  died  in  infancy. 

5,  Andrew  died  in  infancy. 

6,  J.  Charles  married  Emma  Reeder,  of  Louisiana.  Three 
children.  Ford,  Mary  Esther ;  name  of  youngest  not  known. 

7,  Mary  E.  Married  M.  W.  Ford.  One  child,  Caroline  Grif- 
fin, who  died  in  infancy. 

James  and  his  family  moved  to  Cobb  County,  Georgia, 
about  1830. 

7,  Robert  married  Mary  Brown  Seaborn,  a  sister  of  Maj. 
George  Seaborn,  who  was  for  many  years  editor  of  "The  Far- 
mer and  Planter,',  at  Pendleton,  S.  C.  They  had  three  child- 
ren, James,  Matilda  Caroline,  George  Seaborn,  of  these 

I,  James  was  burned  to  death  in  early  childhood. 
2,  Matilda  Caroline  married  Dr. Mark  M.Johnson,  of  Green- 
ville, S.  C.     Their  children  were  nine,  James  Edwin,  Mary 


Jane,  Elizabeth  Greenwood,  William  Henry,  Caroline  Me- 
lissa, Georgetta,  Laura  Henrietta,  Celestia  Adelaide,  Kath- 
leen Edins.  Dr.  Johnson  died  at  Kingston,  Ga.,  in  1854.  His 
wife  at  the  same  place  in  1874. 

1,  James  Edwin  Johnson,  after  graduating  in  dentistry,  lo- 
cated at  Anderson,  Texas,  where  he  married  Sarah  Parks. 
They  left  two  sons,  William  and  Joseph,  in  Texas. 

2,  Mary  Jane  Johnson  married  Benjamin  Franklin  Rey- 
nolds, of  Greenwood,  S.  C.  They  had  eight  children,  Mark 
J.,  Nannie,  James  B.,  Mary,  Frank  B.,  WiUiam  T.,  Alexander 
E.,  Eva  C. 

1,  Mark  J.  died  at  three  years. 

2,  Nancy  Reynolds  married  George  R.  Briggs,  of  Green- 
ville, S.  C.    One  child,  a  son,  George  Reynolds  Briggs. 

3,  James  B.  married  Mary  Bellenger,  of  Barnwell,  S.  C. 
Four  children,  William  Osborne,  Mary  Sue,  Eleanor,  Nannie. 

4,  Frank  B.  married  Minnie  Butler,  of  Eatonton,  Ga.  Two 
sons,  Louis  Butler,  Samuel  Fielder. 

5,  William  T  married  Carrie  B.  Owens,  of  Barnwell,  S.  C. 
Four  children,  Charles  Telford,  Marion  Patterson,  Kathleen 
Johnson,  Lois  Eloise. 

6,  Alexander  E.  died  at  nineteen  months. 

7,  Mary  unmarried. 

8,  Eva  Caroline  unmarried. 

3,  EHzabeth  Greenwood  Johnson  married  Joseph  Dunlap, 
who  was  killed  in  the  civil  war.  Their  one  son,  Paul  Dunlap, 
died  unmarried.  She  married  the  second  time  Jewett  Rogers, 
of  Virginia.    Two  daughters,  Carrie  May,  Lillian. 

Carrie  May  married  J.  B.  Bowen,  of  Atlanta,  Ga.  One 
son,  DeWitte. 

LilHan  married  J.  E.  Brown,  of  Bainbridge,  Ga.  One  son, 
Hubert  Earle. 

4,  William  H.  Johnson  died  at  nineteen  years,  just  as  he 
entered  Oglethrope  College  preparatory  to  entering  the  min- 
istry of  the  Presbyterian  Church.  He  was  a  young  man  of 
brilHant  talent,  but  the  Lord  called  him  to  higher  work. 

5,  CaroHne  Melissa  Johnson  married  Bertram  Taylor,  of 


Galveston,  Texas.  Three  children,  Lola,  who  married  George 
Westmoreland,  of  Bainbridge,  Ga. :  no  children.  Bertram, 
who  died  at  eighteen,  and  Rollo,  who  married  in  San  Anto- 
nio, Texas. 

6,  Georgetta  Johnson  marred  H.  H.  Frear,  of  Tampa,  Fla. 
Two  children,  who  died  in  their  infancy. 

7,  Laura  Henrietta  Johnson  unmarried. 

8,  Celestia  Adelaide  Johnson  married  Homer  W.  Gilbert, 
of  Brooklyn,  L.  L  Three  children,  Fred,  Benjamin,  Laura 

9,  Kathleen  Edins  Johnson  married  T.  M.  Dendy,  of  Troy, 
S.  C.     No  children. 

3,  George  Seaborn,  third  and  youngest  child  of  Robert  and 
Mary  Alexander  married  Celestia  Adelaide  Rogers,  of  At- 
lanta, Ga.  They  had  no  children.  He  died  at  the  out  break 
of  the  civil  war. 

This  closes  the  records  of  the  third  son,  James,  Jr.,  and  the 
historian  is  indebted  for  them  to  Messrs.  H.  W.  Cely  and  J. 
W.  Baker  and  Mesdame  M.  A.  Robison  and  G.  R.  Briggs 

IV.,  Thomas.    No  records. 

v.,  William  married  Eleanor  McCrea,  of  North  Carolina. 
Six  children  were  born  to  them. 

1,  Simpson,  who  married  an  Humphries.  Had  six  children 
and  died  in  Gainesville,  Ga.  Was  brought  home  and  hurried 
at  Hebron  church. 

2,  William  Henry  who  died  in  Confederate  service. 

3,  John  M.  who  was  twice  married.  His  first  wife  was  a 
Gunnells.    They  had  seven  sons  and  five  daughters. 

4,  Mary  Ann  never  married. 

5,  Catherine  never  married. 

6,  Cynthia  A.  married  J.  H.  Shannon.  Four  sons  and  five 

In  the  language  of  the  devoted  son  of  Mrs.  C.  A.  Shannon, 
whom  all  who  attended  the  Fairview  reunion  will  recall  with 


pleasure  as  a  model  son,  whose  devotion  to  her  every  want 
was  beautiful.     He  says  : 

"Our  dear  mother  left  us  on  the  7th  day  of  February,  1900, 
and  we  miss  her  so  much;  home  does  not  appear  like  home 
now  to  us.  She  does  not  meet  me  at  the  door  wheni  go ;  and 
the  old  rocker  in  the  corner  is  not  occupied;  in  fact  it  is  no 
longer  there." 

Cynthia  A.  Shannon  was  the  youngest  child  of  William 
Alexander  and  his  wife,  Eleanor  McCrea.  Born  in  Franklin 
County,  Ga.,  December  27,  1820,  and  died  at  her  home  in  the 
same  county  February  7,  1900.  She  was  said  to  have  been  the 
oldest  one  of  the  Peden  relatives  who  attended  the  reunion 
of  the  house  of  Peden,  1899.  She  was  a  woman  of  strong  in- 
tellect and  had  a  well  cultured  mind.  She  was  the  wife  of 
John  H.  Shannon,  who  preceded  her  to  the  grave  only  a  few 
months.  Was  the  mother  of  nine  children,  Emma  E.,  Robert 
T.,  William  A.,  John  F.,  Mary  A.,  Dicey  L.,  Cornelia  C, 
Frances  L. 

1,  Emma  E.  married  Thomas  N.  Neal.  Children,  Emma, 
Lula.    Mother  and  children  are  dead. 

2,  Robert  T.  dead. 

3,  William  A.  married  Frances  Davis.  Children,  Floy 
Davis,  Leith,  Willard. 

4,  John  F.  married  Eugenia  Martin.  Children,  Hoy  Fey, 
Claire,  Mary  Neal. 

5,  Mary  A.  married  D.  W.  Hutcherson.  Children,  Jessie, 
Clara,  Bermah,  Leon,  Rhodie,  Eunice,  Florence. 

6,  Dicey  L.  married  Thomas  Caruthers.  Children,  Harold, 
Horace,  Charles. 

7,  Cornealia  C.  married  Early  C.  Carson.  Children,  Ralph, 
Homer,  Bernard,  Lillian,  Woodfin,  Julia,  Geraldine,  Louise. 

8,  Frances  L.  married  Thomas  M.  Patterson.  Children, 
Carl  Jewill,  Wayne  Maurice. 

9,  Died  an  infant. 

For  all  records  of  this  Hne  the  writer  is  indebted  to  Mrs. 
Cynthia  Shannon  and  her  noble  son,  Mr.  Wm.  A.  Shannon. 


VI.,  Alexander.      No  records. 

VII.,  Samuel.  Died  in  boyhood. 

VIII.,  Katherine. 

IX.,  Mary. 

X.,  Margaret. 

XL,  Nancy. 

XII.,  Jane. 

XIII.,  Elizabeth. 

This  closes  the  incomplete  house  of  Mary.  For  informa- 
tion received  the  author  is  under  many  obligations  to  the  fol- 
lowing members  of  this  family :  H.  W.  Cely,  H.  Alexander, 
T.  P.  Baker,  J.  W.  Baker,  Cynthia  A.  Shannon,  Mary  E.  Ford. 



"They  were  men  of  renown — like  lions  so  bold, 
Like  lions  undaunted,  ne'er  to  be  controlled ; 
They  were  bent  on  the  game  they  hand  in  their  eye. 
Determined  to  take — to  conquer  or  die." 

The  historian  of  this  line  is  Hon.  John  R.  Harrison,  who 
will  appear  in  his  place  among  his  family,  as  he  seems  quite 
unwilling  to  allow  a  sketch  of  his  busy  Ufe  inserted  at  the 
beginning  of  this  chapter.  His  picture  also  appears  among 
the  committees  of  the  reunion,  over  which  assemblage  he  pre- 
sided with  easy,  graceful  dignity,  as  he  has  presided  over 
legislative  bodies  he  was  quite  at  home  in  the  chair.  His 
noble  head  and  face  speak  for  his  character  and  mental  en- 
dowments of  a  high  order.  With  this  brief  statement  the 
writer  is  forced  to  be  content. 

On  her  own  responsibility  she  introduces  a  traditional  and 
historical  account  of  the  founder  of  this  house,  both  from 
the  reminiscences  of  her  grandmother  and  letters  of  Dr.  G.  B. 
White,  of  Chester,  S.  C,  who  is  well  posted  in  the  history  of 
that  county,  and  whose  veracity  needs  no  further  vouchers 
than  his  word. 

James  Peden,  eldest  son  of  John  Peden  and  "Peggy"  Mc- 
Dill,  was  born,  as  all  the  other  children  of  this  couple,  in  Ire- 
land, coming  to  America  with  his  family  about  1768-1770. 

There  seems  to  be  a  divided  opinion  as  to  the  mother  of 
this  house,  one  statement  is  that  her  name  was  Mary  Brown, 
another  that  she  was  a  sister  of  the  wife  of  John  Hemphill, 
the  founder  of  the  Hemphill  family,  who  was  Mary  Adair. 
This  cannot  be  true  as  the  writer  has  the  Hemphill  denial, 
also  the  statement  that  none  of  the  Adair  sisters  married 
Pedens.  The  best  solution  offered  is  that  she  was  a  sister  of 
John  Hemphill.  Her  name  was  Mary.  If,  however,  the 
theory  of  Mary  Brown  is  correct  there  is  connected  with  the 


life  of  the  Scottish  poet  Robert  Burns  this  fact :  His  mother, 
Agnes  Brown,  had  a  sister  who  went  to  Ireland  with  her 
brothers  along  with  the  Duke  of  Hamilton  to  his  possessions 
there,  and  perhaps  this  was  the  wife  of  James  Peden.  Agnes 
Brown  was  born  about  1740.  The  writer,  for  several  reasons, 
inclines  to  the  belief  that  she  was  Mary  Hemphill. 

James  Peden  was  a  member  of  the  Provincial  Congress 
from  Chester  District  during  the  administration  of  the  last 
Royal  Governor  of  South  Carolina(  this  is  traditional).  Also 
the  following  statement  is  from  Dr.  G.  B.  White  and  Mr.  Jas. 
Hemphill,  of  Chester,  S.  C. : 

"James  Peden  was  a  member  of  the  South  Carolina  legis- 
lature which  called  the  constitutional  convention  which  rati- 
fied the  United  States  Constitution.  (The  writer  has  heard 
that  he  objected  to  the  lack  of  religion  in  this  famous  docu- 
ment.) There  is  a  joke  too  on  the  earnest  countryman.  It 
seems  that  he,  with  others,  went  to  call  upon  the  then  gov- 
ernor and  seeing  him  arrayed  in  full  dress,  powder,  rufifles 
and  other  gorgeous  apparel,  being  a  plain  man  and  punctili- 
ously neat,  remarked  to  the  governor,  T  see  Your  Excel- 
lency is  of  the  same  calling  as  myself  (a  miller),  referring  to 
the  powder  which  had  not  been  properly  brushed  from  his 
dress.  This  created  great  merriment.  Reading  between 
lines,  it  was  a  reproof  to  the  chief  magistrate  of  a  newly  inde- 
pendent state.  Anyway  the  powder  went  out  of  fashion  very 

A  regiment  of  Whigs  was  raised  in  Chester  early  in  1775, 
and  there  is  no  doubt  that  James  Peden  and  at  least  two  of 
his  sons  were  among  them.  "Officers :  Colonel,  Daniel 
Smith ;  Captains,  Thos.  Hemphill,  Robt.  Patton,  Thos.  Lytle, 
John  McDowell,  Jos.  White,  and  others." — Draper's  King's 

James  Peden  did  not  come  to  Fairview  for  some  time  after 
the  War  of  Revolution.  He  is  among  the  early  eldership  of 
that  church  and  with  Mary,  his  wife,  rests  in  the  rock-walled 
God's  acre  at  Fairview.    He  is  the  founder    of  the    Chester 


Pedens.    With  a  few  clippings  from  letters  from  other  mem- 
bers, the  historian  is  strictly  followed, 

James  Peden  migrated  from  Chester ;  buried  at  Fairview 
church;  son  of  John  Peden  and  "Peggy"  McDill.  James 
Peden's  wife  was  named  Mary.  Their  children  were:  ,1.  Wil- 
ham;  II.,  John;  III.,  Jennie;  IV.,  James;  V.,  Thomas;  VI., 

I.,  William  Peden  married  and  emigrated  to  the  State  of 
Illinois  about  1830  (on  account  of  their  views  of  slavery). 
We  have  no  further  information  in  regard  to  him.  It  is  sup- 
posed that  his  family  are  there  still. 

II.,  John  Peden  married  and  also  went  to  Illinois  at  the 
same  time.  Information  is  that  he  had  a  very  large  family. 
We  have  had  no  communication  with  these  families  since  the 
Civil  war. 

III.,  Jennie  Peden,  the  eldest  daughter,  married  Anthony 
Savage.  Anthony  Savage  came  to  South  Carolina  a  young 
man,  from  County  Antrim  Ireland,  as  a  school-teacher.  He 
taught  for  some  time.  He  married  Jennie  Peden  then  turned 
his  attention  to  farming.  Became  an  elder  in  Fairview  church 
(Presbyterian).  Was  recognized  as  a  good  business  man. 
Consulted  on  business  matters  by  the  communtiy.  He  set- 
tled near  the  church  and  lived  to  be  old.    His  wife  Jennie  lived 

to  be  years  old.     She  died  in  1848.     (He  laid  aside  the 

clerk's  pen,  and  laid  his  mantle  on  the  shoulders  of  James 
Dunbar,  1848,  as  clerk  of  the  session  of  Fairview  church.) 
They  had  four  children,  Alexander,  James,  Eleanor,  Marga- 

Alexander  Savage  married  Rosa  Morton  (gradndaughter 
of  Jane  Morton-Morrow).  Settled  near  Fairview  and  re- 
mained here  for  a  number  of  years.  They  left  South  Caro- 
lina about  1830,  and  when  the  State  of  Mississippi  was 
opened  up  for  settlers  he,  with  his  entire  family  went  to  Tish- 
omingo County,  where  he  settled  and  lived  for  a  number  of 


years.  Died  and  left  a  large  family.  When  the  civil  war 
broke  out  we  know  that  two  of  his  sons  were  in  22nd  Missis- 
sippi Regiment,  Adams'  Brigade,  Loring's  Division.  John 
Savage,  the  eldest  of  the  two,  survived  the  war  and  passed 
through  here  on  his  way  home  after  the  surrender.  Robert 
Savage  was  a  lieutenant  in  the  22nd  Mississippi  Regiment. 
Passed  through  the  entire  war  unhurt  until  the  battle  of 
Smithfield,  N.  C,  a  few  days  before  Johnson's  surrender, 
when  he  was  killed  and  buried  on  the  field.  Other  members 
of  the  family  were  residing  in  or  near  Corinth,  Miss.,  when 
last  heard  from. 

Eleanor  Savage  married  John  McDowell  Harrison.  Their 
children  were :  William  Alexander,  James  Anthony,  Pinckney 
McDowell,  Jane  T.,  Mary  E.,  Maggie  I.,  John  Ramsey,  Sarah. 

John  McDowell  Harrison,  my  father,  settled  on  Raeburn 
Creek,  near  Fairview  church. 

William  A.  Harrison  married  Elizabeth  Bryson  Campbell. 
Settled  near  Fairview  and  practiced  medicine  there  thirteen 
years.  Is  a  graduate  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania. 
Moved  from  Fairview  to  Reidville,  in  Spartanburg  County, 
and  is  still  practicing  medicine.  William  Harrison's  children 
are,  William  Campbell,  Edward  Bryson,  John  Hunter,  James 
Wade,  Elizabeth,  Nora. 

William  Campbell  Harrison  married  Emma  Waldrop,  and 
their  children  are,  Maggie,  William  Sloan,  Norman  Alexan- 
der, Lloyd  Bratton,  John  Ramsey.  Settled  near  Reidville, 
S.  C. 

Edward  Bryson  Harrison  married  Hannah  Amanda  Smith. 
Live  in  Reidville,  S.  C.  Their  children  are,  Eugene  Scott, 
Robert  Perry,  Mary  Elizabeth,  William  Herbert,  Edward 
Campbell,  Annie  Nora. 

John  Hunter  Harrison  married  Sidney  Gwinn.  Settled  on 
North  Saluda  river,  near  Marietta,  S.  C.  Their  children  are, 
Gerard,  Ralph. 

James  Wade  Harrison  married  Linnie  Smith,  of  Rockton, 
Fairfield  County,  S.  C.     Lived  there  a  number  of  years  then 


moved  to  Columbia,  S.  C.  Their  children  are,  William  Alex- 
ander Smith,  Elizabeth,  James  Wade. 

Elizabeth  Harrison  died  when  twenty-three  years  of  age. 
Never  married. 

Nora  Harrison  died  when  about  eight  years  old. 

James  Anthony  Harrison  was  a  civil  engineer,  but  did  not 
practice  his  profession.  He  entered  the  mercantile  business 
when  quite  a  young  man  in  Augusta,  Ga.,  where  he  remained 
a  short,  while.  From  there  he  went  to  Charleston,  S.  C, 
where  he  continued  in  the  mercantile  business  until  driven 
away  by  an  epidenmic  of  yellow  fever,  when  he  located  at 
Laurens,  S.  C,  and  engaged  with  Pinckney  McD.  Harrison, 
his  brother,  in  the  mercantile  business.  They  were  thus  en- 
gaged when  the  war  between  the  States  commenced.  He 
entered  the  Confederate  army  as  a  member  of  Company  A., 
3rd  South  Carolina  Volunteers  (State  Guards  name  of  Co.). 
Remained  in  that  company  fifteen  months  when  he  was 
transferred  to  the  Pedee  Light  Artillery,  attached  to  Mc- 
Gowan's  Brigade.  He  was  killed  at  Fredericksburg,  Va.,  at 
a  point  on  the  battlefield  known  as  Hamilton's  Crossing,  on 
the  13th  Dec,  1862.  His  death  was  caused  by  the  concussion 
of  a  shell  passing  so  near  the  heart  as  to  result  in  death 
almost  instantly ;  the  the  skin  was  not  broken ;  he  bled  slight- 
ly at  the  nose  and  ears  and  died  on  the  field. 

Pinckney  McDowell  Harrison  resided  on  the  old  home- 
stead, near  Fairview,  until  his  brother,  James,  entered  the 
mercantile  business  at  Laurens,  when  he  went  to  that  place 
and  entered  business  with  him.  He  was  thus  engaged  when 
the  war  came  on ;  volunteered  in  the  service  of  the  Confede- 
rate States  in  Company  A.,  3rd  South  Carolina  Volunteers 
(States  Guard  Co.  name)  in  which  company  he  remained  for 
about  fifteen  months,  when  he  was  transferred  to  the  Pedee 
Light  Artillery  and  was  killed  at  the  battle  of  Fredericksburg, 
Va.,  at  a  point  on  the  field  of  battle  known  as  Hamilton's 
Crossing,  on  the  13th  of  Dec.  1862.  His  right  leg  having 
been  shot  off  near  the  hip-joint  by  a  cannon  ball.     He  lived 


about  five  hours  after  he  was  shot.  Was  carried  to  the  field 
hospital  off  the  scene  of  battle  before  death. 

James  A.  and  Pinckney  McD.  Harrison  were  neither  mar- 
ried. They  were  in  business  together ;  entered  the  service  of 
their  country  together ;  during  their  term  of  service  they  each 
received  a  furlough  of  fifteen  days  which  they  spent  at  the  old 
homestead  together  in  the  spring  of  1862.  They  were  en- 
gaged in  all  of  the  battles  in  which  their  commands  partici- 
pated in  Virginia.  They  were  never  wounded  until  the  fatal 
day,  Dec.  13,  1862,  when  both  gave  up  their  lives  for  the 
cause  of  the  Confederacy.  Their  bodies  were  brought  home 
and  buried  in  one  grave  in  Fairview  church  cemetery,  where 
they  now  repose  beneath  the  shade  of  a  magnolia  planted  by 
affectionate  hands. 

Jane  T.  Harrison,  the  eldest  daughter,  was  never  married. 
She  lived  a  life  of  unselfish  usefulness  and  died  respected  by 
all  who  knew  her.  Her  death  occurred  Sept.  2,  1899,  and  she 
is  buried  in  Fairview  cemetery. 

Mary  E.  Harrison  married  Wm.  Thos.  Austin.  They  set- 
tled near  Fairview.  Wm.  Thos.  Austin  volunteered  in  Hamp- 
ton's Legion  in  the  late  war.  She  left  no  children.  Both 
husband  and  wife  are  buried  at  Fairview.- 

Margaret  I.  Harrison  married  John  C.  Bailey,  of  Green- 
ville, S.  C.  She  lived  in  Greenville  city.  Mother  of  three 
sons,  John  C.  Bailey,  Jr.,  William  Price,  James  Pinckney 
(twins).  She  died  May  7,  1873,  and  is  buried  in  Fairview 

John  C.  Bailey,  Jr.,  was  educated  at  the  South  Carolina 
Military  Academy,  in  Charleston,  S.  C,  and  afterwards  in  the 
Theological  Seminary  at  Princeton,  New  Jersey.  He  entered 
the  ministry  of  the  Presbyterian  church  and  is  now  pastor  of 
Summerton  and  Wedgefield  churches.  In  1900  he  was  mar- 
ried to  Mabel  Cantey.     One  son. 

William  Price  and  James  Pinckney  Bailey  died  soon  after 
their  mother  and  are  buried  by  her  side  at  Fairview. 

John  R.  Harrison  was  born  January  ist,  1845.  He  left 
school  to  enter  the  Confederate  army.     Was  a  member  of 


Company  H.,  Palmetto  Battalion  of  Light  Artillery  where  he 
served  for  more  than  one  year.  Thence  he  was  transferred  to 
Company  I.,  i6th  South  CaroHna  Volunteers,  Gist's  Brigade, 
Army  of  Tennessee.  He  was  made  a  sergeant  in  his  com- 
pany and  surrendered  with  it  at  Greensboro,  N.  C.  Gen. 
Joseph  E.  Johnson  being  in  command.  After  this  he  returned 
to  Fairview  and  engaged  in  farming.  Elected  to  the  legis- 
lature from  Greenville  County,  S.  C,  in  1880  and  served  six 
years,  having  been  elected  three  times.  He  was  then  elected 
to  the  Senate  from  Greenville  County  where  he  served  for 
four  years.  During  that  time  was  elected  and  served  as  Pres- 
ident pro  tem.  of  the  Senate  and  presided  over  that  body  in 
the  absence  of  the  Lieutenant  Governor.  In  1896  he  was 
candidate  for  Governor,  but  was  defeated  by  W.  H.  Ellerbee. 
Since  that  time  he  has  not  served  in  any  public  office.  Was 
presiding  officer  at  the  Peden  Reunion  at  Fairview,  S.  C. 
John  R.  Harrison  and  Lillie  Helen  Adams  were  married  in 
November,  1869,  and  lived  near  Fairview,  on  the  old  home- 
stead. His  wife  died  May  20,  1872.  He  has  never  married 
again.  Has  two  children,  Mary  E.,  born  A.ugust  29,  1870, 
and  Lillie  H.,  born  May  10,  1872. 

Mary  Ellen  Harrison  married  Angus  McQueen  Martin,  of 
Marion  County,  S.  C,  October  24,  1894.  She  has  three 
children,  Mary  Helen,  born  October  22,  1895 ;  John  Harrison, 
born  November  10,  1897;  Janie,  born  March  21,  1901. 

Lillian  Helen  Harrison  is  not  married  and  is  living  with 
her  father. 

James  E.  Savage  lived  near  Fairview  church  (old  Alex- 
ander place).  Married  Malinda  Baker.  Two  children  were 
born  to  them,  John  Lindsay  Savage,  Ana  J.  James  E.  Sav- 
age and  his  wife  lived  to  an  old  age.  She  having  lived  to  see 
all  her  dear  ones  laid  away  and  for  a  very  brief  time  was  alone 
in  the  world  as  the  last  representative  of  her  immediate  fam- 
ily. He  was  an  eminent  Christian,  a  useful  citizen,  an  elder  in 
Fairview  church  for  many  years.  Both  are  buried  in  Fair- 
view  cemetery. 


John  L.  Savage  engaged  in  mercantile  business  at  Green- 
ville when  quite  young.  Afterwards  at  Fork  Shoals,  Pelzer, 
Piedmont  and  Williamston,  where  he  died  in  1897.  He  was 
twice  married.  First  to  Mattie  Anderson,  who  died  shortly 
afterwards.  Then  to  Jeannette  Root,  of  Anderson,  S.  C, 
who  is  still  living  and  resides  in  Anderson,  S.  C. 

Ana  J.  Savage  was  never  married.  Died  at  Williamston, 
1896,  and  is  buried  with  her  parents  at  Fairview. 

Margaret  F.  Savage  was  never  married.  She  lived  all  her 
life  on  the  old  homestead  and  died  at  a  ripe  old  age.  Is  also 
buried  at  Fairview.  The  Savage  line  in  Greenville,  S.  C.,  is 

IV.,  James  Peden  married  Margaret  Alexander,  and  lived 
near  Fairview,  on  headwaters  of  Raeburn  Creek,  where  they 
resided  for  a  number  of  years.  Had  three  daughters  born 
there :  Eveline,  Teresa,  Elizabeth.  Moved  from  Fairview,  S. 
C,  to  Decatur,  Ga.,  where  they  died.  Teresa  and  Elizabeth 
never  married.  Both  died  of  fever.  Eveline  remained  with 
the  family  until  the  old  folks  died  then  married  a  Gordon,  of 
Bartow  County,  Ga.  Became  the  mother  of  nine  children. 
After  the  civil  war  they  moved  to  Texas.  No  further  infor- 
mation of  her. 

v.,  Thomas  Peden,  of  Chester  County,  married  Sarah  Mc- 
Calla.  Settled  and  lived  near  Old  Catholic  church,  in  Chester 
County.  Children  five,  Mary,  Peggy,  David,  Ginnie,  Cath- 
erine. His  wife  died  and  he  married  his  first  cousin,  Isabella 
Peden  (house  of  William).  Four  children,  William  A.,  Sarah 
B.,  Belle  T.,  Emily  Teresa. 

Mary  Peden  married  James  Harbison,  Esq.  He  only  lived 
about  one  year.  She  then  married  John  Brown,  of  York 
County,  S.  C.     No  children  were  born  to  them. 

Peggy  Peden  married  William  Hood  and  moved  to  Ala- 
bama. She  had  one  daughter,  Sarah.  All  of  this  family  died 
before  1861. 


David  McCalla  Peden  married  Margaret  Hood.  Lived  on 
Rocky  Creek,  near  the  old  home.  He  died  April  17,  1894, 
aged  seventy-eight  years,  and  is  buried  at  Catholic.  Their 
children  are,  Thomas,  EHzabeth,  Andrew. 

Thomas  Peden  married  Sallie  McCreary.  Children  five, 
Martha  B.,  Judson  McCreary,  Margaret  H.,  David  McCalla, 
Wm.  H.  Martha  died  when  about  two  years  old.  His  wife 
died  and  he  then  married  her  sister,  Irene  McCreary. 

Elizabeth  died  October  31,  1866.     Is  buried  at  Catholic. 

Andrew  Peden,  the  second  son  never  married  and  lives 
with  his  mother  at  the  old  homestead,  near  Catholic  church, 
Chester  County,  S.  C. 

Ginnie  Peden  married  Wm.  Storment  and  lived  also  near 
CathoHc  church.  Her  children  were,  Sallie,  Thomas,  Mary. 
They  moved  to  Mississippi  and  died.  The  children  are  now 
living  at  Burnt  Mills,  Miss. 

Catherine  married  Turner  McCrory,  of  Fairfield.  No 

William  Alexander  Peden  never  married.  Was  a  talented 
musician.  Went  into  the  Confederate  service  in  the  First 
South  CaroUna  Calvalry.  Was  promoted  to  captain.  Made 
commissary,  serving  in  that  capacity  until  the  close  of  the  war. 
He  was  chairman  of  the  Board  of  Commissioners  of  Chester 
County  at  the  time  of  his  death,  1874. 

Sarah  Brown  Peden  married  Rev.  David  Pressly,  of  the 
Associate  Reform  Church.  Went  to  Starkville,  Miss.,  and 
died  January  17,  1883,  leaving  five  children,  Thomas  Peden, 
Ehzabeth  Hearst,  Wilham  Cornelius,  Isabella  Teresa,  Sunie 

Rev.  Thomas  P.  Pressly,  Troy  Tenn.  Now  Hving  with  his 
second  wife.     Has  five  children. 

Ehzabeth  H.  (Pressly)  Young,  wife  of  W.  A.  Young,  Ato- 
ka, Tenn.     Five  childen. 

William  C.  Pressly,  M.  D.,  has  a  wife  and  four  children. 

Isabella  Teresa  Pressly.  Unmarried.  Home  with  Rev. 
Thos.  P.  Pressly. 


Sunie  M.  (Pressly)  Smith,  wife  of  W.  A.  Smith,  Troy,  Tenn. 
Two  children. 

Isabella  T.  Peden  married  Wm.  Douglas.  Had  one  child 
named  Janie  Brice.     Fairfield  County,  S.  C. 

Emily  T.  Peden  married  J.  W.  Blake.  Moved  to  Prescott, 
Arkansas.     Mother  of  five  children. 

VI.  Mary  Peden,  youngest  child  of  James  Peden,  mar- 
ried John  Stennis,  of  Fairview.  Died  childless  and  sleeps  at 
Fairview  after  a  long  pilgrimage. 



"Such  was  this  daughter  of  the  Emerald  isle, 
Herself  a  billow  in  her  energies 
To  bear  the  bark  of  others'  happiness, 
Nor  feel  a  sorrow  'til  their  joy  grew  less." 

There  has  been  little  of  romance  in  these  annals  of  a  race 
proverbial  for  plain,  practical  common-sense,  even  in  their 
love  affairs,  until  one  wonders  if  they  did  any  love-making  at 
all.  Possibly  they  did  not  tell  the  younger  generations  of 
these  episodes  in  their  lives,  regarding  them  with  the  sober 
eyes  of  middle-age  as  too  frivolous  for  young  ears.  Yet  the 
historian  would  like  occasionally  to  record  a  romance  like 
that  one  in  Chester,  of  the  young  emigrant  who,  when  he 
heard  that  his  beloved  Mary  had  arrived  from  the  old  world 
and  was  nearing  him  left  his  oxen  attached  to  the  plow, 
standing  among  the  corn,  tossed  away  his  Scotch  bonnet  of 
homespun  and  ran  miles  under  a  burning  Southern  sun  to 
meet  and  greet  the  dear  lass  after  the  long  years  of  toil  and 
waiting.  They  were  happy  ever  after,  as  the  story  goes,  and 
well  they  deserved  to  be.  However,  this  is  not  Peden  his- 

The  writer  cannot  repress  the  desire  to  chronicle  the  first 
love  story  of  bonny  Jennie  Peden,  as  she  heard  it  in  the  long 
ago  from  dear  lips  now  dumb.  Turn  back  the  leaves  of  Scot- 
land's history  to  the  days  of  chivalry  and  daring;  recall 
medieaval  knights  and  stately  ladies,  and  none  shine  with 
brighter  luster  than  the  illustrious  house  of  Morton,  staunch 
adherents  of  country  and  king  through  all  the  early  battles 
royal  of  that  bloody  land  against  Saxon,  Norman,  Dane. 
The  house  of  Morton  furnished  brave  knights  as  leaders, 
lances  and  archers  to  swell  Scottish  armies ;  bold  crusaders 
with  the  Bruce,  Douglass,  Dunbar,  Mar,  Murray,  Hamilton 
and  others.    The  last  Earl  died  on  the  scaffold  in  1575-1580. 


The  title  became  extinct  but  not  the  family.  During  the 
next  two  or  three  centuries  their  fortunes  varied.  They  were 
divided  in  religion,  Papist  and  Protestant.  About  1760,  for 
political  reasons  the  eldest  son  of  Morton  became  desirous 
of  getting  rid  of  his  younger  brothers,  and  the  plan  of  ban- 
ishing them  to  the  West  Indies  and  selling  them  into  slavery 
occurred  to  him,  so  he  proceeded  to  carry  this  atrocious  plot 
into  execution,  but  was  foiled  by  the  escape  of  the  boys.  At 
the  same  time  a  similar  scheme  was  brewing  in  the  house  of 
Dunbar,  the  younger  brother  being  Protestant. 

One  dark,  stormy  night  the  three  met  on  the  rocky  coast  by 
appointment,  there  they  found  faithful  Sandy  McRee,  hus- 
band of  the  old  housekeeper  of  the  Dunbars,  who  had  warned 
the  lads  that  morning  that  -the  ship  which  was  to  bear  them 
away  was  at  anchor  not  far  away.  These  lads,  the  Mortons, 
John  and  James  or  David,  both  tall  and  slenderly  built,  while 
James  Dunbar  was  stout  and  broad  shouldered,  all  were 
wrapped  in  shepherd  plaids  and  wore  no  insignia  of  birth, 
their  tracks  had  been  covered  by  the  softly  falling  snow,  but 
a  new  danger  threatened,  for  the  coast  guard  hailed  them, 
the  lads  were  slow  to  speak  so  old  Sandy  replied,  "They  be 
shepherd  laddies  to  my  Lord  of  Hamilton  that  I  am  fetching 
over  'til  him  the  night."  The  guard  made,  some  remarks  on 
the  weather  and  time  of  night,  but  Sandy  was  quick  of  wit. 
"Shepherd  lads  dinna  min'  a  skip  like  this,  and  my  Lord  is  in 
haste  lest  the  sheep  get  lost  in  the  snaw."  So  he  walked  on 
and  they  were  suffered  to  depart  with  the  parting  thrust,  "My 
Lord  of  Hamilton  methinks  is  choice  in  the  build  of  his  shep- 
herds, soldier  lads  belike."  Sandy  rowed  slowly  until  out  of 
earshot  then  seeing  some  commotion  on  the  coast  gave 
each  lad  an  oar  and  they  rowed  with  speed  toward  Ireland. 
A  swift  boat  followed  and  as  it  neared  Sandy's  the  boys  threw 
off  their  plaids  and  swam  ashore,  so  old  Sandy  was  alone  and 
was  so  deaf  to  all  questions  that  he  was  left  to  himself  to  fol- 
low the  lads,  but  they  never  met  on  earth.  After  wandering 
all  night  in  the  cold  and  dark  they  took  refuge  in  one  of 
those  treacherous  peat-bogs.    John  Peden  found  them,  took 


them  to  his  humble  home  warmed  and  fed  them,  but  the 
younger  Morton  "fell  ill  of  a  lung  fever"  and  "Pegg}'"  Mc- 
Dill  nursed  him  with  her  honely  skill.  The  natural  sequence 
was  he  had  fallen  in  love  with  bonny  "J^iini^  Peden"  so  he 
learned  the  trade  of  weaving  along  with  the  sons  of  Peden, 
and  cast  all  his  high-born  pride  away,  wooed  and  won  the 
Scotch-Trish  lassie  in  truly  noble  fashion. 

The  Morton  records  are  very  incomplete.  The  four  sons 
were  all,  except  William  perhaps,  in  the  Revolutionary  army. 
John  was  with  Capt.  Samuel  Mcjunkin  at  the  beginning  of 
the  war.  With  other  leaders  later.  He  was  a  daring  soldier 
all  through.  James  was  with  Capt.  Wm.  Smith,  of  the  Spar- 
tan Regiment,  while  David  was  with  Capt.  Roebuck.  Both 
Captains  Mcjunkin  and  Roebuck  became  majors. 

The  birth  dates  of  these  children  were  I.,  John,  1756;  IL, 
James,  1758;  III.,  David,  1760:  IV.,  William,  1762;  V.,  Mary, 
1764.  Whether  Jane  had  married  her  second  husband,  Sam- 
uel Morrow,  before  the  emigration  or  not  history  is  silent. 
It  is  also  a  disputed  question  whether  her  first  husband  was 
named  James  or  David,  and  opinion  is  divided.  The  writer  is 
under  the  impression  that  James  is  correct.  As  the  Morton 
records  have  not  reached  her  can  give  detached  notes  wher- 
ever attainable. 

I.,  John  Morton.  All  trace  is  lost  and  it  is  presumed  that 
he  left  Fairview  about  1825-1833.  There  are  no  records  to  be 
found  of  this  period  and  there  was  some  bitterness  among 
the  clan  on  the  question  of  slavery,  which  led  to  several 
Pedens  seeking  homes  in  the  Northwest  territory  and  per- 
haps he  went  with  them.  There  is  no  tradition  as  to  whom 
he  married.    All  is  lost. 

II. ,  James  Morton  married  Mary  Montgomer\%  of  Spar- 
tanburg County.  The  Montgomerys  are  a  proud  old  family, 
tracing  their  ancestry  back  to  the  old  Norman  days  "before 
the  coming  of  Rolfe."    French  history  is  full  of  their  knightly 


deeds,  and  in  Scotland  the  Morton  and  Montgomery  were 

III.,  David  Morton  was  twice  married.  First  to  Penelope 
White,  who  did  not  Uve  long.  She  had  no  children.  He  then 
married  Mary  Jamison.  No  children  were  born  to  them.  A 
memorial  to  David  Morton  appears  elsewhere  as  one  of  the 
rare  characters  of  a  rude  age. 

IV.,  William  Morton,  too,  is  lost  and  no  trace  has  been 
found.  They  all  lived  at  Fairview  several  years  then  eme- 

v.,  Mary  Morton,  the  only  daughter  of  this  family,  is  also 
lost  even  to  tradition,  and  only  her  name  remains,  and  there 
are  those  who  say  she  never  existed  at  all. 

From  the  oldest  church  book  at  Fairview  is  taken  the  fol- 
lowing: "Nov.  1835.  Dismissed  regularly  four  families,  Wm. 
]\Iorrow,  four  in  number ;  James  Morton,  six  in  number ; 
Wm.  Armour,  two  in  number ;  Jas.  McVickers,  two  in  num- 
ber.   Anthony  Savage,  clerk  session." 

"The  Peden  who  married  the  Morton  (James  or  David) 
was  my  great-grandmother.  Her  son,  James  Morton,  was 
my  grandfather.  Of  the  families  of  her  other  sons  I  know 

"My  father  was  Dr.  Josiah  Wilson,  Morton,  the  youngest 
of  nine  children,  all  of  whom  are  dead.  The  living  children 
of  those  nine  are  few.  Wilson  Morton,  of  Mississippi;  Mrs. 
Mary  Turner,  of  Texas ;  children  of  John  Washington  Mor- 
ton. Dr.  J.  W.  Morton,  of  Somerville,  Alabam,  son  of  Mont- 
gomery Morton  who  married  Rebecca  Peden,  daughter  of 
John  Thomas  Peden,  son  of  Alexander,  the  six  son  of  John, 
the  father.  Their  daughter  Rosa  married  Alexander  Sav- 
age, of  the  house  of  James.  J.  D.  Morton,  Cameron,  Texas, 
son  of  Harvey.  Mrs.  Jane  Wright,  Brownwood,  Texas,  and 
Miss  Mary  Savage  daughter  of  Mrs.  Rosa  Morton  Savage, 


and  five  of  us,  Mrs.  E.  M.  Wise,  Waxahachie,  Texas ;  Mrs. 
C.  M.  Lyon,  Lancaster,  Texas ;  A.  H.  Morton,  Prairieville, 
Texas ;  Mrs.  John  W.  George,  Oak  Cliffe,  Texas ;  Miss 
Emma  Morton,  Lancaster,  Texas.  (The  inference  is  that 
five  of  the  children  of  James  Morton  were,  John  Washington, 
Robert  Montgomery,  Harvey,  Rosana,  Josiah  Wilson.  They 
were  all  born  in  Greenville  County,  S.  C.) 

"My  father,  Josiah  Wilson  Morton,  was  born  near  Fair- 
view,  Greenville  County,  S.  C.  Left  there  for  Tennessee 
when  nine  years  old.  Married  Jane  Alexander  in  1847,  ^"^ 
afterwards  moved  to  Mississippi.  Came  to  Texas  in  1856 
and  died  February  17,  1898. 

(Signed)       "Emma  Morton." 

The  date  of  Jane  Morton's  marriage  with  Samuel  Mot- 
vow  is  unknown.  There  were  five  Morrow  children :  L,  Sam- 
uel ;  IL,  Robert ;  IIL,  William  ;  IV.,  Thomas  ;  V.,  Janet.  The 
last  named  died  at  nineteen  years  and  sleeps  at  Fairview,  S.  C. 
There  is  some  discrepancy  in  narnes  of  the  Mortons  and  Mor- 
rows ;  the  names  William  and  David  occur  in  each  (on  one 
record)  and  some  of  the  Morrow  family  say  that  it  was  Robert, 
not  Maj.  Samuel  Morrow,  who  married  Jane  Peden  Mor- 
ton. Maj.  Samuel  Morrow  was  born  in  Baltimore  County, 
Maryland,  1760;  his  father  was  also  named  Samuel,  and  as 
Jane  Peden  was  born  about  1738- 1742,  their  ages  are  too 
different.  Was  Maj.  Samuel  Morrow  her  son?  The  Morrow 
records  have  not  yet  arrived ;  perhaps  the  historian  will  ex- 
plain, but  in  case  he  does  not  send  in  records  in  time  will 
copy  from  the  old  church  book : 

"Robert  Morrow  and  his  two  sons,  Samuel  and  Thomas, 
and  their  families  moved  to  Mississippi  (Alabama).  Regu- 
larly dismissed  March  18,  1817. 

"1833.  Wm.  Morrow  is  mentioned  as  one  of  a  committee 
to  raise  the  pastor's  salary. 

"1835.  James  Morrow  unites  with  the  church;  also  the  dis- 
missal of  Wm.  Morrow  and  his  family,  three  in  number." 


"My  father  was  the  oldest  of  ten  brothers.  He  was  born 
near  Fairview  church  September  22,  1799.  The  entire  family 
came  to  Alabama  in  1818.  At  or  about  the  same  time  three 
brothers  of  my  grandfather  (Robert  Morrow),  Samuel, 
David,  William  or  Laurens,  came  from  South  Carolina  and 
settled  near  Sommerville,  Tenn.  Thomas,  the  other  son, 
who  went  to  Texas  in  1856- 1857,  came  too. 

"Jane  Peden  and  her  husband,  Samuel  Morrow,  are  buried 
in  North  Alabama,  near  Somerville.  They  lived  with  my 
grandfather  until  they  died. 

■'The  war  record  of  the  Morrows  is  splendid.  There  were 
twenty  Morrows,  all  first  cousins,  on  the  Confederate  side, 
besides  a  daughter's  son  named  Harris. 

(Singed)         "R.  B.   Morrow." 

L,  Samuel  Morrow  married  his  first  cousin,  Katie  Peden, 
(house  of  Samuel). 



The  question  of  the  time  and  manner  of  Peden  emigration 
has  never  been  fully  settled.  The  tradition  in  the  lTf>use  of 
Thomas  differs  from  that  coming  down  through  the  other 
houses.  Which  one  is  true  will  only  be  revealed  "when  the 
leaves  of  the  judgment  books  unroll,"  when  this  immense  clan 
gathers  before  the  great  white  throne  in  a  solemn  and  end- 
less reunion  of  joy. 

Thomas  Peden,  the  founder  of  this  line  seems  to  have  been 
a  man  of  great  force  of  character ;  firm,  unyielding  in  princi- 
ple, willmg  to  do,  to  dare,  to  die,  for  what  he  believed  to  be 
right.  He  was  free  from  sectarian  or  creed  prejudices  as  is 
proven  in  Howe's  History  of  the  Presbyterian  Church  in 
South  CaroUna.  As  a  soldier,  patriot,  citizen  he  was  brave, 
loyal  and  strictly  law  abiding,  yet  never  following  blindly  the 
leading  of  any  man ;  alway  his  own  master.  In  religion  a 
devout  Presbyterian ;  in  politics  an  ardent  Whig. 

His  place  on  the  family  roll  is  ten  years  later  than  his 
brother  James.  If  other  children,  save  his  sister  Jane,  came 
between  they  must  have  died  young. 

Thomas  Peden  was  among  the  pioneers  of  what  is  now 
Spartanburg  County,  S.  C,  preceding  his  father  and  brothers 
some  years.  This  county  was  part  of  the  96th  district,  and  in 
1774  was  called  the  "Spartan"  by  Wm.  Drayton,  who  ex- 
claimed with  enthusiastic  admiration :  "Truly  a  Spartan  peo- 
ple !" 

The  historian  of  this  house,  Mr.  Amzi  W.  Gaston,  lives  on 
the  tract  of  land  granted  first  by  King  George,  1772,  and 
later  regranted  by  the  new  government  to  the  then  incum- 
bent, whose  record  as  a  Whig  soldier  does  not  admit  of  ques- 
tion. As  before  stated,  the  exact  location  of  the  first  cabin 
home  is  lost,  for  there  is  not  a  tree,  or  stone  left,  nothing  but 
the  hillside  and  overgrown  spring.    It  will  be  pleasant  for  the 


clan  to  know  that  this  sacred  spot  has  never  left  the  posses- 
sion of  the  race  planted  there. 

John  Peden,  his  wife,  with  their  son  Thomas  and  four 
youngest  sons,  and  Morton  grandsons,  all  of  whom  were 
mere  lads,  came  together  to  the  Tyger  settlements,  whether 
from  Ppnnsylvania  or  Charlestown  tradition  is  silent.  They 
settled  near  Nazareth  church ;  while  it  is  now  believed  that 
James  and  his  sisters,  with  their  families  found  their  first 
homes  in  the  land  of  the  Quaker,  Thomas  came  direct  to 
South  Carolina. 

Thomas  married  Elizabeth  White,  and  his  nephew,  David 
Morton,  of  blessed  memory,  married  her  youngest  sister, 
Penelope.  "These  wives  were  of  the  staunch  old  Revolution- 
ary Whig  stock."  Around  the  name  of  White  clusters  mem- 
ories of  many  a  brave,  daring  deed;  it  shines  on  the  fame- 
roll  of  Upper  South  Carolina  with  deathless  luster.  Hon. 
Hugh  Lawson  White,  of  Tennessee,  was  a  nephew  of  these 

Thomas  Peden  and  his  old  father  were  diven  ofi  by  Tories 
and  Indians  in  the  dark  days  of  1780-1781.  Thomas  took  his 
family  to  North  Carolina  for  safety,  to  Iredell  County,  while 
John,  the  father,  took  his  wife  and  a  number  of  grandchildren 
over  to  Chester.  Both  then  resumed  their  places  in  the 
Revolutionary  army.  In  the  meantime  the  youngest  sons, 
William,  Samuel,  Alexander  and  David  were  with  their  re- 
spective leaders  among  rocks,  mountain  dens  and  impena- 
trable  swamps.  It  was  a  proud  boast  of  the  Pedens  that  they 
had  "little  to  lose  therefore  had  no  need  of  British  protec- 
tion." Among  the  grandchildren  was  little  Peggy,  second 
child  of  Thomas,  who  remained  with  them  as  long  as  they 
lived,  and  among  her  special  treasures  she  held  dear  a  silver 
coin,  of  about  the  size  of  a  ten-cent  piece,  presumably  Eng- 
lish, and  she  kept  it  during  her  eighty  years  sojourn  on  the 
earth.  She  gave  the  historian  of  this  house,  A.  W.  Gaston, 
many  incidents  of  early  frontier  life ;  among  others  of  how 
their  wheat  was  harvested  with  reap-hooks,  or  sickles,  show- 
ing him  how  the  hooks  were  held  while  the  reapers  tied  the 


bundles.  After  things  were  quieted  down  they  returned  from 
North  Carolina  and  settled  again  within  half  a  mile  of  their 
former  home,  or  rather  its  ruins,  and  reared  their  large  fam- 
ily of  children,  of  whom  four  were  sons  and  seven  were 

This  family  is  not  given  in  order  of  birth,  the  names 
of  the  sons  are  given  first:  I.,  Andrew;  II.,  M.  White;  III., 
James ;  IV.,  John.  The  daughters :  V.,  Mary ;  VI.,  Marga- 
ret; VII.,  Eleanor;  VII.,  Elizabeth;  IX.,  Sarah;  X.,  Jane; 
XI.,  Nancy. 

I.,  Andrew,  the  eldest  son,  married  Jane  McConnell.  Their 
children : 

I., Rev.  Mitchell  Peden,  a  Presbyterian  minister.  He  mar- 
ried Mary  Jennings  and  spent  most  of  his  hfe  in  Mississippi. 
A  full  sketch  of  his  life  work  is  to  be  found  in  a  previous 
chapter.  Pie  was  the  father  of  twelve  children,  only  two  of 
whom  are  now  living.  Several  sons  died  for  the  Confederate 
cause.  One  of  whom,  Joseph  Caldwell,  fills  a  hero's  grave. 
The  surviving  son  is  Rev.  W.  P.  Peden,  Baptist  minister,  who 
married  M.  J.  Hanson.  No  record  of  children.  The  daugh- 
ter is  Mrs.  E.  S.  Lee,  of  whose  family  the  writer  has  no  trace. 

2.,  Rufus,  who  married  Margaret  Narcissa  Peden,  of  the 
same  house.  Was  killed  in  the  civil  war,  leaving  two  young 
sons :  John  M.,  Rufus,  Jr.    These  appear  elsewhere. 

3.. Elizabeth,  who  married  Rev.  Arthur  Mooney,  was  the 
mother  of  a  large  family.  Moved  to  Mississippi  where  she 
died.  No  records  save  that  one  son,  Church,  died  bravely  for 
the  South,  1861. 

4,  Jane,  who  married  Amzi  W.  Gaston.  Only  one  child,  a 
son  (historian  of  this  house),  named  for  his  father  Amzi  Wil- 
liford ;  he  however,  has  been  blessed  with  many  sons.  He 
says :  "My  mother  was  the  second  daughter  of  Andrew,  the 
eldest  son  of  Thomas  Peden.  She  had  only  one  brother  in 
the  civil  war,  Rufus,  who  gave  his  life  to  the  cause,  leaving  a 
young  wife  and  two  small  sons.  Her  other  brother,  Rev. 
Mitchell  Peden  also  lost  a  son.  I  have  neither  brother  or 


sister,  and  I  fought  for  our  beloved  South  for  three  long 
years.  If  I  have  any  regrets  they  are  that  I  did  not  fight 
harder;  but  I  now  sincerely  beUeve  it  is  for  the  best  that  we 
did  not  succeed." 

[Amzie  Gaston,  like  his  great  grandfather,  Thomas  Peden, 
stands  for  purity  of  church  and  state,  clean  politics,  good  citi- 
zenship, and  is  an  avowed  opponent  of  the  the  so-called  re- 
form in  South  Carolina.  In  appearance  he  is  a  tall,  com- 
manding figure,  a  typical  Norman  Gaston,  with  the  steelest, 
bluest,  truest  eyes  of  the  fearless  race.] 

Moreover,  he  is  the  father  of  eight  goodly  sons  and  two 
fair  daughters.     Sons — i,  John  Williford;  2,  Robert  White; 

3,  Amzi  Cason ;  4,  James  Gordon;  5,  Thomas  Craig;  6,  "Jeb" 
Stuart ;  7,  Baird  Lamar ;  8,  Palmer  DeWitt  (died  in  infancy) ; 
9,  Morton  Reid;  io,David  Holder.  Daughters — i,  Fitz 
Hampton,  named  for  the  mother  of  South  Carolina's  "knight- 
liest  leader  of  them  all,"  Gen.  Wade  Hampton;  2,  Mary 

II.,  Moses  White  married  his  first  cousin,  Margaret,  eldest 
daughter  of  Alexander,  therefore  of  the  house  of  Alexander, 
Their  children  were  :  i,  Eliza  E. ;  2,  A.  Wilson  ;  3,  Rebecca  E. ; 

4,  T.  Jefferson ;  5,  James  M. ;  6.  Munro ;  7,  Andrew  W. ;  8, 
Robert  M. ;  9,  Mary  A.;  10,  David  M.;  11,  Hugh  L.  W. 

I,  Eliza  E.  married  Alexander  Thompson,  who  was  a  mem- 
ber of  that  Thompson  family  famous  in  South  Carolina  his- 
tory from  colonial  days.  Its  men  have  been  found  in  the 
arena  of  war  and  the  forum  of  politics.  He  was  twice  mar- 
ried, his  first  wife  having  been  Elizabeth  Alexander  (house  of 
Mary),  which  includes  the  elder  line ;  while  the  younger  be- 
longs to  that  of  Thomas,  as  both  came  from  the  "distaff  side," 
or  through  the  mother.  The  children  were:  i.  White;  2, 
Drayton;  3,  Lawson;  4,  Thomas;  5,  Elizabeth;  6,  Margaret; 
7,  Rachel  i.  White  served  brevely  through  the  entire  civil 
war,  so  also  did  Drayton.  At  its  close  or  just  before  these 
two  brave  young  brothers  were  brought  home  to  die  of  con- 


sumption.     Both  were  members  of  Company  E.,  Hampton 
Legion.     White  died  on  the  22nd  day  of  January,  1865. 

2,  Drayton  followed  him  on  the  24th  day  of  February,  1865. 
Neither  were  married. 

3,  Lawson  came  home  safely.  Married  Lou  Farmer.  Their 
children:  L.  Grace,  Margaret  E.,  Leila  White. 

4,  Thomas  married  Earle.     No  records  sent. 

5,  Elizabeth  married  Thomas  Babb.  Their  children:  i, 
Drayton ;  2,  Homer ;  3,  Chalmers ;  4,  Lawson ;  5,  Paul ;  6, 
Eliza ;  7,  Eva. 

1,  Drayton  Babb  married  Tribble.  No  childern. 

2,  EHza  Babb  married  Robert  Thompson.    No  children. 

3,  Homer  Babb  married  Lidie  McKelvey.  Two  children: 
Annie  R.,  H.  Thomas. 

4,  Chalmers  Babb  unmarried. 

5,  Lawson  Babb  married  Sue  Spencer.    One  child. 

6,  Paul  Babb  unmarried. 

7,  Eva  Babb  unmarried.  ; 

6,  Margaret  unmarried. 

7,  Rachel  died  young,  August  26,  1868. 

2,  A.  Wilson  married  Jane  Thompson,  daughter  of  Alex- 
ander Thompson,  and  his  first  wife,  Elizabeth  Alexander 
(house  of  Mary),  showing  a  mixed  relationship  that  will  puz- 
zle their  numerous  descendants.  Their  children  were  ten  in 
number:  i,  Elizabeth  H. ;  2,  Margaret;  3,  Hugh  Lawson 
White;  4,  Alexander  Thompson;  5,  James  F. ;  6,  Mary  E. ; 
7,  William  Buist ;  8,  John  Pickens ;  9,  Welthy  Ann ;  10,  Rox- 


1,  Elizabeth  H.  never  married.  She  lives  at  the  old  home 
near  Fairview.  Hers  has  been  one  of  those  long  and  beau- 
tiful livies.  A  pure,  noble,  unselfish  character,  of  generous 
self-sacrifice ;  one  whose  very  name  deserves  to  be  written  in 
living  letters  of  gold. 

2,  Margaret,  who  died  unmarried  in  young  womanhood. 

3,  Hugh  L.  W.  married  Mary  McKnight.  He  was  born 
and  educated  in  Greenville  County,  S.  C.  Volunteered  in  1861, 


in  Company  E.,  Hampton  Legion.    Served  four  years.    Their 
children  are : 

1,  Ellie  J.,  who  married Edwards.    Mother  of  three 

children:  Willie,  Hugh,  Sara. 

2,  Carrie  P.  unmarried. 

3,  Elizabeth  H.,  who  married    Mitchell,    of    New 

York.    One  child,  named  Albert  S. 

4,  Wilson  McKnight. 

5,  Margaret  E.  who  married Harris.     One  child, 


6,  Hugh  L.  W.  Jr. 

4,  Alexander  Thompson,  who  died  leaving  a  wife  and  three 
children,  who  did  not  long  survive  him.  He  was  a  brave, 
heroic  member  of  Company  E.,  6th  S,  C  Cavalry,  serving 
through  the  entire  war. 

5,  James  F.  married  Ella  Mosely.  Three  children :  Marga- 
ret, Joseph  Thompson  (who  died  young),  Lee. 

6,  Mary  E.  died  young. 

7,  William  Buist  died. 

8,  John  Pickens  married  Emma  V.  Cunningham.  Eight 
children :  Janie,  Eva  H.,  Cora,  Roxanna,  Edgar  ,  Eliza,  Jessie, 
the  last  not  named. 

9,  Wealthy  Ann  married  J.  L.  Haynes,  Three  children: 
Annie,  Norman,  Guy. 

10,  Roxanna  married  Olin  B.  Talley.     One  child  Eliza  N. 

3,  Rebecca  Elvira  married  Silas  M.  Mooney.  Eight  child- 
ren:  I,  Alexander;  2,  John  William;  3,  Margaret  Ann;  4, 
Sarah  Jane;  5,  Mary  Eliza;  6,  Nancy  Elizabeth;  7,  James 
Arthur ;  8,  David  M. 

1,  Alexander  Mooney  laid  down  his  Hfe  for  the  "lost  cause." 

2,  John  W.  Mooney  married  Martha  Cousar  (house  of 
David).     Their  children  are:  i,  Oliver,  of  whom  there  is  no 

trace.    2,  Alice  who  married Brady.     Four  children; 

names  not  given. 

3,  Margaret  A.  Mooney  married  Henry  Arrington.    Their 



children:  i,  William  Thomas;   2,  Jane;  3,  David;  4,  Arthur. 

4,  Sarah  J.  Mooney  married  J.  W.  T.  Peden,  a  son  of  M.  W. 
Peden,  of  Chickasaw  County,  Miss.,  (houses  of  Alexander 
and  David). 

5,  Mary  E.  Mooney  married  C.  N.  McArthur.  Their  child- 
ren: I,  John;  2,  Minnie;  3,  James;  4,  Jessie;  5,  Benjamin;  6, 
Eugene;  7,  Henry;  8,  Lillian;  9,  Mary. 

1,  John  married Grube.  Four  children;  names  un- 

2,  Minnie  married  Stephen  Palmer.  Seven  children ;  names 

No  records  of  6,  Nancy  E. ;  7,  Jas.  Arthur ;  8,  David  M. 
4,  Thomas  Jefferson,  second  son  of  M.  White  Peden,  mar- 
ried Elizabeth  Gray,  of  Laurens  County,  S.  C.  Their  children : 

1,  Moses  White;  2,  Charlotte  Eliza;  3,  Mary  Ann;  4,  Mar- 
garet Jane ;  5  and  6  (twins)  Sarah  Emma  and  Nancy  Caroline ; 
7,  Martha  Rebecca ;  8,  Thomas  William. 

I,  Moses  White  married  Olive  Wilder,  of  Newton  County, 
Miss.    No  children. 

2;  Charlotte  Eliza  married  Walker  Nash,  of  Greenville 
County,  S.  C.    No  children. 

3,  Mary  Ann  married  Wm.  K.  Stennis  (house  of  Alexander 
and  are  partly  recorded  there).    Their  children:  i,  John  Knox 

2,  Anna  Ehzabeth  ;  3,  Margaret  Jane  ;  4,  Rose  Ella ;  5,  Thomas 
Dudley,  and  6,  Jas.  Henry  (twins);  7,  Cora  Emma;  8,  Carrie 

1,  John  Knox  Stennis  married  Margaret  McNiell  (house  of 
Samuel).    No  children. 

2,  Anna  Elizabeth  Stennis  married  T.  W.  Adams.  Their 
children,  three  daughters:  i,  Cornelia;  2,  Rosa  Stennis;  3, 
Mary  Anna. 

3,  Margaret  Jane  Stennis  married  A.  A.  Overstreet.  Their 
children:  i,  Carlyle ;  2,DeBerri;  3,  Mary. 

4,  Rosa  Ella  Stennis  married  John  D.  McNiell  (house  of 
Samuel).  Their  children:  i,  Lillian;  2,  Henry  Grady;  3, 


5,  Dr.  Thomas  Dudley  Stennis  marrried  Daisie  Hampton. 
No  children. 

6,  Dr.  James  Henry  Stennis  married  Regina  Davis.  No 
childern.  These  twin  brothers  are  prominent  physicians  in 
the  State  of  Mississippi. 

7,  Cora  Emma  Stennis  married  John  Little.  One  child, 
Hampton  Stennis. 

8,  Carrie  May  Stennis.     Unmarried. 

5,  Sara  Emma,  one  of  the  twin  daughters  of  Thos.  Jeffer- 
son Peden,  married  S.  J.  Peden  of  the  house  of  Samuel  and 
Alexander.  Their  children:  i,  James  Thomas;  2,  William 
Thaddeus ;  3,  Dougal  Jefferson ;  4,  Marion  Wilson ;  5,  Archi- 
bald ;  6,  John  Harrison ;  7,  Margaret  Elizabeth ;  8,  Alexander. 

1,  James  Thomas.     No  record. 

2,  William  Thaddeus  married  Ella  Heath.  One  child,  Lydia. 

6,  Nancy  Caroline,  twin  to  the  above,  married  James  Hugh 
Peden.  Same  house.  Their  children:  i,  Dr.  Thomas  White; 
2,  Mary ;  3,  Hugh  Coiett. 

7,  Martha  Rebecca.  No  record,  presumably  dead  or  un- 

8,  Thomas  William,  the  youngest  of  Thomas  Jefferson 
Peden's  children,  and  writer  of  these  records,  married  Nannie 
Arlette  Cook,  of  Noxubee  County,  Mississippi.  They  have 
no  children. 

5,  James  M.,  the  third  son  of  M.  White  Peden.  never  mar- 

6,  John  Munro,  the  fourth  son  of  M.  White  Peden,  married 
Esther  Baker  (house  of  David).  Their  children:  i,  Eleanor 
Narcissa;  2,  Whitner;  3,  Moses  White;  4,  James  Hugh. 

I,  Eleanor  Narcissa  married  Rufus  Peden  and  in  this  mar- 
riage were  united  the  houses  of  Thomas,  Alexander  and 
David,  Rufus  being  a  son  of  Andrew,  the  eldest  son  of  this 
house,  this  family  should  be  properly  recorded  under  Andrew, 
but  instead  are  placed  here.  Their  children,  two  sons  :  i,  John 
Munro ;  2,  Rufus,  Jr. 

I,  John  Munro  married  Mary  J.  Kimmel.    Their  children: 
I,  James  Rufus;  2,  Joseph  Whitner;  3,  Eleanor  Esther;  4, 


Ora  May;  5,  Mary  Anna;  6,  Hugh  B.;  7,  Corrie  M.  (Since 
the  reunion  he  lost  his  wife,  and  has  married  a  second  time. 
Wife's  name  unknown). 

2,  Rufus,  Jr.,  died  an  infant. 

2,  Whitner  died  for  the  Confederacy. 

3,  Moses  White  married  Eliza  Carr.  Their  children:  i, 
Anna;  2,  Walter;  3,  Guy  Hugh;  4,  EfHe  Belle;  5,  Julia. 

1,  Anna  married  Trino  Lambeth,  of  Tennessee,  two  child- 
ren :  Laverne,  Milton. 

2,  Walter  married  Estelle  Waldrop.    One  child,  Walter. 

4,  James  Hugh  married  his  first  cousin,  Nancy  Caroline, 
already  recorded  with  the  family  of  Thos.  Jefferson  Peden. 
One  of  the  twin  daughters. 

7,  Andrew  W.,  the  fifth  son  of  M.  White  Peden,  married 
Margaret  Knox,  of  Alabama.  Their  children:  i,  James 
Knox ;  2,  Margaret  Jane ;  3,  Catherine  Alabama ;  4,  Moses 
White  ;  5,  William  Asbel. 

1,  Jas.  Knox  married  Elizabeth  Lyle.  Their  children:  i, 
Catherine ;  2,  Emma,  who  married  a  Bradshaw.  Mother  of 
three  children ;  names  unknown. 

2,  Margaret  Jane  married  Leroy  Campbell.  One  child, 
Waldo  Emerson. 

3,  Catherine  Alabama  married  Joseph  Huickle,  of  Panola 
County,  Miss.    Two  children:  i,  Margaret;  2,  Jodie. 

4,  Moses  White  married  Emma  Spears.  Five  children; 
names  unknown. 

5,  William  Asbel  married  Annie  McNiell  (house  of  Sam- 
uel).   No  further  record. 

8,  Robert  M.  Peden,  sixth  son  of  Moses  White  Peden,  mar- 
ried Rebecca  T.  Fowler  (same  house).     Their  children: 

T,  Margaret  A.,  married  J.  P.  Rogers.    Four  children. 

2,  Nancy,  who  never  married. 

3,  James  O.  A.  married  Martha  A.  Rogers.    Six  children. 

4,  John  W.  married  Margaret  C.  Baker  (house  of  David), 
has  six  children. 

5,  David  J.  married  Margaret  P.  Bostick.    Five  children. 

6,  Ada  V.  married  FeHx  Helms.     One  child. 


7,  Alexander  B.  married  Sara  Richardson.    Ten  children, 

8,  Cornelia  E.  married  John  W.  Kyle.    Three  children. 

9,  Rebecca  M.  married  John  C.  Ray.    Eight  children. 
ID,  Robert  M.  unmarried. 

(The  names  of  the  children  were  not  sent  to  the  regret  of 
the  historian.    The  writer  is  John  W.  Peden,  the  fourth  child.) 

9,  Mary  Ann,  the  third  daughter  of  M.  White  Peden,  mar- 
ried James  Thompson,  eldest  line  (house  of  Mary),  where 
they  are  recorded. 

10,  David  M.,  seventh  son  of  M.  White  Peden,  married 
Mary  Grifhn.  Their  children:  i,  Richard;  2,  Margaret;  3, 
Nancy ;  4,  David  M.,  Jr. 

I,  Richard  married,  but  the  name  of  his  wife  is  unknown, 
and  all  trace  of  this  family  is  entirely  lost. 

11,  Hugh  Lawson  White,  eighth  son  M.  White  Peden,  lost 
in  the  civil  war. 

All  of  the  sons  of  M.  White  Peden  who  emigrated  to  Mis- 
sissippi, and  several  grandsons,  served  in  the  Confederate 
army,  making  brave  soldiers.  Those  giving  their  lives  for 
the  lost  cause  were:  from  South  Carolina,  White  and  Dray- 
ton Thompson,  sons  of  Eliza  E.,  eldest  daughter,  and  A. 
Thompson  Peden,  son  of  A.  Wilson  Peden,  eldest  son ;  from 
Mississippi,  Alexander  Mooney,  John  W.,  Moses  W.  (sons  of 
T.  Jefferson  Peden),  John  Knox,  a  grandson.  None  of  the 
other  grandsons  were  old  enough,  or  else  they  would  have 
been  in  their  places  in  that  cruel  war.  The  names  of  the 
sons  who  fought  through:  T.  Jefferson,  Jno.  Munro,  James 
M.,  Andrew  W.,  Robert  M.,  David  M.,  Hugh  L.  W.  A.  Wil- 
son was  too  old,  but  aided  efficiently.  Most  of  the  line  of  M. 
White  Peden  are  of  the  Presbyterian  creed,  while  there  are  a 
few  Baptists  and  Methodists  among  them.  They  dwell  as 
brethren  should  in  peace  and  love. 

(Signed)  Thomas  William  Peden. 

HI.,  John  Peden,  my  father,  married  Nicey  Fowler  in  1820, 
settled  one  mile  north  of  grandfather's  place  (in  Spartanburg 
County,  S.  C.,);  mother  died  Oct.  11,  1830;  father  Oct.  14, 



1832,  leaving  five  children,  three  boys  and  two  girls,  who 
were  kept  together  and  raised  by  Aunt  Margaret  Paden  (his 

My  oldest  sister,  Margaret  Paden,  married  Andrew  John- 
son; settled  near  Cashville,  S.  C,  then  moved  to  Chattooga 
County,  Ga.,  and  died  May  30,  1848,  leaving  four  children, 
who,  with  their  father,  moved  to  Arkansas. 

My  oldest  brother,  Moses  White  Paden,  moved  to  DeKabb 
County,  Ga. ;  taught  school  a  few  years,  then  moved  to 
Cherokee  County,  Ga.,  and  married  Rosannah  Delaney;  had 
two  children,  boy  and  girl.  In  1857  he  went  on  a  visit  to 
South  Carolina.  Died  in  Spartanburg  County,  August  16, 
1857.  Was  buried  in  the  family  grave  yard  on  the  old  home 
place.  His  wife  and  children  moved  to  Mississippi.  No 
further  trace. 

Thomas  Paden,  my  next  brother,  married  Elizabeth  John- 
son and  moved  to  Cherokee  County,  Ga.,  and  died  April  6, 
1846;  not  having  lived  but  a  few  months  in  Georgia,  leaving 
one  child,  who,  with  her  mother,  moved  to  Arkansas.  No 
further  trace. 


My  youngest  sister,  Rebecca  Paden,  married  James  R. 
Westmoreland.  They  lived  together  in  Spartanburg  County, 
S.  C.  over  fifty  years.  I  had  the  pleasure  of  attending  their 
golden  wedding. 

Rebecca  Esque  Peden  was  born  Sept.  22nd,  1827.  She 
married  James  R.  Westmoreland  on  November  23,  1842.  Re- 
becca was,  at  the  time  of  marriage,  sixteen  years  and  one 
'^^  month  old.  James  R.  Westmoreland  was,  at  the  time  of 
marriage,  twenty  years  and  four  months  old.  We  were  a  very 
young  couple  and  had  great  opposition.  Her  aunt,  who  raised 
her,  was  greatly  opposed  to  our  marriage  and  consequently 
it  was  for  a  long  time  that  she  would  not  allow  me  in  her 
house.  However,  the  dear  old  aunt  soon  became  reconciled 
and  in  her  old  age  we  cared  for  her  until  she  died.  In  our 
courtship  I  might  note  a  lot  of  amusing  experiences,  however 
I  shall  omit  them  on  account  of  their  failing  to  apply  to  his- 
tory.   We  were  poor  but  able  to  work,  and  we  went  to  work 


with  a  fixed  purpose.  That  purpose  was  to  make  a  living, 
and  I  am  thankful  that  we  were  so  blessed  as  to  be  able  to 
accomplish  our  purpose  and  not  only  that,  but  to  raise  a 
family  of  eight  children,  some  of  whom  grew  to  maturity 
and  married.  One  died  at  thirteen  years,  two  in  infancy, 
which  made  ten  in  all. 

My  oldest  son.  Dr.  Jno.  Andy  Westmoreland,  was  born 
Aug.  29th,  1843.  Married  Margaret  Ann  Barbara  Rush, 
Aug.  31,  1874.  Dr.  Jno.  died  very  suddenly,  on  Oct.  31,  1895, 
leaving  a  widow  and  five  children,  two  boys  and  three  girls. 

James  Ripley  Westmoreland,  born  Oct.  8,   1876. 

Frederick  Stroble  Westmoreland  born  Dec.  27,  1877. 

Nannie  Peden  Westmoreland,  born  Feb.  14,  1880. 

Goldie  Luellen  Westmoreland,  born  Nov.  12,  1882. 

Bettie  Barbara  Westmoreland,  born  Dec.  5,  1886. 

My  second  son,  James  White  Westmoreland,  was  born 
Aug.  8,  1845.  Married  Juhan  Leonard  Dec.  28,  1876.  He 
has  had  five  children,  but  of  this  number  only  three  are  living. 
His  children  are  as  follows:  Coke  Fenner,  born  Jan.  14,  1881. 
John  Peter,  died  in  infancy.  Duncan,  died  in  infancy.  Mar- 
garet Rebecca,  born  July  23,  1890.    James  Walter,  born  Oct. 

13-  1898- 

My  third  son,  Thomas  Peden  Westmoreland,  born  Sept. 

22,  1847,  ^nd  died  at  the  age  of  thirteen  years  . 

My  oldest  daughter,  Nicey  Temperance  Westmoreland, 
born  Aug  16,  1849.  Married  John  Warren  Martin  April  24, 
1879,  and  died,  after  a  very  short  illness,  July  11,  1890,  leav- 
ing a  husband  and  four  children,  three  girls  and  one  boy. 
Mattie  Maude  Martin,  born  April  30,  1880.  Freddie  Ellora 
Martin,  born  Oct.  3,  1882.  Lena  Temperance  Martin,  born 
Aug.  3,  1885.    John  Laurens  Martin,  born  Feb.  22,  1890. 

My  second  daughter,  Margaret  Westmoreland,  born  May 
31,  185 1.  Married  Frank  Buist  Woodrufif  Nov.  16,  1875.  He 
has  had  eight  children  and  of  this  number  four  are  living. 
William  Anderson  Woodrufif,  born  Aug.  18,  1876.  Mary 
Amelia,  born  May  8,  1878;  died  May  18,  1878.  Lillie  Lee, 
born  March  2,  1880;  died  May  2,  1890.     Nellie  Westmore- 


land,  born  Feb  12,  1882.  Vallie  Vance,  born  July  7,  1884. 
Fiirman  Frank,  born  June  4,  1887;  died  May  27,  1888.  Mag- 
gie Cyrina,  born  May  27,  1889;  died  June  15,  1895.  Paden 
Esque,  born  May  14,  1892. 

My  third  daughter,  Mary  Jane  Westmorelnad,  born  Feb. 
6,  1854.  Married  Henry  Hardin  Arnold  on  Dec.  20,  1877. 
They  have  had  ten  children,  all  of  whom  are  living,  except 
two.  They  are  as  follows :  Orlando  Peden  Arnold,  born  Dec. 
23,  1878.  Walter  Hardin,  born  May  5,  1880.  Maggie  May, 
born  Dec.  14,  1881.  Roy  Othello,  born  Dec.  31,  1885.  Bruce 
Kirkland,  born  Oct.  6,  1885.  Frances  Folsom.  born  Oct.  4, 
1887.  Bessie  Ruth,  born  Feb.  25.  1890;  died  in  infancy. 
Temperance  Annie  Belle,  born  Oct.  11,  1891.  James  Ralph, 
born  Jan.  18,  1894.  John  Andy,  born  Jan.  14,  1896;  died  in 

My  fourth  daughter,  Lola  Esque  Lee  Westmoreland,  was 
born  Dec.  23,  1863.  Married  John  Warren  Snoddy  May  17, 
1881  and  died,  after  a  long  illness,  March  25,  1892,  leaving  a 
husband  and  four  boys.  Oliver  Patrick  Snoddy,  born  Feb. 
18,  1884.  James  Richard,  born  Aug.  31,  1885.  John  Martin, 
born  June  13,  1887.    Warren  McCord,  born  March  17,  1889. 

My  fourth  son,  William  Wilks  Booth  Westmoreland,  was 
born  May  14,  1870,  and  married  Minnie  Elizabeth  Woodruff, 
Jan.  3,  1892.  They  have  had  five  children,  but  have  been 
very  unfortunate ;  only  one  of  this  number  is  now  living, 
Mary  Rebecca  Westmoreland,  born  March  12,  1896. 

At  the  beginning  I  did  not  state  how  Rebecca  Esque  Peden 
Westmoreland  died.  On  July  25,  1895,  she  went  to  Spartan- 
burg to  attend  to  some  business  (and  right  here  I  will  state 
that  she  was  a  very  energetic  and  also  a  very  fine  business 
lady,  doing  a  very  extensive  dry  goods  and  millinery  business 
at  Woodruft,  S.  C),  and  while  talking  to  Mr.  R.  T.  Beason, 
in  front  of  J.  W.  Allen's  store,  she  was  stricken  with  apoplexy 
and  died  very  suddenly. 

War  record  of  myself  and  two  sons,  John  Andy  and  James 
White  Westmoreland. 

I  (James  R.  Westmoreland)  went  into  service  Jan.  i,  1862, 


with  a  company  made  up  from  this  place  (Woodrufif,  S.  C), 
with  Wm.  T.  Roebuck  captain.  The  company  joined  the  Hol- 
comb  Legion.  I  served  in  this  company  for  eighteen  months ; 
my  health  failed  and  was  transferred  to  the  calvary,  company 
"E."  (Capt.  James  Knight),  Col.  Aiken's  Regiment,  Gen.  M. 
C.  Butler's  Brigade  and  Gen.  Wade  Hampton's  Corps.  I 
served  here  until  March  9,  1865,  when  I  was  captured  near 
Fayetteville,  N.  C.  I  was  sent  to  prison  at  Hart  Island,  N.  Y., 
for  three  and  a  half  months.  When  first  captured  my  coat, 
hat  and  shoes  were  taken  off  and  burned.  I  was  not  given 
anything  to  eat  for  five  days  and  made  to  walk  eighteen  or 
twenty  miles  each  day,  notwithstanding  my  blistered  feet. 
While  in  New  York  city  it  sleeted  and  I  was  out  in  this 
weather  from  12  o'clock  m.  unitl  12  o'clock  at  night.  Came 
so  near  freezing  that  I  could  not  walk  without  help  for  three 
weeks.  For  such  treatment  my  religion  has  not  been  good 
enough  to  prompt  me  to  forgive.  I  was  in  fourteen  fights 
while  in  service  and  was  so  fortunate  as  not  to  receive  but 
one  wound.     I  was  knocked  down  by  a  piece  of  shell. 

Myself  and  two  sons  fought  the  war  through  and  by  the 
prayers  of  a  wife  and  mother  the  good  God  shielded  us  from 
the  thousands  of  bullets  that  were  hurled  at  us.  Not  one  of 
us  was  seriously  hurt,  but  all  received  slight  wounds. 

John  A.  Westmoreland  went  out  in  the  spring  of  t86t.  J. 
White  Westmoreland  in  the  fall  of  1861.  They  belonged  to 
Companv  "E.,"  (Capt.  H.  P.  Griffith),  14th  Regiment,  Col. 
Joseph  Brown,  McGowan's  Brigade  and  "Stonewall"  Jack- 
son's Corps.  They  were  in  all  the  battles  that  the  regiment 
was  in :  among  some  of  the  most  important  Chancellors- 
ville,  Gettvsburg,  Second  Manassas,  Wildernc^-s  pnd  T-T-^r-^ 
Shoe,  at  Spotsvlvania.  Jno.  A.  Westmoreland  was  captured 
near  Reames  Station,  Va.,  and  sent  to  Point  Lookout,  where 
he  was  imprisoned  for  two  months.  Afterwards  he  was  ex- 
changed and  given  a  furloufrh.  While  on  his  way  back  to 
duty  Lee  surrendered.  J.  White  Westmoreland  was  never 
captured  and  surrendered  with  Lee  at  Appomattox  C.  H. 

Very  sincerely, 

J.  R.  Westmoreland. 



I,  (Mark  Simpson  Paden),  now  an  octegenarian,  have  been 
married  three  times.  My  first  wife,  Elvira,  was  a  daughter  of 
Mark  Fowler.  She  died  Sept.  10,  1856,  leaving  me  two 
children,  Margaret  and  James. 

My  second  wife  was  a  sister  of  my  first,  Emma  Fowler. 
She  died  July  17,  1878,  leaving  me  two  children,  Alice  and 
Willie  (W.  D.  Paden,  of  Atlanta,  Ga.). 

Margaret,  my  eldest  daughter,  married  Osborne  Nicholls 
and  died  March  30,  1878,  leaving  two  children,  Ella  and 
Willie.  ■  ■■      ■ 

James,  my  eledst  son,  married  first  a  Benson,  who  died 
some  years  ago  he  then  married  the  widow  Wilson.  No 
children.    They  live  in  Woodstock,  Ga. 

Alice,  my  second  daughter,  married  Dr.  Samuel  Parsons. 
She  is  the  mother  of  seven  children,  one  of  whom  died  in  in- 
fancy. Their  names  are  on  the  Peden  Register.  Lucy,  Sam, 
Jr.,  Lillie,  Bruce,  Grover  Cleveland  (two  are  missing).  They 
live  at  Woodrufifs,  S.  C. 

Willie  (W.  D.,),  my  second  son,  married  Maggie  Carter,  a 
niece  of  Ex-Governor  Northen,  of  Georgia.  They  live  in 
Atlanta,  Ga.,  and  have  three  children.  Dean,  Ruth,  Carter. 

My  granddaughter,  Ella  Nicholls,  married  Oscar  Benson. 
Has  five  children.     They  live  in  Cobb  County,  Ga. 

My  grandson,  Willie  Nicholls,  married  Bertha  Holland. 
They  have  no  children,  and  live  in  Atlanta,  Ga. 

My  third  wife  was  Eliza  Maroney.  There  are  no  children 
to  this  marriage. 

May  God  bless  you  all  is  the  prayer  of  this  one  of  the 
numerous  Peden  descendants. 

(Signed)  Mark   Simpson   Paden. 

This  prayer  falls  like  a  benediction  from  the  venerable 
writer,  who  was  a  familiar  and  revered  figure  at  the  Peden 
reunion  in  1899. 

IV.,  James  married  Lettie  McCrey,  or  McCrary,  in  North 
Carolina,  then  moved  to  Decatur,  Ga.  They  had  five  child- 
ren, three  sons  and  two  daughters,  all  of  whom  except  the 


eldest  daughter,  who  married  a  Chandler  and  went  to  Texas 
at  the  close  of  the  civil  war,  settled  around  their  father. 
Jane,  the  other  daughter,  married  a  Guess  and  lives  at  the  old 
homestead.  Nothing  more  could  be  learned  of  this  line 
though  every  effort  was  made  by  the  Peden  historian.  All 
letters  to  Pedens  in  and  around  Atlanta,  except  W.  D.  Pa- 
den,  already  recorded,  met  with  absolute  silence. 

v.,  Mary  or  Molhe. 

VI.,  Margaret,  or  Peggy. 

VII.,  Eleanor,  or  Ella. 

These  three  were  the  eldest  children  of  Thomas.  The  two 
first  lived  past  four-score  years  of  useful  spinsterhood,  be- 
loved and  cherished  by  their  family  circle.  The  last  died  in 
early  womanhood. 

VIII.,  Elizabeth  married  her  first  cousin,  John  or  "Jackie" 
Peden  (house  of  Samuel),  where  full  records  are  given.  This 
family  moved  to  Kemper  County,  Miss.,  in  1832,  along 
with  the  venerable  Samuel  Peden  and  a  large  number  of  Pe- 
den pioneers. 

IX.,  Sarah  married  Anthony  Pearson  and  lived  out  her 
long,  useful  life  near  Nazareth  church,  in  Spartanburg 
County,  S.  C.  Her  sons  were  seven,  her  daughters  three. 
Sons:  I,  James;  2,  Jackson;  3,  Jefferson;  4.  Wilson;  5, 
Thomas ;  6,  David ;  7,  William  F.  Of  the  last  named  only 
has  any  record  reached  the  writer.  He  was  a  Presbyterian 
minister  greatly  loved  by  all  who  knew  him.  A  powerful  man 
physically  and  menially.  It  is  a  source  of  keen  regret  that  no 
sketch  of  his  useful  life  and  pious  example  was  prepared  for 
this  volume.  A  noble  man,  nobly  planned.  He  rests  from  his 
labors  and  his  works  do  follow  him,  having  gone  to  his  re- 
ward a  few  years  ago.  The  wife,  Mrs.  E.  E.  Pearson,  and  the 
following  children  survive :  i,  J.  T. ;  2,  M.  M. ;  3,  A.  A. ;  4,  W. 
G. ;  5,  Paul  C. 

I,  J.  T.  unmarried. 



2,  M.  M.  married  S.  L.  Wilson,  a  Presbyterian  minister. 
Their  children  are :  Frank  Pearson,  Parks  T. 

The  daughters  of  Sarah  Peden  Pearson  were  • 
I,  Ella  who  married  John  Snoddy,  of  a  prominent  Spartan- 
burg family  from  early  colonial  days.    A  sketch  of  the  Snod- 
dy family  appears  in  Landrum's     History     of     Spartanburg 

2,  Elizabeth,  who  married  Sampson  Bobo,  of  Mississippi, 
who  attained  great  legal  prominence  in  that  State. 

3,  Mary,  who  married  John  Haddon^  who  gave  his  life  for 
the  lost  cause. 

X.,  Jane  married  her  first  cousin,  Robert  Peden  (house  of 
Alexander).  They  were  best  known  as  Robin  and  Jennie,  a 
model  couple.  Their  records  are  fully  given  in  the  house  to 
which  they  belong. 

XL,  Nancy,  the  youngest,  married  John  Fowler.  "Like  the 
leaves  of  the  forest,  when  autumn  has  blown,"  this  large 
family  are  scattered  abroad.  Few  traces  have  been  found. 
Most  of  their  names  are  lost  even  to  memory. 

Alexander,  the  eldest  son,  went  to  Florida.  Married  there. 
No  trace  of  his  family. 

Three  of  the  daughters  married  Pedens  thereby  drifting 
back  in  to  the  ancestral  name. 

The  Fowler  line  belongs  so  mutually  to  the  two  houses  of 
Thomas  and  Alexander  it  was  difficult  to  place  impartially 
either  way,  coming  as  it  does  on  the  "spindle  side"  of  both 

Moses  T.  Fowler,  second  son,  was  twice  married,  first  to 
his  cousin,  Elizabeth  Ann  Peden,  daughter  of  Robert  and 
Jane  (houses  Thomas  and  Alexander).  He  served  nine 
months  in  the  S.  C.  Militia  during  the  civil  war,  three 
months  as  first  lieutenant,  then  six  as  captain  of  his  company; 
was  transferred  to  Company  E.,  Hampton  Legion.  (This 
company  of  this  famous  legion  was  composed  of  at  least 
two-thirds  Peden  descendants.    Its  history  is  immortal  in  the 


South  and,  like  the  Light  Brigade  at  Balaklava,  the  memory 
of  its  brilHant  charges  and  daring  leader  grows  brighter,  not 
dimmer,  as  the  years  roll  on  bearing  the  legend  of  heroism. 
The  writer  has  tried  in  vain  to  obtain  the  roster  or  muster 
roll  of  this  company  for  insertion  but  it  seems  irrevocably 
lost.)  To  resume,  Moses  T.  Fowler  was  wounded  in  the  left 
shoulder  at  Riddle's  Shop,  Va.,  and  surrendered  with  Lee, 
passing  through  the  entire  time  bravely.  As  history  repeats 
itself,  he,  like  John  Peden,  the  father,  gave  his  sons,  four  in 
number,  to  the  Confederate  cause,  laying  two  on  the  altar  of 
his  country.  He  and  his  wife  raised  seven  children:  i,  Robert 
A. ;  2,  John  T. ;  3,  J.  Wilson ;  4,  M.  White ;  5,  D.  Simpson;  6, 
Mary  Jane ;  7,  E.  Nancy. 

1,  Robert  A.  volunteered  in  Company  E.,  Hampton  Le- 
gion. Served  as  corporal.  Was  killed  at  Seven  Pines,  Va., 
May  31,  1862. 

2,  John  T.,  being  in  Tennessee  at  that  time  volunteered  in 
the  Second  Louisiana  Regiment,  Jackson's  Corps.  Was  in 
several  hard  battles  in  Virginia,  receiving  a  slight  wound  in 
the  left  hand  at  the  Second  Battle  of  Manasses ;  never 
flinched;  had  it  tied  up  and  on  with  the  fight.  Also  a  severe 
wound  nearly  shattering  right  elbow  during  the  fatal  Chan- 
cellorville,  which  was  "Stonewall"  Jackson's  last.  May  3, 
1868,  and  the  star  of  the  Confederacy  began  to  sink.  After 
he  recovered  use  of  his  arm  was  transferred  to  Company  E., 
Hampton  Legion.  Losing  his  horses  was  sent  home  for 
one ;  while  on  the  way  back  the  war  ended  and  he  did  not 
have  the  pleasure  (?)  of  surrendering  with  Lee  He  went  to 
Mississippi  and  there  met  and  married  a  kinswoman.  Serena 
Baker,  daughter  of  Rebecca  (Martin)  Baker,  [her  husband 
being  Franklin  Baker,  son  of  Penelope  (Peden)  Baker, 
daughter  of  David  Peden,  seventh  son  of  John,  the  father], 
daughter  of  Janet  (Peden)  Martin,  daughter  of  Alexander, 
the  sixth  son  of  John,  the  father,  thus  we  see  the  union  of 
three  houses,  Thomas,  Alexander,  David.  Two  of  their 
children  died  young,  eight  are  living:  R.  Elizabeth,  T.  Frank- 
lin, Robert  W.,  Moses  M.,  Nancy  R.,    John  S.,     Harris  L., 


Albert  T.  Of  these  two  are  married.  R.  Elizabeth  married 
Samuel  A.  Snead.  Two  children :  John  R.,  Laura  E.  T. 
Franklin  Fowler  married  Delpha  Pass.    All  in  Texas. 

3,  J.  Wilson  Fowler  was  only  sixteen  years  old  at  the  out- 
break of  the  civil  war,  but  volunteered  in  Company  E., 
Hampton  Leg-ion.  Was  highly  praised  for  heroism  by  his 
commanding  offiecers.  Was  the  first  man  to  mount  the  ene- 
mies breastworks  at  the  First  Battle  of  Manasses,  and  placed 
in  line  of  promotion,  but  died  of  pneumonia  at  camp  Wigfall 
on  the  Potomac  River,  Dec.  28,  1861. 

4,  M.  White  FoAyler  was  serving  in  Company  A.,  ist  S.  C. 
Militia  at  the  close  of  the  war.  Married  Oasa  Garrett.  Only 
one  child,  a  daughter,  Elizabeth  Ann,  who  married  Augustus 
Pollard  and  is  mother  of  six  children :  Fred  H.,  Martha  A., 
Geneva  N.,  Ethel  E.,  Zelemma,  Sarah  B.  All  living  near 
Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

5,  D.  Simpson  Fowler  married  Eliza  Gray.  One  son  died 
young,  ten  children  living:  Harriet  E.,  Martha  J.,  J.  Thos., 
Effie  T.,  David  E.,  George  A.,  Stewart  A.,  Nancy  L.,  H. 
Grady.  Of  these  four  are  married :  Harriet  E.  married  Wm. 
P.  Garrett.  Three  children  died  young,  two  are  living:  W. 
Crayton,  Anna  R.  Martha  J.  married  Olin  B.  Talley.  One 
child  dead ;  one  living,  Mary  T.     Wm.  R.  Fowler  married 

^  Dora  Nash.     Two  children:  Ethel  M.,  Robert  S.       Ef^e  T. 
married  Carlton  Boyd. 

6,  Mary  J  Fowler  married  Florence  L.  Garrett,  of  Missis- 
sippi. Has  five  children:  Henry  H.,  Waddy  L.,  Rosa  E., 
Nancy  B.,  Florence  T. 

7,  Nancy  E.  Fowler  married  Anthony  Wayne  R.  Baker, 
brother  of  John  T.  Fowler's  wife,  a  son  of  Franklin  Baker 
(house  of  David)  ,and  his  wife,  Rebecca  (Martin)  Baker 
(house  of  Alexander)  [union  of  the  three  houses,  Thomas, 
Alexander,  David].  One  of  their  children  died  young.  There 
are  five  living:  Beulah  M.,  John  Thomas,  Samuel  R.,  Wm. 
P.,  Jesse  J.     Living  near  Springtown,  Texas. 

Moses  T.  Fowler's  second  marriage  was  to  Amanda 
Richards.    Ten  children:  AHce  A.,  Martha  C,    Wm.  P.,  W. 


Richard,  Callie  D.,  Eula  L.,  Jesse  L.,  Walter  A.,  Maggie  L., 
Lora  B. 

Alice  A.  married  Edward  B.  Martin.  Nine  children :  James 
L.,  C.  Ellen,  Jennie  W.,  E.  Luther,  Wm.  T.,  Elger  B.,  AUce, 
Mary  B.,  Nannie.  Living  near  Simpsonville,  owners  of  the 
old  Morrow  homestead. 

Martha  C.  married  Humphrey  K.  Ezell.  Seven  children: 
Hettie  L.,  Boyce,  Kinsey  J.,  Paul,  Nina.  Living  near 
Winnsboro,  S.  C. 

Wm.  P.  Fowler  married  Minnie  Parsons.  Three  eldest 
children  died  in  infancy.  Living:  Moses  T.,  Grover  C,  Wells 
W.    Living  near  Cashville,  S.  C. 

W  Richard  Fowler  married  Maggie  L.  Harris.  Four 
children :  Casper,  John,  Myrtle,  Bessie.  Home  near  Fountain 
Inn  S.  C. 

Callie  D.  Fowler  married  Sloan  D.  Gibson.  One  child  died 
young,  Wm.  M.    Three  living:  Grace  T.,  J.  Earl  Lila. 

Eula  L.  Fowler  married  Howard  Y.  Boyd.  Three  children : 
Fowler  R.,  Pearl  E.,  Ivey.    Living  near  Fairview,  S.  C. 

Jessie  L.  Fowler  married  John  B.  Boyd.  Three  children : 
Margaret  S.,  Mary,  Annis.     Living  near  Simpsonville,  S.  C. 

Descendants  of  Moses  T.  Fowler:  Living,  86;  died  16. 
Total,  102. 

(Signed)  M.  White  Fowler. 



William  is  generally  accepted  as  the  third  son  of  the 
house  of  Peden.  The  exact  date  of  his  birth  is  unknown,  but 
the  date  of  his  death  and  age  at  the  time  places  it  about  1749. 
He  followed  his  brothers  John  and  James  and  preceded 
David  and  their  sister  Elizabeth.  Like  all  of  the  first  family 
he  was  born  in  Ireland,  coming  with  his  father  to  America, 
according  to  the  best  authorities  in  1768- 1770.  He  was  a 
brave,  daring  Revolutionary  soldier.  A  tradition  still  held 
at  Fairview  says  he  was  a  "large,  portly  man,  fair  of  counte- 
nance like  his  mother."  For  some  reason  he  preferred  to 
follow  his  trade,  that  of  blacksmithing,  instead  of  extensive 
farming,  so  did  not  possess  as  many  acres  as  his  brothers.  A 
few  years  ago  the  remains  of  his  forge  were  visible. 

His  niece,  Eleanor  Dunbar,  stated  that  he  was  much  shat- 
tered by  exposure  and  hard  living  during  the  war,  1776-1783, 
and  contracted  a  bronchial  trouble  which  was  never  cured. 
She  remembered  him  quite  plainly  and  recalled  the  conver- 
sations of  the  four  brothers,  her  father  and  uncles,  in  which 
they  indulged  during  the  Saturday  nights  they  always  spent 
under  the  roofs  of  each  other  alternately.  She  also  described 
his  wife,  "Aunt  Mollie,"  as  a  thoroughly  domestic  body, 
always  busy,  a  famous  butter  maker  and  housewife. 

William  was  with  Dan  Morgan  during  the  entire  war,  but 
which  his  company,  or  who  his  captain  was,  is  lost.  Tradition 
says  he  was  with  Captain  Andrew  Barry,  of  the  "Tyger  Irish" 
in  the  famous  "Spartan  Regiment,"  in  which  company  his 
nephew,  John  Alexander,  was  first  Heutenant,  afterwards 
Major.  The  brothers  were  not  all  together  in  the  same  com- 
pany, some  were  with  Capt.  Benjamin  Roebuck.  It  is  safe  to 
assume,  however,  that  the  five  younger  brothers  were  to- 
gether as  they  were  inseparable  in  peace  and  war,  and  not 
apart  from  each  other  more  than  six  days  of  the  week,  until 


death  entered  their  circle  and  claimed  John  in  1810.  William 
was  among  the  first  elders  of  Fairview  church. 

The  threads  of  his  line  were  furnished  by  his  grandson, 
Wm.  D.  Paden,  and  grandaughter,  Mrs.  Mary  P.  Aughey, 
and  great-grandson,  Guilford  R.  Paden,  and  great-grand- 
daughter, Bettie  Williams. 

My  grandfather,  William  Peden,  was  one  of  the  seven  sons 
of  John  Peden,  the  emigrant  father.  He  married  Mary 
Archer,  of  Pennsylvania.  Died  near  Fairview,  S.  C,  where 
he  rests  under  the  shadow  of  the  Peden  monument.  On  his 
grave-stone  these  words  are  inscribed:  "Sacred  to  the  mem- 
or}^  of  William  Peden,  who  departed  this  life  Dec.  23,  1817. 
Aged  68  years." 

My  grandmother  moved  with  my  father  to  Fayette  County, 
Tenn.,  in  1833,  and  died  at  my  father's  house  about  1846. 
(This  emigration  is  corroborated  by  the  following  from  the 
oldest  church  book  now  in  existence  at  Fairveiw:  "1833. 
Robert  W.  Peden,  Dan  Peden,  David  S.  Peden  (a  brother-in- 
law),  and  Alexander  Peden,  with  their  families,  regularly  dis- 
missed.    (Signed)  Anthony  Savage,  C.  S.") 

Their  eldest  son  was, 

I.,  Robert  W.  Peden,  who  died  in  Tishomingo  County, 
Miss.,  about  i860.  He  married  Elizabeth  McCalla  and  left 
three  sons  and  two  daughters  namely :  William  Paden,  David 
McCalla  Paden,  and  James  M.  Paden ;  the  two  first  named 
died  in  Missouri.  James  M.  now  (1900)  lives  at  Burnt  Mills, 
Miss.  Mary,  their  eldest  daughter,  married  William  T.  Set- 
tle. Both  died  some  years  ago  leaving  one  child,  Bettie,  who 
married  John  Williams  and  now  lives  in  luka.  Miss.  Martha, 
their  other  daughter,  married  Elijah  McCalla.  Both  dead. 
No  children. 

H.,  The  second  son  of  William,  Dan,  married  Kate  Mc-. 
Calla.    Both  are  dead,  also  all  their  children,  save  Robert  W. 
Paden.    These  two  wives,  Bettie  and  Katie,  were  daughters 
of  Samuel  McCalla,  of  Chester  County,  S.  C. 


III.,  The  third  son,  Alexander,  was  my  father.  He  married 
Sarah  Gardner  McCalla,  a  daughter  of  David  McCalla,  of 
Chester,  S.  C.  They  left  three  sons  and  one  daughter:  i, 
William  D.  Paden ;  2,  David  Ramsey  Paden,  who  died  in 
luka,  Miss.,  leaving  a  wife  and  three  children ;  3,  Dr.  Thomas 
G.  Paden,  who  now  lives  at  Burnt  Mills,  Miss.;  4,  Mary  J., 
the  only  daughter,  married  Rev.  John  H.  Aughey. 

William  D.  Paden  (the  writer)  married  Sallie  Frierson,  and 
has  now  living  two  daughters  and  one  son.  The  daughters 
are,  Airs.  Lizzie  Cross  and  Mrs.  Kate  McLane ;  the  son,  Wil- 
liam F.  Paden,  all  of  whom  live  in  Cameron,  Tex. 

The  three  daughters  of  William  Peden,  my  grandfather : 

IV., Isabella,  or  'Tbbie,"  who  married  Thomas  Peden,  of 
Chester,  S.  C,  her  first  cousin  (house  of  James).  I  know  very 
little  of  their  family,  only  William  A.  and  his  sister,  Belle. 
(Recorded  in  house  of  James.) 

v.,  Margaret  or  "Peggy,"  married  her  first  cousin,  David 
S.  Peden,  (house  of  Samuel),  where  her  family  is  placed. 

VL,  Mary  marrieJ  George  Tankersley  and  died  in  Tisho- 
mingo County,  Miss.,  about  the  close  of  civil  war. 

(Signed)  William  Drayton  Paden. 

Mary  J.,  the  only  daughter  of  Alexander,  third  son  of  Wil- 
liam, the  third  son  of  John,  the  father,  was  married  in  luka, 
Miss.,  to  Rev.  John  H.  Aughey,  a  Presbyterian  minister,  Jan. 
22,  1857.  Her  daughter,  Kate  A.,  born  Sept.  3,  1858,  married 
Dr.  James  Walter  Ferguson,  of  West  Salem,  Wayne  County, 
Ohio,  Sept.  25,  1884.  She  died  Nov.  23,  1890,  leaving  one 
child,  Mary  Aughey  Ferguson,  born  Feb.  22,  1890. 

John  Knox  Aughey  was  born  in  Amsterdam,  Ohio,  August 
20,  1862;  graduated  from  the  medical  deperatment  of  Woos- 
ter  University,  Cleveland,  Ohio,  with  the  highest  honors  of 
his  class  in  1883.    He  died  May  19,  1886. 

The  third  child,  Gertrude  Evangeline,  was  born  in  Livonia, 


Washington  County,  Ind.,  Feb.  12,  1867.  She  married  Dr. 
John  H.  Stanton,  in  Chariton,  Iowa,  June  30,  1894.  Her 
daughter,  Sarah  McCalla  Stanton,  was  born  in  Chariton, 
Iowa,  April  4,  1897.  Second  child,  Jessie  Mary,  was  born  in 
Chariton,  Iowa,  March  3,  1900. 

Rev.  John  H.  Aughey,  husband  of  Mary  J.  Paden,  was 
licensed  by  Chickasaw  Presbytery,  Mississippi,  Oct.  4,  1856. 
Was  born  May  8,  1828,  so  is  now  seventy-five  years  of  age. 
Has  been  actively  engaged  in  the  Master's  service  for  nearly 
fifty  years  and  can  preach  regularly  every  Sunday.  Now  has 
charge  of  a  congregation  in  the  city  of  Leavenworth,  Kansas. 

(Signed)         Mary  Paden  Aughey. 

Robert  W.  Peden,  eldest  son  of  William,  married  Elizabeth 
or  "Bettie,"  McCalla.  Their  children  were  five:  i,  William; 
2,  James  M.;    3,  David  M. ;  4,  Mary;  5,  Martha. 

The  records  of  the  third  son,  David  M.,  sent  by  Guilford  R. 
Paden,  his  son,  are  as  follows : 

David  M.  Paden  was  born  March  10,  1820;  died  June  3, 
1868.  Moved  to  Missouri  in  1857,  and  left  eight  children, 
who  were  born  to  him  and  his  wife,  Susan  E.  Settle:  i,  Mary 
I.;  2,  Guilford  R. ;  3,  J.  Frank;  4,  Robert  M. ;  5,  James  P.; 
6,  Bettie  Mc. ;  7,  Sarah  Jane;  8,  Mattie  S. 

1,  Mary  E.  married  James  McKibben.  Their  children: 
Robert  G.,  William  F.,  James  M.,  Mary  J.,  Emmet  B. 

2,  Guilford  R.  married  Nora  Payson.  Their  children: 
Frank,  Nannie,  Bessie,  Willie. 

3,  J.  Frank  unmarried. 

4,  Robert  M.  married  Amanda  Farr.  Their  children: 
David,  Etta,  Nora,  Eunice,  Erma,  Naomi. 

5,  James  P.  married  Belle  Caldwell.  Their  children: 
Martha,  Lizzie,  Zella,  Walter. 

6,  Bettie  Mc.     No  record. 

7,  Sarah  J.    No  record. 

8,  Mattie  S.    No  record. 

David  M.  Paden  was  a  ruling  elder  in  Augusta  church,  also 
his  sons  James  P.  and  Guilford  R.,  and  his  son-in-law,  James 


McKibbon.  I  never  knew  any  of  the  race  to  go  to  law.  As 
far  back  as  I  can  remember  my  kin  they  were  leaders  in  the 
church.  There  are  at  least  twenty  families  of  Paden  in  and 
around  Shamrock,  Mo.,  and  all  possess  a  high  grade  of 
morality,  and  are  a  truly  religious  people. 

(Signed)  Guilford  R.  Paden. 

Mrs.  Bettie  Williams  furnishes  the  following: 
My  great-grandfather  was  William  Peden  and  his  wife  was 
Mary  Archer.    Their  children  were  (my  grandfather)  Robert 
W.,  Margaret,  Dan,  Isabella,  Alexander,  Mary. 

I. .Wife  of  Robert  was  Elizabeth  McCalla.  Their  children : 
Mary  (my  mother),  William,  David,  Josiah,  Martha,  James. 

II.,  Margaret  married  a  relative  whose  name  was  David 
Peden  (house  of  Samuel).  Their  children  were:  Porter,  Isa- 
belle,  Catherine,  Jennie,  Rosa. 

III.  Isabelle  married  Thomas  Peden  (house  of  James). 
Their  children :  William,  Emily,  Isabelle. 

^  IV.,  Dan  married  Katie  McCalla.     Their  children :  Wil- 

liam, Nixon,  Leroy,  Robert,  Mary,  Martha,  Jane. 

V.  Alexander's  wife  Sarah  McCalla.  Children:  William, 
Ramsey,  Eliza,  Mary,  Thomas. 

VI.  Mary  married  George  Tankersley.  Children:  Wm., 
Elizabeth,  Perry,  James  D.,  Margaret. 

I.,  Robert  and  Elizabeth  (McCalla)  Peden.  Their  descend- 

1,  Mary  married  Wm.  Settle.  One  child,  Bettie,  who  mar- 
ried John  Williams. 

2,  William  married  Jane  McCalla.  Six  children :  John, 
Laurens,  Baxter,  Jeannette,  Adolphus,  Belle. 


3,  David  married  Susan  Settle.    Children  given  elsewhere. 

4,  James  married  Amanda  McDougal.     Children:  David, 
Genevieve,  Baker. 

11.,  Margaret  and  David  Paden.     Descendants : 

1,  Porter  married  Jane  Reneau.  Children:  Ella,  Luke,  Kate. 

2,  Isabelle  married  Wylie.     One  child,  Nixon. 

3,  Rosa  married  McRae.    One  child,  Wallace. 

IIL,  Dan  and  Katie  (McCalla)  Paden.    Their  descendants: 
I,   Nixon    married   Mary   McDougal.      Children:     Leroy, 

IV.,  Alexander  and  Sarah  (McCalla)  Peden.      Their    de- 
scendants : 

1,  William  married  Sallie  Frierson.  Children:  Lizzie,  Alice, 
Katie,  WilHe. 

2,  Ramsey  married  Mrs.  Mitchell.     Children :  Mary,  Ly- 
man, Lizzie. 

3,  Mary  married  Rev.  John  H.  Aughey.     Children:  Kate, 
John  K.,  Gertrude. 

4,  Thomas  married  Sibbie  Thompson.      Children:  Ward, 
Sallie,  Charles,  John. 

v.,  Mary  and  George  Tankersley.     Their  descendants : 

1,  William  married  a  Mrs.  Wise.     Children;  One,  Emma. 

2,  Elizabeth  married  Ed.  McGeehee.     Children:  George, 
Callie,  Benjamin. 

3,  Perry  married  Miss  Harrison.     Children:  Dick,  Jack, 
Jim,  Mary. 

4,  Margaret  married  a  Campbell.     Two  children:  Willie, 

(Signed)  Bettie  Williams. 



Mother  of  no  house,  yet  loved  and  reverenced  by  all  of 
the  houses  of  Peden;  the  guiding  spirit  of  all.  Youngest  and 
fairest  of  the  Peden  sisters.  Born  on  Christmas  Eve,  1750, 
in  Ireland,  she  was,  therefore,  about  eighteen  years  old  at  the 
time  of  emigration,  and  had  been  the  wife  of  William  Gaston 
nearly  two  years.  He  was  many  years  her  senior,  the  son  of 
an  exiled  Huguenot,  of  the  noble  house  of  Orleans,  which 
dates  back  to  the  ninth  century.  With  this  long  and  noble 
lineage  behind  him,  he  was  content  to  follow  the  humble  oc- 
cupation of  a  silk  weaver. 

His  father  was  an  officer  in  the  army  of  William  of  Orange, 
and  fell  in  one  of  the  battles  of  that  leader  in  Ulster. 

William  Gaston  is  described  as  of  tall,  soldierly  bearing, 
with  the  manner  of  "a  courtier  masquerading  as  a  peasant." 
When  the  bugle  blast  of  freedom  sounded  William  Gaston 
donned  the  garb  of  the  continental  soldier,  found  his  place 
in  their  ranks  and  fought  bravely  for  the  independence  of 
these  United  States.  Among  all  the  shining  names  on  the 
roll  of  Upper  South  Carolina's  Revolutionary  heroes,  in  rank 
and  file,  none  are  fairer  than  that  of  Gaston. 

Such  was  the  soldier  husband  of  sweet  Elizabeth  Peden. 
He  survived  the  war  of  1776- 1783  long  enough  to  leave  her 
comfortably  placed  among  her  people,  and  far  above  want. 
She  was  a  woman  nobly  planned.  "Divinely  tall  and  most 
divinely  fair."  Witli  sweet,  winning  ways,  ready  tact  and 
boundless,  loving  S3^mpathy,  ever  ready  to  lend  a  helping 
hand  to  her  brothers  and  sisters,  and  their  overflowing 
households.  It  seems  strange  that  to  women,  in  whom  the 
instinct  maternal  is  so  strongly  developed,  that  the  crown  of 
maternity  is  denied ;  Elizabeth  Gaston  realized  this,  yet  it  did 
not  embitter  her  nature,  she  simply  adopted  the  numerous 
crew.  Her  soft,  warm  hands  welcomed  the  shivering  mor- 
sels as  they  came  into  the  world,  with  a  soft,  little  chuckle 


she  cuddled  them  into  their  first  robes  an4  for  baptism,  and 
sometimes,  not  often,  bathed  their  tiny  faces  with  hot  tears, 
as  she  laid  them  in  rude  caskets  for  burial.  These  same  hands 
arrayed  the  brides  in  their  homespun  linen  bridal  dresses,  her 
china  and  silver  decked  all  the  wedding  feasts. 

When  love  afifairs  did  not  run  smoothly  it  was  to  that  quiet 
place,  Aunt  Elizabeth's,  the  troubled  young  hearts  went  for 
comfort  and  advice,  which  was  never  lacking.  She  smoothed 
the  tangles  away.  It  is  recorded  that  she  never  broke  a  con- 
fidence however  trivial  it  seemed.  Many  a  simple  trousseau 
did  her  skillful  fingers  evolve;  many  a  household  treasure 
found  its  way  from  her  always  well  filled  "kists"  to  humbler 
homes  and  young  couples  just  "nesting."  Hers  was  the  au- 
thority on  dress,  manners,  and  etiquette,  for  her  numerous 
nephews  and  nieces;  the  court  of  appeal  for  brothers  and 
sisters.  For  some  unaccountable  reason  her  educational  ad- 
vantages had  been  far  better  than  the  others.  It  is  presumed 
that  she  was  teachable  and  her  husband  had  lifted  her  to  his 
own  intellecutal  plane. 

In  the  house  of  darkness,  sickness  and  death,  the  beauty 
of  her  character  glowed  with  peculiar  luster.  She  was  always 
first  to  respond  to  the  call  of  sickness  with  her  bag  of 
"simples"  culled  from  nature's  stores.  If  the  balances  were 
for  life  she  welcomed  the  patient  back  so  gladly,  preparing 
nourishing  food  and  drinks  no  others  knew  their  secret. 
If,  on  the  other  hand,  death  claimed  the  patient,  her  soft 
hands  closed  the  weary  eyes  and  folded  the  tired  hands  over 
the  snowy  hnen  shrouds  that  she  alone  knew  how  to  fold  so 
deftly.  It  is  said  that  she  shed  no  tears  over  the  sainted  dead ; 
her  faith  was  so  bright  and  strong  that  death  held  no  terrors 
for  her ;  she  ever  looked  beyond,  cheering  the  bereft  wonder- 
fully by  her  cheerful  views  of  the  great  transition. 

Her  memory  is  one  of  the  sweetest  of  Peden  traditions, 
and  as  far  back  as  the  race  goes  and  down  to  this  generation, 
there  were,  and  are,  stately  Elizabeths,  sweet  Betties,  dainty 
Bessies,  and  fair  Lizzies  to  keep  her  "memory  green." 




Elizabeth  (Peden)  Gaston  rests  in  the  rock-walled  church 
yard  at  Fairview,  beside  her  noble  husband,  with  only  a  sim- 
ple stone  to  mark  her  resting  place.  Her  old  home,  now  in 
ruins,  is  in  the  hands  of  the  stranger.  Her  rare  and  precious 
china  and  silver  have,  too,  gone  out  of  the  Peden  race,  which 
is  a  source  of  keen  regret  as  it  passed  by  her  will  to  her  favor- 
ite niece,  Mary  Peden  Stennis,  from  whom,  she  being  child- 
less, it  passed  to  her  favorite  niece,  Margaret  Savage,  who 
never  married,  and  who  in  turn  gave  it  to  her  favorite  niece. 
Ana  Savage,  who  died  in  young  womanhood,  leaving  it  to 
her  brother's  wife,  a  childless  widow. 


"His  life  was  gentle  and  the  elements 
So  mixed  in  him  that  nature  might  stand  up 
And  say  to  the  world,  'This  was  a  man.'  " 

— Shakespere. 

After  years  of  searching,  months  of  waiting,  at  the  ninth 
hour  as  it  were,  the  writer  of  this  book  found  trace  of  the 
lost  house  of  John,  fourth  son  of  John,  the  father.  He  was  a 
gentle  soul.  No  stone  marks  his  resting  place  at  Fairview, 
S.  C,  of  which  church  he  was  the  first  elder.  According  to 
tradition  his  death  broke  the  devoted  band  of  brothers  in 
1810.  His  birth  date  is  1752.  As  a  Revolutionary  soldier  his 
record  stands  high  for  courage  and  endurance.  Never  very 
strong  physically,  the  hardships  told  on  his  health,  and  he 
tramped  home  with  his  brothers  much  broken  in  health,  but 
not  in  spirit. 

He  was  one  of  the  three  pioneer  brothers  to  Fairvew.  Tra- 
dition says  he  was  a  skillful  stone  mason  and  the  wonderful 
old  chimneys  of  the  first  habitations  yet  standing  attest  that 
skill.  The  writer,  as  a  child,  has  stood  on  the  great  square 
stone  and  drank  from  the  rock-basin  of  the  spring  he  kept 
with  such  care.  She  is  not  sure,  but  thinks  that  on  its  face 
was  chiseled  the  initials  and  date,  "J-  P-,  1785."  This  is  a 
misty  memory  of  1861,  so  it  not  given  as  authentic.  Most 
of  these  wonderful  old  springs  are  fallen  into  disuse  long  ago, 
as  change  of  roadway  and  other  conveniences  caused  aban- 
donment of  most  of  the  old  homesteads.  There  is  also  a 
memory  of  a  stone-walled  garden  falling  into  decay  where  a 
dear  old  saint  dreamed  the  sweet  summer  days  away  among 
the  old  time  flowers,  the  red  and  white  roses,  the  pinks, 
thyme,  lavender  and  numerous  other  old  favorites,  beneath 
the  wide  spreading  branches  of  a  giant  black  walnut,  or 
gnarled  apple  tree.     Such  is  the  picture  of  this  old  stead. 

In  the  search  for  this  lost  house  the  writer  has  had  many 


amusing  conjectures.  There  has  been  great  diversity  of  opin- 
ion, and  some  will  be  given  to  show  the  necessity  of  record 
keeping  in  families. 

To  begin,  at  Fairview  there  are  no  very  early  church 
records.  Fire  destroyed  the  home  of  Anthony  Savage,  the 
first  clerk  of  the  session,  and  with  it  the  records.  Afterwards, 
in  181 5,  he  resumed  writing  a  few  from  memory  and  the  first 
trace  is  thus:  "1815,  April  4th.  John  Peden's  family,  with  part 
of  widow  Peden's  family,  moved  to  Kentucky.  Regularly 
dismissed.  In  October  of  the  same  year,  widow  Peden  and 
rest  of  her  family  moved  to  Kentucky."  This  led  the  writer  a 
wild  goose  chase  all  over  Kentucky ;  letters  and  advertise- 
ments all  in  vain.  The  few  responses  received  proved  the 
writers  as  belonging  to  other  houses.  To  whom  the  copied 
paragraphs  refer  the  writer  has  not  discovered  to  this  day,  and 
is  now  under  the  impression  that  the  mistake  is  in  the  date. 
The  family  of  John  Peden  did  not  leave  for  the  West  eariier 
than  1825,  as  the  land  transfers  to  Wilson  Baker  show. 

One  letter  states  very  positively,  "John  Peden  never  mar- 
ried, but  made  his  home  among  his  brothers  and  sisters, 
mostly  with  Polly  Alexander.".  The  Alexanders  did  not 
corroberate  this  statement.  Another,  "John  Peden  married, 
but  had  no  children."  Still  another,  "Uncle  John  was  father 
of  two  daughters,  both  of  whom  married  out  of  the  kin  and 
went  to  Pickens,  S.  C.  One  was  Mrs.  Hamilton,  the  other 
married  a  Warnock."  Neither  the  Hamliton  family  or  War- 
nocks  had  ever  heard  of  this,  so  no  proofs.  These  are  suffi- 
cient to  show  some  of  the  difficulties  the  writer  has  encoun- 
tred.  So  at  the  ninth  hour  comes  the  following  from  indis- 
putable authority,  one  of  his  descendants,  to  the  effect :  Jonh 
Peden  married  Elizabeth  Ann  Baker  rather  late  in  life,  being 
a  number  of  years  her  senior,  she  therefore  survived  him 
quite  a  number  of  years.  Tradition  states  that  she  was  a 
large,  fair  woman  of  boundless  spirit  and  energy,  industrious 
and  persevering,  a  striking  contrast  to  her  rather  quiet, 
easy  going  husband,  who  inherited  the  fervid  faith  of  his 
father,  dwelling  much  in  the  "border-land."     Their  children 


were:  I.,  Cynthia;  II.,  Melinda  or  "Linnie";  III.,  Amanda; 
IV.,  Rachel;  V.,  Jane;  VI..,  John;  VII.,  Samuel 

I.,  Cynthia  married  her  first  cousin,  William  Peden  (house 
of  David),  she  therefore  becomes  identifed  with  that  house. 

IL,  MeHnda,  or  "Linnie,"  married  her  first  cousin,  Samuel 
Peden  (house  of  David),  and  also  is  merged  into  that  house. 
These  two  brothers,  having  married  these  two  sisters,  reduce 
considerably  the  size  of  the  house  of  John. 

TIL,  .\manda  married  John  Corley.  Their  children  were : 
I,  Samuel ;  2,  John ;  3,  William ;  4,  Mary. 

1,  Samuel  married  two  sisters  named  Walker,  both  bore 
him  a  goodly  number  of  children.     All  trace  lost. 

2,  John  married  Payne,  of    Atlanta.     There    were 

only  two  children,  but  their  names  and     whereabouts     are 

3,  William  was, married  three  times,  but  only  had  two  child- 
ren.   All  trace  lost. 

4,  Mary  married  Ben  Parr.  Their  children :  Amanda,  Lula, 
Sallie,  William.  These  all  married  but  the  names  are  un- 
known, also  their  children. 

IV.,  Rachel  married  David  Wardlaw.  Their  children: 
Robert,  Amanda,  Julia,  Laura,  Emory,  John,  Paden,  William. 
No  further  records. 

v.,  Jane  married  Lewis.     No  trace.     They  went 

westward  after  the  civil  war. 

VI.,  John  married  twice;  the  first  time  Margaret  Foster. 
Their  children:  i,  Robert;  2,  Alice;  3,  Ada;  4,  Clifford;  5. 
John  Sanford ;  6,  James  ;  7,  Jemima  ;  8,  Edward.  The  second 
time  Elizabeth  Samples.     One  child,  Susan. 

1,  Robert  married  Cymantha .    Children:  i,  Maggie, 

who  married  Newton  Cane.    Their  children:  Robert,  Ernest, 
Newton.    2,  Claude  ;  3,  Ethel ;  4,  Alice  ;  5,  May. 

2,  Alice  married  Ralph  McDunov.  Children  three,  Oliver 
and  two  others  names  not  known. 


3,  Ada  married  Dr.  Augustus  Lyons.  Children  three: 
Paden  and  names  of  other  two  not  given. 

4,  Clifford  married Upshaw.    Two  children,  names 


5,  John  Sanford  married  Anna  D.  Hollingsworth.  Their 
children  are  in  Gadsden,  Ala. ;  names :  William  Clifford,  John 
Sanford,  Jr.,  Joseph  Perry,  who  died  aged  six  years,  Anna 
Josephine,  Alice  Maude. 

6,  James  died  during  the  civil  war  on  the  Confederate  side 
in  Virginia ;  unmarried. 

7,  Jemima  married  Gustave  Gunter.  Their  children:  i, 
Lara ;  2,  Barton ;  3,  Robert ;  4,  Lizzie. 

1,  Lara  Gunter  married  Thomas  Rodgers.  Two  children. 

2,  Barton  Gunter  married  Lou  Powers.  Number  and 
names  of  children  unknown. 

3,  Robert  Gunter  married  Lizzie  Webb.  Number  and 
names  of  children  unknown. 

4,  Lizzie  Gunter  married  Bascombe  Ball.    Two  children. 

8,  Edward.     No  record. 

9,  Susan  married  Nat  Sherman.  Their  children:  i,  Mamie  ; 
2,  Minnie  ;  3,  John ;  4,  Elijah ;  5,  Emma ;  6,  Rino. 

1,  Mamie  Sherman  married  Forrest  Crowley.  No  children. 

2,  Minnie  Sherman  married  Ralph  McDermot.  Four 

3,  John  Sherman  married.  Wife's  name  unknown.  Two 
children:  Frank,  Eva. 

4,  Elijah  Sherman  married  Adelaide  Bellhouse.  Their 
children:  Lulu,  who  married  Oliver  Pharr ;  Clifford,  who 
married  Earle  Saunders,  two  children;  John,  who  is  un- 

5,  Emma  Sherman  married  J.  Fowler.  Three  children, 
names  unknown. 

6,  Rino  Sherman ;  unmarried. 

VIL,  Samuel  married  a  Massey ;  names  and  number  of 
their  children  are  unknown. 



"For  doubtless  unto  him  was  given 
A  life  that  bears  immortal  fruit." 

Samuel,  the  fifth  son  of  the  house  of  Peden,  was  born  in 
Ireland  in  the  year  1754.  He  was  therefore  one  of  the  four 
younger  sons  who  came  with  their  parents  to  Spartanburg, 
S.  C,  and  remained  with  them  in  their  homes  on  the  Tyger 
until  the  bugle  blast  of  freedom  called  them  forth  to  do  or 
die  for  the  independence  of  the  land  of  their  adoption.  Sam- 
uel, like  his  brothers,  was  a  brave  soldier,  a  true  patriot.  At 
the  close  of  the  war  he  married  Katherine,  or  as  she  was 
best  known,  Katie  White.  Her  memory  lingers  yet  around 
Fairview  as  a  sweet  incense,  and  her  tomb  is  there  while 
that  of  her  husband  is  afar.  He,  like  a  true  pioneer,  took  up 
the  line  of  march  westward  along  with  his  children,  and,  like 
a  true  American,  sleeps  far  away  from  his  fathers. 

He  left  Fairview,  S.  C,  in  1832,  along  with  many  of  his 
kith  and  kin,  and  most  of  his  own  numerous  family.  Died 
December  26,  1835 ;  aged  eighty-one  years. 

Samuel  Peden  was  one  of  the  founders  of  Smyrna  Presby- 
terian church,  in  Kemper  County,  Miss.,  and  is  buried  in  its 
church  yard,  his  being  the  first  grave  dug  in  the  virgin  soil. 
There  is  a  rock  monument  with  a  marble  slab  to  his  memory. 

The  children  of  Samuel  Peden  and  Katie  White :  I.,  John 
or  "Jackie";  II.,  William  Thomas;  III.,  James;  IV.,  David 
S.;  v.,  Sallie;  VI.,  Dillie;  VII.,  Ellen;  VIII.,  Senie;  IX., 
Penelope;  X.,  Katie. 

I.,  John  or  "Jackie"  Married  his  first  cousin,  EUzabeth 
Peden  (house  of  Thomas),  grandparents  of  the  writer,  Mrs. 
Leanna  Peden  McNiell.  Their  children:  i,  Thomas  White; 
2,  Mintie;  3,  Katie;  4,  Givens ;  5,  Lawson  Perry;  6,  James; 
7,  Samuel  Robertson ;  8,  Bettie ;  9,  John ;  10,  Andrew. 

I,  Thomas  White.     No  record. 


2,  Mintie  married  a  Davis.    No  record. 

3,  Katie  married  a  Buchanan.    No  record. 

4,  Givens  married.    Wife's  name  not  given.  Tlieir  children : 
Laura  Ann  married  J.  D.  Peden.  No  further  record. 
Ruth  Elizabeth  married  a  Smith.    No  further  record. 
Leanna  married  McNiell.     No  further  record,  save  of  one 

dausfhter,  who  married  a  first  cousin  named  McNiell.  The 
mother  of  one  son,  name  not  given. 

Andrew  Simpson  died  in  i860. 

Mary  L.  married  a  McDougal.     No  further  record. 

John  Jasper  died  in  1863 ;  aged  nineteen, 

SalHe  Wilson  married  a  Phillips.    No  further  record. 

Aaron  ElHs  Samuel  died  in  1864;  aged  fourteen. 

Givens.     No  record, 

Margaret  Jane  also  married  a  Phillips.    No  further  record. 

5,  Lawson  Perry.    No  record. 

6,  James.    No  record. 

7,  Samuel  Robertson.    No  record. 

8,  Bettie  died  in  childhood. 

9,  John.     No  record. 

10,  Andrew  accidently  shot  himself  and  died ;  aged  fourteen. 
John  or  "Jackie"  Peden  came  to  Kemper  county,  Miss.,  in 

the  winter  of  1836,  from  North  Alabama.  He  lived  to  be 
eighty-four  years  old,  and  is  buried  in  Smyrna  church  yard 
where  his  father  Samuel  lies. 

II.,  William  Thomas  married  his  first  cousin,  Mary  Peden 
(house  of  William).    Their  children: 

1,  Rebecca  married  a  Dees.     No  record. 

2,  Katie  married  a  Kavanagh.     No  record. 

3,  Alexander  died  at  nineteen  years, 

4,  Margaret  Martin ;  unmarried, 

5,  Nancy ;  unmarried, 

6,  David  W.     No  record. 

7,  Mary  Jane ;  unmarried. 

All  of  these  have  been  dead  many  years. 


Children  of  William  Thomas  Peden  and  his  second  wife, 

Mary  : 

8,  Sallie  Wilson  Harrison  married  a  Myatt. 

9,  Archie  Mc.    No  record. 

10,  James  Samuel  married  and  moved  to  Texas. 

11,  Isabella  Barbara  married  a  Knox  and  moved  to  Texas. 
William  Thomas  lived  to  be  very  old,  over  ninety,  and  is 

burii^d  with  Samuel,  his  father,  and  the  greater  number  of 
his  own  children  in  Smyrna  church  yard,  Kemper  County, 

III.,  James,  whose  records  were  furnisehd  by  his  grand- 
son. Dr.  W.  F.  Moore,  will  follow  instead  of  precede  the  next 
brothers,  so  as  to  avoid  breaking  the  narrative  of  Mrs. 

IV.,  David  S.  married  his  first  cousin,  Margaret  (house  of 
William).  Their  children:  i.  Porter.  No  record;  2,  Isabella. 
No  record;  3,  Katherine.  No  record;  4,  Rosa  married  Ken- 
neth McRae ;  5,  Jennie  married  Daniel  McRae.  This  family 
settled  near  Highlands,  Tishomingo  County,  Miss.,  where 
their  descendants  are  yet  living. 

For  more  than  sixty-five  years  Smyrna  church  yard  has 
been  the  burying  place  of  the  Pedens  and  many  of  their  con- 

The  Peden  descendants  in  Mississippi  alone  would  fill  a 
large  volume,  therefore  are  too  numerous  to  count  or  try  to 
mention  in  fuller  detail.  It  has  been  a  notable  fact,  too,  that 
the  children  of  the  seven  brothers  intermarried  extensively. 

The  pioneer  Pedens  who  settled  in  Kemper  County,  Miss., 
were :  Samuel,  with  his  sons  John  or  "Jackie,  William, 
Thomas  and  their  families,  also  John,  James  and  Alexander, 
sons  of  David,  the  seventh  son  of  John ;  also  Moses  White, 
son  of  Thomas,  the  second  son  of  John.  All  the  wives  of 
these  Pedens,  except  those  of  James  and  Alexander,  were 
first  cousins  of  their  husbands. 

The  Pedens  who  went  to  Mississippi  settled  in  the  follow- 


ing  counties :  Adams,  Benton,  Calhoun,  Chickasaw,  Choctaw, 
Covington,  Hancock,  Holmes,  Jackson,  Jasper,  Lauderdale, 
Lowndes,  Montgomery,  Neshoba,  Noxubee,  Oktibbee,  Pon- 
totoc, Tallahatchie,  Tate,  Tishomingo,  Winston  and  proba- 
bly others,  are  descendants  of  this  remarkable  couple  of 
Scotch-Irish  emigrants,  John  Peden  and  his  wife  Margaret 

(Signed)  Leanna   McNiell. 

in.,  James  married  Frances  Brockman,  in  Spartanburg 
County,  S.  C.  After  the  birth  of  several  children  my  grand 
parents  (the  above),  removed  to  Alabama,  thence  to  Missis- 
sippi, where  he  and  grandmother  died  within  eleven  days  of 
each  other.  She  went  first,  he  followed,  as  the  doctor  said, 
without  organic  disease,  just  heart-broken.  They  left  the 
following  children:  i,  John  M. ;  2,  Samuel  H. ;  3,  Frank  B. ; 
4,  Clarinda;  5,  Elizabeth;  6,  Marinda ;  7,  Susan;  8,  Frances. 
All  of  whom  are  dead  except  Frank  B.,  who  lives  in  Western 

1,  John  M.  Paden  died  in  Chickasaw  County,  Miss.,  near 
Sparta,  leaving  several  children  there.  He  married  a  Miss 

2,  Samuel  H.  Paden  died  at  Barrtown,  Kansas,  where  his 
wife  lives  with  several  children  and  grandchildren. 

3,  Frank  B.  Paden  and  family  live  in  Western  Texas.  He 
has  one  daughter  living  in  Mississippi,  a  Mrs.  Caradine.  His 
children  were  seven.  Both  Samuel  H.  and  Frank  B.  were 
married  twice. 

4,  Clarinda  Paden  married  Benj.  Clark.  Mother  of  twelve 
children.  This  Spartan  dame  gave  the  Confederate  cause 
five  noble  sons;  they  laid  their  young  lives  on  the  altar  of 
the  lost  cause.  (The  Peden  historian  has  not  the  proud 
honor  of  inscribing  their  names  on  these  pages,  but  they  are 
enrolled  on  the  heart  of  the  South.)  The  other  seven  children 
are  left  in  Chickasaw  County,  Miss.,  save  one,  Sarah,  who 
married  Louis  Hooker  and  lives  in  Eastland  County,  Texas. 

5,  Elizabeth  Paden  married  John    Dawson;  both    died  in 


Choctaw  County,  Miss.,  leaving  several  children,  two  of 
whom  live  in  Vanzant  Countv,  Texas. 

6,  Marinda  Paden  married  J.  M.  Moore,  who  was  a  native 
of  Abbeville  County,  S.  C,  though  they  were  married  in  Ala- 
bama. She  was  mother  of  thirteen  children;  ten  are  now 
living,  three  died  young.  The  ten  are  in  Texas,  came  in  1867. 
J.  M.  Moore  died  in  1880.  Mother  preceded  him  many  years 
dying  in  1861.    The  children:  i,  J.  P.  Moore;  2,  J.  T.  Moore; 

3,  L.  Moore,  lives  at  Florence,  Williamson  County,  Texas ; 

4,  Susan  P.  Moore  married  Morris;  5,  S.  F.  Moore  married 
Tomlinson;  6,  H.  A.  Moore  married  Jackson,  also  Hve  in 
Florence,  Tex. ;  7,  Clarinda  Moore  married  McVey,  lives  at 
Tayter  or  Taylor,  Texas.  8,  S.  H.  Moore  and  9,  M.  M. 
Moore,  who  married  Harrison,  live  at  Seymour,  Baylor 
County,  Texas;  while  the  writer,  10,  W.  F.  Moore,  lives  in 
Mexia,  Limestone  County,  Texas,  The  Moores  all  have 
children,  save  the  writer. 

7,  Susan  Paden  married  Carroll  Thompson;  both  died  at 
Dodd  City,  Fannin  County,  Texas,  where  their  children, 
number  not  known,  now  live. 

8,  Frances  Paden  married  Dr.  J.  H.  McLendon.  Mother 
of  six  children,  all  of  whom  died  in  childhood,  and  their 
mother  did  not  survive  them  long,  so  this  entire  family  is 
lost  to  us. 

Winston  County,  Miss.,  was  largely  populated  by  Padens, 
and  their  relatives.  Rev.  Mitchell  Peden  was  their  first  pas- 
tor. The  Texas  Pedens-Padens  are  in  almost  every  county 
of  that  immense  State,  but  the  largest  number  are  grouped 
near  the  central  part,  in  Hill,  Kaufman  and  Limestone  Coun- 
ties. All  are  descended  from  the  same  source,  preserve  the 
same  characteristics,  plain,  substantial  citizens,  true  to  their 
country  and  to  themselves.  None  have  amassed  great 
wealth.  What  Irishman  ever  does?  I  never  knew  a  bad 
drinker  among  the  whole  relationship;  or  ofifice  seekers,  and 
very  few  ever  held  ofifice.  Grandfathei's  family  were  divided 
as  to  creed.  John,  Clarinda,  Marinda  and  Susan  were  Mis- 
sionary Baptists.     Samuel,  Frank  and  Frances  were  Camp- 


bellites,  Elizabeth  a  Cumberland  Presbyterian;  while  the 
originals  were  all  strict  Presbyterians,  The  grandchildren  of 
James,  son  of  Samuel,  son  of  John,  the  father,  numbered 
seventy-two,  though  many  died  young. 

(Signed)  W.  F.  Moore. 

v.,  SaUie  married  Barnes;     settled  in     Winston 

County,   Miss. 

VI.,  Dillie  married  Adams ;  settled    in    Neshoba 

County,  Miss. 

VII.,  Ellen  married Trimm.    No  records, 

VIII.,  Senie  married Trimm.  No  records. 

IX.,  Penelope  married Lynn.     No  records. 

X.,  Katie  married  her  first  cousin,  John  Morton  (house  of 
Jane) ;  he  died,  she  then  married  his  half-brother,  Samuel 
Morrow  (house  of  Jane).     No  further  record. 

This  closes  the  incomplete  house  of  Samuel,  whose  records 
were  furnished  by  two  of  his  garndchildren,  Mrs.  Leanna 
Peden  McNiell  and  Dr.  W.  F.  Moore. 


"There  are  countless  heroes  who  live  and  die, 

Of  whom  we  have  never  heard, 
For  the  great,  big,  brawling  world  goes  by 

With  hardly  a  look,  or  a  word, 
And  one  of  the  bravest,  truest  of  all. 

Of  whom  the  list  can  boast 
Is  the  man  who  falls  on  duty's  call. 

The  man  who  dies  at  his  post. 
There  are  plenty  to  laud  and  to  crown  with  bays. 

The  hero  who  falls  in  the  strife ; 
There  are  few  who  offer  a  word  of  praise, 

To  the  crownless  hero  of  daily  life, 

Alexander,  sixth  son  of  John,  the  father,  was  born  in  Ire- 
land, April,  1756,  and  was  married  to  Rebecca  Martin  April 
15,  1784.  He  was  one  of  the  four  younger  sons,  and  spent 
his  long,  quiet  life,  after  the  Revolutionary  war,  near  Fair- 
view,  S.  C,  under  the  wide,  spreading  boughs  of  his  immense 
black  walnut  tree,  which  he  planted,  reared  and  enjoyed  for 
its  "shade,  fruit  and  dyestuff."  The  roots  of  this  giant  fur- 
nished the  gavel  used  at  the  reunion  of  1899.  Of  the  im- 
mense clan  of  Peden  only  a  few  of  his  descendants  now  re- 
main on  "their  native  heath."  This  being  one  of  the  largest 
and  strongest  houses. 

To  Alexander  Peden  and  Rebecca,  his  wife,  were  born 
eleven  children.  They  were  as  follows :  I.,  Robert ;  II.,  Mar- 
garet; HI.,  John  Thomas;  IV.,  Nancy;  V.,  Rebecca;  VI., 
Mary;  VII.,  Scipio;  VIII.,  Janet;  IX.,  Elizabeth  Melissa 
(died  young);  X.,  Sarah;  XL,  Eliza  Alston  (died  young). 

I.,  Robert  married  his  first  cousin,  Jane,  a  daughter  of 
Thomas,  one  of  the  seven  original  brothers.  Their  children: 
I,  Thomas  Alexander,  born  Sept.  27,  1808;  2,  Martin  White, 
born  Nov.  28,  1810;  3,  Terethiel,  born  Oct.  13,  1812;  4,  Andy 


Milton,  born  July  2"^,  1814;  5,  John  Simpson,  born  Oct.  12, 
1816;  6,  Elizabeth  Ann,  born  Aug.  24,  1818;  7,  James  Scipio, 
born  March  12,  1821 ;  8,  Mary  McDill,  born  June  29,  1823. 

I,  Thomas  Alexander  Peden  married  Jane  Boyd.  Their 
children  were:  i,  Mary;  2,  Jane;  3,  Robert;  4,  James  Boyd; 
5,  Margaret ;  6,  Sarah ;  7,  David ;  8,  Catherine ;  9,  John. 

1,  Mary  married  Hugh  Woods.  Her  children  were:  Jane, 
John,  James,  Martin,  Lucian.  No  record  of  their  grand- 

2,  Jane  married  David  Barton.  Only  one  child,  Sarah,  who 
married  a  Babb. 

3,  Robert  never  married. 

4,  James  Boyd  never  married. 

5,  Margaret  married  Washington  Thomason.  One  child, 
Alice,  who  maried  a  Babb.  Her  second  husband  is  Neal 
Putnam.  Their  children  are  five:  James  R.,  John  W.,  Sallie 
K.,  Thomas  Alexander,  Mary. 

6,  Sarah  married  Barnett  Babb.  No  record  of  children's 

7,  David  married  twice ;  first  Elizabeth  Boyd.  One  child, 
J.  Robert,  who  married  Norris.  They  have  no  children. 
Name  of  the  second  wife  and  her  children  unknown. 

8,  Catherine  was  the  first  wife  of  Barnett  Babb  who,  after 
her  death,  married  her  sister,  Sarah. 

9,  John  married  Elizabeth  Barton.  Their  children  are : 
Nancy,  Mary,  Myra  or  Mysie,  Janet,  William,  Rosa,  Ellen, 
Earl  Grace. 

2,  Martin  White  Peden  married  Eleanor  Baker,  who  was 
of  the  house  of  David.  In  this  marriage  there  is  a  union  of 
three  houses,  Thomas,  Alexander  and  David.  Their  children 
were:  i,  Franklin;  2,  Jane;  3,  J.  Waddie  T. ;  4,  Robert;  5, 
John ;  6,  Elizabeth ;  7,  Andrew ;  8,  Mollie ;  9,  David ;  10,  Wil- 
liam ;  II,  Thomas. 

1,  Franklin  laid  his  life  a  brave  sacrifice  on  the  altar  of  the 
Confederacy.     He  was  not  married. 

2,  Jane  was  twice  married ;  first  to  Silas  Lipsy,  second  to 


Shelton  Halsell.    She  was  the  mother  of  five  children  names 
not  given. 

3,  J.  Waddie  T.  twice  married ;  first  to  Jane  Mooney  of  the 
house  of  Thomas.  Her  children  were:  i,  Henry;  2,  Dora; 
3,  David,  i,  Henry  married  Margaret  Cook.  Their  children : 
Mabel,  Lorena,  Sunie.    Second  to  Susan  Griffin.  No  children. 

4,  Robert ;  unmarried. 

5,  John  was  twice  married;  first  to  Ellen  Marion;  second 
to  Rosa  Marion ,  No  children. 

6,  Elizabeth  married  S.  L.  Wilson.  Their  children  are  ten 
in  number;  names  not  given. 

7,  Andrew  married  Katie  Mcjunkin.  Seven  children; 
names  not  given. 

8,  Mollie  married  Robert  Marion.     No  children. 

9,  David  married  Jennie  Mosely.  Two  children ;  names 
not  given. 

10,  William;  unmarried. 

11,  Thomas  twice  married;  first  Sophronia  Calloway;, 
second  Mary  Boyd. 

The  men  of  this  family  were  splendid  soldiers  in  the  civil 
war  wearing  the  gray,  while  the  women  were  devoted  to  the 
lost  cause. 

3,  Terethiel ;  died  young. 

4,  Andrew  Milton  Peden  married  Elizabeth  Fowler,  of  the 
house  of  Thomas.  They  were  the  parents  of  twelve  children : 
I,  Alexander;  2,  Nancy;  3,  Robert;  4,  James  M. ;  5,  Jane;  6, 
Mary  Ann;  7,  Matilda;  8,  G.  Beauregard;  9,  Susan;  10,  11, 
12  died  in  infancy. 

1,  Alexander  was  a  brave  member  of  Hampton  Legion, 
Company  E.,  and  was  killed  in  battle  early  in  the  civil  war. 

2,  Nancy  died. 

3,  Robert  marrie  i  Ann  Terry.     Their  children  were  six: 

1,  Charles  T. ;  2,  Andrew  (died);  3,  Belle;  4,  John;  5,  Lou; 
the  sixth  died  an  infant,    i,  Charles  T.  married  AHce  Delong. 

2,  Belle  married  Charles  Garraux.  Mother  of  four  children: 
Cora,  Annie,  Belle,  baby's  name  unknown.  4,  John,  un- 
married ;  5,  Lou  married Bigbee  and  lives  in  Texas. 



4,  James  M.  married  Caroline  Babb.  Their  children  are 
four:  I,  Minnie;  2,  Emma;  3,  Marion;  4,  Calvin,  i,  Minnie 
married  Wm.  Thomason.  Two  children,  names  not  given. 
2,  Emma  married  Sam  Turner.  Two  children,  names  un- 

5,  Jane  went  to  Texas  and  married  there.  Names  of  her 
husband  and  children  unknown. 

6,  Mary  Ann  married  Andrew  Chapman.  Names  and  num- 
ber of  children  unknown ;  homes  in  Georgia. 

7,  Matilda  M.  married  W.  H.  L.  Thompson.  Their  children : 
R.  v.,  A.  B.,  M.  S.,  B.  B.,  L.  M.,  S.  L.,  N.  E. 

8,  Beauregard  went  to  Alabama ;  married  there ;  name  of 
wife  and  number  of  children  unknown. 

9,  Susan    married    Dempsey.     Mother    of    three 

children,  then  died;  names  and  whereabouts  of  children  un- 

5,  John  Simpson  Peden  married  his  first  cousin,  Margaret 
M.  Peden,  daughter  of  John  Thomas,  brother  of  Robert, 
both  sons  of  Alexander.  Their  children  were:i,  Thomas;  2, 
Robert ;  3,  Mary ;  4,  David  M. 

John  Simpson  Peden  met  his  death  at  the  hands  of  his 
neighbor,  Enoch  Massey,  over  a  land  boundary  dispute, 

1,  Thomas  married  Harriet  Harrison  and  was  killed  in 
battle  during  the  civil  war,  being  a  member  of  the  famous 
Hampton  Legion;  leaving  only  one  child,  Corrie,  the  wife  of 
Wm  P.  Anderson.  She  is  the  mother  of  two  noble  young 
sons.  Frank  P.,  Wm.  P.,  Jr. 

2,  Robert  married  Elizabeth  Harrison.  These  two  wives 
were  sisters.  Their  children  are  William,  Thomas,  Elizabeth. 
The  two  youngest  are  married. 

3,  Mary  has  never  married. 

4,  David  M.  married  M.  J.  Stoddard,  Their  children  are: 
Leila,  W.  L.,  Essie,  Maggie,  Stacie.  Robert,  Mary. 

Some  years  after  the  tragic  end  of  her  husband,  the  wife  of 
John  Simpson  Peden  married  Miles  Garret.  Two  children: 
Cair.e,  Davis,  these  are  also  recorded  in  the  mother's  line, 
that  of  John  Thomas  Peden. 


6,  Elizabeth  Ann  married  Moses  T.  Fowler  and  their  child- 
ren, grandchildren  and  great-grandchildren  are  recorded  in 
the  house  of  Thomas,  to  which  Moses  T.  Fowler  belonged  in 
right  of  his  mother,  Nancy  Peden,  also  by  courtesy  of  senior- 
ity, this  being  one  of  the  families  of  the  "distaff  of  spindle 
side,"  meaning  descent  through  the  female  line. 

7,  James  Scipio  and  Elizabeth  Stenhouse  were  married 
Nov.  30,  1854.  Children:  i,  Adam  Stenhouse,  born  June  20, 
1856;  2,  John  Stewart,  born  June  20,  1859;  3,  Rixie,  born 
Nov.  18,  1861 ;  4,  Janet,  born  April  11,  1864. 

1,  Adam  S.  Peden  married  Nannie  Stewart,  daughter  of 
Rev.  C.  B.  Stewart,  Nov,  13,  1883.  Children:  Bessie  Belle, 
born  Feb.  14,  1885;  Annie  Stewart,  born  Sept.  10,  1886; 
James  Clark,  born  Oct.  20,  1889. 

2,  John  Stewart  and  Mamie  (Mears)  Wright  were  married 
Oct.  5,  1892.  Children :  Samuel,  born  Aug.  14,  1893 ;  Robert 
Lee,  born  Aug.  28,  1894;  Henr}^  Burwell,  born  July  12,  1897; 
Lila  and  Lizzie,  born  March  26,  1899. 

3,  Rixie  and  W.  Stewart  Peden  were  married  Dec.  21,  1882. 
Their  children  are  recorded  in  the  line  of  John  Thomas 
Peden,  from  whom  W.  Stewart  Peden  descends  (same  house). 

4,  Janet  E.  married  Wm.  M.  Stenhouse  Jan.  27,  1897.  They 
have  one  child,  Margaret  Elizabeth,  born  June  27,  1899;  ^^^^ 
youngest  guest  at  the  Peden  reunion  during  August,  1899. 

James  Scipio  Peden  gave  his  life  for  the  Confederate  cause, 
dying  nobly  on  the  field  of  battle,  1864. 

8,  Mary  McDill  Peden  married  David  Boyd.  Children:  i, 
Jane  Ann ;  2,  EHzabeth  Curtis ;  3,  James  Scipio ;  4,  Salhe 
Simpson ;  5,  Mary  McDiU ;  6,  Robert  Peden ;  7,  Louisa  Tare- 
thiel;  8,  Catherine  Ehender;  9,  Nannie  Alethia. 

I,  Jane  Ann  Boyd  married  George  F.  Terry.  Lives  at 
Lickville,  S.  C.  Children:  i,  MoUie  Ehzabeth ;  2,  Nannie 
Alethia;  3,  Sallie  Jane;  4,  Cannie  Louisa;  5,  Leila  Boyd;  6, 
Mettie  Eugenia;  7,  Josie  Stella,  i,  Molhe  E.  Terry  married 
Thomas  R.  Goldsmith.  Lives  at  Cedrus,  S.  C.  Children: 
Jane  Hellen,  Sarah  Woodside,  Thomas  George,  James 
Edwin.    2,  Nannie  A,  Terry  married  John  A.  Norris.    Lives 


at  Woodville,  S.  C.  Children:  Cleo,  Jessie,  Walter,  Frank, 
Annie  C.  3,  Cannie  L.  Terry  married  Robert  L.  Simpson. 
Lives  at  Piedmont,  S.  C. 

2,  Elizabeth  Curtis  married  John  H.  Boyd.  Lives  at  Grand- 
\aew,  Tex.  Children:  i,  Lula ;  2,  Kate;  3,  Johnie ;  4,  Allen; 
5,  Jo  Stella;  6,  Curtis;  7,  Moss,  i,  Lula  Boyd  married  Prof. 
Garrison.  Lives  in  Grandview,  Tex.  Children:  Zollie.  2, 
Kate  Boyd  married  a  Lovelady.  Lives  in  Cleburne,  Tex.  4, 
Allen  Boyd  married;  names  unknown;  one  child.  Live  in 
Cleburne,  Tex. 

3,  James  Scipio  Boyd  married  Julia  Campbell.  Lives  in 
Jonah,  Tex.  Children:  i,  Walter  Edgbert ;  2,  Annie;  3,  Jen- 
nie Lou.  I,  Walter  E.  Boyd  married  LilHe  Bowers.  Lives  in 
Jonah,  Tex.  3,  Jennie  Lou  Boyd  married  Burt  C.  King. 
Lives  in  Jonah,  Tex. 

4,  Sallie  Simpson  Boyd  married  John  Stewart.  Lived  in 
Texas;  now  dead.  Children:  Ada,  May,  Dee.  All  three  are 
married  and  have  homes  in  Texas. 

5,  Mary  McDill  Boyd  married  Wm.  Terry.  One  child:  i, 
Lou  Ella.  At  the  death  of  Wm.  Terry  she  married  James 
Pullin.  Lives  in  Bee  County,  Tex.  Have  eight  children, 
names  unknown,  i,  Lou  Ella  Terry,  daughter  of  above  mar- 
ried Wm.  Keese.  Lives  in  Lyon,  Tex.  Children:  Bertha, 
Arthur,  David,  Lommie  Lee  and  Leila  Lou  (twins). 

6,  Robert  Peden  Boyd  married  Addie  Campbell.  Lives  in 
Towenville,  Tex.     Children:  Eddie,  Dee,  Edgar,  AHce. 

7,  Louisa  Tarathiel  Boyd  maried  Wm.  Wylie.  Lives  in 
Auburn,  Tex.  Children:  i.  Lola;  2,  Mamie;  3,  Johnny;  4, 
Charles,  i,  Lola  Wylie  married  Thomas  Nation;  at  his 
death  married  Crowley.  Has  one  child ;  name  un- 
known. 2,  Mamie  Wylie  married  Prof.  Holland.  Lives  at 
Ozra,  Tex.  Children :  Lucile,  T.  Y.  3,  Johnnie  Wylie  mar- 
ried E.  B.  McClelland.     Lives  at  Grandview,  Tex. 

9,  Nannie  A.  Boyd  married  Charles  Ingle. 

n.,  Margaret  married  her  first  cousin,  Moses  White  Peden, 
her  records  are  found  in  the  house  of  Thomas.    She  was  the 


mother  of  eleven  children,  of  whom  traces  have  been  found, 
save  of  Mary  Ann,  who  married  James  Thompson  (house  of 

IV.,  Nancy  married  her  first  cousin,  John  Peden,  eldest  son 
of  David,  therefore  her  records  are  found  in  the  house  of 
David.     She  was  the  mother  of  eight  children. 

In  these  sisters  the  pioneer  spirit  was  dominant.  They 
went  with  their  families  first  to  Georgia,  later  to  Mississippi, 
helping  to  establish  the  County  of  Gwinnett,  and  Fairview 
Presbyterian  church,  in  the  same  county,  along  with  the 
Alexanders  and  a  large  number  of  other  Pedens.  Later  they 
moved  to  Mississippi,  establishing  the  County  of  Kemper, 
and  founding  the  Presbyterian  church  of  Smyrna,  where  the 
burdens  of  this  life  were  lifted  and  they  laid  down  to  sleep, 
far  from  the  tombs  of  their  own  parents.  Tradition  says  they 
were  very  beautiful  women,  of  the  rich  brunette  order,  and 
devotedly  attached  to  each  other.  "In  life  inseparable,  in 
death  they  were  not  long  separated,  having  attained  to  a 
great  age." 

III.,  John  Thomas  Peden  married  his  first  cousin,  EHzabeth 
Martin.  Their  children  were  ten:  i,  Margaret  M.:  2,  Re- 
becca ;  3,  Mary  T. ;  4,  Jane  E. ;  5,  David  Martin ;  6,  Nancy  T. ; 
7,  Alexander  J. ;  8,  Robert  N. ;  9,  Sarah  F.,  10,  Martha  C. 

1,  Margaret  M.  married  her  first  cousin,  John  Simpson 
Peden,  same  house ;  recorded  in  line  of  Robert  (house  of 

2,  Rebecca  married  twice ;  first,  a  cousin,  R.  Montgomery 
Morton  (house  of  Jane).  Their  children  were :  James,  Eliza- 
beth. No  trace  save  they  went  West.  Her  second  husband 
was  James  Thompson,  another  cousin,  of  the  house  of  Mary. 
Their  children  are :  Alexander,  John  Thomas,  Joseph,  Mary, 
David,  Jefiferson.    These  all  moved  to  Alabama. 

3,  Mary  T.  married  Thomas  Austin.  Their  children :  Jane, 
John  Thomas,  James,  Ellen.    No  records,  save  of  Ellen,  who 



married  H.  F.  Whiten.  Their  children :  Alvin  C,  Cora,  Nan- 
nie. Her  second  husband  was  Beverly  Garrett.  Their  child- 
ren :  Linnie,  Callie,  Eliza,  Beverly,  Jr.    No  further  record. 

4,  Jane  E.  married  James  McDowell.  Their  children:  i, 
Mary;  2,  T.  Whitner;  3,  Callie;  4,  Phrona;  5,  Reed;  6,  Ella; 
7,  Wister.  I,  Mary  married  J.  M.  Richardson.  Their  children : 
T.  W.,  Furman,  Pearl,  Carrie.  2,  T.  Whitner  married  Jane 
Harrison.  Their  children:  John  L.,  James  S.,  Corrie  E., 
Laura  E.,  Thomas  S.  His  second  wife  was  Elizabeth  E.  Gar- 
rett. No  children.  John  L.  married  Gertrude  Babb.  One 
child,  Frank  H.  3,  Callie  married  M.  P.  Nash.  Their  child- 
ren :  L.  B.,  N.  J.,  S.  R.,  Essie,  E.  M.  4,  Phrona  also  married  a 
Richardson.  Their  children:  James,  Walter,  Mag-gie,  Manie. 
5,  Reed  married  an  Armstrong.    No  further  record.    6,  Ella 

married  Armstrong.     Their  children:  Jane,  Ernest, 

Charles,  John.  7,  Wister  married  Eugenia  Wasson.  Their 
children:  Eva,  Jennie,  Peden,  Minnie,  Hettie. 

5,  David  Martin  Peden  of  sainted  memory,  a  man  of  ster- 
ling worth,  with  few  peers  in  his  generation.  Of  him  it  might 
be  truly  said,  as  of  Enoch  of  old,  "he  walked  with  God."  The 
briefest  acquaintance  with  him  betrayed  the  fact  that  he  lived 
in  close  communion  with  his  Saviour. 

He  was  prosperous  in  the  goods  of  this  world  above  the 
average  of  his  race,  and  while  his  fervid  piety  was  of  the 
same  type  of  his  forefathers,  the  outside  world  knew  little  of 
him  or  his  worth.  This  noble  man,  who  would  have  died  for 
a  principle,  was  a  quiet  forceful  character.  A  brave  Confede- 
rate soldier  even  to  the  end  of  the  struggle  in  1865. 

He  married  Caroline  Harrison  who,  with  four  children,  sur- 
vive him.  The  children :  i,  John  Thomas  ;  2,  Laura  E. ;  3,  W. 
Stewart ;  4,  Sue.  John  Thomas — "Big  Tom" — is  large  of 
physique  but  larger  of  heart,  a  worthy  son  of  his  good  father. 
He  married  Mary  Dorroh.  Their  children :  David  Dorroh, 
Charles  Lindsay,  Carrie  Sue,  Samuel  L.,  Thomas  Eugene, 
Lucy  Allen.  2,  Laura  E.  married  James  L  West.  Their 
children:  Charles  D.,  Casper  S.,  Ethel,  Eleanor  Morris,  Annie 


May,  Peden.  3,  W.  Stewart  married  his  cousin,  Rixie  Peden 
(same  house).  Their  children:  Fred  S.,  Nettie,  Laura  Belle, 
David  M.  4,  Sue  P.  married  Jones  R.  West.  Their  children : 
Geneva,  Eleanor,  Mabel,  Robbie  Jones,  Wm.  David  Peden. 

6,  Nancy  L.  married  John  S.  Hammond.  Their  children: 
I,  Tocoa ;  2,  T.  Herbert ;  3,  Adelia ;  4,  Mary  T. ;  5,  Samuel  G. 
I,  Tocoa  married  J.  J.  Vernon.  No  children.  2,  T.  Herbert 
married.  Wife's  name  unknown.  Their  children :  A.  P.,  Ethel 
P.,  Leila  M.,  Nannie  E.,  Ernestine,  Edna  Louise.  Mary  Ella, 
John  H.,  Marjie  Belle,  Marion  F.,  Thomas  Alexander.  3, 
Adalia;  unmarried.  4,  Mary  T.  married  F.  M.  Hardin.  Their 
children:  Mary  T.,  Frank  H.  5,  Samuel  G.  married  Minnie 
E.  Oeland.  Their  children :  J.  Oeland,  Edmund  B.,  Samuel 
R.,  Margaret  E.,  S.  G. 

7,  Alexander  J.  died  young  of  fever. 

8,  Robert  N.  died  at  the  same  time  of  fever. 

9,  Sarah  Frances  married  Marion  West.  Their  children : 
Mary,  Robert,  Sarah. 

10,  Martha  C.  married  T.  McDuffey  Templeton,  who  was 
also  a  noble  sacrifice  to  the  lost  cause.     One  child,  a  son, 

Laurence  Hayne  Templeton,  who  married  Mary  J.  . 

Their  children:  Lutie  McD.,  Lula     M.,  James     H.,     David 
Peden,  Corrie  E. 

The  family  of  John  Thomas  Peden  furnished  many  a  brave 
soldier  to  the  Confederate  cause  and  gave  a  number  of  young 
lives  in  the  service  of  the  South. 

v.,  Rebecca  Peden  married  John  Stenhouse.  Their  child- 
ren: I,  Jane;  2,  Rachel;  3,  Alexander;  4,  Adam;  5,  Rebecca; 
6,  Mary. 

I,  Jane  married  James  Harrison.  Parents  of  eight  children: 
Rebecca,  Mary,  Sarah  Ann ;  Rachel,  Margaret,  Virginia,  Wil- 
liam, Turner.  This  entire  family  moved  to  Kemper  County, 
Miss.,  which  was  settled  almost  entirely  by  Pedens  and  their 
branches  of  other  names,  and  as  frequent  intermarriages  have 
taken  place  the  names  of  Stenhouse  and  Harrison  will  occur 
among  other  lines  of  this  immense  house. 


2,  Rachel  married  James  Anderson.  Their  children:  i, 
John  (died) ;  2,  Stewart  (died) ;  3,  Lou ;  4,  Sallie ;  5,  6,  Calvin 
and  Pinkney  (twins);  7,  Anna;  8,  Laurens;  9,  10,  twins  who 
died  unmarried.  3,  Lou  Anderson  married  J.  Wister  Stewart 
and  left  three  children :  Leila,  Catherine,  Anderson.  4,  Sallie 
Anderson  married  Lawrence  Garrett  and  left  two  sons :  Tal- 
madge,  Joe  Hitch.  5,  Calvin  Anderson  married  Hettie 
Sprouse.  No  children.  6,  Pinkney  Anderson  died  unmar- 
ried. 7,  Anna  Anderson  married  Charles  Smith,  Died  leav- 
ing no  children.  8,  Laurens  Anderson  moved  to  Texas,  mar- 
ried and  has  four  children :  Ora  B.,  Marion  C,  Lang,  Forest. 

3,  Alexander  Stenhouse  married  Virginia  Knox  and  moved 
to  Mississippi.     No  further  trace. 

4,  Adam  Stenhouse  also  married  in  Mississippi  (Kemper 
County).    No  trace. 

5,  Rebecca  Stenhouse  married  J.  T.  Paden  (house  un- 
known).   Moved  to  Kemper  County,  Miss.    No  trace. 

6,  Mary  Stenhouse  married  Samuel  McKittrick.  Their 
children :  i,  John ;  2,  Addie  ;  3,  Mattie  ;  4,  S.  Turner;  5,  Jeffer- 
son D.  Three  died  in  infancy  (unnamed),  i,  John  McKit- 
trick married  Mollie  Sprouse.  Seven  children:  Pallie,  Sam- 
uel, Nicholls,  J.  H.,  Mary,  Lake ;  last  child's  name  not  given. 
2,  Addie  McKittrick  married  John  Simpson.  No  children.  3, 
Mattie  McKittrick  married  Warren  Sprouse.  Three  children: 
Carrie,  Annie,  William.  4,  S.  Turner  McKittrick  married 
Tempie  Scott.  Four  children :  Fred  Stenhouse,  Mary,  Samuel, 
Sue  Turner.  5,  Jefferson  D.  McKittrick  married  Nannie 
Thackston.     No  children. 

VL,  Mary  married  her  first  cousin,  William  Thomas  Peden 
(of  the  house  of  Samuel).  Their  records  are  found  in  that 

VIL,  Scipio  Peden,  third  son  of  Alexander  and  Rebecca 
Peden.  Born  Feb.  9,  1799.  Married  his  cousin,  Martha  Mc- 
Vey,  1819.    Only  one  child,  John  McVey.    They  settled  about 


two  miles  south  of  Cedar  Falls,  on  the  east  bank  of  Reedy 
River,  and  spent  their  lives  on  this  farm.  Scipio  died  1867. 
His  wife,  Martha,  died  (at  the  home  of  her  son)  in  1874. 

John  McVey,  son  of  Scipio  and  Martha  Peden.  Born  July 
2^,  1821.  Married  Miss  Nancy  Eliza  Smith,  1856.  They  set- 
tled one  half  mile  west  of  Fairview  Presbyterian  church,  on 
the  Fork  Shoals  road,  and  reared  the  following  family:  i, 
Martha  Eugenia;  2,  Mary  Theresa;  3,  John  Elliott;  4,  Irene; 
5,  Archie  Lee;  6,  James  Walter;  7,  Oscar  McVey;  8,  May 

1,  Martha  Eugenia  married  Dr.  H.  B.,  son  of  Rev.  C.  B. 
Stewart,  March  4,  1880.  Is  living  three  miles  south  of  Fair- 
view  church  and  has  the  following  heirs :  Frennie  Fair,  Bessie 
Britt,  Allie  Amanda  (dead),  Clififord  Calhoun,  Mack  M., 
Hoke  Harry  Howe,  Rosa  Ross,  Calvin  Boardman. 

2,  Mary  Theresa  married  Rev.  D.  S.,  son  of  Mr.  G.  B. 
Thomason,  Dec.  12,  1878.  Is  living  one  mile  from  Fairview 
church,  on  Fork  Shoals  road  and  has  the  following  heirs: 
Clarence  Gideon,  Daisy,  Samuel. 

3,  John  Elliott  married  Nana  Richardson  in  August,  1886. 
Is  li\ing  near  Piedmont,  S.  C.     Heirs:  Blanche,  Mary. 

4,  Archie  Lee  married  Janie  Willis  March  5,  1887.  Is  living 
on  McKittrick  Bridge  Road,  about  two  miles  southwest  of 
Fairview  church,  and  has  the  following  heirs:  Earle,  Floree, 
Harry  Lee. 

J.  McPeden  died  July  26,  1891.  He  was  a  member  of  Fair- 
view  church  from  early  manhood.  Served  through  the  whole 
of  the  Confederate  war.  Come  home  foot-sore  and  hungry 
and  lived  a  quiet  life  on  the  farm  until  the  end. 

(Signed)  H.  B.  Stewart. 

Historian  for  line  of  VII.,  Scipio  Peden. 

VIII.,  Janet  Peden  married  her  first  cousin,  James  Martin. 
Their  children:  i,  Rebecca;  2,  David;  3,  Alexander;  4,  Ser- 
ena; 5,  James,  i,  Rebecca  married  Franklin  Baker,  her 
cousin,  of  the  house  of  David.    They  moved   to    Chickasaw 


County,  Miss.  No  further  records,  but  they  have  kept  up  the 
time  honored  custom  of  intermarriage,  so  they  will  be  found 
among  the  branches  of  the  Peden  tree.     2,  David  married 

Marion,  of  Chickasaw  County,  Miss.     3,  Alexander 

went  to  Mississippi  but  no  record  of  wife  or  children.  4,  Se- 
rena married Wilson,  also  of  Chickasaw  County,  Miss. 

No  trace  or  record.  5,  James  found  a  home  with  his  family 
in  Chickasaw  County,  Miss.  This  county  too  was  colonized 
by  Peden  branches. 

IX.,  Sarah  married  William  Harrison.  Mother  of  two 
sons  .  I,  John  A. ;  2,  W.  Thomas  W.  i,  John  A.  never  married 
but  died  for  the  Confederacy.  2,  W.  Thomas  W.  married 
Nannie  E.  Pegg.  Their  children:  i,  Sallie,  who  died  young. 
2,  Hollie  married  George  Smithson.  Mother  of  two  children : 
Louis,  Pearl.  3,  Thomas  Samuel  married  Nannie  E.  Pool. 
Their  children :  Miriam,  Albert,  Iris.  4,  Thomas ;  5,  Eliza- 
beth ;  6,  Ruth ;  7,  William  Henry ;  8,  Margaret ;  9,  John  Alex- 
ander; 10,  Evelyn;  aged  nine. 

X.,  Elizabeth  Melissa  died  very  young. 

XL,  Eliza  Alston  died  also  in  early  womanhood 
The  Peden  historian  hopes  no  blame  will  be  attached  to  her 
for  the  apparent  smallness  of  this,  one  of  the  largest  houses. 
It  would  seem  the  women  were  specially  attractive  to  their 
cousins  of  the  other  houses,  as  that  of  Thomas  absorbs  Mar- 
garet, that  of  David  absorbs  Nancy,  that  of  Samuel  absorbs 
Mary,  all  three  of  whom  had  large  families.  Of  the  other 
sisters,  Rebecca  (Stenhouse  or  Stennis),  Janet  (Martin),  im- 
possible to  obtain  full  records.  There  were  only  three  sons, 
and  on  them  depends  the  representation. 

As  a  fitting  close  to  this  house  is  added  the  following  from 
the  tomb  of  its  father: 


Sacred    to  the    Memory  of 
Mr.  Alexander  Peden. 

Born  April,  1756  and  died  21st  January,  1841. 

Mr.  Peden  was  a  soldier  in  the  Revolutionary  war  and  for 
53  years  an  inhabitant  of  Greenville  District,  and  a  member 
of  the  Presbyterian  church  at  Fairview. 

As  a  Patriot   Beloved; 

As  a  Citizen  Esteemed ; 

And  as  a  Member  of  the  Church  Exemplary. 

Like  a  shock  of  corn  fully  ripe,  he  was  gathered  to  sleep 
with  his  fathers  in  the  dust.  His  name  will  ever  be  dear  to 
and  his  epitaph  read  with  the  deepest  emotions  of  regard  by 
a  large  circle  of  friends  and  relatives. 

"The  memory  of  the  just  is  blessed 
But  the  name  of  the  wicked  shall  rot." 



David,  seventh  son  and  youngest  child  of  John  and  Mar- 
garet McDill  Peden,  was  born  in  Ireland,  November  i,  1760. 
He  was  therefore  only  a  few  weeks  old  when  King  George  H. 
died  and  his  weak,  tyrannical  son,  George  HI.  reigned  in  his 

Born  in  the  midst  of  troublous  times,  yet  none  the  less  wel- 
comed into  that  already  overflowing  household.  His  mother 
was  already  grandmother  to  a  host  of  small  Alexanders,  Mor- 
tons and  Pedens  when  he  arrived,  and  as  she  merrily  said 
afterwards,  "Yes,  Davie  came  when  my  nose  and  chin 
'thritened  ither,'  "  referring  to  her  age  and  loss  of  teeth. 

David  was  about  ten  years  of  age  when  the  long  voyage 
across  the  Atlantic  took  place.  He  remembered  its  perils,  its 
few  pleasures,  its  incidents  and  talked  of  them  freely,  but  of 
his  Irish  home  he  never  spoke,  in  deference  to  his  father's 
wishes,  or  rather  his  commands. 

After  serving  faithfully  through  the  entire  period  of  the 
war  for  American  Independence,  1776- 1783,  entering  the 
army  at  the  age  of  sixteen,  under  protest  of  both  parents  and 
all  his  brothers,  he  learned  to  be  a  miller  with  Robert  Good- 
gion.  Then  receiving  a  grant  to  lands  in  the  newly  acquired 
territory,  now  Greenville  County,  S.  C.  took  possession  and 
founded  his  house.  The  grant  referred  to  (signed  by  Gove- 
nor  Pinckney)  is  in  the  possesion  of  his  lineal  descendant, 
Capt.  D.  D.  Peden,  and  shows  his  holding  to  have  been  be- 
tween 900  and  1,000  acres.  The  old  boundary  lines  have  been 
furnished  the  writer  as  follows : 

"ist  corner  a  little  east  of  Raeburn  creek,  just  below  and 
including  the  old  mill  site,  running  due  north  thence  to  2nd 
corner,  in  what  is  now  known  as  the  M.  T.  Fowler  place,  run- 
ning thence  west  across  Raeburn  creek  to  3rd  corner,  of  the 
once  Mooney  place,  now  that  of  D,  M.  Peden ;  thence  south 
to  the  4th  corner,  on  the  old  Ramsay,  now  Wm.  Thomason 


place ;  thence  back  to  the  old  mill,  now  proprety  of  Hon.  J. 
R.  Harrison,  forming  almost  a  perfect  square.  This  tract, 
with  the  exception  of  the  old  homestead,  number  acres  not 
known,  and  belonging  to  Mr.  L.  Brownlee,  and  five  acres 
owned  by  Dr.  G.  W.  Wasson,  is  still  in  the  possession  of  the 
Peden  descendants,  but  not  those  of  David  Peden." 

As  his  children  grew  up  and  married  he  gave  them  off  a 
certain  number  of  acres  each,  which  in  time  they  disposed  of 
and  migrated  West,  except  Thomas,  the  fifth  son,  and  Elea- 
nor, the  youngest  daughter,  who  married  James  Dunbar. 
David  Peden  died  in  October,  1823,  leaving  the  three  children 
of  his  last  wife  minors ;  they  chose  James  Dunbar  as  their 
guardian.  He  bought  the  old  stead  for  his  wife,  Eleanor,  and 
in  time  the  shares  of  her  two  brothers,  whom  he  reared  to 
manhood.  The  old  homeplace  of  David  Peden  has  passed 
through  the  following  ownerships  since  1823:  first  James 
Dunbar,  who  sold  it  to  his  son-in-law,  Dr.  J.  W.  Hewell,  in 

1862-1863,  he  sold  it  to Marchant  in  1865,  who  in  turn 

sold  it  to  Josiah  Wasson,  date  unknown,  and  a  number  of 
years  ago,  possibly  ten  or  fifteen,  it  became  the  property  of 
its  present  owner. 

Of  the  great  host  of  David  Peden's  descendants  there  are 
now  in  South  Carolina  only  fourteen  souls,  and  none  of  them 
own  a  foothold  of  the  old  homestead. 

David  Peden  married  first  Eleanor  Goodgion,  a  daughter 
or  sister  of  that  brave  soldier  and  noted  Whig,  Capt.  Robert 
Goodgion.  Their  children  were:  I,  Margaret,  born  Feb.  15, 
1787;  H.,  John,  born  Sept.  3,  1788;  HI.,  Robert,  born  July 
I5»  1790 J  IV.,  James,  born  Jan.  17,  1792;  V.,  Penelope,  born 
Nov.  29,  1793;  VI.,  WilHam,  born  April  3,  1795;  VH., 
Thomas,  born  Feb.  11,  1799;  VHL,  Rebecca,  born  March  15, 
1800;  IX.,  Samuel,  born  Oct.  15,  1802;  X.,  Alexander,  born 
Sept.  12,  1804.  These  compose  the  elder  branch,  or  line  of  the 
house  of  David. 

In  1806  or  1807  he  married  Margaret  Hughes,  daughter  of 
Thomas  and  Annie  Hughes,  and  granddaughter  of  Samuel 
Miller,  all  of  patriotic  Whig  record  in  Upper  South  Carolina. 


Their  children  were:  XL,  Eleanor  Goodgion,  born  June  16, 
1809;  XII.,  Andrew  Gilliland,  born  Oct.  28,  181 1;  XIII., 
David  Hamilton,  born  Aug.  12,  1813;  XIV.,  Dan  Morgan, 

born ,  1815.    The  last  lived  only  a  few  months.    These 

comprise  the  younger  branch. 

I.,  Margaret  married  her  second  cousin,  James  Alexander, 
son  of  Maj.  John  Alexander,  according  to  the  Alexander 
records,  into  which  house,  that  of  Mary,  she  becomes  merged. 
The  meager  records  found  of  her  and  her  children  are  in- 
cluded in  that  house,  for  according  to  good  old  Scottish 
usage  and  custom,  when  "a.  woman  by  marriage  and  change 
of  name,  lost  her  identity  with  her  father's  house,  she  ceased 
to  be  recognized  as  one  of  them ;"  moreover  the  children 
rightfully  belong  to  the  name  and  lineage  of  the  father. 

TL,  John,  first  son  and  second  child  of  David  and  Eleanor 
Goodgion  Peden,  was  born  at  the  old  home,  Fairview,  S.  C. 
Married  his  first  cousin,  Nancy  Peden,  second  daughter  of 
the  house  of  Alexander.  They  moved  from  Fairview,  Green- 
ville County,  S.  C.,  to  Fairview,  Gwinnett  County,  Ga.,  in 
1828;  thence  to  Kemper  County,  Miss.,  1845,  where  he  died 
at  the  ripe  old  age  of  fourscore  and  nine.  Their  children 
were:  i,  Eleanor,  Nov.  26,  1812;  2,  Rebecca,  March  23,  1815; 
3,  Margaret,  Oct.  7,  1816;  4,  David  (historian  of  this  line), 
April  3,  1820;  5,  Mary,  July  14,  1823;  6,  Sarah,  May  18,  1826; 
7,  Eliza,  Dec.  26,  1829;  8,  Nancy  Aug.  18,  1833 

1,  Eleanor  married  W.  P.  Dunbar.  Only  one  child,  a  son 
named  James,  who  lives  at  Ennis,  Miss.,  but  made  no  re- 
sponse to  numerous  inquiries. 

2,  Rebecca  Peden  married  J.  F.  Cousar.  They  are  the 
parents  of:  i,  Martha  Cousar,  Jan.  5,  1837;  2,  David  Cousar, 
Oct.  26,  1840;  3,  John  Cousar,  July  9,  1845 ;  4,  Nancy  Cousar, 
May  5,  1848;  5,  Thomas  Cousar,  Feb.  20,  1854;  6,  Maggie 
Cousar,  Nov.  28,  1857. 

I,  Martha  Cousar  married  J.  W  Mooney.  Have  two  child- 
ren: OHvia  Mooney,  July  9,  1859.    Married  B.  C.  Margrave. 


They  are  parents  of  seven  children.    Alice  Mooney,  May  17, 
1861.    Married  E.  L.  Brady.    They  have  four  children. 

2,  David  Cousar  married  M.  M.  Rea.    Six  children. 

3,  John  Cousar  married  Mary  Arnold.    Ten  children. 

4,  Nancy  died  unmarried. 

5,  Thomas  married  Mollie  Carter.    Five  children. 

6,  Maggie  married  W.  M.  Stout.     Five  sons. 

All  of  John  Peden's  daughters  are  gone,  only  his  son, 
Da\nd,  is  left ;  they  rest  in  Mississippi,  except  Rebecca  (Pe- 
den)  Cousar  and  Nancy  (Peden)  Peden,  they  sleep  in  Parker 
County,  Texas,  near  Knob. 

3,  Margaret,  born  Oct.  7,  1816;  died  1827. 

4,  David,  the  only  son,  married  his  first  cousin.  Margaret 
Eveline  Peden,  daughter  of  James,  brother  of  John  (same 
house).  They  are  childless  and  are  the  honored  historians  of 
of  their  families,  John  and  James,  through  the  courtesy  of 
their  niece,  Harriet  Eveline  Jarvis,  who  has  done  their 
writing,  and  who  is  making  the  last  stages  of  their  long  pil- 
grimage happy  in  her  warm,  loving  heart  and  home. 

5,  Mary  born  July  14,  1823;  died  1827. 

6,  Sarah,  born  May  18,  1826.  Married  W.  P.  Knox.  One 
child,  a  son,  Sarah,  died  April  31,  1849. 

7,  Eliza,  born  Dec.  26,  1829;  died  1865. 

8,  Nancy,  born  Aug.  18,  1833.  Married  David  T,  Peden, 
first  cousin,  son  of  Alexander  (same  house).  Nine  or  ten 
children  who  are  in  Parker  County,  Texas, 

III.,  Robert,  second  son  of  this  house,  was  born  at  Fair- 
view,  S.  C.  Married  Mary,  or  Polly,  Miller,  of  Spartanburg 
County,  S.  C,  in  1813;  her  birth  date  being  Jan.  15,  1795. 
After  the  birth  of  two  children,  sons,  they  turned  their  faces 
westward  towards  the  newly  opened  lands  of  Cherokee,  in 
North  Alabama.  Their  children  were:  i,  Robert  Miller,  born 
Oct.  23,  1814;  died  in  1859  or  i860.  2,  James  Alexander, 
born  Dec.  3,  1816;  lost  in  California.  3,  Jane  Dodds,  born 
Nov.  15,  1819;  died  Sept.  17,  1878.  4,  John  P.,  born  May  8, 
1822.   Killed  in  the  Confederate  cause  during  a  skirmish  near 


home,  1861  or  1862.  5,  David  R.,  born  April  13,  1825;  died 
Jan,  29,  1849.  6,  Nancy  K.,  born  Feb.  25,  1828.  Lost  in  Mis- 
souri. 7.  William  T.,  born  Jan.  15,  1831 ;  died  May  3,  1856. 
8,  IVrary  E.,  born  May  7,  1837;  died  Oct.  7,  1840.  9,  Joseph 
F.,  born  Aug.  13,  1840.    Lost  in  Missouri. 

W.  P.  Black's  very  interesting  narrative  is  inserted  here. 
He  is  a  grandson. 

My  mother,  Jane  Dodds  Peden's  people,  are  scattered 
froni  South  Carolina  to  California.  Most  of  them  are  lost  to 
us,  as  far  as  knowing  their  locations  exactly.  My  mother 
was  ;i  daughter  of  Robert  and  Mary  Peden,  I  never  saw  but 
two  of  her  family,  my  uncles,  James  and  David.  My  mother 
often  had  letters  from  them  up  to  the  civil  war,  but  after  that 
time  very  seldom. 

She  loved  her  family  dearly,  would  often  tell  me  of  their 
pleasant  associations  and  fun  making  expeditions  around 
Spartanburg,  and  later  in  Cherokee  County,  Alabama.  At 
the  latter  home  she  left  them.  Came  on  a  visit  to  Kentucky 
to  her  mother's  brother,  WilHam  Miller,  in  1838;  she  then 
met  my  father,  James  Shaw  Black,  and  they  were  married  in 
this  neighborhood  in  the  early  part  of  1839.  They  visited  her 
family  in  Alabama  in  1840.  She  never  saw  any  of  them  after- 
ward, except  the  two  brothers  before  mentioned, 

I  was  in  Alabama  in  1870  and  met  some  of  her  people ; 
among  them  one  very  old  man,  James  Alexander,  who  was 
related  but  I  do  not  know  how.  Their  county  seat  then  was 
at  Center  (since  that  time  Cherokee  County  has  been  divided 
into  several  counties).  Two  of  my  mother's  brothers  re- 
mained in  Cherokee  County  until  they  died.  The  oldest, 
Robert  Miller  Peden,  in  1859  or  i860;  left  a  wife,  but  no 
children.  The  other,  John  P.  Peden,  was  killed  in  the  South- 
ern army,  not  far  from  home  in  1861  or  1862.  He  left  a  fam- 
ily of  children  living  near  the  Georgia  line.  Uncle  David 
died  here  (Crider,  Ken.,)  in  1849,  soon  after  his  return  from 
the  Mexican  war.  Uncle  James  visited  my  mother  during 
1849- 1850,  He  had  been  living  in  Mississippi  prior  to  that 
time  for  some  years,  but  had  determined  to  go  to  California, 


and  made  a  farewell  visit  before  starting.  He  wrote  back 
several  times  from  Sonoma  Valley,  Cal.  We  never  heard 
from  him  after  the  civil  war. 

My  grandfather,  Robert  Peden,  removed  from  North  Ala- 
bama to  Missouri;  date  lost,  so  do  not  know  whether  before 
or  after  grandmother's  death,  which  occurred  in  1853,  but  am 
*  inclined  to  think  she  died  in  Missouri.  He  married  again  in 
that  State.  Was  quite  old  when  he  died,  ninety  or  ninety-one 
years  of  age,  making  death  date  about  1880  or  1881. 

My  aunt,  Nancy  K.  Peden,  married  a  Mr.  Pilant,  living 
near  Independence,  Missouri,  when  last  heard  from.  My 
mother's  youngest  brother,  Joseph  F.  Peden,  lived  at  Ozark, 
Mo.,  at  last  hearing.  Records  sent  are  copied  from  my 
mother's  Bible. 

Jane  Dodds  Peden,  eldest  daughter  and  third  child  of 
Robert  and  Mary  Miller  Peden,  married  James  Shaw  Black 
in  1839.  Mother  of  two  sons :  David  Alexander,  born  Jan., 
1840,  died  July,  1857.  W.  P.,  born  July  16,  1843,  on  the  old 
Kentucky  homestead,  where  he  now  lives,and  hopes  to  die, 
Crider,  Ken.  Was  first  married  to  Evaline  Brelsford.  After 
almost  a  brief,  happy  year  she  died  in  June,  1865.  In  Feb., 
1867,  was  again  married  to  Mary  Wilson,  who  died  Sept., 
1897,  leaving  two  children:  Jane  Ella,  Thomas  W.  Both  at 
home,  unmarried,  and  with  their  father  constitute  the  "Ken- 
tucky trio." 

(Signed)  W.  P.  Black. 

lY.,  James,  third  son  of  this  house,  was  born  at  the  old 
home,  Fairview,  S.  C.  Served  as  a  soldier  in  three  wars, 
Creel:  and  Seminole,  "1812,"  and  Texan  Independence,  1845- 
1846.  He  married  Mary  Baker,  noted  for  her  devoted  piety. 
She  was  born  Feb.  22,  1792.  Their  children,  seven  in  num- 
ber, went  with  their  parents  to  Kemper  County,  Miss.,  being 
among  the  pioneer  Pedens  of  that  State,  also  founders  of 
Smyrna  Presbyterian  church.  James  Peden  was  a  successful 
farmer,  and  blacksmith  by  trade ;  after  a  long  useful  life  died 
and  is  buried  at  Smyrna  church,  Kemper  County,  Miss. 


Their  children  are  in  the  States  of  Mississippi  and  Texas 
useful  and  important  citizens.  They  are  as  follows:  i,  Elea- 
nor Olivia,  Jan.  13,  1819;  2,  Margaret  Evehne,  Nov.  18,  1820; 
3,  John  Tillinghast,  Oct.  22,  1822;  4,  James  Dunbar,  June  25, 
1825;  5,  Mary  Ann,  Nov.  13,  1827;  6,  Andrew  Hugh  Hamil- 
ton, April  4,  183 1  ;  7,  William  M.,  Aug.  22,  1834. 

1,  Eleanor  Olivia  (Peden)  married  her  brother-in-law, 
Thomas  Pearson.  Mother  of  two  children:  Frank,  1858; 
Mary  Ann,  i860.  They  moved  to  Parker  County,  Texas,  in 
i860  and  both  died  in  1899. 

2,  Margaret  Eveline  (Peden)  married  her  first  cousin, 
David  Peden,  only  son  of  John,  the  eldest  son  of  this  house, 
of  which  he  is  their  acknowledged  historian.  They  were 
married  Sept.  18,  1843. 

3,  John  Tillinghast  Peden  married  Rebecca  Stennis  (house 
of  Alexander).  They  were  parents  of:  Mary  Ann,  1844; 
Marg^aret  Eveline,  1848.  Both  sisters  married  brothers 
named  Lovelady,  and  went  to  Texas.  James  Alexander, 
1846.  married  Winnie  Allen.  Name  of  fourth  child  not  on 
the  record.  John  Tillinghast  Peden  died,  1856,  in  the  prime 
of  Hfe. 

4,  Tames  Dunbar  Peden  married  his  kinswoman  Laura  Ann 
Peden,  of  the  house  of  Samuel.  She  became  the  mother  of: 
I,  John  Richmond  Peden;  2,  Harriet  Eveline;  3,  James 
Thomas ;  4,  Martha  Elizabeth ;  5,  Alary  Rebecca ;  name  of 
the  other  cliild  not  on  record.  Laura  Ann  (Peden)  Peden 
died  in  1862. 

In  1865  James  Dunbar  Peden  was  married  to  Matilda 
Fowler,  originally  Matilda  Peden,  a  kinswoman,  being  a 
widow  with  two  children.  She  became  mother  of  the  follow- 
ing children:  7,  Matilda  Josephine,  1866;  8,  George  Madison, 
1869,  9,  Samuel  Wilson,  1872;  10,  Annie  Laura,  1874;  11, 
Flugh  Hamilton,  1S78;  making  eleven  children  in  this  house- 

I,  John  Richmond  Peden,  1850,  and  his  wife,  Matilda  Jarvis, 
Their  twelve  children :  Martha  Ann,  1875 ;  James  Jarvis, 
1876;  Indiana  Florence,  1878;  Mabel  Clare,  1879;  Ada  Pearl, 


1881 ;  William  Kertis,  1883 ;  John  Thomas,  1885 ;  Bonnie 
Ruth,  1887;  Battie  Dot,  1889;  Matilda  Inez,  1891 ;  Seth, 
1893;   Clifton  Carlyle,   1895. 

2,  Harriet  Eveline  (Peden)  wife  of  E.  T.  Jarvis,  writer  for 
historian  this  line,  was  born  1855;  married  1874.  Their 
children  are  seven:  Laura  Eugenia,  1875;  Sarah  Elizabeth, 
1878;  William  David,  1880;  Ida  Josephine,  1883;  Martha 
Ann,  1886;  Mary  Leona,  1888;  Kate  Eveline,  1891.  The  three 
grandchildren  of  this  couple,  being  in  the  seventh  generation 
from  John,  the  father  of  the  house  of  Peden,  are  those  of 
their  daughter  Sarah  Elizabeth  (Jarvis)  wife  of  John  T. 
Peden,  of  the  house  of  Samuel,  they  are,  Lois,  1898;  Ruth, 
1900;  John  T.,  1902. 

3  James  Thomas  Peden,  1856,  and  his  wife  Nancy  Hous- 
ton, 1858,  are  parents  of  four  children:  Jessie,  1882;  Albert, 
1883;  James,  1887;  Clay,  1890. 

4,  Martha  Elizabeth  (Peden),  1858,  wife  of  John  Thomas 
Peden  (house  of  Samuel).  Their  children  are :  Annie  Laura, 
1892;  Mary  EveHne  and  Earle  Alexander  (twins),  1894. 

5,  Mary  Rebecca  (Peden),  i860,  wife  of  Dewitt  Vander- 
vander.    Two  children:  Jessie,  1892;  Virgie,  1894.    She  then 

married  the  second  time  Palmer.     Three  children : 

Henry  and  Herbert  (twins),  Laura  Edna. 

6,  Matilda  Josephine  (Peden),  1866,  wife  of  Milton  Smith, 
1869.  Their  children  are:  Frank,  1888;  James,  1891 ;  Ernest, 
1893  ;  Clyde,  1895  ;  Mary  M.,  1897 

7,  George  Madison  Peden,  1869. 

8,  Samuel  Wilson  Peden,  1872,  and  his  wife,  Madie  Clark, 
Their  children:  Vera,  1894;  Elizabeth,  1896. 

9,  Annie  Laura  (Peden),  1874,  wife  of  Henry  Sanford, 
1873     No  children. 

10,  Hugh  Hamilton  Peden,  1878,  and  his  wife,  Alberta  Jar- 
vis, 1882.    One  child,  Guy,  1900. 

5,  Mary  Ann  (Peden),  born  Nov.  13,  1827;  married  Thomas 
Pearson  in  1848.  Was  mother  of:  James  Wilson,  1850; 
David  Andrew,  1853;  Sarah  Eleanor,  1856;  name  of  youngest 


missing.  She  died  and  her  eldest  sister  married  her  husband 
and  took  charge  of  her  children. 

6;  Andrew  Hugh  Hamilton  Peden,  born  April  4,  183 1 ; 
married  Catherine  Stewart.  Childless.  He  died  for  the  Con- 
federate cause,  1862. 

7,  William  M.  Peden,  born  Aug.  22,  1834.  Died  in  Con- 
federate service,  1862. 

James  Dunbar  Peden  was  a  successful  farmer.  He  died  in 
1887,  aged  sixty-two  years.  He  served  through  the  entire 
civil  war  on  the  Confederate  side 

v.,  Penelope,  second  daughter  of  this  house,  was  born  at 
Fairview,  S.  C.  She  grew  up  "fair,  fat  and  rosy,  with  a  merry 
heart  and  sunny  temper,"  and  married  Samuel  H.  Baker,  a 
man  eminent  for  his  beautiful  Christian  life  and  character. 
Says  an  old  record:  "The  removal  of  Samuel  H.  Baker  from 
this  (Fairview)  church  is  a  great  blow."  This  removal  took 
place  in  1836,  first  to  Anderson  County,  S.  C,  where  the  wife 
and  mother  died,  leaving  the  father  and  tne  children  to  make 
the  second  removal  to  Mississippi.  There  were  seven  sons 
and  three  daughters :  Franklin,  Whiteiield,  Wilson,  Samuel, 
David,  James,  Lindsay,  Eleanor,  Esther,  Ann. 

All  of  these  save  Lindsay  and  Ann  went  to  Mississippi  and 
sleep  at  Friendship  Presbyterian  church,  near  Van  Vleet, 
Chickasaw  County,  except  James,  who  was  lost  in  the  civil 
war,  a  brave  soldier  of  the  Confederate  cause,  and  whose 
body  was  never  recovered,  whose  soul  went  up  to  his  Maker 
through  the  smoke  and  din  of  a  fierce  battle.  Esther  moved 
to  Texas  with  her  family  and  is  buried  at  Corsicana,  Texas. 
(Of  Lindsay  there  is  no  trace  given  here.) 

Ann  married  John  Brownlee,  lived  and  died  at  Westmins- 
ter, S.  C.    No  trace  of  her  family. 

Wilson  Baker's  sons  live  in  Chickasaw  County,  Miss. 
There  are  only  two  living  out  of  a  large  family. 

Franklin  Baker's  family  are  in  Texas.    They  number  seven. 

Esther  Baker  married  her  kinsman  John  M.  Peden 
(houses  of  Thomas  and  Alexander).    Two  of  her  sons  are  liv- 


ing,  Hugh  Peden,  in  Chickasaw  County,  Miss.,  White  Peden, 
in  Vandale,  Ark. 

Eleanor  Baker  married  a  kinsman,  Martin  W.  Peden 
(houses  Thomas  and  Alexander).  Six  of  her  children  are 

Both  these  sisters  are,  with  their  families,  included  in  the 
houses  of  Thomas  and  Alexander. 

(Signed)  J.  W.  T.  Peden. 

VI.,  William,  fourth  son  of  this  house,  was  born  in  the  old 
Fairview  home.  He  was  a  child  of  unusual  promise  and 
great  beauty.  His  devout  father,  at  his  baptism,  set  him 
apart  solemnly  consecrating  him  to  the  "holy  ministry  of  the 
Presbyterian  Church."  William  however  had  other  views,  he 
was  "a  soldier  born,"  so  after  passing  successfully  through 
"three  wars"  he  came  home  and  married  his  pretty  first 
cousin,  Cynthia  Peden  (house  of  John).  They  soon  after 
moved  to  Roswell,  Ga.,  where  they  spent  many  years.  Their 
children  were:  i,  Eleanor;  2,  Louisa;  3,  Jane;  4,  Rebecca; 
5,  Margaret ;  6,  William ;  7,  Cynthia ;  8,  Samuel. 

1,  Eleanor  Peden  never  married. 

2,  Louisa  Peden  never  married. 

3,  Jane  Peden  married Arnold.  Their  children  were 

five  in  number:  i,  John;  2,  Eliza;  3,    William;  4,     Anna;  5, 

1,  John  Arnold  married  Martha  Tribble.  Three  children: 
James,  Jane,  Claude. 

2,  Eliza  Arnold  married  Dr.  Harvey  Lewis.  Three  children : 
Thomas,  Eva,  Mary.  Of  these  Thomas  Lewis  married.  Wife's 

name  unknown.    One  child.    Eva  Lewis  married Knox. 

Names  and  numbers  of  children  unknown. 

3,  William  Arnold  married  Ella  Drake.  Five  children: 
Howard,  Ben,  Frank,  Laura,  Ella. 

4,  Anna  Arnold  married  H.  Mitchell.  Three  daughters : 
Hattie,  Mamie,  Annie.  Hattie  Mitchell  married  In- 
graham.     Mamie  Mitchell  married  .     Annie  Mitchell 

married Bennett. 



5,  Lula  Arnold  married  Dr.  Geo.  H.  Vincent.    No  children. 
4,  Rebecca  Peden  married  Aaron  Butler.     Four  children ; 
I,  George;  2,  Mary;  3,  Ervine ;  4,  Fannie 

1,  Rev.  George  Butler,  M.  D.,  missionary  of  the  Southern 

Presbyterian  Church  to  North  Brazil.     Married  Kil- 

patrick.  Five  children,  names  unknown.  They  have  been  in 
their  present  field  since  1876,  and  have  been  greatly  blessed 
in  the  battle  with  Romanism. 

2,  Mary  Butler  married  Andrew  Stewart.  No  children  of 
her  own,  but  has  reared  and  educated  a  number  of  nieces  and 

3,  Ervine  Butler  married  Fannie  Stewart.  Four  children: 
Lena,  Maude,  William,  Kittie.  Maude  married ;  name  un- 

4,  Fannie  Butler  married  Henry  McNeely.  Three  children : 
Aaron,  Walter,  Claude.  Aaron  McNeely  married  Ola  Webb. 
One  child. 

5,  Margaret  Peden  married  Englebert  Flake.    No  children. 

6,  Cynthia  Peden  married  first  George  Wrigley.  Three 
children :  Edward,  Helen,  Eva.  The  two  first  are  not  mar- 
ried. Eva  Wrigley  married  Dr.  H.  Rice.  Three  children : 
William,  Elkin,  Louise.  Name  of  second  husband  is  un- 

7,  William  Peden  died  in  the  Confederate  cause  after  a 
hard  fought  battle  in  Virginia,  1863,  one  of  the  bravest,  most 
daring  sons  of  the  house  of  Peden. 

8,  Samuel  Peden  married  Mary  Albritian.  Two  sons  :  John, 
William.  Both  married  and  have  four  children  each ;  names 

Both  these  brothers,  William  and  Samuel,  were  members 
of  the  first  Atlanta  company  to  go  to  the  front  during  the 
civil  war.  William  gave  his  life.  Samuel  went  to  the  bitter 

(Signed)  Margaret  Paden  Flake. 

Vn.,  Thomas,  fifth  son  of  this  house,  was  born  at  Fair- 
view,  S.  C.    He  was  a  gun  and  locksmith  by  trade,  and  mar- 


ried  Nancy,  daughter  of  "That  redoubtable,  old  Whig  rebel, 
Bill  Hanna,  who  escaped  unhung,"  (Allaire's  Diary),  one  of 
the  heroes  of  Cowpens,  S.  C. 

They  settled  near  the  old  home  on  the  mill  tract,  later  ex- 
changed for  a  better  place  on  Reedy  River,  where  he  built  his 
shops  and  spent  his  hfe.  The  Peden  historian  recalls  this  old 
couple  among  her  earliest  memories,  standing  in  great  awe 
of  Aunt  Nancy,  who  was  a  precise  house  wife  with  a  horror  of 
children.  Her  hair,  which  was  "ruddy  gold,"  rolled  away 
from  her  broad  brow  in  a  Pompadour  of  short  natural  curls. 
Her  caps  were  snowy  white  and  had  no  frill  the  curls  forming 
a  natural  trimmnng.  Her  face  was  handsome.  Dear  "Uncle 
Tommy"  was  the  historian's  grandmother's  champion  on 
more  than  one  occasion.  He  and  Aunt  Nancy,  who  was  a 
devoted  Methodist,  are  buried  at  Fairview.  Their  only  child, 
a  son,  was  David  Thomas  Peden,  who  was  born  1840.  He 
was  also  a  gunsmith,  and  during  the  civil  war  first  enlisted  as 
a  member  of  Company  E.,  Hampton  Legion,  but  was  sent 
home  in  1863  to  engage  in  the  manufacture  of  ammunition 
in  the  Confederate  government  works  at  Greenville,  S.  C. 
(A  few  hundred  yards  from  the  historian's  home  stands  the 
site  of  this  once  famous  "gun  foundry.") 

He  was  married  about  1855  to  Lucinda  Terry,  daughter  of 
Charles  and  Pamela  Terry.  To  this  couple  was  born  one 
child,  a  daughter,  the  mother  dying  a  few  weeks  after  her 
birth.  She  was  never  replaced.  There  were  the  two  good 
grandmothers,  and  "Aunt  Ellen,"  as  the  historian's  own 
grandmother  was  called. 

David  Thomas  Peden  answered  the  higher  roll-call  of  the 
Christian  soldier  in  1875- 1876.  The  old  home  is  still  the 
property  of  Alice  Peden  Brooks,  his  daughter. 

Alice  (Peden)  Thomason  Brooks  was  born  1858,  and  was 
married  in  1878  to  Francis  Thomason.  Their  children  were: 
David  Edward  Thomason,  Nina  Lee  Thomason,  Annie  May 
Thomason,  Francis  Capers  Thomason.  After  a  few  years  of 
widowhood  she  married  Capt.  Brooks,  of  Simpsonville,     S. 


C.     Their  children  are :  Bertie  Lee  Brooks,  Marie  Brooks, 
Gertrude  Brooks,  Carl  Peden  Brooks. 

VIII.,  Rebecca,  third  daughter  of  this  house  was  born  at 
the  old  home,  Fairview,  S.  C.  She  never  married,  and  after 
the  death  of  her  father,  found  home  and  welcome  among  her 
numerous  brothers  and  sisters,  living  to  a  good,  old  age,  and 
leaving  a  host  of  nephews  and  nieces  to  lament  her  and  miss 
her  ministrations.  Her  last  resting  place  is  in  Georgia,  or 
Kemper  County,  Miss. 

IX.,  Samuel,  sixth  son  of  this  house,  was  born  at  Fairview, 
S.  C.  He  like  the  others  grew  up  to  manhood  in  the  old 
place  and  married  his  first  cousin,  Malinda  or  Linnie  Peden 
(house  of  John).  They  moved  to  Gwinnett  County,  Ga.,  and 
were  parents  of  four  children,  three  daughters  and  one  son : 
I,  Elizabeth  Ann;  2,  Eleanor;  3,  Susan;  4,  James. 

1,  Elizabeth  Ann  married  James  R.  Jackson.  Six  children: 
Hugh  Hamilton,  Virginia,  Elbert,  Samuel,  Amanda,  Sarah. 
Of  these  the  first  three  married,  but  there  are  no  further 
records  and  all  trace  is  lost. 

2,  Eleanor  married  Riley  Bracewell.  Three  children,  all  of 
whom  died  in  early  childhood. 

3,  Susan  married  S.  Gwinn.  Four  children.  No  further 

4,  James,  the  only  son,  fought  bravely  through  the  civil 
war;  rose  to  the  rank  of  captain.  One  authority  states  that 
he  laid  his  life  down  for  the  Confederate  cause  in  one  of  the 
battles  near  Atlanta,  Ga  .  Another  that  he  survived  the  war 
and  married ;  wife's  name  not  given ;  then  removed  to  Mis- 
sissippi, where  he  soon  after  died,  leaving  no  children. 

The  records  of  this  line  are  very  incomplete,  these  few 
were  kindly  given  by  Andrew  Jackson,  a  former  friend  and 

X.,  Alexander,  seventh  son  of  this  house,  was  born  at  Fair- 
view,  S.  C.     He  is  described  by  one  of  his  descendants  as 


"being  of  fine  physique,  and  handsome  of  face."  He  went  to 
Georgia  with  his  brothers.  There  he  met  and  married  Re- 
becca Durham.  After  a  few  years  in  Georgia  they  went  to 
Kemper  County,  Miss.  For  him  the  town  of  Peden,  Miss., 
is  name.d.  In  1875  there  was  a  exodus  of  Pedens  to  Texas, 
among  them  Alexander  Peden  and  all  his  sons.  They  all 
settled  near  each  other  in  Parker  and  Tarrant  Counties.  He 
lived  only  four  years  after  this  move,  dying  suddenly  of 
rheumatism  of  the  heart,  in  1880. 

"He  was  a  grand,  old  man,  robust,  jovial,  but  famous  for 
what  we  call  'Peden  temper,'  though  a  kinder,  more  gene- 
rous-hearted man  never  lived,  full  of  fun  and  always  ready  to 
play  a  prank  or  practical  joke  on  some  one,"  so  writes  his 
grandaughter,  Kate  D.  Stafford. 

In  this  household  there  were  twelve  children,  seven  sons 
and  five  daughters ;  of  this  happy  band  seven  remain,  four  of 
the  sons  and  three  daughters.  Their  names  are  as  follows : 
I,  Mary  E. ;  2,  Susan  M. ;  3,  David  T. ;  4,  John  A. ;  5,  Matilda 
F. ;  6,  Rebecca  J. ;  7,  James  D. ;  8,  Andrew  H. ;  9,  Lacy  G. ; 
10,  Levi  F. ;  11,  George  D. ;  12,  Josephine. 

1,  Mary  E.  Peden  married  Wm.  Deaton.  Their  children: 
I,  Alex.  Peden;  2,  Susan  M. ;  3,  Mary  E. ;  4,  Thomas  ;  5,  John 
B. ;  6,  Frances ;  7,  George  D. ;  8,  Mina  D. ;  9,  Pat  Dimock ; 
10,  Lillie  J.  and  a  baby  boy  who  lived  only  a  few  days.  Out 
of  this  dear  household  of  eleven,  seven  have  gone.  The  dear 
"boy  cousins"  Alex.,  Tom  and  John,  Mina  and  Pat  died  when 
very  young.  The  sisters  are  left  save  Fannie,  and  of  the  boys 
only  George  .  2,  Susan  M.  married  Capt.  Joe  Perry  and  3, 
Mary  E.  married  T.  L.  Carruthers.  These  sisters  were  also 
extremely  handsome  women,  the  eldest  has  been  a  widow  for 
more  than  twenty-five  years,  and  the  youngest  nearly  as  long. 
10,  Lilly  Josephine  has  been  married  twice ;  first  husband  was 

Birdsong;  the  second  Fisher.     If  these  sisters  have 

children  no  record  has  reached  the  writer. 

2,  Susan  Marion  Peden  married  Rev.  C.  P.  Sisson,  of  the 
Baptist  Church,  they  had  no  children  "they  were  beautiful  in 
their  lives,  and  in  death  were  not  divided." 


3,  David  T.  Pedeii  married  Nancy,  his  first  cousin,  daughter 
of  John,  eldest  son  of  this  h'ne.  They  had  a  number  of  daugh- 
ters and  only  one  son,  Marion  Peden,  who  lives  at  Reno, 
Parker  County,  Texas. 

4,  John  A.  Peden  also  married  his  cousin,  Matilda  Fowler. 
He  was  killed  in  the  Confederate  army,  leaving  her  a  widow 
with  two  daughters:  i,  Louella  Peden,  the  eldest,  married 
Daniel  Clark.  They  have  six  children  :Effie,  John  George, 
Josephine,  Gladys  and  Hutton.  2,  Johnsie  Peden,  the  young- 
est, married  David  Pearson,  who  died  a  few  years  ago.  Her 
children  are  with  her  at  her  mother's  home,  Cottondale,  Tex. 

5,  Matilda  F.  Peden  married  Rev.  W.  J.  Collins,  eminent 
Baptist  minster.     Their  children  were  thirteen:  i,  Kate  D. 
2,  Wilh'am  T. ;  3,  L.  Henry ;  4,  Eva  Deaton ;  5,  Lois  Judson 
6,  Alex. ;  7,  Charles  Marion ;  8,  Frank  Peden ;  9,  Claude  W. 
10,  Elia  C. ;  11,  Ada  M.,  12,  Luta  L.    The  Httle  baby  died. 

Two  of  the  brothers  are  living:  2,  Wm.  T.  Collins  and,  7, 
Charles  Collins.  The  first  has  been  married  twice.  Has  seven 
children.   Charles  unmarried. 

4,  Eva  D.  Collins  manied  G.  W.  Hudson.  Has  no  children. 
Her  husband  is  county  judge  of  Anderson  County,  Texas. 

II,  Ada  M.  Colhns  married  W.  G.  Smith.    One  child. 

5,  Lois  J.  Collins ;  10,  Elia  C.  Collins,  and  12,  Luta  L.  Col- 
lins, are  unmarried. 

I,  Katie  D.  Colhns,  the  eldest  and  historian  of  this  line, 
married  W.  U.  Stafford.  They  have  ten  children,  seven  are 
living :  George  Ervin,  Wm.  Reagan,  Katie  Lois,  Henry  H., 
Peden  Wallace.  Annie  M.,  Charles  W.  Bruce. 

6,  Rebecca  T.  Peden  married  William  Young.  Is  the  mother 
of  eight  children:  i,  Samuel  A.;  2,  A.nna  E. ;  3^  Rebecca  M. ; 
4,  John  W. ;  5,  Frances  J.  (who  died  at  six  years) ;  6,  Henry 
D. ;  7,  Mary  E. ;  8,  James  D.  Three  married,  i,  Samuel  A. 
Young  married  Lizzie  Bennett,  1880,  who  died  shortly  after- 
Avards.  4,  John  W.  Young  married  Mattie  Franklin,  1891. 
They  have  had  four  children:  Clyde,  born  1893;  Floyd,  born 
1895;  Henry,  born  1897;  Samuel,  born  1899  (died).    7,  Mary 


E,  Young  married  John  T.  Mitchell,  1895.     Three  children: 
Eva,  1897:  Deaton,  1899;  Essie,  1900. 

7,  James  Dunwoody  Peden  married  a  distant  cousin,  Mar- 
garet Stennis,  during  the  civil  war.  They  reared  a  large  fam- 
ily.   No  record. 

8,  Andrew  Hamilton  Peden  married  Mary  Chambers.  No 

9,  Lacy  Peden  married  Ellen  Terry.  They  have  several 
children.    No  record. 

10,  Levi  Franklin  Peden;  killed  in  Confederate  service 
during  civil  war,  unmarried. 

11,  George  D.  Peden  married;  wife's  name  not  known;  Hve 
in  Indian  Territory. 

12,  Josephine  Peden  died  in  young  womanhood. 

XL,  Eleanor  Goodgion,  youngest  daughter  of  David,  and 
eldest  child  of  Margaret,  his  second  wife,  best  known  as  Ellen, 
was  born  at  the  old  home,  Fairview,  S.  C.  Married  James 
Dunbar,  who  came  over  direct  from  Randallstown,  Bally- 
mena,  "County  A.ntrim,  Ireland,  during  the  summer  of  1820. 
Tlieir  marriage  took  place  on  her  "fifteenth  birthday,"  June 
16,  1824.  She  died  May  12,  1899,  having  survived  her  par- 
ents, all  her  brothers  and  sisters,  her  husband  and  two 
daughters  a  number  of  years,  and  the  sun  went  down  on  this 
long  Christian  pilgrimage  of  nearly  ninety  years,  spent  at 
Fairview,  the  beloved  home  place  of  the  Pedens.  She  sleeps, 
but  on  that  brighter  shore  has  heard  the  glad  "well  done !" 
Their  children  were  three  daughters:  i,  Elizabeth  McConnell, 
born  August  29,  1825.  "The  sun  being  about  an  hour  high." 
Thus  chronicles  her  father.  2,  Margaret  Emily,  born  Decem- 
ber 9,  1834.  3,  Jane  Caroline,  born  Oct.  i,  1837;  died  Jan. 
24,  1864. 

I.  Elizabeth  McConnell  Dunbar  married  Dr.  J.  W.  Hewell, 
of  Merriwether  County,  Ga.,  Aug.  22,  1848,  while  on  a  visit 
to  her  uncles  in  Pike  County,  Ga.,  near  Pedenville,  Rev. 
Andrew  G.  Peden  performing  the  ceremony,  at  the  home  of 
his  brother.  David  H.  Peden.    Their  children:  i,  Eleanor  M., 


Peden  historian,  born  in  Lafayette,  Ala.,  Feb.  7,  1853.  2, 
Eugenia  Dunbar,  born  in  Lafayette,  Ala.,  Oct.  5,  1857. .  3,  J. 
Dunbar,  born  in  Tuskeegee,  Ala.,  July  17,  1859;  died  April 
9,  i860.  4,  John  Witherspoon,  born  Feb.  2,  1865,  at  Fairview 
S.  C. 

1,  Eleanor  M.  and,  2,  Eugenia  D.  unmarried. 

4,  Dr.  John  W.  married  Meta,  only  daughter  of  Capt.  C. 
Marion  Mcjunkin,  June  19,  1893.  Their  children:  Marion 
Mcjunkin,  born  June  10,  1898,  in  Greenville,  S.  C.  EHzabeth, 
born  March  23,  1900,  in  Greenville,  S.  C.  Barbara,  born 
April  18,  1902,  in  Greenville,  S.  C. 

2,  Margaret  Emily  Dunbar  married  William  G.  Britt,  of 
Pike  County,  Ga.,  Dec.  18,  1851,  at  the  old  home,  Fairview, 
S.  C.  Their  childrn:  i,  ]\Iarion  Cassius,  born  Oct.  10,  1852, 
in  Pike  County,  Ga.  2,  Mary  Ida,  born  Oct.  8,  1855,  in  Pike 
County,  Ga.  3,  William  Hewell,  born  Sept.  2,  i860,  in  Pike 
County,  Ga. 

1,  Rev.  Marion  C.  married  Elizabeth  Hurt,  of  Atlanta,  Ga. 
No  children. 

2.  Mary  Ida  Britt  married,  Nov.,  1879,  A.  M.  Weir,  known 
all  over  the  South  as  "Sarge  Plunket,"  of  the  Atlanta  Con- 
stitution Their  children  are:  i,  William  S. ;  2,  Marion  Britt; 
3,  Mary  Withrow ;  4,  Addison  Milton,  Jr. ;  5,  Kate ;  6,  Robert ; 
7,  Ernest. 

1,  William  S.  W'eir  married  Clara  Mull,  of  Atlanta.  Their 
children :  Willie  May,  Thomas  Patrick,  Margaret  Emily. 
These  are  in  the  seventh  generation  from  John  Peden. 

2,  Marion  Britt  Weir  married  Samuel  J.  Clark,  of  Atlanta. 
No  children. 

3,  William  Hewell  Britt  married  Hattie  Denmark.  One 
child,  Emma- Jo. 

XII.,  Rev.  Andrew  Gilliland  Peden.  This  noble  son  of  the 
house  of  David  was  born  at  the  old  home,  Fairview,  S.  C,  and 
"passed  beyond  our  ken"  on  the  19th  of  Jan.,  1896.  His  me- 
morial appears  elsewhere  on  these  pages.  He  married  first 
Margaret  Dantzler,  descended  like  himself  from  a  Revolu- 


tionary  ancestry.  Their  children:  i,  David  Dantzler ;  2,  Mary 
Crawford  (died) ;  3,  EHzabeth  Miller ;  4,  Alexander  Vernon 

I,  David  Dantzler  Peden,  of  whom  a  sketch  appears  else- 
where, is  a  native  of  the  grand  old  "Spartan  District,"  S.  C. 
He  married  Frances  Dickey  Plowden,  of  South  Carolina,  one 
of  the  rarest  of  women,  of  whom  no  eulogy  could  be  extrava- 
gant, and  who  went  to  be  with  Jesus  January  19,  1897,  from 
out  of  the  grief  stricken  home  circle  at  Houston,  Tex.,  leav- 
ing two  sons  a  legacy  to  the  Peden  name :  i,  Edward  Andrew, 
born  March  5,  1868;  2,  Dickey  Dantzler,  born ,  1874. 

I,  Edward  Andrew  Peden  married  lone  Allen,  of  Houston, 
Tex.,  in  February,  1894.  Their  children:  Allen  Vernon,  born 
Jan.  5,  1899;  David  Edward,  born  Jan.  20,  1901 ;  lone  Hor- 
tense,  born  October  19,  1902.  There  was  not  life  for  both, 
the  mother  died  that  the  child  might  live,  so  "in  the  gray 
dawn  of  October  21,  God  called  the  pure  and  loving  spirit  of 
her  whom  we  knew  as  lone  Allen  Peden  to  put  off  its  clothing 
of  corruptible  flesh.  Truly  the  ways  and  reasons  of  the 
rulings  of  the  Lord's  law  are  to  mere  mortals  'past  all  finding 
out;'  and  blessed  is  he  who  can  devoutly  cry:  'Thy  will,  O 
Lord,  not  mine,  be  done.' 

"The  wife  of  Mr.  E.  A.  Peden  and  daughter  of  Mrs.  Sam 
Allen,  Mrs.  Peden's  life  was  made,  by  the  tender  ministra- 
tions of  her  family  circle  as  well  as  by  the  prompting  of  her 
own  loving  heart  and  dutiful  disposition,  'one  grand  sweet 

"Those  of  Mrs.  Peden's  family  to  whom  her  friends  hearts 
go  out  in  affectionate  sympathy,  beside  her  husband,  her 
mother  and  three  sweet  little  children,  are  her  brothers, 
Percy,  Baltis  and  Eugene,  and  especially  her  sisters,  Mrs. 
Menefee  and  Misses  Jennie  and  Ruth  Allen. 

"The  tremendous  quantity  and  exquisite  loveliness  of  the 
flowers  sent  to  the  Peden  residence  on  Tuesday  morning  as 
tokens  of  loving  regard  and  tender  sympathy  has  never  been 
surpassed  in  Houston.  The  beautiful  body  of  our  now- 
silenced  singer  lay    almost    embowered  in  their    masses  of 


sweet  purity.  All  the  clubs  to  which  Mrs.  Peden  belonged 
sent  handsome  tributes  and  some  to  which  she  did  not  belong 
sent  them,  too,  because  she  had  so  generously  sung  for  them. 
"Music  is  the  only  one  of  the  arts  practiced  on  earth  which 
we  have  Biblical  authority  for  believeing  we  carry  to  heaven 
with  us  when  we  die,  so  Mrs.  Peden's  God-given  voice  makes 
now  a  part  of  the  angelic  glorias." — Houston  Daily  Post, 
Sunday,  October  26,  1902. 

3,  Elizabeth  Miller  Peden  married  J.  R.  Tolbert,  Oct  20, 
i860.  Their  children  are:  i,  Peden  Tolbert,  born  1862;  2, 
John,  born  1864;  3,  Andrew  Vernon,  born  1867;  died 
Jan.  3,  1886,  in  Georgia,  at  his  grandfather  Peden's ;  4,  Harry 
Lee,  born  1867;  died  Feb.  3,  1900;  5,  CharHe  Luther,  born 
1872;  died  May  5,  1895;  6,  Maggie  Lizzie,  born  1875;  7, 
Eugene  Russell,  born  1878;  8,  David  Dantzler,  born  1880;  9, 
Mary  Estelle,  born  1884. 

T,  Peden  Tolbert  and  Miss  Lucy  Turner  were  married  1891. 
Their  ':hildren  are :  Mary  Elna,  born  1893 ;  Peden,  Jr.,  born 
1895  ;  Tom,  born  1897. 

4,  Harry  Tolbert  and  Miss  Fannie  Nation  were  married 
1893.  They  also  have  three  children:  Una  Blanche,  born 
1894;  Andrew  Vernon,  born  1895;  Mamie  lone,  born  1898. 

5,  Charlie  Tolbert  and  Aliss  Bertha  Houston  were  married 
in  1892.  Their  children  are:  Carl,  born  1893;  Charlie  Luther, 
born  1895. 

The  second  wife  of  Rev.  A.  G.  Peden  was  Mary  Isabella 
Britt,  of  Marion  County,  S.  C,  who  died  in  1852,  leaving  no 

The  third  wife  was  Margaret  C.  Davis,  of  Winnsboro,  S.  C. 
Their  children  are:  i,  Leonora  Estelle;  2,  Eleanor  Eudora; 
3,  Arthur  Davis  (died  in  infancy). 

1,  Leonora  Estelle  married  J.  W.  Sullivan.  Their  home  is 
in  Houston,  Texas.  The  children  of  this  household  are :  Leo- 
nora, Alargaret  Peden,  Luther  AlcCall,  Andrew  Peden,  Wil- 
liam Edward,  Frances  Eudora. 

2,  Eleanor  Eudora  married  Clark  Sullivan.  Their  home  is 
at  Pedenville,  Pike  County,  Ga.    There  are  six  happy  children 


in  theii-  home :  Malcolm  Dubose,  Annie  Eudora,  Ruth  Peden, 
Margaret  Lncile,  William  Bartlett,  Julia  Estelle. 

XTII  ,  David  Hamilton  Peden,  youngest  son  of  the  house 
of  David,  was  born  at  P^airview,  S.  C. ;  married  Oct.  lo,  1837, 
Lucilla  Jones,  of  Abbeville  County,  S.  C,  who  died  June  30, 
1852,  leaving  four  children,  three  sons  and  one  daughter.  He 
was  married  the  second  time  to  Julia  Wrigley,  of  Macon,  Ga., 
who  survives  him.  He  went  to  be  with  Jesus  from  his  lovely 
home  in  Griffin,  Ga.,  from  the  midst  of  a  host  of  friends,  sor- 
rowing grandchildren  and  devoted  wife,  Nov.  9,  1891.  His 
sons  died  in  the  flush  of  early  manhood  leaving  no  families. 
The  eldest  son,  Andrew  vStephen  (1842),  was  lost  in  one  of  the 
battles  near  Winchester,  V^a.,  where  he  fills  an  unknown 
grave.  The  second,  Alpheus  (1845),  died  when  almost  home 
on  a  sick  furlough  (1861).  The  youngest,  James  Albinus 
(1850),  died  just  as  he  reached  stalwart  manhood,  1886-  1887. 

His  daughter,  Henrietta  Jane  (1840),  married  Mr.  Andrew 
Weir  Blake,  of  Greenwood,  S.  C.,  in  1864.  Their  children: 
I,  David  Peden;  2,  William  Newton;  3,  Andrew  Stewart;  4, 
Lucilla  Jones;  5,  Walter  Julian. 

Henrietta  Jane  (Peden)  Blake  preceded  her  father  to  the 
home  in  heaven  almost  a  year,  she  went  hence  in  the  autumn 
of  1890. 

1,  David  Peden  Blake  married  Genevieve  Hemphill.  Their 
children  are :  Andrew  Eugene,  David  Pierson,  Wilton  Mc- 
Kay, Myrtle  Josephine. 

2,  William  Newton  Blake  married  Cora  Malaier.  Their 
children:  John,  Rennie,  Andrew  Joshua,  David  Peden. 

3,  Andrew  Stewart  Blake  married  Mattie  Daniel.  Their 
children  are :  Otis  Daniel,  Arthur  Copeland. 

4,  Lucilla  Jones  Blake  married  George  Coppedge,  Griffin, 
Ga.     Their  children  are:  Jennie  Blake,  Julia  Amelia. 

5,  Walter  Julian  Blake  married  Georgia  Guinn.  Their 
children  are :  Guinn  Weir,  Julia. 



"Should  you  ask  me,  whence  these  stories  ? 
Whence  these  legends  and  traditions  ? 
I  should  answer,  I  should  tell  you — 
I  repeat  them  as  I  heard  them." 

In  using  these  reminiscences  of  her  grandmother,  the 
Peden  historian  explains  that  it  is  not  intentional  to  enlarge 
upon,  or  exalt  this  house  above  the  others,  or  give  it  more 
space  than  is  seemly,  though  it  is  one  of  the  largest.  This 
chapter  really  gives  an  insight  into  the  inner  life  of  these 
early  pioneer  homes,  therefore  what  is  true  of  one  is  true  also 
of  all — a  pen  picture  with  different  personel  that  is  all.  These 
traditions  drawn  from  the  well-stored  memory  of  Eleanor 
G.  Dunbar,  one  of  the  youngest  members  of  the  household  of 
David,  are  strictly  true,  not  over-drawn,  she  being  a  woman 
who  abhorred  falsehood  as  she  did  murder  or  other  crime. 
Little  dreamed  she  of  storing  the  mind  of  future  historian  of 
her  race ;  neither  did  the  eager  little  listener  imagine  that 
some  day  she  would  rehearse  these  tales  of  a  grandmother 
for  the  benefit  and  pleasure  of  future  generations  of  Pedens. 
"Thus  are  honors  thrust  upon  us."  Being  one  of  those  tire- 
some, troublesome  children  endowed  with  the  faculty  of  ask- 
ing endless  questions,  a  still,  nervous  child,  with  an  insatiable 
appetite  for  stories,  true  stories,  she  often  taxed  the  patience 
of  her  elders.  While  her  young  companions  delighted  in 
fairy-lore,  unless  a  tale  was  true  it  lost  interest  for  her,  so 
naturally  her  mind  turned  to  history  ven,^  early,  the  introduc- 
tion being  "Scott's  Tales  of  a  Grandfather." 

This  grandmother  of  sweet  memory,  though  naturally  a 
silent  woman,  was  very  indulgent  to  the  young  listener  when 
in  reminiscent  mood.  So  the  signal  for  the  telling  of  some 
old  time  tale  was  usually  when  she  sat  down  in  her  low 
seated,  straight,  high-backed  chair,  drew  her  knitting  from  a 


bag  hanging  from  the  fire-board,  her  pipe  and  tobacco  from 
their  places  on  the  shelf  an*d  filled  her  pipe  with  the  fragrant 
weed,  packing  it  in  well  with  fore-finger  and  thumb,  then 
adroitly  inserting  it  among  the  embers  to  crown  it  with  a 
glowing  coal.  Matches  were  not  plentiful  in  South  Carolina 
during  the  dark  days  of  1864-1865.  Besides,  she  was  of  an 
economical  turn  of  mind  and  hated  waste.  She  was  ex- 
tremely industrious  too  for  her  fingers  were  always  em- 
ployed, "never  idle  ,never  still."  After  the  breathless  cere- 
mony of  pipe  lighting  ended,  the  knitting  adjusted,  the  story 
would  begin ;  very  often  the  writer  would  bear  her  company 
with  her  own  very  grimy,  tear-stained  soldier's  sock,  or  her 
own  small  stocking,  not  for  the  love  of  the  work,  oh  no,  but 
as  a  punishment  for  some  childish  misdemeanor  she  was 
doomed  to  knit  at  least  ten  or  twelve  tiresome  "rounds,"  sit- 
ting beside  grandmother,  in  the  "stifif,  little  blue  chair;"  but 
the  keen  edge  of  the  hated  task  was  taken  off  by  some  story 
she  dared  not  ask  for  vohmtarily.  After  a  few  long,  delicious 
draws  and  whififs,  how  she  enjoyed  and  coveted  that  pipe — 
"Well,  ElHe,  who  must  we  talk  about  this  time?"  EUie  gen- 
erally knew.  Sometimes  the  dear  dark  eyes  would  dim  with 
unshed  tears ;  sometimes  brim  o'Ver  with  fun ;  sometimes 
flash  with  fire,  and  the  nostrils  dilate  with  courage,  according 
to  the  nature  of  the  story  told. 

Many,  very  many,  of  these  fireside  tales  were  of  the  fathers 
and  came  direct  to  her  from  her  own  father,  tales  of  adven- 
ture, persecution,  battle,  and  of  intense  interest ;  then  later 
of  her  own  day  and  time,  some  sad  and  some  bright.  One 
specially  enjoyable  was  the  first  wedding  that  occurred  in  the 
household  of  David,  which  is  rehearsed  here  to  show  the  spirit 
of  the  times.  It  took  place  about  181 1  or  1812.  The  eldest 
daughter  of  the  house,  Margaret,  or  Peggy,  said  to  be  a 
reprint  of  Peggy  McDill,  "only  having  her  father's  black 
hair,"  was  the  bride.  Now  a  marriage  in  the  early  homes  of 
the  Pedens  was  a  very  serious  afifair,  in  solving  all  the  "kith 
and  kin,"  so  as  soon  as  it  was  hinted  among  the  women  by 


the  expectant  bride's  mother  (in  this  case  step-mother), 
during  the  "intermission"  at  "meeting,"  there  were  knowing- 
nods  and  wise  "I  told  you  so,"  or  incredulous,  "Did  ever  I 
hear?"  which  must  have  been  exceedingly  trying  to  the 
young  woman  if  she  was  present,  which  she  generally  was  for 
there  was  no  avoiding  "m^eeting;"  yet  she  bore  the  friendly 
banter  quietly,  knowing  it  was  kindly  meant  if  the  match  was 
approved ;  if  otherwise  the  hint  was  received  in  stern  silence, 
and  sombre  head  shakes,  "but  never  a  word  sard  they." 
Oftimes  the  reception  of  the  information  unfavorably  had  the 
desired  effect,  most  freqeuntly  not,  and  then  they  made  the 
best  of  the  affair,  "Run-away"  matches  were  very  rare 
among  the  early  Pedens,  as  their  marriages  were  among 
themselves.  From  the  "hint"  to  the  wedding  day  there  was 
suppressed  excitement.  All  the  house-mothers  went  to  work 
to  help  with  the  trousseau  and  an  article  of  household  stuff 
to  help  out  Margaret's  kist  which  was  already  filled  to  over- 
flowing, thanks  to  her  own  industry  and  skill,  also  her  step- 
mother's help.  Homemade  blankets,  sheets,  pillow  "slips," 
valances,  counterpanes,  all  trimmed  with  lace  and  fringes, 
quilts,  coverlets  galore.  All  saved  eggs,  fowls  and  fattened 
turkeys,  laid  by  butter  and  sweet  meats  and  laid  aside  the 
choicest  ham  for  the  feast. 

The  men  were  not  silent  onlookers  or  sneerers,  they  held 
no  consultations  with  their  "women  folk"  but  went  steadily 
to  work  to  help  build  the  new  home,  whether  they  approved 
or  not,  made  no  criticism,  made  the  simple  new  furniture,  in- 
cluding the  three-cornered  cupboard  from  David  Morton's 
shop,  and  looked  over  their  flocks  and  herds  for  a  pig  or 
yearling  cow  for  the  new  barn  yard.  The  groom-elect  was 
taken  into  the  secret,  but  the  bride  was  supposed  to  be  en- 
tirely unconscious,  and  propriety  forbade  her  asking  any 
questions,  or  taking  interest  outside  her  wedding  gown. 
This,  in  the  earliest  homes,  was  of  fine  Hnen  made  at  home, 
but  in  the  case  of  Margaret  Peden  was  of  some  dainty  fabric 
woven  in  foreign  looms,  and  with  attendant  veil,  gloves  and 


high-heeled  slippers  emerged  mysteriously  from  the  depths 
of  her  father's  big  market  wagon  when  it  stopped  on  the 
way  home  from  market  at  Elizabeth  Gaston's  door.  Said 
one  neighbor  to  another:  "Davie  Peden  stopped  at  the  Gas- 
ton's the  day,  is  any  of  they  folks  sick?"  "Och  dinna  ye  ken 
woman,  Margaret  is  to  be  married  till  Jimmie  Alexander?" 
was  the  reply.  This  dainty  robe  was  evolved  by  the  skillful 
fingers  of  Elizabeth  Gaston,  with  a  silken  dress  for  the  "in- 
fair,"  a  great  dinner  given  at  the  groom's  father's  next  day. 
David  Peden  gravely  disapproved  the  marriage  of  cousins, 
but  he  could  not  hold  out  against  the  genial  warmth  of  this 
fair  and  debonair  son  of  Alexander,  who  possessed  the  irre- 
sistible charm  of  his  race.  "Yes,"  Elizabeth  Gaston  de- 
clared, "Jimmie  Alexander  is  all  right,  and,  Davie,  if  he  canna 
marry  Margaret  in  your  house,  he  shall  in  mine."  This  argu- 
ment was  final,  so  Davie  said  no  more  and  bonny  Margaret 
went  from  her  father's  door  as  fair  a  bride  "as  ever  the  sun 
shone  on." 

As  to  the  wedding  and  the  feast  all  the  "kith  and  kin"  were 
bidden,  so  the  "big  pot  sat  in  the  little  pot."  All  the  women 
came  to  assist.  Aunt  Elizabeth  was  in  the  lead,  the  mother 
was  not  strong  so  she  was  set  aside,  the  bride  banished  up 
stairs  with  orders  not  to  cry  and  spoil  her  eyes,  neither  was 
she  to  tell  her  beads  and  say  her  prayers  but  to  rest  and  be 
out  of  the  way,  and  dream  happy  dreams  of  the  future.  As 
for  Jimmie,  that  restless  young  man  was  strictly  forbidden 
the  premises  for  two  whole  weeks,  nor  was  he  to  have  a 
gUmpse  of  his  bride.  To  say  he  fretted  under  this  restraint 
would  be  useless.  He  was  'no  unworthy  Alexander  without 
resources  of  his  own.  Uncle  Davie's  spring  proved  very  at- 
tractive. He  had  to  pass  the  house  to  reach  it  and  fair  Mar- 
garet was  far  sighted ;  moreover  she  was  very  thirsty,  she 
wanted  to  have  her  water  fresh ;  also  there  was  a  grape-vine 
swing  where  she  could  rest.  "Well  'twas  ever  thus,  and  love 
still  laughs  at  the  locksmith."  At  the  house  and  in  the  big 
kitchen  all  was  bustle  and  stir.     There  were  cakes  to  bake 


and  frost  by  the  score.  Aunt  Violet,  the  sister  of  the  mother, 
a  famous  cook  in  her  day,  took  charge  of  the  cakes  and 
sweets.  Aunt  Polly  Alexander  took  the  breads,  while  Aunt 
Jenny  Savage  looked  after  the  fowls  and  pastry,  and  Granny 
Hughes  attended  to  the  broihng,  roasting  and  frying.  The 
appetizing  odors  filled  the  autumnal  air.  Aunt  Polly  con- 
structed her  famous  pyramids  of  golden  butter  and  Aunt 
Elizabeth  made  the  "syllabub,"  modern  whipped  cream, 
flavored  with  wine ;  there  was  boiled  custard  flavored  with 
peach  leaves  or  the  "kernels,"  late  cider  and  a  drink  made  of 

Aunt  Elizabeth  took  charge  of  the  table.  Her  china  and 
silver  were  brought  out  to  adorn  this  occasion,  and  all  the 
glass  attainable.  The  long  table,  composed  of  several  bor- 
rowed ones,  covered  with  snowy  cloths  and  adorned  with 
cedar  boughs  dipped  in  egg  then  sprinkled  with  flour,  candles 
in  lilies,  made  of  waxed  paper,  shone  brilliantly,  bringing  the 
loaded  board  into  full  relief.  There  were  no  flowers,  they 
were  regarded  as  unlucky  at  a  wedding  because  so  short 
lived.  A  hush  fell  over  the  assembled  guests  as  Aunt  Eliza- 
beth came  down  the  narrow  stairs  with  the  blushing  bride, 
whom  she  transferred  to  the  care  of  her  father,  and  by  him 
was  given  to  the  waiting  Jimmie  Alexander.  Soon  the  few 
words  were  spoken  that  made  them  one.  The  feast  began 
soon  after  the  ceremony  and  lasted  into  the  small  hours. 

Next  morning  the  young  couple  departed  on  horseback, 
Jimmie  riding  proudly  in  front,  while  his  bride  was  safely 
perched  upon  a  pillion  behind  him,  the  entire  company  fol- 
lowing as  an  honorary  escort  over  to  his  father's,  Maj.  John 
Alexander's,  where  the  great  "infair"  dinner  was  to  take 
place.  After  a  week  of  dinners  at  various  places,  among  them 
Aunt  Elizabeth  Gaston's,  they  went  to  their  own  humble 
abode  on  the  creek,  which  had  been  slyly  fixed  in  apple  pie 
order  against  their  arrival  by  the  bride's  family. 

The  last  wedding  superintended  by  the  loved  Elizabeth 
Gaston,  the  last  bride  arrayed  by  her  skillful  hands,  was  the 


grandmother,  who  gave  the  tradition.  The  tall,  queenly, 
beautiful  Eleanor  Peden. 

She  thus  describes  her  father,  whom  she  seems  to  have 
loved  with  a  devotion  almost  worshipful :  "Father  was  one  of 
the  tallest  of  the  seven  brothers,  verv  erect  and  carried  him- 
self  like  a  soldier ;  he  was  spare  of  build,  his  face  was  rather 
long  and  narrow,  skin  clear  with  the  red  showing  underneath ; 
he  was  always  clean-shaven,  scorning  a  beard ;  his  eyes  were 
almost  black,  keen  and  bright,  his  mouth  very  firm ;  his  nose 
just  like  mine,  (which  was  acquilie  and  clean  cut) ;  his  hair 
was  fine  as  silk,  black  as  a  crow's  wing,  and  as  straight  as 
an  Indian's.  His  manner  was  serious  most  of  the  time, 
though  he  inherited  a  keen  sense  of  humour  from  his  mother. 
He  was  not  a  great  talker.  While  seemingly  a  stern  man  he 
was  almost  worshipped  by  his  family.  Of  all  the  seven  broth- 
ers he  was  most  like  old  John  Peden  in  appearance,  while  in 
character  he  was  more  like  his  mother,  Peggy  McDill.  Of 
his  own  children  those  most  like  him  were  my  brothers  John, 
'Robbie,'  'Tommie'  and  myself." 

Among  other  reminisences  of  him  she  told  of  the  long, 
perilous  journey  down  from  Pennsylvania  with  his  parents 
and  brothers,  John,  Samuel  and  Alexander,  to  join  other 
friends  at  Nazareth,  in  Spartanburg  District,  S.  C.  Here  he 
remained  with  his  parents  sharing  with  them  the  vicissitudes 
of  frontier  life.  When  his  father  and  brothers  were  away  on 
the  hunt,  or  serving  soldier  duty  against  the  Indians,  he  was 
sent  with  his  mother  to  one  of  the  block-houses  or  forts, 
where  he  made  himsejf  useful  bringing  water  and  wood  amid 
whistling  arrows,  moulding  bullets  and  loading  muskets  in 
case  of  sudden  attack  by  Indian  and  Tory.  Thus  he  entered 
the  training  school  of  war  at  the  age  of  ten  or  twelve,  some- 
time before  his  actual  services  were  demanded  by  his  adopted 
country.  At  the  outbreak  of  the  Revolution,  1776,  indeed, 
prior  to  this  date,  he  was  bearing  arms,  though  but  sixteen, 
or  some  authorities  say  fourteen,  he  was  "as  thorough  a 
Whig  patriot  as  ever  shouldered  gun."    When  his  brothers, 



with  their  father,  went  to  join  Dan  Morgan  with  the  other 
"Tyger  Irish,"  Davie  marched  too,  greatly  against  the  wishes 
of  both  father  and  brothers.  He  laughingly  told  how  "they 
would  have  none  of  his  company."  But,  for  once  he  proved 
obstinate,  tears  and  threats  were  of  no  avil,  until  the  brave 
Peggy  McDill  took  his  part  and  joined  the  determined  lad 
in  the  conspiracy,  so  she  did  naught  to  hold  back  her  "baby 
boy."  He  soon  found  favor  with  his  ofificers  and  while  he 
never  rose  in  rank,  he  became  a  great  favorite  with  his 
soldier  comrades.  He  was  with  the  Hamptons  part  of  the 
time ;  again  he  followed  the  fortunes  of  Hughes,  a  soldier  of 
great  courage.  He  told  of  the  winter  at  Valley  Forge,  of 
Brandywine ;  then  in  the  State  of  his  adoption  several  im- 
portant partisan  battles  under  different  leaders.  He  was, 
after  Gates'  defeat,  with  Sumter,  and  many  a  tale  of  hair- 
breadth adventure  and  narrow  escape  did  he  tell ;  of  his 
life  among  the  swamps  and  mountains,  and  of  hardships  in 
hiding,  want  of  food,  subsisting  on  green  corn  and  sweet  po- 
tatoes, until  the  rally  of  1780.  Then  of  Cowpens,  where  he 
was  with  Pickens;  King's  AIountain(i78i),  Guilford  C.  H., 
and  finally  the  grand  culmination  at  Yorktown.  Then  the 
young  soldier  turned  southward,  half  clad  and  shoeless,  to 
encounter  other  perils  on  the  way,  yet  to  reach  home  and 
mother  safe  and  sound,  with  father  and  all  his  brothers. 

Davie  then  went  to  learn  the  trade  of  miller  with  a  Good- 
gion,  presumably  his  fellow  soldier,  Robert  Goodgion.  There 
he  met  and  won  the  sister  or  the  daughter  of  the  miller. 
Tradition  locates  this  mill  in  several  different  places,  near  the 
present  town  of  Gowensville,  at  the  foot  of  the  Saludas,  and 
in  Laurens  County  on  Raeburn  Creek,  where  Goodgion's 
mills  still  exist.  The  name  Goodgion  is  a  corruption  of  an 
old  French  name,  but  of  the  history  of  this  family  the  writer 
is  in  profound  ignorance,  only  in  these  days  it  ranks  well 
socially,  its  women  for  fifty  years  have  been  noted  for  beauty 
of  mind  and  person,  while  the  men  are  successful  in  the  busi- 
ness world. 


■  Eleanor  Goodgion  was  a  sprightly,  vivacious  girl  of  six- 
teen when  she  became  the  bride  of  David  Peden  "in  the  hum- 
ble pioneer  cabin  home  at  the  foot  of  the  mountains,"  he  hav- 
ing stated  his  willingness  to  serve  seven  years  for  her,  such 
was  his  love  for  her,  but  his  love  was  not  so  severely  tested 
for  she  came  with  him  to  his  home-building  at  Fairview  to 
help  rear  their  pioneer  home  in  1785.  In  addition  to  her 
beauty  she  had  boundless  pluck  and  energy,  but  in  her  fiery 
French  blood  there  lurked  "a  demon  of  a  temper,"  which 
blazed  forth  at  times.  David  only  remarked  calmly,  "that  a 
little  thunder  cleared  the  air,"  and  went  his  unruffled  way. 
This  is  the  legend  of  Peden  temper,  but,  this  hot  temper  is 
not  confined  to  the  descendants  of  Eleanor  Goodgion.  She 
was  the  fond  idol  of  David  Peden's  life,  its  guiding  star,  high 
priestess  of  his  hearthstone,  and  she  brought 

"To  her  husband's  house  delight  and  abundance. 
Filling  it  full  of  love  and  the  ruddy  faces  of  children." 

She  died  in  the  year  1804  or  1805,  leaving  a  desolate  home 
and  ten  children,  having  attained  only  thirty-six  years  of  age. 

The  habits  of  this  colonial  household  were  very  simple. 
David  rose  "long  before  light,"  made  the  fire  by  uncovering 
huge  "chunks"  from  a  bed  of  ashes.  In  those  days  fires  were 
not  allowed  to  go  out  for  great  annoyance  and  delays  would 
have  been  the  result.  Matches  did  not  exist  and  the  nearest 
neighbor  was  miles  away,  still  there  was  the  "flint  and  steel" 
for  emergencies.  Then  swung  the  kettle  from  the  crane, 
soon  the  good  wife  followed,  they  employed  themselves 
busily  until  "light."  David  lighted  his  candle  of  tSllow, 
hung  the  stick  by  its  hook  to  a  chair  (this  old  relic  still  exists), 
and  busied  himself  in  making  shoes  for  his  many  boys  and 
girls ;  Eleanor  teased  wool,  or  carded  the  fleece  into  long 
rolls  for  spinning  until  time  for  breakfast.  While  this  was 
preparing,  David  "fed  and  milked."  When  the  corn  cakes 
and  rashers  of  bacon  and  eggs  were  ready,  mush  and  milk 
for  the  little  ones  prepared,  the  children  roused  and  simply 


clothed,  they  all  sat  down  to  a  frugal    meal    with    thankful 
hearts.    Then  prayers  and  each  set  about  the  daily  task. 

After  the  first  few  hard  years,  there  was  milk  and  butter 
in  abundance,  fowls  were  plenty,  wild  game  still  abounded  in 
the  woods.  In  a  few  years  David  Peden  had  so  prospered 
that  he  had  set  up  a  "double  mill"  down  on  the  creek,  one  for 
lumber  and  the  other  for  grist.  Had  also  planted  extensive 
orchards  of  peaches  and  apples. 

Early  in  1800  the  cultivation  of  cotton  was  introduced 
among  them,  one  brother  bringing  the  seed  home  from 
Charleston,  their  only  market,  to  and  from  which  they  made 
two  or  four  long  journeys  each  year,  in  their  big  wagons, 
drawn  by  four  horses  or  mules.  These  brothers  so  arranged 
their  marketing  that  they  were  never  all  absent  at  once. 
These  trips  being  taken  about  Christmas,  before  planting 
time  (March),  after  crops  were  laid  by  (July),  and  when  they 
were  gathered,  harvestime.  Two  generally  sufficed,  but  occa- 
sionally four  were  necessary.  In  this  way  they  kept  in  touch 
with  the  outside  world.  True,  the  county  courthouse  was  es- 
tablished in  1818,  but  did  not  furnish  much  attraction  for 
these  old  wagoners,  who  clung  to  old  ways  and  loved  to  camp 
out  and  sleep  under  the  stars. 

They  too  had  acquired  a  number  of  slaves,  who  were  more 
like  friends  in  these  homes.  David  had,  among  others,  two 
very  curious  characters,  Joe,  who  claimed  to  be  a  king,  and 
Delphi  or  Deify,  who  proved  a  capable  nurse  and  cook,  so 
was  invaluable  aid  to  the  housewife  whose  health  was  giving 
way  under  the  strain  of  a  large  household  of  children.  She 
was  known  as  "Granny,"  living  to  a  great  age.  Not  a  few 
marvellous  tales  are  told  of  the  little,  old,  shriveled,  black 
woman.  Joe,  after  a  short  servitude,  disappeared  mysterious- 
ly, the  supposition  being,  that  he,  in  trying  to  find  his  way 
back  to  the  coast,  had  been  destroyed  by  wild  beasts,  Indians, 
or  was  drowned  in  trying  to  cross  some  deep  stream. 

As  years  passed  on  it  became  necessary  to  add  to  the  one 
main  room.    Others  were  shedded  on.    The  big  room,  within 


the  memory  of  the  writer,  held    the  g-randfathcr's    chair,  a 
small  stand,  on  which  his  Bible,  hymn-book  and  case  con- 
taining  his  spectacles  lay,  in  the  opposite  corner  the  three 
cornered  cnpboard,  in  another  the  huge  four-poster  with  its 
snowy  covers,  valances  and  pillow-cases,  all  triumied    with 
elaborate  laces,  or  fringes,  at  its  foot  stood  a  tall  table,  also 
draped  in  white,  on  this  were  a  few  toilet  accessories  ;  while 
above  it  hung  the  small  mirror,  or  shaving  glass,  presumed 
to  have  been  brought  over  by  his  father,  John  Peden,  from 
Ireland,  and  used  by  his  son.  David,  for  like    purpose;    in 
another  corner  stood  the  steep,  crooked  staircase  to  the  low, 
cosey  chamber  above;  and  on  one  side  stood  a  book-case, 
then  very  new,  and  greatly  valued.     The  long,  narrow  room 
just  back  was  the  dining-room  where  was  placed  the  table 
with  its  long  bench  against  the  wall,  on  which  the  children  sat 
to  eat  their  meals  and  were  gradually  ])romoted  to  chairs  on 
the  other  side,  as  one  after  another  left  the  mother's  lap,  for 
a  place  on  the  bench.     The  other  three  rooms  were  sleep- 
ing apartments. 

The  out-houses  were  the  loom-house,  kitchen,  and  negro 
cabins,  the  barns,  gin-house  and  shops. 

As  the  pipe  would  sometimes  die  out  the  writer  would  ofifer 
to  rekindle  it  but  always  met  the  gentle,  but  firm  refusal,  "No, 
that  is  how  T  learned  to  smoke,  child,  and  I  don't  want  you 
to  learn  how,  it  is  a  bad  habit  and  grandmother  is  ashamed 
of  it.  When  did  I  learn?  well,  when  the  women  were  on  the 
looms  it  was  troublesome  to  keep  getting  ofif  to  light  their 
pipes,  so  I  would  do  it  for  them.'" 

In  1807  David  Peden  married  Margaret  Hughes,  of  Spar- 
tanburg County,  S.  C.  She  was  the  daughter  of  that  remark- 
able character  Anne  Hughes,  who  deserves  a  high  place 
among  the  Women  of  the  Revolution.  That  she  has  not 
adorned  the  pages  of  history  is  owing  to  the  palpable  neglect 
of  her  descendants,  for  she  was  not  only  a  famous  house-wife 
and  cook,  well  skilled  in  wood-lore,  but  a  patriotic  soul  de- 
voted to  the  Whig  cause.  She  lived  to  a  great  age  and  her 
life  would  fill  a  volume  of  romance  and  adventure. 


Margaret  Hughes  was  no  longer  in  her  first  youth  when 
she  took  pitv  on  David  Peden  and  his  big  housefull  of  child- 
ren. She  was  a  small  body,  with  a  big  heart.  She  is  described 
as  a  fair  woman,  all  smiles  and  dimples,  sunny  of  temper,  and 
warm  of  heart ;  rather  silent  but  full  of  energy^  and  industry, 
and  soon  brought  order  out  of  chaos,  being  a  fine  manager 
and  skillful*  housewife.  Moreover,  she  brought  a  goodly  store 
of  household  stufif  with  her  as  a  dower.  If  the  reader  will  turn 
to  the  last  chapter  of  Proverbs  and  find  there  the  best  portrait 
of  Margaret  Hughes.  She  soon  won  and  made  life-long 
friends  of  most  of  her  step-children  as  letters  in  the  hands  of 
the  writer  prove,  and  is  held  in  reverent  respect  by  their  de- 

Margaret  never  rallied  from  the  shock  of  her  husband's 
death.  She  too  was  very  ill  with  the  same  dread  disease  when 
he  died,  and  did  not  regain  consciousness  until  after  he  had 
been  laid  to  rest  some  days.  The  date  of  her  death  is  uncer- 
tain, either  December  21,  1824,  or  April  9,  1825,  this  being 
her  anniversary  and  forty-seventh  birth-day.  The  heads  of 
this  large  house  sleep  in  the  rock-walled  God's  acre  at  Fair- 
view,  awaiting  the  resurection.  Through  the  filial  generosity 
of  Capt'.  D.  D.  Peden,  neat  monuments  now  (1900)  mark  the 
tombs  of  David  Peden  and  both  his  wives,  within  the  shadow 
of  the  Peden  monument. 

Of  her  brothers  the  grandmother  never  tired  telling  and 
had  many  reminiscences  of  them.  The  writer  does  not  re- 
call any  of  the  three  eldest,  Johnny,  Jimmie  and  Robbie. 
These  all  married  and  left  the  home  nest  while  she  was  very 
young.  Billie  and  Tommie  were  evidently  her  favorites. 
BiUie,  handsome  Billie,  as  she  called  him,  was  a  boy  of  great 
promise,  but  too  full  of  fun  to  be  studious,  while  his  father 
designed  him  for  a  scholar,  and  a  future  preacher.  At  the 
country  school  ''BilHe  was  a  great  dunce  at  his  books."  The 
father  exacted  his  attendance,  and  a  certain  amount  of  study. 
Billie  was  jolly,  good-tempered,  but  incorrigible.  He  was 
specially  kind  to  the  trio  of  half-brothers  and  sisters,  denying 
himself  oftentimes  to  gratify  them. 


On  one  occasion  a  traveling  show  stopped  at  the  Squire's 
(Alexander's),  store,  or  "double-cabins"  of  later  times,  and 
Billie  had  worked  hard  to  earn  the  money  to  go,  so  he  very 
kindly  offered  to  take  the  "young  ones."  Their  mother  con- 
senting they  set  out  on  the  three-miles  tramp,  Davie,  aged 
two,  on  Billie's  broad  back,  Andy  swinging  to  one  hand,  while 
Ellen  timidly  clung  to  his  "coat  tails."  It  was  a  long  remem- 
bered occasion.  Among  other  things  the  "ginger  cake  stall," 
so  Billie  out  of  his  small  store  gave  each  of  the  "young  ones'' 
a  dime  to  spend.  Ellen  and  Andy  proceeded  to  invest  and 
eat,  but  Davie  held  fast  to  his  dime  and  cried  for  a  cake,  this 
so  amused  Billie  that  he  bought  a  cake  for  him  allowing  him 
to  keep  the  dime,  doing  without  himself,  refusing  the  share 
Ellen  oflfered  of  hers.  Repeating  the  story  to  his  father  when 
they  reached  home  he  expected  him  to  enjoy  the  joke.  Father 
looked  at  him  very  gravely  and  said,  "Billie  will  never  gather 
money,  it  burns  his  fingers,  but  Davie  will  hold  his  dollars 
'til  the  eagle  screams."  A  prophecy  literally  fulfilled  in  the 
lives  of  the  brothers,  for  Billie  was  always  poor  while  Davie 
amassed  a  fortune. 

Again,  instead  of  carrying  out  his  father's  wishes  regard- 
ing preparatoin  for  the  gospel  ministry,  amid  the  bitter  lam- 
entation of  the  "young  ones,"  handsome  Billie  mounted  his 
big  "chestnut  roan"  and  rode  off  to  be  a  soldier,  and  a 
soldier  he  was  to  the  heart's  core.  After  the  war  ended  he 
came  home  safe  and  sound  with  his  brothers  James  and 
Robert,  only  to  further  vex  his  father's  soul  by  wedding  his 
fair,  first  cousin,  Cynthia  Peden  (house  of  John). 

Thomas,  or  Tommie,  had  a  weakness  for  drink.  Not  often, 
but  on  occasions  he  would  "take  too  much"  and  then  was 
very  hilarious,  and  his  high-spirited  wife  declined  to  allow 
him  to  enter  their  well-ordered  house  in  that  condition.  He 
was  never  past  finding  his  way  to  Ellen's,  her  husband  being 
of  like  mind  with  Tommie's  wife,  she  always  managed  to 
hide  him  away,  until  he  sobered  sufficiently  to  make  his  ap- 
pearance.   He  was  devoted  to  Ellen  and  she  to  him  all  their 



days,  spent  near  each  other.  In  the  dark  days  before  her 
marriage  all  her  other  half-brothers  and  sisters  opposed  the 
step,  but  defying  them  all  "Tommie  stood  stood  by  me,  and 
I  never  forgot."  So  of  all  her  older  brothers  Tommie  was 
the  one  she  loved  best,  despite  his  weakness.  She  said,  "he 
had  the  best  heart." 

Life  in  these  primitive  homes  was  not  at  all  the  colorless 
monotone  it  seems  to  the  eyes  of  today.  There  were  the 
annual  camp-meetings,  which  were  a  kind  of  religious  dissi- 
pation, when  all  the  households  packed  into  the  big  market 
wagons  the  necessary  outfit  and  went  into  camp,  either  at 
Fairview  or  some  other  meeting  house,  far  or  near. 

The  regular  general  or  "old  field"  muster,  which  was  a 
dissipation  of  quite  another  kind,  where  the  old  soldiers 
fought  their  battles  over,  and  the  young  men  were  fired  with 
enthusiastic  admiration  and  desire  to  become  soldiers  also. 

The  neighborhood  frolics,  such  as  log-rollings,  barn-rais- 
ings, corn  shuckings,  where  labor  and  pleasure  were  com- 
bined, and  where  the  housewife  furnished  forth  a  sumptions 
out  of  door  dinner  or  supper. 

The  old-time  quiltings,  where  every  quilter  was  expected 
to  be  in  her  place  as  the  sun  peeped  over  the  eastern  rim  of 
the  horizon.  Oftimes  arriving  in  time  for  the  early,  appetiz- 
ing breakfast,  composed  of  fried  ham,  eggs,  chicken,  hominy, 
johnny  cakes,  wheat  biscuit,  "raised"  bread,  butter,  honey 
and  hot  steaming  coffee,  or  cold,  delicious  buttermilk.  These 
took  place  always  in  summer  during  the  long,  light  days.  The 
dinner  was  a  test  of  the  skill  and  inventive  powers  of  the 
hostess.  As  many  quilts  were  turned  ofif  as  possible,  the 
more  the  better  pleased  was  she.  Now  these  being  for  the 
use  of  every  day,  were  not  those  beautiful  creations  of  the 
quilters  art,  those  marvels  of  wonder,  which  excite  the  ad- 
miration of  later  generations.  They  required  the  leisurely 
work  of  weeks.  To  be  a  rapid,  or  skilled  quilter,  was  quite 
as  much  of  an  accomplishment  as  music  or  art  is  now.  When 
the  last  quilt  was  cut  from  the  frames,  the  men  folks  arrived 


to  take  the  quilters  home,  after  the  bountiful  supper,  the 
younger  members  sometimes  remaining  to  indulge  in  romp- 
ing games. 

The  sweet,  little  poem  which  closes  the  annals  of  the  house 
of  David  was  composed  by  that  living  light,  that  pillar  of  the 
church,  eminent  for  devout,  humble  Christianity,  Samuel  H. 
Baker,  one  of  the  three  Baker  brothers  whose  lives  left  so 
sweet  an  incense  to  their  descendants.  The  Hues  were 
written  for  his  daughters  .Esther  and  Eleanor,  one  of  whom 
worked  them  on  a  "samplar,"  from  Which  they  were  kindly 
copied  for  this  work  by  her  lineal  descendant,  John  M.  Peden. 


Farewell !  farewell  to  all  below, 
My  Savior  calls  me  I  must  go, 
I  launch  my  barque  upon  the  sea, 
This  land  is  not  the  land  for  me. 

I  find  the  winding  paths  of  sin, 
A  rugged  way  to  travel  in. 
Beyond  the  chilling  waves  I  see 
The  land  my  Savior  bought  for  me. 

Farewell !  farewell  I  cannot  stay. 
The  home  I  seek  is  far  away. 
Where  Chirst  is  not,  I  cannot  be. 
This  land  is  not  the  land  for  me. 

Praise  be  to  God  my  hopes  on  high 
Where  angels  sing  and  so  will  I — 
Where  angels  bow  and  bend  the  knee, 
O  that's  the  land;  the  land  for  me. 

No  night  is  there,  'tis  always  day. 
And  God  will  wipe  all  tears  away, 
And  saints  their  Savior's  face  shall  see, 
O  that's  the  land,  the  land  for  me. 


Where  kindred  spirits  meet  again, 
Secured  from  sorrow  and  from  pain, 
May  feast  on  pleasures  full  and  free, 
O  that's  the  land,  the  land  for  me. 

O  sinners  why  will  you  not  go — 
There's  room  enough  for  all  below? 
Our  boat  is  sound,  our  passage  free. 
And  that's  the  land,  the  land  for  me. 

-tj^l  w^ 


I  ci 




This  book  is  under  no  circumstances  to  be 
taken  from  the  Building